Your DR/SR progress tracker (provided by Kudosprime).

  • Thread starter PJTierney
Sorry to quote you nemu_05, but I also wonder why do you lose DR points (I got minus 283) when you do a clean race (Blue S) - when you get 8th. place out of 12 started? Does anyone know what are the rules on when you lose or win DR points?
I expect your door number (PDs expected finish place for you based on rank of competition) was lower than 8th, probably 6 or 7.
People who are better at this kind of thing than me are currently looking into it, but I think those who finish in the top half of the field get positive points, those in the bottom half get negative points, and the sizes of the plus/negative is decided by the length of the race and quality of the opposition.
Thanks a lot Colin - sounds about right, at Brands Hatch last night I got me a 3rd place giving me 1162points - next effort I made a 4th. place but got me 2509 points. So it has to be the rank of competition giving me such different figures. Cheers. :)

I did a bunch of races today at Lake Maggiore (6 wins, FL and poles in a row ^^) at different times of day. The ones I did in the afternoon gave me between 1000 and 1200 points (around 4 S/S and 16 A/S drivers per race). The last one, just 30 min ago gave me around 200 points (1 other S/S - shout out @turnupdaheat - maybe 4 or 5 A/S and the rest B/S and C/S(!).

Strength of field definitely has an impact.

People who are better at this kind of thing than me are currently looking into it, but I think those who finish in the top half of the field get positive points, those in the bottom half get negative points, and the sizes of the plus/negative is decided by the length of the race and quality of the opposition.

Top half +ve, lower half -ve is a good rule of thumb but I think there's more to it than that.

I don't think length of race comes into much, if at all. As above, opposition does.

I expect your door number (PDs expected finish place for you based on rank of competition) was lower than 8th, probably 6 or 7.

Door number keeps coming up but I've yet to see data which supports it. Happy to see it as it would help understanding further.

Thanks a lot Colin - sounds about right, at Brands Hatch last night I got me a 3rd place giving me 1162points - next effort I made a 4th. place but got me 2509 points. So it has to be the rank of competition giving me such different figures. Cheers. :)

2509 is off the scale. Did you DR rank go up from as a consequence of that race also?
Some updates on max/min changes in one race based on my data from my own experiences.

Max +16
Min -43 (Forty-three! Oval races can/will destroy SR)

Max +1200
Min -1259
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People who are better at this kind of thing than me are currently looking into it, but I think those who finish in the top half of the field get positive points, those in the bottom half get negative points, and the sizes of the plus/negative is decided by the length of the race and quality of the opposition.

I did some races on Suzuka East today an checked my DR after every race. My DR/SR is S/S with about 64000 points.
I got about 100-200 points for every victory. In Lobbys with one S driver and some A and Bs.
One race i finished 2nd against Zoky ( who should have >70000 points) and also got something about 150 points.
In another one i made a mistake and finished 3rd against two A ranked players which resulted in a decrease of 200 points.
So it doesn´t matter which position you finish it´s all about the strength of the players you can beat and those who beat you.

I think the game gives you a number for every player in the lobby. So if you have 60000 points and another player has 40000 you will get for example 10 points for finishing better than he. If you´re behind you lose about 200 points.
So finishing 2nd against 11 players with 40000 points gives you 10 times +10 points -200 which results in a minus of 100 points for the race.
Finishing 2nd instead against one player with 70000 points and all others with 40000 would result in -10 + 100 = +90 points.
So it´s like the ELO-Ranking in chess and other sports.
Some updates on max/min changes in one race based on my data from my own experiences.

Max +16
Min -43 (Forty-three! Oval races can/will destroy SR)

Max +1200
Min -1259

Since you've seen -43, it's probably safe to say that there's no cap on how far SR can fall in a race.

I suspect DR changes can be pretty extreme as well. A good test would be for someone quite high-rated (say, DR A) to tank their rating by finishing last (maybe not quitting out, because that drops SR as well), with a very mixed field that includes plenty of Cs and Ds. That should be a lot more damaging than doing the same with a lobby full of As.
Since you've seen -43, it's probably safe to say that there's no cap on how far SR can fall in a race.

I suspect DR changes can be pretty extreme as well. A good test would be for someone quite high-rated (say, DR A) to tank their rating by finishing last (maybe not quitting out, because that drops SR as well), with a very mixed field that includes plenty of Cs and Ds. That should be a lot more damaging than doing the same with a lobby full of As.
Since you've seen -43, it's probably safe to say that there's no cap on how far SR can fall in a race.

I suspect DR changes can be pretty extreme as well. A good test would be for someone quite high-rated (say, DR A) to tank their rating by finishing last (maybe not quitting out, because that drops SR as well), with a very mixed field that includes plenty of Cs and Ds. That should be a lot more damaging than doing the same with a lobby full of As.

I think Famine has done that.
Anyone see how DR is affected when you get disconnected at the beginning of the race? Happened to me today but I raced like 4 more times before I checked Kudos so I am not sure how it affected it.
Anyone see how DR is affected when you get disconnected at the beginning of the race? Happened to me today but I raced like 4 more times before I checked Kudos so I am not sure how it affected it.

It counts it as losing to all that remained in the race. So if a lot were disconnected maybe it didn't drop by much.
Quitting mid-race does infact affect both SR and DR, very little SR but big on DR. I had a really bad race on Alsece today starting 3rd and had some guy constantly braking late ramming into me and causing me to spin out at one point and fell to 15th and got rammed again and that was it- I quit and fell from 5K DR C to 162 DR D just like that.
Does anyone know what number you need for A rank and S rank driver rating ?
I have reached 99/99 for Sportsmanship but im still a B in driver after 50 races.
Thank you Spurgy. I guess ill need another 10 good finishes to get to S. I am about 18000 right now,

If you're B you won't get to DR S with 10 good finishes. Unless by good finishes you mean winning 10 races against DR S drivers only. :P
Does anyone know what number you need for A rank and S rank driver rating ?
I have reached 99/99 for Sportsmanship but im still a B in driver after 50 races.

30k. I got to A few days ago. Took me 20ish races from B to A, won few of them. A to S is a marathon even if you are good.

After Day 5 was when they stopped allowing tuning in Sport Mode I'm pretty sure. Pretty upset with this still. I wish I could be competitive again.
A lot of graphs look like this. Once you hit that level where you end up with people who have similar driving skill, it's all up and down from there.
No, but I ranked up quickly thanks to the races where we could do whatever, and even when matched with people in high C / low B I was still pretty fast. Fixed tuning kills me because most of the cars are undriveable to me.
Is it me or is SR S suddenly loaded with nasty a-holes now? Must be the Christmas crowd finally catching up to the rest of us, I've doe half a dozen Alsece races tonight and half of them had drivers intentionally sideswipping, blocking and punting me- I got so nervous when there were cars around me, this is the worst I've seen SR S to date.
Is it me or is SR S suddenly loaded with nasty a-holes now? Must be the Christmas crowd finally catching up to the rest of us, I've doe half a dozen Alsece races tonight and half of them had drivers intentionally sideswipping, blocking and punting me- I got so nervous when there were cars around me, this is the worst I've seen SR S to date.
SR S has always been bad, because ghosting is basically disabled, so people can turn into :censored:s intentionally.
Today I started playing Sport Mode on my 2nd Account. So far I had 3 races but i don’t get any points. Yet, Sr went up from B to S within these 3 races but like I said i‘m stuck on 1!!! ridiculous Point. Anyone got a clue what’s going on?

Edit: Just finished my 4th race, Dr is still stuck at 1Point. Sr went up to 97Points. Well, that’s not cool :mischievous:

Edit 2: Just drove my 5th race and suddenly after this race I was promoted from 1Point E Rank to 2000Points D Rank.
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Is it me or is SR S suddenly loaded with nasty a-holes now? Must be the Christmas crowd finally catching up to the rest of us, I've doe half a dozen Alsece races tonight and half of them had drivers intentionally sideswipping, blocking and punting me- I got so nervous when there were cars around me, this is the worst I've seen SR S to date.

I have always seen tons of a holes in SR S, it's too easy to get to that rank and stay there imo.
Door number seems randomish.

Info from today’s daily at Brands Hatch:

I was racing against all DR A and I am DR B. My door number was 1. I qualified in the middle of the pack (7th). There is no way I should have been expected to win. I went up by 700 points for coming in 6th.

A few races later, it was mostly DR C and two DR B (including me) and my door number was 11. I qualified in p2 (second) so there is no way I would have gone up by coming in 11th out of 12. I won and went up by about 1000 points.

You take points from higher rated drivers that you beat, and lose points to lower rated drivers that beat you. Door number sometimes makes sense, but has nothing to do with gaining or losing points it would seem.