Colin McRae Dirt 2

  • Thread starter Pepsi0
Aldo and I had an okay session yesterday before the MotoGP but half of the randoms that joined the session were punters which made the Raid T1 races, erm... fairly interesting to say the least. One of the repeat offenders who I ended up getting the big red Kick button out for decided to send me a PM saying "🤬, u should play with the beginners". Clearly they failed to see the irony in that.
The buggies were brilliant. Mental, but brilliant. A bit like the Pope.

Lol! The pope jokes were just too funny! I found it hard to drive from laughing so much :lol:

Aldo and I had an okay session yesterday before the MotoGP but half of the randoms that joined the session were punters which made the Raid T1 races, erm... fairly interesting to say the least. One of the repeat offenders who I ended up getting the big red Kick button out for decided to send me a PM saying "🤬, u should play with the beginners". Clearly they failed to see the irony in that.

Yeah man
It seemed that everyone that joined either couldn't drive or had an attraction to my rear bumper. Much like the pope does...?
Does anyone have any problems with there racing wheel when playing this game? I have a PS2 Logitech GranTurismo wheel and it works great with GTP and the GT5 demo that was up but for some reason with Dirt 2 and GRID it just doesn't have the same feel to it. It's not as responsive and too loose, it makes precision worse. I usually just give up and use my controller for this game.

Any tips for adjusting the steering will to make it feel as good as it does in Gran Turismo games?
Just want to wish the DiRT2 players of Reflex Motorsport much luck as they start their Best of Reflex competition!!!

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Hi folks, I'm back! But in a positive way. Haven't played Dirt 2 much since I wasn't really impressed(as you well know). BUT ...... I have started to play it recently and give it a bit more attention. Still hate the gatecrasher/elimination events, but I am finding a tad addictive otherwise.
I know, I know. SHOCK....HORROR!!!
I will take up the many offers of online racing events that some of you are talking about.
Send me a friend request if you want. My PSN is kjjtrmn8r.
Or not, if you think I'm still a twit.
I work nightshift, Sunday to Wednesday. So my time for playing online is usually Sunday 9am-5pm. Monday-Wednesday 7.30am-9am/3.30pm-5pm. Thursday and Saturday anytime. Friday is the day I have a life.
At this moment in time (Sunday 26th September, 12.45pm) I am watching the Singapore GP.

EDIT: Just want to say, the old Golfman is dead. I have killed him. I will no longer be a pain to the moderators - to Scaff in particular I want to apologise, and I will no longer be cheeky or offensive to anybody.
The attitude I displayed over the last month was down to a lot of things. Being an emotional and financial wreck didn't help
To those I have pissed off or offended, my sincere apologies.
The new Golfman is here, and Dirt 2 is brilliant!
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Does anyone here still play this online? I used to love playing this online with some good clean racers but it seems that there isnt as much interest in this game as there used to be (probably because of F1 2010).
I personally just haven't had much time to game lately, didn't even go near F1 2010 (not an F1 fan). That said, Aldo has been pushing me to find some time to get back on and I think in a week or so time I will get some (when my girlfriend goes home for a week or so).
Just wondering if anybody would be interested in getting online and doing a Gate Crasher race so that I can finally get the "Mix it Up!" trophy. The times I can be on are:
Sat. and Sun. after 10:00pm MST (GMT -7)
just about anytime Monday
Tues. - Fri. 11:00am -2:00pm MST (GMT -7)
Tues. - Fri. after about 3:00am MST (GMT -7) if needed but would rather do it during the day.

Anybody interested just let me know.

Dragonistic- Nice bike in your avatar, I have a Yamaha WR250x and love it, it's nice getting 65mpg.
I wouldn't mind helping out but I'm not online much currently, add me on PSN and if you see me online on any game just drop me a message and I'll see what I can do 👍.

Oh and the WR250X is a nice bike, I've been considering that as the next bike to buy once (if) my DT decides to fail me.
Got your PSN message. It is being screwy so I can't reply there.
Unfortunately for you I just used the stock settings other than maybe a bit of a FFB increase if it is possible in game.
Sorry I can't help 👍
Got your PSN message. It is being screwy so I can't reply there.
Unfortunately for you I just used the stock settings other than maybe a bit of a FFB increase if it is possible in game.
Sorry I can't help 👍

I will keep messing with it , will feel right sooner or later .
Thanks anyway :)
I really can't understand why Dirt franchise lost focus on rally events on this game, the graphic is great, I like the way the rally cars handle but there are too many other (crappy) cars to drive, Dirt should be all about rallies. Who cares about Motorstorm stuff?
Been playing the PC version of Dirt 2, and after much hard work I've just accomplished the full 1000/1000 in achievements. First racing game I've gotten all achievements on.

The Rush Hour achievement is insanely hard to get, particularly due to the amount of wreckers and the fact that the only people who play the game these days, at lease on PC, are hardcore veterans.

I gotta tell you guys in all honesty, it's a very fun and competitive game. I can't wait for the sequel. However, I've come to the conclusion that Rally games in general are a whole different animal in terms of difficulty and challenge.

I don't think I've had to adapt to a certain style of driving game like I've had with rally. I doubt normal street/pavement racing games can match the challenge rally games have to offer.

If I never see another narrow road with rocks, boulders, and trees that require meticulous driving in order to avoid, it will be too soon lol. :crazy:
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I really can't understand why Dirt franchise lost focus on rally events on this game, the graphic is great, I like the way the rally cars handle but there are too many other (crappy) cars to drive, Dirt should be all about rallies. Who cares about Motorstorm stuff?
Dirt 3 will comprise of 60% rally which is a lot more than in D2.

After this title, Codies are looking to specialise, possibly splitting games into the respective disciplines - so I'd say hang on in there. You've also got WRC FIA 2010 and later this year, the next installment to play - now they are pure rally games.
I've tried WRC it's nice but GT5 rally mode is still better, the problem is GT5 don't have the tracks of WRC. Dirt 2 have an arcade but enjoyable physics and the graphic is (much) better than WRC, but not enough rally events.. so every game got its own damn problems. Codemaster just need to focus on rally cars, forget about the idiotic, slow, and boring trucks. BlackBean used a very low resolution for the PS3 version of WRC. Nowdays developers create games for the pc gaming specs, and then convert for consoles.. but the result is ... well, you know what it is.
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I really can't understand why Dirt franchise lost focus on rally events on this game, the graphic is great, I like the way the rally cars handle but there are too many other (crappy) cars to drive, Dirt should be all about rallies. Who cares about Motorstorm stuff?

Dude, its not "Motorstorm stuff". Dirt was always about other diciplines like Dakar, CORR (Championship Off Road Racing), Rally Raid and Hill climb. Dirt basically covers any sort of four wheel off-road car racing.
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I has most if not all the "dirt" disciplines, and with the Global Rally Cross championship started, Dirt2 was on the right track. With Dirt3, the developers said they have more rally events in there.
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Yeah, they were repsonding to fan responses when a lot of people were disappointed that there were less rallies than in previous DIRT and COLIN McRAE games.
Dude, its not "Motorstorm stuff". Dirt was always about other diciplines like Dakar, CORR (Championship Off Road Racing), Rally Raid and Hill climb. Dirt basically covers any sort of four wheel off-road car racing.

I know, a Dakar is cool in real life but you know it's boring as hell in a videogame. Those trucks are SLOW. A Rally car is a total different story.
Ok but they are still to slow for me ^^
What about Pikes Peak cars? Dirt 4 with Pikes Peak? Codemasters where are you at? Are you hearing? :D:sly:

I know, a Dakar is cool in real life but you know it's boring as hell in a videogame.

I actually found them quite fun to drive. Those bus like ones in Dirt 1 were a blast, even if you managed to tip them over (which always had me in stitches :lol:)

Those trucks are SLOW. A Rally car is a total different story.

Would you be reffering to the Trophy Trucks?
I don't car about trucks in a rally game man :) They are slower than a rally car so this mean boring to me. I wish they could add Pikes Peak instead. Don't tell me you don't like Pikes Peak :sly:

Rally Cars (1600cc, 2000cc, WRC)
Group B
Pikes Peak.
I don't car about trucks in a rally game man :)

Where do you and other people get this idea that DiRT is only a Rally game? Its a Off-Road Racing game, which means it more then Rally. Just seems like people are getting this massively mixed up with Colin Mcrae Rally with all the disgust towards anything that isn't Rally car related.