Confession Booth

  • Thread starter ash6660
I have a terrible confession to make...

I have never eaten a taco in my entire 14 years of my existence on this insignificant and irrelevant planet.

Dude, you are missing out. Try one, it'll change your life.

Soft all the way. :D

I used to solely prefer soft as there was a while when I could not eat the Hard ones due to the pain they caused to my gums. Nowadays, I can eat either.
I'm one who can eat either Taco however, I do have a massive preference for soft, and will only eat hard if there is no softs option left.
I have a terrible confession to make...

I have never eaten a taco in my entire 14 years of my existence on this insignificant and irrelevant planet.
Try a soft taco with meat, salsa, lettuce & cheese.*

I'm pretty sure you'll be glad you did.

*Tacos may become a delicious habit
I don't like movies.

Ok, I like and sometimes love some movies but I only ever go to 1 or 2 movies a year, and it's usually because it is a family or friend outing.
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I had no interest in hamburgers for the first 9 years of my life.
I've played Forza.
I collect Pokemon cards.
Creating a gaming channel was a mistake.
I'd love to have something like that one day. :cool:

I'm sort of in the same boat as TB: I'm finding myself going to watch movies far less as time goes on.

The vast majority of what's on offer these days does nothing for me. A lot of it just feels too generic to be of any interest, or void of any real substance, so why waste the cash? That said, I went earlier this year to see Spider-Man: Homecoming, and I'll probably go again when Star Wars 8 drops... and that'll probably be it until whenever.

But I only saw SM:H because last Christmas I got a voucher from relatives... and I really like the character... and the first impressions were decent...

Ended up being really impressed by it actually. 👍
I'd love to have something like that one day. :cool:
It took me three houses and one agreeable wife before I finally had a theater room. :)

I should really update my thread with the new center channel and back wall...
I get easily unsettled by certain things from or relating to computers and game systems. The Sega CD warning message, the PS1 boot up sequence (and the alternative corrupted versions), the original Xbox boot up and idle noises, and (the strangest one, I think), unfinished CGI movies/cutscenes and game demo footage. It doesn't "scare" me, per say, but I find it very unsettling.
The glitch in Ratcher & Clank: Size Matters where on your return to Pakitaru, the line of 4 crabs changes to 1 gigantic crab still horrifies me to this day.
If I forget grab a book, I use the otherwise wasted time I spend sitting on the pot to return calls. If anyone's noticed, they haven't said anything.
Don't know if this'll be much of a confession but every now and again I end up making some small mistakes that would be easy for anyone else to make while shopping. Things such as misreading a price tag or buying one thing only to realize it wasn't the right item after you've already paid for it but haven't left the checkout desk. If I feel like I've made one too many mistakes or made a single big mistake in a particular store I won't return to that store for a long time, if at all. There's been places that I've made one of those simple mistakes in that even after five years I haven't and won't go back to because of it. I always feel like there would be a giant sign or something light up when I walked in the door broadcasting my mistake or whatever it was to everyone inside.
Don't know if this'll be much of a confession but every now and again I end up making some small mistakes that would be easy for anyone else to make while shopping. Things such as misreading a price tag or buying one thing only to realize it wasn't the right item after you've already paid for it but haven't left the checkout desk. If I feel like I've made one too many mistakes or made a single big mistake in a particular store I won't return to that store for a long time, if at all. There's been places that I've made one of those simple mistakes in that even after five years I haven't and won't go back to because of it. I always feel like there would be a giant sign or something light up when I walked in the door broadcasting my mistake or whatever it was to everyone inside.
I was a bagger at a small grocery store while I was in high school, and despite the scale of the establishment, customers made mistakes like this and said something all the time. Unless you're actually wearing that sign, you have absolutely nothing to worry about. And I can assure you that if it comes down to blowing five minutes correcting a small mistake that a customer made or losing that customer for five years, 999 out of 1000 times the establishment would fix the mistake.