"Daily" Race Discussion [Archive]

  • Thread starter LordDrift
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This game starts to be very booring .

I've lost the count concerning the repetitive use of the same car or track (every ref to Tsukuba is purely occasional :sly: ) ...

Why Audi TT (FF) instead of a MR o FR car , something of impegnative ..
Race A sounds like "piece of cake cars only on too short tracks" , sometimes we had exeption .. rarely (Ring or le mans in the past ..)

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Funny how they can make these changes without an update.

Yes if it's so easy why haven't they tried to tweak others, some only need moving slightly forward away from corner exits or back away from the braking zones. Others, Monza, Brands, etc need to be moved to other straights, why not try it and see if it is better?
I'm sorry to be annoying but for some reason the twitter link doesn't show up here on any browser and after have tried different ways.
Anybody able to put a screenshot and show me?

Thanks :)
There isn't one, no one will stop.

Also the easiest way to boost Dr is starting 1st (then Winning of course).
YEAH! I wish people would stop assuming that's the way to go. (racing from back without qualifying)

The ***s starting in last, then flashing their lights in the first turn as though we are entitled to let them through (for some reason, what? because your DR and door number are higher?) are part of the toxic culture in the game.

It's a 10 minute race at best: either put in a good qualifying time and start 'where you deserve' or make a clean pass IF you can, fairly. But expecting people to yield the spot in a short Daily Race, where strategies are moot and in a limited number of laps is flat-out stupid.

It's not helpful to your DR, and it makes no difference: it's just lazy on your part. Don't punish the people who are putting in the effort to play the game right. You "look bad!"
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YEAH! I wish people would stop assuming that's the way to go. (racing from back without qualifying)

The ***s starting in last, then flashing their lights in the first turn as though we are entitled to let them through (for some reason, what? because your DR and door number are higher?) are part of the toxic culture in the game.

It's a 10 minute race at best: either put in a good qualifying time and start 'where you deserve' or make a clean pass IF you can, fairly. But expecting people to yield the spot in a short Daily Race, where strategies are mostly moot and in a limited number of laps if flat-out stupid.

It's not helpful to your DR, it makes no difference: it's just lazy on your part. Don't punish the people who are putting in the effort to play the game right. You "look bad!"

Thank you for the comments!

This is something I've always tried to do when going into Daily Races, post up a qualifying time that I think is the best I can do, it yields a lot of result in the actual race itself than those who don't set a time or the 'entitled' as I refer to them.

An example of this for me from last week I got a 1:33.2xx time for Interlagos Race C which meant I was usually starting in the top 3 in DR C grade and as a result I was able to stay in position and not loose ground or have to deal with the carnage from those behind, I only won one race but it was a more satisfying feeling.

Whilst it may take about 10 minutes of your time to do a qualifying session it makes the races for the rest of the week so much easier because you start where you should be.
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YEAH! I wish people would stop assuming that's the way to go. (racing from back without qualifying)

The ***s starting in last, then flashing their lights in the first turn as though we are entitled to let them through (for some reason, what? because your DR and door number are higher?) are part of the toxic culture in the game.

It's a 10 minute race at best: either put in a good qualifying time and start 'where you deserve' or make a clean pass IF you can, fairly. But expecting people to yield the spot in a short Daily Race, where strategies are mostly moot and in a limited number of laps if flat-out stupid.

It's not helpful to your DR, it makes no difference: it's just lazy on your part. Don't punish the people who are putting in the effort to play the game right. You "look bad!"

Too many "start from the back with no qualifying" heroes, to be sure. Sometimes the rationale even extends to teaching the 'noobs' some racecraft. How bloody condescending.
YEAH! I wish people would stop assuming that's the way to go. (racing from back without qualifying)

The ***s starting in last, then flashing their lights in the first turn as though we are entitled to let them through (for some reason, what? because your DR and door number are higher?) are part of the toxic culture in the game.

It's a 10 minute race at best: either put in a good qualifying time and start 'where you deserve' or make a clean pass IF you can, fairly. But expecting people to yield the spot in a short Daily Race, where strategies are moot and in a limited number of laps is flat-out stupid.

It's not helpful to your DR, and it makes no difference: it's just lazy on your part. Don't punish the people who are putting in the effort to play the game right. You "look bad!"

I have better luck and a boost of DR that way. Maybe later on during the week I’ll qualify.

How long have you played this game? You know as well as I do is no matter where you start, you will get screwed.

T1 and the chicane, you definitely don’t wanna be mid pack on lap 1 lol
I have better luck and a boost of DR that way. Maybe later on during the week I’ll qualify.

How long have you played this game? You know as well as I do is no matter where you start, you will get screwed.

T1 and the chicane, you definitely don’t wanna be mid pack on lap 1 lol
It's fine if you choose to play this way (no QT, start in back) but if you do, race clean, don't flash your lights as though you're entitled to my spot, and race clean for the positions you overtake. No problem! It's the guys who do otherwise, that cause the issues.

Those people, who complain in the lobby that you didn't get out of their way, or that 'they were faster than you' so they can be excused for moving you aside with contact or BS moves, those are the problems.

Nothing wrong with starting in the back if you like, just race clean and with some sportsmanship, and no issues at all.

I do disagree that 'no matter where you start'... it's much easier to control the garbage, and get away from it, from top three starting positions. And it's obvious that the respect for others is orders of magnitude different when racing in the top three compared to the mid-pack or back.
I have better luck and a boost of DR that way. Maybe later on during the week I’ll qualify.

How long have you played this game? You know as well as I do is no matter where you start, you will get screwed.

T1 and the chicane, you definitely don’t wanna be mid pack on lap 1 lol
That's a bit of BS... If you start in top3, in general you are free all race. It's just a mess at the back and quite often guess who does the mess, those loosers that start without a set time and who just try to push people to go ahead ...
Quick side note: flashing lights probably indicates that the person is using a DS4 rather than that they are being impatient. Clicking the stick flashes the lights...if you run using the DS4 and haven't remapped, you probably flash too.

There are a lot of reasons not to bother qualifying, and the assumption that someone who decides to race without qualifying is dirty or a prick somehow I think is misguided at best. There are plenty of people from all parts of the pecking order who will run you off the track.

I usually run my alternate for daily races. I save my main account for FIA for both DR reasons and SR reasons, as I don't want to be stressed out when the horse apples stuff starts to happen in the daily races.

I also usually don't qualify. Again, I'm racing for fun, and it's fun to have to work to pass people. It's fun to try new strategies and see how many spots you can grab. It's fun to drive by the people who start at the front and run too aggressively. This doesn't mean that I drive any different than I would otherwise.

That's a bit of BS... If you start in top3, in general you are free all race. It's just a mess at the back and quite often guess who does the mess, those loosers that start without a set time and who just try to push people to go ahead ...

You're painting pretty broad strokes. I'd be curious to see what DR level rooms you're driving in, honestly, if there's that significant of a speed difference. A quick example...I ran races from the back at Interlagos last week, and I'm not fast there in Gr 3. I started at the back and finished like 11th and 14th or something. I'm not catching the people who are fast. Sometimes it's easy to blame others for our own issues. I've definitely made people nervous running behind them and they make their own errors without me ever touching them. I was the guy blaming others a few months ago. I have a different perspective now.


You can definitely finish in the top 5 from the back, too. I did a bunch the last time Interlagos was Gr 4. I also finished 8th in a FIA race (which is 100% my racing peers in the room) after starting 20th. Running consistent laps can help you gain a lot of places.
Whats their point actually? I have never seen a guy from the back finishing top5 ?
I'd rather get 500DR points and a win than 750DR points and a 10th place

You won't even get more DR finishing 10th over 1st, even if the race where you finished 1st was against D rated drivers and the 10th was against your level and that is the only case it'd even be close unless you are intentionally manipulating the system (SR) for easy wins. The driver rating system does not care where you start at all (only where you finish), so driving from the back for DR is utter nonsense.

You can avoid 1st lap chaos though, Suzuka and Brands Hatch are good because cars get fired off all the time due to idiots, you could get to the top 5 in one lap with the right blend of dumb (and bad luck) from the other drivers, even in A rooms.

Of course starting at the front is still the best way to avoid trouble. ;)

Whats their point actually? I have never seen a guy from the back finishing top5 ?
I'd rather get 500DR points and a win than 750DR points and a 10th place

I have. At least 3 times. Here’s a video of me finishing top 5 from the back. The first race (both main and alt are DR.B. This is my alt):

I do have two videos where I finished top 3 from the back. I just keep forgetting to upload them. A bad habit of mine.

That's a bit of BS... If you start in top3, in general you are free all race. It's just a mess at the back and quite often guess who does the mess, those loosers that start without a set time and who just try to push people to go ahead ...

Don’t believe the hype. Yes, most of the time you are clear. There have been times I was top 3 and I get punted T1. It depends on the track. If it was DTS going the regular way, yes I will definitely qualify since I am very strong at it. I still have to watch for idiots T1.

When I start at the back, I try to be clean. If I hit someone, I do try to wait. Yes there are reckless people that start at the back and piledrive through. I’m not one of them.
These 3 races are the a
uthentic mirror of a society after a pandemic, poor!
Need more cars, new tracks, rally in weekly events also in TT,,, need to be a rich game, it's not enough to be good.
This is one of the better sentences I've read in a gaming article. Bravo!

It is but I'd go further than that, the whole track is full of wrong this way round.
Well unless you like pushing other cars to get past and getting whacked back, so little passing opportunities and loads of wrong places to pass.
Note to self: Don't be over-reliant on cone markers.

Was leading the Gr.3 race at Spa heading into Turn 9. Only just realised the outside cone was pushed up and didn't lift my accelerator in time. Spun-out at the turn and, just like that, six places were given up.

Anyone here have similar stories to share? Stuff about clutching defeat from the jaws of victory...
Starting up front in a daily race in NA rarely offers much competition, unless your racing during prime time. Only thing it offers is the chance of getting punted in T1 in most cases, so I start at the back and work my way up. I don’t really care if people don’t like it, I don’t drive dirty and we can all play the game however we want to. ;)
There is a lot of good racers that drive with respect for their fellow racers and run without qualify. They tend to move up fast but clean. @Sven Jurgens is the best example I can give you.
There is also a lot of entitled racers with no respect for their fellow racers who just run people off to get ahead.
Sometimes they don't qualify but often they do. Then they make a mistake, spin or run off and feel they where wronged so are entitled to barge, push and pitmanouver back up. The problem is the race culture or lack of...
Only races I have done beginning of the week without having a time set yet, as soon as I try to overtake there seems to be a guy that tries to hit you constantly until you are off and he just gets his basic 3 seconds penalty...
Quick side note: flashing lights probably indicates that the person is using a DS4 rather than that they are being impatient. Clicking the stick flashes the lights...if you run using the DS4 and haven't remapped, you probably flash too.
I may remap the headlight switch some day. Every once in a while someone mentions my flashing lights after the race.
Aside from that, I don't really care, and I can't imagine why anyone else would.
Are there people who intentionally flash their lights, thinking it should have some meaning to the guy in front of them? :lol:
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