Downloading Others' Tracks (Without FR!)

  • Thread starter Ameer67


United States
Unlike Gran Turismo 5, you are not required to add people to let them access and save your created track. This is very useful since you do not have to deal with the hassle of filling up your friends list.

Note: This is NOT the place to advertise your track "workshop". If you want to do that, go here.

For track creators: how to share your course by direct URL by @Jordan

Warning. Make sure you have "Allow Non-Friends to visit your My Page" checked. Otherwise, the procedure below will not work. This setting can be changed by going to your Public Profile Settings.

Step 1. Find the track creator's exact PSN ID (case sensitive).
Step 2. Copy and paste!/friend/PSNID/course/ into your web browser's address bar. (The creator does NOT have to be your friend.) Where it says "PSNID", replace that with the creator's PSN ID.

Step 3. Hit enter.
Step 4. You should now be on the user's shared tracks page.

Step 5. Select any track you like and hit the blue "Save" button.

Step 6. Click "OK".

Step 7. Load up GT6, go to Arcade Mode (or whatever mode you like), click on 'User-created tracks", and DONE!
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DUDE thanks a lot.

I'm sure this will be a popular thread if people start leaving their names here so others can download their tracks. Or maybe someone will create a separate track thread.

Since 99% of GT6's player base won't ever be able to actually use the app, I'm sure this will be the way most people get to enjoy the course maker

And its definitely good that PD set up all this community stuff for the web browser. It really does simplify this sort of thing for us. On GT5 we would have to add people as friends and then find them in the game, then download the tracks, etc. Now it's just a couple of clicks, and done.
Wow this is great, thanks for the info.
This will be really helpful for the good creators out there, the entire community will be able to enjoy their tracks... without killing the guy with 5676755678 friend request :lol:
It would be great if someone can put a list of names

That would be good. They should also post pictures like the OP did and a direct link to their GT6 community page to make it even easier for us. If not, just their PSN name will suffice.
Added this to OP: The PSN ID is case-sensitive. So make sure you get your upper and lower cases 100% accurate.

I found that out the hard way. Had me raging at first :banghead:

Thanks to someone uploading the APK, I've been able to get the app working on my phone. I made a track myself so feel free to try it out. I'll be making more tracks too.

HugoStiglitz_420 is my name but I suggest using the direct link to my track-!/friend/HugoStiglitz_420/course/
All good guys. I reported the OP. 👍

Might be stickied soon.
Because I've been using my dad's PSN account for playing GT6. I have my own account now, but I don't want to restart my career again...
PSN Username is case-sensitive. Capitals letters and all.

Edit: Problem solved. Oh man i'm so blind. I thought you were directed to a page where you can put in the username. I see now I have to put in the username in the link. Sorry.
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Thanks for the info.
Question tho: Is there a limit to how many tracks can we save?
30 user created tracks + the samples that PD put in. So, there should be 34 in the 'user created tracks' category I believe.