Gamescom Video and Pictures thread

  • Thread starter King1982
Heeee's baaaa-aaaaaack!

tell me about it chris, I genuinely don't no which one to get, I would pre order an xbox one tomorrow if they would confirm fanatic wheel compatability.

This was a big reason i went with the PS4. It seems like my Fanatec PWTS has a much better chance of working with the PS4 over the XB1.
Wow the sound in cockpit view is incredible! I'm itching to try this game but I absolutely cannot race with a controller anymore!
Man, those videos look great and all, but there has to be somebody at Gamescom that can play this (and the GT6) demo without going off on the first corner and laughing like a child while spamming the rewind button.

My kingdom for a competent racer.
Looks excellent. Seems like they've turned toward a cleaner aesthetic this time, going away from the slightly toyish feel previous games had.

Materials really shine, the tracks definitely look to have more life in them.

Pre-ordered it along with the Xbone, still trying to find out what wheel to get, don't know if I wanna go for the new official Thrustmaster unless it works on PC as well.
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Here's the pitlane, its packed! I like the lighting on the suit in al the videos. Looks really good.


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The AI in the couple of vids above still seem like they want to keep forcing you off track or into a wall when you are coming up on the side of them if you are on their driving line. Thats probably the one major annoyance I had with the AI in previous Forza's.

And yes King you are right, that frame rate is smooth as an infants arse.
The AI in the couple of vids above still seem like they want to keep forcing you off track or into a wall when you are coming up on the side of them if you are on their driving line. Thats probably the one major annoyance I had with the AI in previous Forza's.

To me it looked like they were following their line, for which they have the right of way being in front.

Either way, I wouldn't worry too much. The AI will continue to change as player data is uploaded to the cloud.
The AI in the couple of vids above still seem like they want to keep forcing you off track or into a wall when you are coming up on the side of them if you are on their driving line. Thats probably the one major annoyance I had with the AI in previous Forza's.

And yes King you are right, that frame rate is smooth as an infants arse.

This is my concern with the drivatar concept. Yes, it will make the AI more human like than ever... but humans that race Forza online generally drive nothing like real race car drivers. They make way more errors and crash into you with alarming frequency. T10 say you can select what type of people you race against in the drivatar mode but..... it could be worse than normal AI from F4 in some regards.
King-- that gamespot video was good--thanks for posting it. I chuckled when the guy was describing the rabbit hole of car physics T10 is going in.... as if they are the first ones :) I guess for a games journalist focused on consoles it might seem like it is novel (if you have never spent time with the pc sims).
King-- that gamespot video was good--thanks for posting it. I chuckled when the guy was describing the rabbit hole of car physics T10 is going in.... as if they are the first ones :) I guess for a games journalist focused on consoles it might seem like it is novel (if you have never spent time with the pc sims).

I'm pretty sure it wouldn't matter if Forza 5 had better physics then PC sims. No one would ever give it credit or admit it.

I mean, you're already saying it doesn't, and you haven't even played it yet. We don't even know if this build has the actual physics engine in yet.
I'm pretty sure it wouldn't matter if Forza 5 had better physics then PC sims. No one would ever give it credit or admit it.

I mean, you're already saying it doesn't, and you haven't even played it yet. We don't even know if this build has the actual physics engine in yet.
From the Gamescom article:

Gamescom attendees will be among the first players in the world to test drive the new physics engine that is at the heart of the “Forza Motorsport 5” gameplay experience.
From the Gamescom article:

Gamescom attendees will be among the first players in the world to test drive the new physics engine that is at the heart of the “Forza Motorsport 5” gameplay experience.

Good to know thanks.
Just saw the 2 vids.

I must say the car's suspension geometry has definitely been improved. You can really feel the car absorbing bumps and leaning on it's suspension from all viewpoints. Tire screech effects superb as always, the P1's engine didn't sound all that exciting. However, the yellow Seat sounded nice. Very realistic. You could hear a lot of the positive and negative torque, as well as that exhaust snap when you rev up in neutral.

Decent job on the paddle shift animation. The lens flare is excessive and you don't even get to see it to this effect in movies are other driving games. Oh well.

Not a big fan of the steering wheel animation or the Virtua Racing looking hands and arms. Again, they've limited the wheel rotation. In an actual car, taking some of those turns at Laguna would require the driver to rotate at least by 180 degrees, sometimes more. I don't understand why T10 has taken this aspect so lightly. It's like building a beautiful Ferrari from the ground up and putting in wheels from a 66' VW. I'm starting to think they're doing this on purpose. And maybe they'll decide to get it right by the 7th or 8th iteration.

Well, PD isn't heading in any direction that can be considered healthy or progressive. So I guess we'll have to make do with this. Looking forward to the full review though.
@Speedster, I have never been to Laguna Seca, have you? From watching a few videos I can see that most slightly pass 90 degrees.
In the Focus video when he's in hood cam.....:embarrassed:

The detail in the reflection looks amazing.

Man i dont usually drive hoodcam but T10 just made me love it. Here's one with a black hood of the GTO.

Ps: Look at the comment section, the gt fanboys really like Forza 5...:)

Haters gone hate...

Gamersyde video

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The music is definitely interesting. I never play with it on, but I may give it a go this time, at least a few times.

I can't remember if we've seen this already. Looks to be the UI.

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I always raced in Hood Cam because it helped me nail corners better, and I must say I'm very happy for FM5's new Hood Cam. FM4's was nice but it made everything look too big. (I believe it was because the FOV had it to see the entire bonnet of the car and then some) This new view has a much better FOV and I like it!