Gran Turismo Movie Thread

  • Thread starter ro_har_
This is the discussion thread for an article on GTPlanet:

Gran Turismo Movie Now Available on DVD, BluRay, & 4K Ultra HD

Fans of the Gran Turismo movie, or those not able to catch it during its run in the cinema, can now pick up the film on physical media from today in North America, with other regions to follow soon...
It’s already out in Europe for several weeks on Apple TV (saw it by coincidence scrolling through movies)

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I finally sat down and watched this. They took out the DRASTICALLY unrealistic Lamborghini engine blow and made it a more realistic one. I appreciated that.

Watching this again, though, I see SO many mistakes.

I did enjoy what I saw, and I must say that it is still a good story and overall movie.

Just give a FEW pounds of salt to the racing! ;)
Seemslike a good time to update the vr hud, fix the shifter exploit and allow it back into online competition. And last but certainly not up the wheel sdk’s and fix the ffb issues regarding tire feel. is going to cause a spike..its a one time thing..take advantage of it…please..
He really the "Gran Turismo Movie Thread" to make such a post.

Okay, so I just watched it on Netflix....entertaining enough (despite the all-too-discussed way they reframed the spectactor death crash for plot points), but I just have one observation:

How non-present was the technical advisor to not make them realize that none of the cars shown have a clutch pedal that is used for shifting the car at speed (the street GT-Rs used in the beginning don't even have one)?

Aside from those two points (oh, and not using actual Le Mans for the finale), good enough. I dug the little Kaz cameo and the tiny hint of Moon Over the Castle that was present towards the beginning.
How non-present was the technical advisor to not make them realize that none of the cars shown have a clutch pedal that is used for shifting the car at speed (the street GT-Rs used in the beginning don't even have one)?
I suspect that was an intentional choice for dramatic effect. It gives them a chance to show the actors’ feet and makes them look more physically involved in driving the cars.
He really the "Gran Turismo Movie Thread" to make such a post.

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It worked for the single player people =p

Besides, ive had a few people come over who have been curious about the hype surrounding sim racing and are car people. They love psvr2, but the lack of tire feel(where all the fun is finding the limit), and not being able to relive our teens/20’swith a stick shift, has changed their minds from about to buy..too maybe we will come back when i eventually get a dd+, and full force is fleshed out.

Besides.. i still can’t go three posts without reading about the grind/econ and all of the other single player issues. Which is almost ironic to me because the online stuff is what has kept gt7 being written about. Last i checked the movie is about racing people, not chase the rabbit, and make me feel like a legend in my own mind. Presently, with the exclusion of race c last week, and of course A this one, we get the same handful of tracks recycled over and over, with the same(mostly outdated) gr 3/4 cars, a slackerish implementation of wheel sdk’s and no chance of using stick with the older cars creating a immersion breaking psvr2 experience. Which personally drives me nuts. Lots of stuff didn’t really matter before psvr2, now it does.

Ps: i know im barking at the moon..and its futile to think the online portion of the community is capable of the sustained whine which produced spec ii. I just wish they would make better choices when it comes to online, and peripherals.

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I watched last night and mostly enjoyed the action. I find some of the premises in the movie a bit hokey!
An unconventional line cannot be the sole cause of Jann dramatically moving up to a podium position at the end!
I thought the dicing back and forth in the racing scenes, was a good representation of the real thing.
Finally, the bullies on the track mirrored reality well! There are and will continue to be, jerks on the track, Sim or real!
My 2 cents.
FWIW I liked the first half of the film. Didn't get round to finishing it. Roger ebert gave it a low score, so that's pretty telling why not many are interested, too many tropes, writing on the lazy side, nothing IMAX-worthy about it, yet it got IMAX screening.. Could've done better
Bought it a couple of weeks ago. It was ok and I'm not bothered by the le mans circuit thing.

Just about held my interest. Not a classic though, lol.

Must watch for GT fans though I guess.
I watched last night and mostly enjoyed the action. I find some of the premises in the movie a bit hokey!
An unconventional line cannot be the sole cause of Jann dramatically moving up to a podium position at the end!
I thought the dicing back and forth in the racing scenes, was a good representation of the real thing.
Finally, the bullies on the track mirrored reality well! There are and will continue to be, jerks on the track, Sim or real!
My 2 cents.
Re: bullies i wouldnt have minded it if they actually involved the FIA in the movie…also they went out of their way to make it sound like sim drivers were the more reckless drivers or had no regard for safety
I have now seen the film in the stream and my expectations were exceeded, from a negative point of view. The film actually has almost nothing to do with motorsport. This may knock the socks off viewers who probably have nothing to do with motorsport, at least I can't explain the many positive reviews otherwise.

A few of my biggest criticisms:
  • There are several scenes in the film in which the main character's opponents deliberately drive into the car and sometimes even push the car away for a long time. As if it were common practice in motorsport.
  • It feels like every race is decided in the photo finish in order to artificially generate tension.
  • In each race, the driver is explained the track, the strategy and the opponents in the first lap of the race. As if there was no preparation for the race.
  • The wild cuts in the racing scenes coupled with cheap CGI are difficult to bear.
  • Before attempting an overtaking, drivers always shift down a gear to magically get some kind of boost to be able to carry out the overtaking maneuver.
  • Sometimes stupid overtaking maneuvers are shown.

At least I really liked David Harbor and the character he plays. Not a world-class performance, but at least. Black Sabbath's soundtrack was also well chosen. There were also some nice camera angles from the driving scenes, but you can get that in a documentary somewhere else.

Conclusion: if the film is shown for free, it's worth it as a no-brainer. If you're interested in cars and motorsports, it's better to watch something else.
Before attempting an overtaking, drivers always shift down a gear to magically get some kind of boost to be able to carry out the overtaking maneuver.
I dont remember many motorsport movies which actually relied on physics to allow an overtake instead of the magical downshift boost. I guess "normal people?" just need this kind of indication instead of accepting wind among other factors as the deciding difference in topspeed or how it affects braking distance ...
Watched this one last week and really have to say it was enjoyable and captured the spirit quite well, couldn’t wait any longer for it to come to Netflix for free here in the uk so I rented it for 2£ - one glaringly funny moment was at the ending of a certain race which o believe was meant to be Le Mans and was totally hungaroring?! Sure most people didn’t notice but for the purists like us! Was amusing
I'm the latest one to see "Gran Turismo." To me, I think this was a well-told and well-executed story. In no way am I a movie buff. In that sense, I am not going to be overly critical in this regard. Anyhow, I felt this was an empowering movie outside of the many game-style graphics and scenes. I felt some of the special effects were cheesy, but they weren't enough to knock this movie down a number of pegs from being better than it could have been. This is a movie based on a true story. While some of us creative types can envision a fan-fiction type Gran Turismo story, I like how this movie didn't try to manufacture drama or be full of cheap one-liners. It really does feel like a feel-good story. The story was engaging, and you really seem to connect to and relate to the protagonist. Even though the story goes from just another Gran Turismo gamer to world-class professional racer, it doesn't stray too far from the Gran Turismo roots to where you forgot this is a Gran Turismo player using skills and experience from the GT games to get ahead in the real world of racing.

Overall, I say this movie gets an "A." Maybe "A-" at times, but I was impressed and intrigued. It was a well-executed story with its own unique way of being told with all the special effects. I bought this movie finally after seeing it in a store and after wanting to buy it for months. I got the DVD + Digital version. Until I get either a PS4 or [somehow] a PS5 and Gran Turismo 7 (I'm skipping GT Sport), this is as close of a modern Gran Turismo experience I'll get until I eventually catch up with the rest of the world gaming-wise.
I know it's been a little while since this movie released but the decision to cast Archie Madekwe as "Jann Mardenborough" was most definitely a strange one. He doesn't look a lot like him, he's way too tall and his voice is too deep. It feels as though the producers cheaped out on that aspect of the movie, which is a shame really.
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I know it's been a little while since this movie released but the decision to cast Archie Madekwe as "Jann Mardenborough" was most definitely a strange one. He doesn't look a lot like him, he's way too tall and his voice is too deep. It feels as though the producers cheaped out on that aspect of the movie, which is a shame really.
Wasnt this movie shot during covid? Keep forgetting but im pretty sure they had a timeline to finish the film and likely had to settle…plus i think the movie is not really about Jann but is supposed to summarize his experience
I know it's been a little while since this movie released but the decision to cast Archie Madekwe as "Jann Mardenborough" was most definitely a strange one. He doesn't look a lot like him, he's way too tall and his voice is too deep. It feels as though the producers cheaped out on that aspect of the movie, which is a shame really.

What's stranger for me was watching saltburn after GT movie with my g/f in fairly.... 'altered' state of mind for one reason or another :D... and him appearing in it.

Not sure I'll ever be able to watch GT again without thinking back to his performance in Saltburn and a particular scene :D.

Saltburn a better film than GT imo. Very engaging, held my attention... more than GT, which barely did. It is a bit weird, and no doubt many woukd find it too much, too vulgar. But I loved it... perhaps as similarities with my degen lifestyle at points :D (not the gay bits).
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