GT Sport's Next Game Update Arrives January 29

  • Thread starter Keith2324
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Usually we get a teaser over the weekend before a content update is due. The fact that there hasn't been one either suggests that they are breaking with tradition or that it's simply a minor bug fix. I think it's the latter but hope I'm wrong and it's the former.
There were a few times that we didn't got anything until the evening of the day before the update so i hope we getting a teaser in the coming hours!
I really hope the penalty system is not changed. The current system has created the best racing I've seen on GTS, people aren't scared to race but it is mostly very respectful.

Have to disagree here, I have had some of the worst races during this update as my FIA races have had a lot more chaos than usual.#

Also remember today PSN announce the video and PSN Plus for February so I think this afternoon will reveal all!

There's always an update on the last Wednesday of each month, with the month's new cars, and sometimes a new track, isn't there? I think this has been the case since I started playing the game, at least, back in April last year.

Yes I know but as other's have said we usually get some sort of tease tweets before hand hence why I started with this came outta nowhere...
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Have to disagree here, I have had some of the worst races during this update as my FIA races have had a lot more chaos than usual.
I couldn't comment on FIA races, I usually avoid them because of the high wear and people taking them far too seriously (at my DR you get a lot of streamers with massive egos). The daily races have been more fun for me though.

RESPECTFULL????? You ve got to be kidding... surely... or then living in an alternate reality... (one or the other..)
It might be different in the low DR lobbies but the racing definitely feels better in A/A+.
Just throwing this out there...

PS5 reveal is rumored to happen in early February (Feb. 5th). Kaz being one of the first party heads for Sony/PlayStation, may have him tied up a bit atm, or possibly even withholding content to coincide w/ the PS5/GT7* reveal, as Gran Turismo 7* is said to be a PS5 launch title.

Not confirmed, but just shooting out some possible guesses at what could be going on. I can obviously be completely wrong, as none of this has been officially confirmed.
So i predict the date right, thats good, but we will have to Wait for more info if It will be a content update, but It should be
Just checked PS Store after the New Zealand time went past midnight, no new cars there unfortunately.
Looks like it may just be a bug fix update, or a track/layout could come. Maybe wet conditions for an existing track.
Just throwing this out there...

PS5 reveal is rumored to happen in early February (Feb. 5th). Kaz being one of the first party heads for Sony/PlayStation, may have him tied up a bit atm, or possibly even withholding content to coincide w/ the PS5/GT7* reveal, as Gran Turismo 7* is said to be a PS5 launch title.

Not confirmed, but just shooting out some possible guesses at what could be going on. I can obviously be completely wrong, as none of this has been officially confirmed.

I think we´re reaching a point now where we can call this Feb 5th rumor fake.

Given that no invites for such an event have gone out by now it seems increasingly unlikely.

For reference: The PS4 reveal invites went out on Feb 1st and gave the press 20 days to plan and prepare their trips to NY.
I really hope the penalty system is not changed. The current system has created the best racing I've seen on GTS, people aren't scared to race but it is mostly very respectful.

It might be different in the low DR lobbies but the racing definitely feels better in A/A+.

I can confirm this. Maybe now there is more behaving difference throughout the DR- Lobbys. Because the middle to low DR but couldn't ever achieve SR/S "drivers" are introding/infecting the lower 30k & SR/S lobbys now since its not possible to have SR lower then 99 nowadays.
Maybe they show us the new Content at the World tour in Sydney 15-16 February and the Update arrives after the Event ? I hope i'm wrong.
I think we´re reaching a point now where we can call this Feb 5th rumor fake.

Given that no invites for such an event have gone out by now it seems increasingly unlikely.

For reference: The PS4 reveal invites went out on Feb 1st and gave the press 20 days to plan and prepare their trips to NY.

Unless it's a private event w/ a gag order in place. We don't know who has/hasn't received invites already.
Unless it's a private event w/ a gag order in place. We don't know who has/hasn't received invites already.

Would have leaked - it always does.

I still think a Feb reveal is possible, but the 5th just seems very unlikely at this point.
I couldn't comment on FIA races, I usually avoid them because of the high wear and people taking them far too seriously (at my DR you get a lot of streamers with massive egos). The daily races have been more fun for me though.

It might be different in the low DR lobbies but the racing definitely feels better in A/A+.

I'm racing in A+/A lobbies and have been for a while, I also do the FIA races. I would say a lot of us who tried to race fair anyway have enjoyed the system as fair driver against fair driver doesn't need a penalty system. I nudged a guy off by mistake at Laguna Seca in the Porsche's. I pulled over (lap 1) and let the whole field pass until he had got ahead of me. I apologised afterwards and he said no worries and actually added me as a friend. BUT the other side is now when you do come across a dirty or aggressive driver they just ram, punt, barge you off.

I'm not going to name names but I've seen some last corner murders by guys that aren't far from pushing for WT spots and that is crazy. So I think @GOTMAXPOWER I would agree with you for the most part but it is wide open for abuse by some and I have been wrecked at the final corner twice by someone who used me as a brake block. Both times the guy was a higher Dr then me (around 55-60K Dr) so I would appreciate the penalty system back to govern the few even if the majority of us clean racers would be okay as is.
Shouldn't there be cars in the playstation store IF this was a content drop??

There should be, based on previous updates. Unless said car(s) were 20m credits each. But that doesn't seem at all likely.

We had Laguna Seca for christmas, so a new track seems optimistic unless it's a wet variant.

So, I'm going along with those who think this is just a Penalty system and Bug fix update.

I've got 5m credits handy though, just in case :lol:
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