GT5 delayed. Release date now TBA

  • Thread starter matthsv05
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If it were a problem like that, you wouldn't hear about in a press release. You wouldn't hear about it at all. Problems do indeed happen in that part of the process, but it'd never, ever warrant a press release. Certainly not with "indefinite" chucked in there.

It reeks of a marketing/financial decision tbh. You don't play all your cards at once, and with FFXIII set to be released in March, and with sustained and pretty good unit sales for the last several months for Sony, they'll want to split the aim of the PS3 sales in to two categories. Those who will buy it for FFXIII and those who will buy it for GT5, you release them the same time, and your console sales will not be as good as they could be.

Also worth noting how close between the box-art being delivered and this delay being announced. Still, it's not going to be much more than a month or two.

I don't see what FFXIII has anything to do with it. It was released in December in Japan and GT5 was to be released in March. If you're referring to the NA FFXIII release in March then I still don't follow the argument, since GT5 was only going to be released in Japan in March, not in the NA. They don't care about people importing the game. It's such a small percentage. Heck, I'm hard pressed to think that the majority on GTP is going to import it.

The reason why it's delayed, is naturally because it's not finished yet. Or rather, KY can't make up his mind if he's done with the game yet. I still think the March release was fake from the very beginning. It seems like Sony Japan was fed up with him and just announced a date and he had to go along with it.

Really, it's the same story with every GT game. The give him a deadline, he usually don't make it and then he starts cutting out features he planned and finally wraps it up.
The internet reactions towards Gran Turismo in the lead up to its release remind me alot of the reactions towards the movie Avatar. Constant comments about the debacle that is their marketing, nit picking on details (blue furries aren`t mainstream, skid marks are a must etc) and then bam release.

Avatar is approaching the highest grossing box office take of all time. Will Gran Turismo do the same?

It definitely has the potential to be. Personally, I think this is the generations second Wii sports.

The franchise itself is incredibly strong, even bigger than the Halo juggernaut. The product itself is of an incredible quality and scope. It`s going to sell a tonne no matter how many times it delays.

Sony are the ones really hurting. The PS3 fans, like myself, keep claiming year after year that next year is the year of the PS3. Foolishly presuming GT is coming out and getting laughed at by ForzaGT. With the price cut and slim redesign the PS3 has almost grown up, but without GT it`s still only in college. It`s like the Wii without Wii Sports, the 360 without Halo 3. It`s hard to imagine the PS2`s massive success without GT3 and the expectations are that GT5 will have a similar effect on the PS3.

But. And it`s a big but, as time roles on there`s an ominous feeling that the golden window of opportunity to wow people and surge ahead is being nudged shut by the gusty wind of the XBox 360. A gusty wind that has been allowed to grow into a storm that demands respect.

I still believe GT5 is Sony`s Wii Sports, but it`s potential to create a repeat of the PS2 era got caught on Santa`s Sleigh post Christmas 2009 and is now buried in snow somewhere, someplace in the North Pole.
It has got to be a marketing strategy. I don't see the strategy yet, but if it involves a world-wide release, then :)

If not, what the heck is going on?
god of war 3 and ffxxxxx are coming out in march. They're going to push gt5 further into april so that both the yen is stronger and so that it counts towards the earnings for the 2010 fiscal year.
..."production" is NOT "development". Production comes after the development is finished. So no new bugs and no new features here, just NEW LAME EXCUSE so they can postpone the guaranteed best seller and cash in on other titles, or create a new bundle of some sort, or what ever other marketing reason they thought of.

They are milking the cow as much they can... knowing even those that buy other titles in the meantime (which they want you to, like GOW), or that will go and buy Forza from the competitors, will always find the money to come back for GT5 (if not at launch, very soon after), to play the best one ever.
Really, it's the same story with every GT game. The give him a deadline, he usually don't make it and then he starts cutting out features he planned and finally wraps it up.

And then it sells by the millions. Whats the problem?
My only worry that if it's a gam that's 3,4 or 5 years in development will it be like a game that's 3,4 or 5 years old. I mean technology is ageing and the wow factor could not be as dynamic in another years time. If you get my drift.

And no I'm not having a pop.
My only worry that if it's a gam that's 3,4 or 5 years in development will it be like a game that's 3,4 or 5 years old. I mean technology is ageing and the wow factor could not be as dynamic in another years time. If you get my drift.

And no I'm not having a pop.

You do know that it took 5 years to complete the first Gran Turismo right?

Did that look like it was 5 years old compared to any other racing game at the time?
No I didn't know that fact.
Yes it was good for it's time.

Could you tell me how long after the ps1 came out. The game was released.
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I've not been on GTPlanet for about a week so when I saw the news about a 3 month delay I was absolutely... not surprised at all, PD has done this every single time and I had no reason to believe this time would be any different. Stick at it PD, I'll be waiting.
No I didn't know that fact.
Yes it was good for it's time.

Could you tell me how long after the ps2 came out. The game was released.

It was for the PS1 and it arrived 3 years after release (4 years in USA)

PS1-1994 jpn+us /1995 eu. GT-1997 jpn / 1998 eu+us
No I didn't know that fact.
Yes it was good for it's time.

Could you tell me how long after the ps1 came out. The game was released.

I checked, ps 1 released in 1995. GT 1 released end of 97 beginning of 98.
Yes it was a good game. Nothing around could compare.

Do you know what I can't remember the rival console at that time. do you remember it. Sorry for going off topic but it's good to think back. And it's bugging me.
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Also Sega GT was Gran Turismos rival at around GT2 (early dreamcast title).
World wide release is okay but, not December or November 2010, come on , thats to much. What hurts more is Turn 10 already has a project for this year. My goodness if it takes them 6 years for gt5 just imagine Gt6, it might take them 10 years. But I rather see them call Gt5 as Gt6.

My goodness all those 6 years and still no Porsche, no skid marks, trees looks like card board boxes. sigh...
Based on the MT interview it has come to my attention that this delay is completely Sony's doing. KY would not KNOWINGLY/intentionally lie about the release date (the Japanese take this stuff pretty seriously). Sony has some form of master plan (or has no plan and is wonder what the hell to do... lol). I personally think/hope we will see GT5 this summer (because I have no school).
World wide release is okay but, not December or November 2010, come on , thats to much. What hurts more is Turn 10 already has a project for this year. My goodness if it takes them 6 years for gt5 just imagine Gt6, it might take them 10 years. But I rather see them call Gt5 as Gt6.

My goodness all those 6 years and still no Porsche, no skid marks, trees looks like card board boxes. sigh...

Indeed "sigh", and I am about to catch hell for what I am about to write, but it is what I think. Before you read on, please understand I love the GT series, I therefore want it to be no less than the best.

If we are to go by what we have seen so far, GT5 has become more of a marketing tool for car companies than a realistic and fun racing simulator. Kaz own statement regarding new auto makers coming on board by the Japan Auto Show may be indicative of what they (PD) care about. Personally, I could care less about 1000+ cars in the game if I do not have a WHOLE LOT of tracks to eventually drive the dozen or so cars I will ultimately like.

In the same interview, Kaz rather dismisses the issue of the skid marks, not to mention the trees, grass, spectators, etc. That would be OK if it weren't for the fact they boast the GT series as "The REAL Driving Simulator" and had it not taken them 5+ years to get to this point. There are other racing games, that have come and gone, that did a superb job in all those areas. They didn't take nearly as long to develop. If skid marks are unimportant, then nor is car damage, or night/day, or even weather effects. That complete lack of attention to those details is evident in the GT series to date. Evidenced in the one and only ONE tire sound effect and on the one and only ONE collision sound, no matter what or how fast you hit something (sounds like a locker door being slammed to me). Yet, PD seems fanatical about car detail, both inside and out. Add to that the fact the GT series won't allow the player for exterior car customization. To me, his answer to the skid marks was rather defensive.

The so called Time Trial at Indianapolis is no more nor better than GT5p. Again, that is all we have to go by. I hope we are all in for a surprise, but evidence suggests otherwise to me.

If I seem harsh, remember, GT5 has been in development an awful long time. It have better blow everyone away and silence any criticism, such as ones from myself and many others.
i say winter/holiday season WW release or if they stick with the separate releases then early summer for JP and end of summer for USA and EU.

i mean show us a little something more to be hanging on too... show me a bright future... give us the info whats in and whats out... what are you working on... keep us updated... but no they are so tight lipped it feels like its all talk and hardly any show...

1000+ cars... iv only seen around less then 100.

damage??? where??

customization??? show me...

weather and day/night??? please let me see...

we get nothing... PD, Kaz, Sony... spill some beans...

all we get is Kaz at auto-shows getting asked the same questions and answering them the same way every time with "Possibly" or "i can't get into details"

i bought PS3 for GT but now im definitely cracking down and buying another 360 with FM3 for now... i will most definitely be getting GT5 when its released but im sure by the time GT5 comes out i would save enough to be able to buy a new/used PS3.

i still love GT, but it seems like Sony keeps struggling this Gen.... they better fix up for the next gen.
If I seem harsh, remember, GT5 has been in development an awful long time. It have better blow everyone away and silence any criticism, such as ones from myself and many others.

It will.

And I could care less how the trees look, since I won't be looking at them while I'm screaming down a straightaway on the Nurburgring at 150+.

i bought PS3 for GT but now im definitely cracking down and buying another 360 with FM3 for now...

No XBOX for me. Got my PS3 and am patiently waiting for GT5. Any other funds go into making my real car hit the front wheel drive track record this year at my local track. :D
I'm officially no longer WAITING for this game. Let me know when it ships. Till then I[ll just play Forz 3, Dirt 2, Shift and iRacing.

I bet Forza 4 will be out before GT5. Who knows maybe Forza 5.
I hope they will release a new updated demo of the game or Gt5p update to lessen the pain of waiting and not kill the hype. Demo with damage features or the demo from CES will do.
All the delay non-sense aside... I am atleast happy KY thinks the same about skid marks as I do ... ;)
If it were a problem like that, you wouldn't hear about in a press release. You wouldn't hear about it at all. Problems do indeed happen in that part of the process, but it'd never, ever warrant a press release. Certainly not with "indefinite" chucked in there.

Have you got a link to this press release that used the word "indefinite" delay? This is something that seems to have been chucked in by ForzaGT and I'm yet to see any release that uses such wording.

here's the release statement as I have seen it.

"The release of the Playstation(r)3 software, "Gran Turismo 5" has been delayed from the previously announced March 2010 period due to production reasons.

Our sincerest apologies goes out to all those who are eagerly awaiting the release of this title.

Once the new release date has been confirmed, we will be making another announcement.

We thank you for your understanding
I hope they will release a new updated demo of the game or Gt5p update to lessen the pain of waiting and not kill the hype. Demo with damage features or the demo from CES will do.

I can't imagine them releasing the CES demo as it was locked at 2.30min play per session. So in that form it's not much use, but in an unlocked form there would be too much new content being exposed.
I understood that the release date was postponed indefiinitely, which it is, in effect, as there is no new release date. It's changed from a rough date of end of March, to TBA.
I understood that the release date was postponed indefiinitely, which it is, in effect, as there is no new release date. It's changed from a rough date of end of March, to TBA.

The 'flagship' car of the game - Mercedes SLS AMG - is/was scheduled for launch March 22nd. The Ferrari 458 Italia is scheduled for (I believe May). Could this have anything to do with it?
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