GT5 Vs Forza DLC

  • Thread starter joetruckv8
Wow to this month's Forza DLC.

I guess that puts to rest any question over PD having any sort of FR-S exclusivity license.

2013 Mustang Boss 302

2003 Aston DB7 Zagato

2012 Camaro ZL1

2013 Hyundai Genesis 3.8 Track

1962 Lincoln Continental

1989 Mercedes Sauber C9

1984 Peugeot 205 T16

2013 Scion FR-S

1962 Triumph TR3B

2013 Lexus GS350 F Sport
The diversity of their line up just keeps getting more and more impressive. They also keep up with new 2012+ models very well. Say what you like about their DLC strategy but the base car list for 5 is set to be amazing if they keep it up.
I'm sure this is just nit-picking, but... the Scion was the least-wanted of the Sciabaru triplets for me, if only because the lack of decent engine swap options for when I want to experiment.

Otherwise, yet another excellent pack. As mentioned on FP, it does have a lot of "mildly updated" versions of cars already in the game (the first four, though the Aston is arguable), but I feel like they're important facelifts, all. The Mustang was one I've been waiting quite a while for, as it interests me more than the supercharged Shelby models. The Conti and Triumph both should make for a lot of fun too :D

This DLC pack is pretty epic to say the least!! I did not expect the BOSS302 AND the ZL1 Camaro to be released at the same time!!


This pack is tons of win.
As much of an impressive piece of machinery the 2013 GT500 is, there's still something very special about the Boss 302 that I'm excited about. I'm only slightly bummed that we can't pit the GT500 against the ZL1.

As much of an impressive piece of machinery the 2013 GT500 is, there's still something very special about the Boss 302 that I'm excited about. I'm only slightly bummed that we can't pit the GT500 against the ZL1.


Not officially, but I imagine it'll be very easy to recreate it with the Boss as a base car 👍
Yeah, I have to say that DLC wise, Turn 10 has PD beat by a huge mile. I do enjoy some of the cars that PD manages to add to GT5's car list such as the 2012 nissan gt-r, the R33 Nissan Skyline TC, VW Scirocco R, Lamborghini Aventador, and the Aston Martin V12 vantage. Still though, with all the dlc added to Forza 4, it's car list is almost as big as GT5s and has more variety.
PD finally released some new DLC for GT5.

Nissan GT-R N24 GT Academy ’12 ($.99)


Subaru BRZ S ’12 ($.99)


Honda weider HSV-010 (SUPER GT) ’11 ($.99)


The HSV is the only thing worth buying in my opinion.
I haven't played FM4, but I've been curious to how they beat GT5 at best racing game, and know I see how. FM does have better tracks and cars depending on each person perspective, but I still feel that GT5 has a better simulation on real world driving physics.

:ouch: Explain....

Anywho, I just got my PS3 for Christmas, along with GT5. I came from being on Forza since mid Forza 2. I do have to say, Forza keeps their game fresh with DLC. Just when you think you're about to get bored with Forza, bam! another DLC. I'm not a BIG fan of the DLC thing, mostly because I'm a drifter and new ferrari's and LMP cars don't really get me hyped up. I have to say the T10 does continue to amaze me by getting as many cars out, with quality models and sounds. If they just added stuff for the drifters, it'd be much better.

The track packs in Forza are probably over. Since FM3, they killed themselves and aren't taking the blame. The Nurburgring was a disaster only for the reason that no one asked for it, and no one bought it. So, no more track packs for Forza (probably).
One thing regarding DLC is that it isn't worth squat a few years down the road. As far as GT5 DLC goes, it was too little too late. The ideal time to release DLC is when 80% of players are playing it. It does little good to add DLC to a game that most players already quit long before DLC arrived. GT6 needs DLC within the early months of its life when there are actually people to care. Turn 10 nails that.
One thing regarding DLC is that it isn't worth squat a few years down the road. As far as GT5 DLC goes, it was too little too late. The ideal time to release DLC is when 80% of players are playing it. It does little good to add DLC to a game that most players already quit long before DLC arrived. GT6 needs DLC within the early months of its life when there are actually people to care. Turn 10 nails that.

Well for PD they're focusing a lot on making GT6, so that's why DLC has been slow for GT5 lately but at least they're still supporting it. You can't blame PD for it though, Kaz did say it takes them 6 months to create a new car, and for a track probably longer. If PD was worth to support one game, I'm pretty sure DLC for GT could have been a lot faster.

Besides, DLC is also good because it brings life in games, but it should sometimes not be everyone's attention for games. DLC could make you spoiled, which it has already IMO.
I will say that most of Horizon's DLC that I've seen thus far has been far worse than anything PD has given, so excluding the chance that Microsoft is only pulling that crap with it because it is a spinoff, I'd say going into the next game the two are about on equal footing.
Horizon is bad if compared to FM4 and GT5, however I don't consider it part of the same genre, but rather compare it to games such as Test Drive and other open world games. Plus, T10 only has partial say in the game since they weren't the ones who made the game, they only really provided content for it.

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"Forza keeps their game fresh with DLC. Just when you think you're about to get bored with Forza, bam!"

That is true, but that's it. My Brother had FM4 and Horizon, and i have to say playing those games with a Wheel is no MATCH vs GT5.

I love my GT5 + Logitech G27 , + NORDSCHLEIFE Track and Car with Sports hard.... you never feel that expirience in a FORZA Game like it does in Gran Turismo.

-- MY BROTHER SELLED the XBOX, bought GT5 with a g27 too :) He said it was the best thing to do.

Only saying. :)

Both now play GT5 over 1 Year, and are very Happy with everything, even the Sounds hehe (Forza Sounds OWNS i know but gt5 is not that bad).

1 More reason i love GT5, i can pick up a Car + Track then drive on it all Day trying to do better Laptimes, then make some tweaks to do even better laptimes, and feeling every single bump on the Wheel is just awesome in this game. Very different than Other Games.

In Forza everything gets bored very fast.

Sorry for bad English
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"Forza keeps their game fresh with DLC. Just when you think you're about to get bored with Forza, bam!"

That is true, but that's it. My Brother had FM4 and Horizon, and i have to say playing those games with a Wheel is no MATCH vs GT5.

I love my GT5 + Logitech G27 , + NORDSCHLEIFE Track and Car with Sports hard.... you never feel that expirience in a FORZA Game like it does in Gran Turismo.

-- MY BROTHER SELLED the XBOX, bought GT5 with a g27 too :) He said it was the best thing to do.

Only saying. :)

Both now play GT5 over 1 Year, and are very Happy with everything, even the Sounds hehe (Forza Sounds OWNS i know but gt5 is not that bad).

1 More reason i love GT5, i can pick up a Car + Track then drive on it all Day trying to do better Laptimes, then make some tweaks to do even better laptimes, and feeling every single bumpo on the Wheel is just awesome in this game. Very diffrent than Other games.

In Forza everything gets bored very fast.

Sorry for bad English

I've been playing GT since 1997 and feel FM4 pretty much beats GT5 in most areas, that however is not a discussion for this thread, but rather this one:

or if its physics this one:

Please use these threads to discuss anything about GT and FM outside of DLC
Well for PD they're focusing a lot on making GT6, so that's why DLC has been slow for GT5 lately but at least they're still supporting it.

That's hardly a good reason, though; you don't think T10 is also working on their next installment?

You can't blame PD for it though, Kaz did say it takes them 6 months to create a new car, and for a track probably longer. If PD was worth to support one game, I'm pretty sure DLC for GT could have been a lot faster.

Well then, who do you blame? :P

Besides, DLC is also good because it brings life in games, but it should sometimes not be everyone's attention for games. DLC could make you spoiled, which it has already IMO.

True, but I'd rather have some rough schedule than be left in silence for months on end, and have to make due with hints in (yet more essentially useless) videos. Am I excited for the possible inclusion of Seattle and Apricot Hill in GT5? Sure, but seeing as how PD hasn't said a word about it, who knows when or if we'll get them for this game. Perhaps if they spent less time making trailers for things like the NSX (twice)...
That's hardly a good reason, though; you don't think T10 is also working on their next installment?

I most certainly do (not think, but know) T10 are working on the next installment and everybody knows that. Didn't you find and read where it said "they were hiring more people to work on it?"

Also, I do believe it's a good reason to be honest. Don't forget that Kaz said working on modeling cars takes 6 months, and for tracks, probably longer but who knows, they're mostly trying to focus on GT6 at this point as well while supporting GT5, (which would lead to stress). I don't mind waiting for that DLC if it comes out at the same time with the NSX or not. Seattle imo, didn't look it was ready yet, so that's all I know so far.

Well then, who do you blame? :P

I blame no one, but you really shouldn't blame PD imo. Imagine if PD was mostly focusing on GT6, maybe that way DLC could "at least" come faster. You also have to remember that PD is a small company too.

True, but I'd rather have some rough schedule than be left in silence for months on end, and have to make due with hints in (yet more essentially useless) videos. Am I excited for the possible inclusion of Seattle and Apricot Hill in GT5? Sure, but seeing as how PD hasn't said a word about it, who knows when or if we'll get them for this game. Perhaps if they spent less time making trailers for things like the NSX (twice)...

Who knows why PD made another trailer for the NSX twice, but it did excite me to see Seattle and Apricot Hill again. Not only those two tracks though, but Willow Springs as well from the Vette C7 trailer. :D

I do agree being left in silence is not really cool of PD, and need someone to chat with us. Despite not hearing PD say NOTHING about whether those tracks will come as DLC or not, at least they were working on them for who knows how long from last year? Hey, I would love to have those tracks ready if a Spec 3.0 was worth to come out, (which I'm not sure yet...) All we can do is hope for those tracks to come in spring before June, whatever suits PD to release them. I just want those tracks bug free and ready soon. :P
I think how much Horizon's DLC cars appeals to you is heavily determined by whether or not you have played other Forza games before or if Horizon is the first one in the franchise you have played. If you have played other FM games, it is very noticeable that many of the cars are either carry overs or previous DLC cars from previous titles, which for those people will probably count as a fail to them (including me). However, (and I think Microsoft and/or T10 maybe counting on this) people who have never played the older games they won't know that and those "old" cars will seem new to them. I also think there are fan boys who secretly frown that most of the DLC cars are carry overs from old games but will still go out and get them on the basis of, well, being a fan boy.
Just figured I'd note something. The GT5 paint pack has doubled in price since I last checked PSN. No extra stuff. No new paints, or unlimited uses. They just... took the exact same DLC that they spent no time whatsoever making and added another dollar to the already-indefensible price.
Just...why? This is beyond sad now. And we should be greatful that PD is offering DLC so long after release. Yeah, right...

I think this is just as bad as doing Day 1 DLC.
When it comes to DLC Forza definitely has more of it but that is all part of their plan to get as much money as possible. They are very good at coming out with a DLC pack which has a car that can take the top time on one or more tracks and it appear that they do this on purpose to get more people to buy the DLC if they want to be able to compete combined with the fact that much of this DLC was probably ready and could have been included with the game on day 1.

GT has less DLC but they have been offering it long after the game release which to me is a plus. Forza starts out strong but within 6 months or so it all dries up and there are still bugs left over from forza 3 which have not been corrected.

It would be nice if the folks at turn 10 would spend a little more time fixing some issues in their game rather than finding ways to milk us for more money.

I should add that not only has GT offered DLC over a year after the games release but they have added features and fixes along the way for a much longer period than T10 ever has or will. Most bugs, all lacking features go ignored by T10 and they even have a tendency to ban those who voice options about it.
the fact that much of this DLC was probably ready and could have been included with the game on day 1.
Is there any fact behind this, or are you just pulling this out of no where?

GT has less DLC but they have been offering it long after the game release which to me is a plus. Forza starts out strong but within 6 months or so it all dries up and there are still bugs left over from forza 3 which have not been corrected.
6 Months? from what I see is that they had a car pack for 11 months after the game came out. One was released every month up until september of the next year. There where also the Porsche expansion, the free Viper, The free Veloster pack, and a free M5, the pre order and launch cars, muscle car pack, and the VIP pack.

I forget which ones where First day DLC but I think the launch pack and the muscle car pack are the only ones.

While I agree there are still some left over bugs, they are minor at best.

It would be nice if the folks at turn 10 would spend a little more time fixing some issues in their game rather than finding ways to milk us for more money.

I should add that not only has GT offered DLC over a year after the games release but they have added features and fixes along the way for a much longer period than T10 ever has or will. Most bugs, all lacking features go ignored by T10 and they even have a tendency to ban those who voice options about it.
I have not seen anyone get banned, and if they did they where the members that came out acting like total donkeys. I love both games, but from what I remember and what I read all over the place, GT5 seemed half baked, warranting those fixes. I'm curious though, what features did PD add, as I have not been in touch with GT5 for quite some time?

Why do people complain at a game that produces alot of DLC? I can understand your statement if the game was completely broken and was absolutely unplayable, but thats not the case at all. The option is yours to buy the DLC, they are not forcing you to get it. They even offer a free car for every monthly pack they had..They are persuading you, thats pretty much it. If you dont want them to take your money, dont buy it. Its not as if you dont get it, your game wont function right anymore.
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