GTP_WRS-Online : General Discussion

  • Thread starter WRP001


GTP Race Admin
Staff Emeritus
United States

Open Discussions for Matters Related to Online Events
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Sub forum has the title of 'GTP Weekly Race Series Online Events'

Subtitle/Caption has 'GTPlanet's officially sanctioned, monthly racing series.'

Anyways, i look forward to race with you bunch. Once i get my Qualifier done, that is. :D

Thanks. I noticed that too, but we don't have the level of access required to make those edits. We'll send a request to the powers that be.
Has it been confirmed that DLC tracks are no longer available online unless you purchased the DLC yourself? That may impact future online events at Spa we may host.
Has it been confirmed that DLC tracks are no longer available online unless you purchased the DLC yourself? That may impact future online events at Spa we may host.

That's what I've been hearing around the forums. I'm quite annoyed at how I still can't access the DLC tracks in Practice Mode on my main account, despite the fact I bought it 2 months ago.
Has it been confirmed that DLC tracks are no longer available online unless you purchased the DLC yourself? That may impact future online events at Spa we may host.
Yeap, just tested this in 3d3 lounge. Speedy has DLC on his GTP account, so he changed the map to Spa. It didn't kick anyone, you can watch the race, but won't let you on track. Says 'give us $$'.
Guys, please take a look at this:
Any help would be appreciated, seems like this wasn't just a one-off thing.
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Guys, please take a look at this:
Any help would be appreciated, seems like this wasn't just a one-off thing.

Just read it Biffy.
I'm sure we can sort out your connection issues, I'll be in touch after Christmas to go over your setup 👍
I already said it in the WRS thread but I'll carry it over to here just in case :). Merry Christmas all.
The new update is said to improve online racing experience.. Maybe we can do some small tests and hopefully race in 16 player rooms again soon.:)
The new update is said to improve online racing experience.. Maybe we can do some small tests and hopefully race in 16 player rooms again soon.:)

Yes. 👍 I've done some preparation for that and posted a note to the current event thread. I have the GTP_3D3_A lounge set up now with mics enabled. I think if we are going to race 13-16 we really need to eliminate the mics. Even PD has admitted that in their release notes.

With our various lounges we can make the best of it. Pre-race practice in GTP_3D3Racing with mics enabled and we can have our drivers meeting there so we can talk and communicate more easily. 16 drivers for practice really doesn't seem to be an issue.

Then when it comes time to qualify and after reviewing all rules an admin jumps to GTP_3D3_A, sets it up and drivers follow to being quali and race with mics-disabled.

Also this way if we have last minute cancels or no shows and we end up with 12 or less we can stay in the mic-enabled lounge and only move if required. Obviously if we have more than 16 registered we'll just continue to split the grid.
Just saw the news update about the Weekly Race Series and would like to register. However, I was not aware of this webiste when I created my PSN so it is just a lone JSOCCER9. So I was thinking of creating another PSN with the GTP_ prefix. That's all well and good but I was woried that the cars used in the online races would exceed the value that I could gift to this new account.

A response is grealy aprreciated.

Just saw the news update about the Weekly Race Series and would like to register. However, I was not aware of this webiste when I created my PSN so it is just a lone JSOCCER9. So I was thinking of creating another PSN with the GTP_ prefix. That's all well and good but I was woried that the cars used in the online races would exceed the value that I could gift to this new account.

A response is grealy aprreciated.


Yes, a lot of cars won't be able to be gifted, but we have a system set up where members help each other run their b-spec racers for cash. You can make over a million credits a day with just one or two friends. :)

It's also rare for us to run cars that are that expensive, since we get up to a million credits for the limit on gifting. The moderators also give us notice beforehand, so everybody can earn the money. 👍

Welcome!!! :cheers:
Just saw the news update about the Weekly Race Series and would like to register. However, I was not aware of this webiste when I created my PSN so it is just a lone JSOCCER9. So I was thinking of creating another PSN with the GTP_ prefix. That's all well and good but I was woried that the cars used in the online races would exceed the value that I could gift to this new account.

A response is grealy aprreciated.


Its true that sometimes we use cars that would be beyond the gifting limit.

For offline time trial use this isn't a problem because you can "share" any car from your main account, but you can't use shared cars online. There are a couple solutions... (i) run a few seasonals when required or (2) send PSN friend requests to a few of the other WRS members that run the B-spec grinder put a B-spec driver online with your GTP account. When you level up B-spec a bit create an additional driver and put him online and so forth. You'll make credits in your sleep. See B-Spec grinding for GTP_WRS members

Also many weeks we use an arcade car offline or a car from the recommended garage online and those weeks you do NOT have to purchase / own these cars.

Finally, if we use a very expensive car we typically give drivers a week or two advanced notice to build up the credits -- and that's not very often.

Good Luck. Before any of this matters you need to create that GTP account and run the GTP_Registry Qualifier.

EDIT: Chuk beat me to it... but I provided links. :dopey:
Thanks for the responses, the information will be useful. I will run the qualifier tomorrow as I have just finnished the a-spec 24 hours of le mans and am sick of racing for now.

I am not very quick so I am wondering how many divisons there are because my time may be slow compared to the aliens on this Website:nervous:


EDIT: My time Will be slow compared to the aliens on this Website.
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Thanks for the responses, the information will be useful. I will run the qualifier tomorrow as I have just finnished the a-spec 24 hours of le mans and am sick of racing for now.

I am not very quick so I am wondering how many divisons there are because my time may be slow compared to the aliens on this Website:nervous:


EDIT: My time Will be slow compared to the aliens on this Website.

Don't worry, the majority of us are "slow" when compared to aliens, but you'll find good close racing throughout the divisions.
Even though I found the reason of my network problems (it's not ISP fault fortunately) it will take some time to fix it - if everything will go well I will join you guys, but as I can't be sure, changed my registrations to "Reserve".
Even though I found the reason of my network problems (it's not ISP fault fortunately) it will take some time to fix it - if everything will go well I will join you guys, but as I can't be sure, changed my registrations to "Reserve".

Car to share the reason? It may help others that run into the same issue.

Have you run a speed test using and also a ping test at

I may start a networking thread here in this forum so that people can share issues/resolutions and best practices... Look for that in the next couple days.
Last night I found the people I am racing to be very glitchy in appearance. Just wondering if this test is good?


Seeing your results Al, any lag you see will/can NOT be your fault. I even think you have the strongest and fastest internet of the WRS-OE'ers.
A possible back up host. ;)
Well, I can, but the way I am connected is quite odd. We share a connection with a family living ~200 metres in a straight line away, using acces points like this. If data has to travel from one house to another - they are being used. It turns out that AP at host's was freezing from time to time for a while, stopping all the traffic "aimed" at mine PS3 - that's why I encountered uncontrolled cars, and those rapid jumps, when the data started to "travel" again. Now we have to find out if its a case of configuration or something else.
The only thing I had to do is run the Windows command line and ping-test all of the network equipment being used - that AP was the first one to lose some packets when testing.
Yeah, that looks great, Al. If we want to consider you for a back-up host, can you confirm that you have your PS3 on a DMZ setup?

Can you name names (of people that appeared to be glitchy)? Did it happen in the main race and the Nurb race afterward?

Could someone else in your house have been netflix'ing? (not that it would matter much, with that bandwidth/latency).

Pretty sure I had 2 folks in my house netflixing during our races last night (in case you respond that *I* was glitchy)
Nice trouble-shooting, Art. 👍 Sadly, I have no solutions to offer, but good luck.
@Art. Please run a speed test and ping test and post your results. I'm really curious even at the best of times what your speed and latency are with your setup.

If you don't mind me being 100% honest here I think your chances are slim with that setup of achieving high quality live online racing *consistently*. It may be fine from time to time, but one major problem is you have no control on what other people on that same wireless network are doing (the other home or even in your own home -- they could be streaming youtube or netflix for example). Then you have no control over interference in the spectrum used by the wireless signal. And 200 meters is a long way for a wireless signal to travel and the speed drops every meter and error rates increase meaning more re-sends of packets.

Compare that with Hydro who has an almost ideal setup. His PS3 is wired directly with an Ethernet cable to his modem, bypassing his router for a direct NAT1 connection. The connection is completely exclusive to his PS3 while he is hosting so no other device can consume bandwidth. His connection provides high bandwidth and low latency -- lucky Canadians.

Anyway, your setup is not ideal for a real time gaming situation in particular when guys with hard wired fiber connections have issues of their own. Your type of connection is just fine for email and web browsing which is all cache based, but real time data is a different animal.

I don't want to be a downer or discourage you. I hope it works for you and that you can experience high quality racing, but it's going to be a challenge with that setup and it's going to test your patience so don't expect miracles, but do keep trying.

Now lets see those speed tests. I suggest you run them several times over different times during the day/night when you race and see what kind of range you are talking about. Ping is just as important so report both speed and ping results.

Finally, you are always welcome to test and run during our practice session. And you are welcome to the next few races, but if your lag becomes an issue to other racers we may have to limit your participation to practices and unofficial races. For now you have the green light as I haven't received any complaints, but just to let you know that's a possible outcome.
I didn't notice who it was, I think maybe Mark at one time. How can I find out if I am on a DMZ setup?


I lose 2 Mbit/s due to the distance mentioned in previous post.
Also I should have 1 Mbit/s on upload, it varies often (0.8 - 1 Mbit) for some reason.
There is also a server only 20 km from my place in Poznań, but it has poor performance lately (I'm ending up with 2-3 Mbits even if the network is completly free of other traffic)

And here's the pingtest.

The jitter seems to vary much, between 1ms and 7 ms (as above).

After few more, let call it like that, "studies" I found out that the malfunctioning AP is always freezing, no matter how much is the network being used. Didn't have much time today, will start trying to fix that tommorow.
@ART. Those numbers are pretty encouraging. My ping is usually around 15-19 ms, but 26 ms isn't that bad and 0% packet loss is great. Download is obviously more than fast enough and upload is sufficient, but not a lot of room to spare. If you can keep those numbers consistent you'll be in business.


The question is what happens when someone else on the same shared connection decides to stream some video or music or download a file or send an email attachment. That'll be the issue and could cause intermittent lag. Obviously the AP freezing is your primary issue for lag. Update it's firmware if possible.

If you don't have access to the router though you'll have limited ability to fix "invisible driver" issues. Usually a DMZ setup for your PS3 IP or some sort of router solution is required. Also make sure UPnP is enabled and that the PS3 recognizes it as such. Do a network test from the XMB menu.
I didn't notice who it was, I think maybe Mark at one time. How can I find out if I am on a DMZ setup?


If you didn't specifically set it up, then you most likely don't have it setup. We're working on a Network Issues/FAQ thread that will be added here at some point, but in the meantime, I'll go dig up what I sent to Daniel, since he mentioned last night that he was able to get it working. 👍

Here's the post in our old thread where I described to Joe how to setup a DMZ for the PS3. Our description of how to do this could use some work for the FAQ version.
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