GTP_WRS-Online : General Discussion

  • Thread starter WRP001
Next Wed's race will be announced in the next few days, but it will be open only to official or provisional Registry members. I don't see you on the Registry list just released today so you would need to get going on the Qualifier and submit times before next Tuesday at the very latest, to get into those races.

As far "next races" left for today, which are open to anyone, one starts in about 3hrs and another in about 8hrs:
Are private lobbies a thing of the past in GT6? I didn't really follow any of the news building up to GT6 so I'm unaware if it's something they'll add at a later date or not. Can't imagine any good reason for dropping it, though I'm surprised they didn't add it in from the beginning.
The community tab is yet to be released again with a patch.
I believe they mentioned something about end of January.
Hey everyone, not sure if this is where I should post this, but I just wanted to put a quick note up for the guys that were in the practice lobby with me last Saturday.

I had mention that I was going to have a heart catherization done on Tuesday.
Well they didn't have do a bypass, (very happy about that) they cleaned the stents that they put in my right coronary artery the last couple years. That was not nice, but I am going to feel better, and they didn't have to open my chest.

So all is good and in a week or so I should be back. Thanks

Hey everyone, not sure if this is where I should post this, but I just wanted to put a quick note up for the guys that were in the practice lobby with me last Saturday.

I had mention that I was going to have a heart catherization done on Tuesday.
Well they didn't have do a bypass, (very happy about that) they cleaned the stents that they put in my right coronary artery the last couple years. That was not nice, but I am going to feel better, and they didn't have to open my chest.

So all is good and in a week or so I should be back. Thanks


Glad to hear everything went well!!!!

Can you be relegated to lower divisions if you do poorly in the TT or the races?

Nothing you do online can impact your division or handicap.

If you consistently underperform on the time trials you can request consideration for a demotion and it might be granted if your performance warrants. But you won't get demoted without asking.
OK, kind of a crazy question here: I haven't done any online racing and quite honestly, I'm not sure how to go about it. Anyone have suggestions for a newbie like me to get into this?
OK, kind of a crazy question here: I haven't done any online racing and quite honestly, I'm not sure how to go about it. Anyone have suggestions for a newbie like me to get into this?
Just jump online and race with others get use to having live cars not AI driving around you. You can registered in the GTP_WRS and do the time trails and join weekly races with best drivers on GT6.

Link to the GTP_WRS
OK, kind of a crazy question here: I haven't done any online racing and quite honestly, I'm not sure how to go about it. Anyone have suggestions for a newbie like me to get into this?

Have you read the OLR?

Read it carefully as step 1. If you have questions about the rules feel free to post here.

Step 2. We have official practices every Tuesday and that's a great place to get a feel for the other drivers and our procedures... Rolling starts, formation laps, etc.

Edit: I assumed you were already on the official registry... If not then running the qualifier is the first step.
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Have you read the OLR?

Read it carefully as step 1. If you have questions about the rules feel free to post here.

Step 2. We have official practices every Tuesday and that's a great place to get a feel for the other drivers and our procedures... Rolling starts, formation laps, etc.

Edit: I assumed you were already on the official registry... If not then running the qualifier is the first step.
Thank you
Read the OLR and trying to find a place to register and qualify, but every link seems to take me elsewhere. Actually got in and ran a "Race for fun" and that was as far as I got
is there any possibility to have some events with ABS off in future?
Brake Bias is working fine and car handling changes completely.
is there any possibility to have some events with ABS off in future?
Brake Bias is working fine and car handling changes completely.

We have a few "hard core" events per year with all assists banned, but that's about the only time you'll see ABS banned in the WRS. Your free to run it off whenever you like though, doesn't mean we're going to force others to do the same.
The OLR admin team is proud to announce that Daniel (@AspecBob ) has joined the WRS Online Stewards Team!

Daniel has been participating in online events for years, actually since December 2011 when he first joined us for "Hyper-Dan's Spanish Holiday" which was actually the last week prior to 3D3 Racing running official WRS events. :cool:

We're looking forward to racing and working with Denial Daniel for a long time!
Welcome to the GTP_OLR team Daniel! :gtpflag:


PS> Daniel, now you can be that steward who says "stay in the damn pits!".
Welcome, Daniel. :)

If last night's test session was any indication, you'll do great. We should have forseen my random DC there as foreboding for today. :scared:
In the spirit of communication, which PD doesn't understand, thought I'd let you guys know we are NOT going to be running a "traditional" special event in March.

We do have a lot to offer though: A parity event (online) with three time slots next weekend and the Team Trial Challenge (offline) that will run for four weeks from mid March to mid April. The next "official" special event won't come until late April and unless PD improves the stability of the lobbies it's not going to be an Enduro. We've got a few other tricks up our sleeves anyway. :sly:
Reposting this here, as I just realized it got archived away in the GT-R @ Fuji thread.

{beep beep} We interrupt this broadcast for an important announcement. {beep beep}

The OLR team is in need of a few good men or women!

We are extremely pleased that our GT6 races have been so popular. We've been able to offer several lounges per time slot (usually) which allows drivers to compete against others closest to their pace. But with this expansion comes some challenges.

WRS-Online needs additional support directing lobbies during these races.

The current team is particularly top heavy and all placed in either D1 or D2. Therefore we are in need of D3 and D4 drivers from both EU and NA regions who would be willing to step up and assume steward/race hosting duties on a semi-regular basis.

The main role would be to host Wednesday D3 and/or D4 races.

Mandatory pre-requisites:
  • Member of the official GT6 GTP_Registry
  • Attention to detail
  • Ability to follow directions and give instruction
  • A commitment to stick around WRS-Online run online races semi-regularly
    • There is no commitment to run every week or long run, but at least an intention to participate semi-regularly in the near future
  • "Good" internet connection
    • The connection doesn't have to be blazing fast, just fairly solid and consistent.
    • If you've connected to our lobbies over the past few weeks for practices and races and rarely have had issues (DC's, invisible driver, unable to connect) then your connection is "Good".
    • Note: We will give personal assistance in router setup to all new stewards
  • Google account
    • Special access will be granted to the WRS-OE infrastructure developed with Google docs
    • This platform is also used for race day (pre and post race) steward chat and coordination
Suggested requirements:
  • A PC that can be connected online while the PS3 is online
    • Ideally the internet/google is accessible at/near the physical location you drive (laptop or desktop close to the rig).
    • A smart phone or pad is also useful, but at this point the google drive app doesn't support chat, but the mobile chrome browser does (in a limited way).
  • Microphone
    • In order to communicate with drivers in the room a microphone is useful when typing is inconvenient
    • An inexpensive Bluetooth microphone is all that is required
  • Keyboard
    • If you don't have a microphone then a keyboard can be used, but typing on a DS3 is normally too slow to be an effective host
    • A generic USB keyboard is all that is required
The OLR team will schedule training and Q&A sessions with interested parties over the next couple weeks. Those who volunteer and meet the requirements above will be invited to a private conversation where more information will be available and training can be scheduled.

If you wish to be considered for this role please send a PM to me (WRP001) and/or Lucas (Gravitron).

Interested in regular(ish) racing? Concerned that there will be one room at a time due to attendance figures? Well, maybe you exist, in numbers. So I would suggest to register with a reservation and see what happens. But actually I would equally like to hear organizer opinions or an official kind of response.

(I know, stewards are important.)

Interested in regular(ish) racing? Concerned that there will be one room at a time due to attendance figures? Well, maybe you exist, in numbers. So I would suggest to register with a reservation and see what happens. But actually I would equally like to hear organizer opinions or an official kind of response.

(I know, stewards are important.)
Typically, if there are enough players to warrant a second lobby, we will run a second lobby. The only time it wouldn't happen is if there isn't a steward available for a second room. It's rare that situation happens as there are many stewards in 3D3, and most have good internet connections for hosting.
Typically, if there are enough players to warrant a second lobby, we will run a second lobby. The only time it wouldn't happen is if there isn't a steward available for a second room. It's rare that situation happens as there are many stewards in 3D3, and most have good internet connections for hosting.
Okay in my post these theoretical racers know about the room splitting. And if the existing rules are followed that way of reg/cancel is okay so long as rules don't change. :tup