I need girls for making a DRIFT TEAM <3

  • Thread starter Natalia90
If i shave my legs and wear a dress i'd pass as a girl. On a dark foggy night maybe. Does that help?
Only one way to find out!

Who is going to find out then? Im not up for that job. Any volunteers? (But lets stay on topic tbh)

I know, maybe 4 girl drifters at the moment, i will notify them of the team (talking to OP). So, good luck with the team anyway ^^
I'd stick with the community in another team for a while and try an find other females in open lobbies. Then all you need to do is talk. You'll get there but by doing this I can't see many girls replying.
I would love to help out but, well, frankly I although I can drift RL I am not so good at drifting in GT5 for some unfathomable reason... :(

Same goes for me. I bought a G25 wheel thinking "This'll be so cool! I can drift in the real world, it'll be too easy with a wheel and a video game."

Not true... not true.... at all.... I'm killer with a controller.... TERRIBLE with a wheel.
Same goes for me. I bought a G25 wheel thinking "This'll be so cool! I can drift in the real world, it'll be too easy with a wheel and a video game."

Not true... not true.... at all.... I'm killer with a controller.... TERRIBLE with a wheel.

Same here, reasonably ok in the real world but useless with the G25 at the start but getting there now.

benefit to sticking at it of course that as its pretty hard in the game, real world drifting becomes even easier and everytime you bin it on the game doesn't mean pulling panels, new bumpers and paint like it often does in real life.

Good luck with the team, good to see more girls drifting in both real life and on video games :)
If i shave my legs and wear a dress i'd pass as a girl. On a dark foggy night maybe. Does that help?

i was going to post something along these lines, thought better of myself though

Kudos for doing it! you got balls....
Shame, I know a few girls who like to drift... But I don't think they'll join... I'll see what I can do though :)
hm... best of luck with the team, training etc... Perhaps we shall meet in a lobby some time. I am not amazing by any means (HKS wheel controller user) but i can maintain a consistent line. feel free to add my PSN if your up for some practice sessions.
I know right? But hey; i've never drifted with a girl before..

So add me to the -not so long yet- list of people who want to drift with you ladyladydrifters.

Your not driving all pink cars right? That would be so stereotype and unemancipated.. (is that a word?)
i've never raced against girls before let alone drifted... I might just add some GTP girls to my PSN xD
Oh, and sorry girls, I can't get ya new drifters... =(
Some people in this thread need to work on their manners.

Best of luck with the team from SFX. 👍
You guys make me laugh...
Numerous "I'm starting a team" threads which are all ignored...
The second that there are females involed and your all over it! ;)

Good luck guys, i'd like to battle a female drift team one day :D
you guys make me laugh...
Numerous "i'm starting a team" threads which are all ignored...
The second that there are females involed and your all over it! ;)

good luck guys, i'd like to battle a female drift team one day :d


I agree with the new teams but its nice to see the ladies drifting.
You guys make me laugh...
Numerous "I'm starting a team" threads which are all ignored...
The second that there are females involed and your all over it! ;)

Good luck guys, i'd like to battle a female drift team one day :D

Ha i think it is very interesting that a girl is starting a team just like the real girl drift team "drift sluts" <--- Nothing meant by that btw. I promise its a real team. :lol: But you're right as soon as people saw it was a girl people are all over it. Lets not scare her away gentleman. :dopey:
I know right? But hey; i've never drifted with a girl before..

So add me to the -not so long yet- list of people who want to drift with you ladyladydrifters.

Your not driving all pink cars right? That would be so stereotype and unemancipated.. (is that a word?)

Hmm, any problems with a person driving pink cars? There are peopel that commented on this thread and use a pink car, and guess what, they're not even female.

Anyway, i use a pink car, who cares? A couple of them even :)
Hmm, any problems with a person driving pink cars? There are peopel that commented on this thread and use a pink car, and guess what, they're not even female.

Anyway, i use a pink car, who cares? A couple of them even :)

How people havent drifted with you is kinda weird.. your the best girl i know.. and EVERYONE knows you..