Photo GT5 prologue VS Forza 3 Demo

  • Thread starter elaguila45
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And many are mystified over those who insist that Forza 3 isn't leaps and bounds, or noticeably better than FM2.

I guess it all depends on who you are, and your personal taste.
In the case of F3, I'd definitely say it's a matter of taste, because I'm not seeing any huge differences between F2 and 3, except for the textures and shading implementation. Well, and there's actually some understeer this time. But if those three are the "definitive" improvements that puts F3 a kilometer ahead of F2, color me unimpressed. Maybe you have something more to share with the class.

Personally after reading like the 10 last pages I can conclude this.

1. GT fans will never like FM3's graphics (ed: well, a few do, I kinda do)

2. Forza fans will never like GT's graphics (ed: don't you mean physics?)
As for the troll part, that's kind of a gray area. Lord knows I sometimes flirt with that behavior myself, as if you read the wrong posts, you might think I hate Forza almost as much as Need For Spank. We do get caught up in these games too much. We identify with them, and sometimes their creators, and want everyone to wiggle over them as much as we do, and then we get offended when some yawn, or even dare to be critical at some post we made about our precious.

And Forza fans are in a rough spot, being fans of a game which essentially copied our favorite and then added a couple of goodies we wish we had too. A game series which is in a way, the same, but in some, also pretty different. In some, not what we prefer, and in some, not as good, in a few, not right. We total up the score, and many of us look down our nose at the newcomer which copied our precious, especially after the ridiculous antics of many in the Turn 10 team themselves, particularly Dan and Che.

The net being the net, and imparting to us a few bad habits, we fling our debris, or even poo, and that doesn't sit well with the Forza fans. A few are so rankled that they will barely acknowledge Gran Turismo has any commendable qualities at all. Deve, Bogie and Simple come to mind, though Bo and Sim have had some decent things to say about GT on occasion. Biggles' praise is pretty thin and hard to find, while Cobra NZ is a pretty wild pendulum, swinging back and forth between games, though I don't think he's ever had a discouraging word to say about Forza. But Devedander is about the closest to being our resident evil troll. Sorry, couldn't resist. ;)

On our side, Earth is obviously the mouthiest, and has offered up quite a wall of text lately to justify his condemnation of both Forza and Turn 10 themselves, especially that marvelous anti-hero, Dan G. While I agree with much of what he says, I just can't see the point of driving this railroad spike of his into our foreheads. And there are others who will resort to epitaphs such as "Flopza" and the like, but they seem to have been shouted down for the most part. It seems that mostly, we're reacting to the Forza fans that are reacting to our reaction to the flamebait laid out by Dan G and Major Nelson. What a mess.

Why did I post all this? I dunno, I guess I just like to hear myself type. :lol: Besides, it's a bit cathartic, and might cause a few of us to consider why we're making such a fuss.
I saw that too. There was an article where he said that, and Kaz said their cars are better than real life. It was a dueling article. Funny stuff. They are about as arrogant as they can get.

I nearly pissed myself after reading those comments.

He didn't say that their cars are better than real life at all, come on man! :guilty:

He said that the game looks better than reality most of the time because the cars are always at their shiniest, the weather is always good, and in reality you don't always have those conditions.

Really, that's all he said.

BTW last F1 race at Japan looked that way. The light was very nice!

*Edit: I beat Jay!!!!11 :D :D
KY explained what he meant by it (and never mentioned cars):

"Every time we go out to the circuit and take photos of cars, we get that same impression again. When you see a race on television, compared to a race in a game, you realise that the reality isn't as shiny or pleasant as the game. However, these "best conditions" do indeed exist. They happen every once in a while. Maybe, once a year, you'll be watching a race on TV, or you'll be outside, and a cloud will move in an ideal direction, and the sun will shine down at a perfect angle, and maybe just for a moment you'll have this beautiful scene right in front of you.”

He is saying in GT you can always have those perfect conditions so it looks better than reality, how it looks in rare ideal conditions in reality.

*edit seems I am slow.
INeed For Spank.

I haven't heard that one before, lol. I like it.

Deve, Bogie and Simple come to mind, though Bo and Sim have had some decent things to say about GT on occasion.

I have very few things yet to comment on in GT for the sole reason, that I am a GT noob. Never raced GT1-4, nor have I ever seen them played, besides on video. I have only researched them and read about them. GT5p is my only GT5p experience, and it's a 3 month only experience so far. GT5p IMO is an awesome game, difficult for me to win, looks great and is a very nice addition to my library. Andie and I are still trying to hook up, but I am having issues passing A class, and I think the problem is my controller. We will see.
Woops... and then there's this little nugget of... something...

Too bad he didn't comment on the numerous flaws I have encountered in Forza 2 on the "Forza" forums (you know, where you discuss Forza issues), such as all the hub caps on every car, inaccurate lap times compared to real life, no body roll, molasses grass and sand, pits that randomly fix items, and then randomly choose not to fix items, the frequent drops online when you have 6 or more people in a room, liveries not showing up in online races on select cars, requiring a restart of the race or reboot of the problematic Xbox, inconsistent damage, such as a mirror falling off from swiping a wall, but the mirror won't fall off at other times, even when intentional, or the fact that every car gets the same gas mileage. I could go on.

It's too bad trolls like serversurfer don't have the capability to research before they spout off, only to embarrass themselves. I am glad there are more mature members here who race with me in GT5p. That guy is the LAST guy I would want on my PS3 friends list. ;)
First, this is the wrongest forum in the world to expect the members to flood the Forza or XBox section and read... well, any of it. Though you will find more traffic here in it than you'll find people haunting the GT sections of a Forza site.

Second, while I have spent some time there, I have yet to see a post of yours that cast any shadows at all on any Forza game. Mostly, it's either praise or rather hot defense.

I shouldn't have to comment on your post concerning Kazunori's interview, though it is rather trollish. Even we have mentioned that GT5 in many ways are better than life, because the flaws of reality are polished out of much of the game. No car rust, no lines a millimeter off. Oh well...
Second, while I have spent some time there, I have yet to see a post of yours that cast any shadows at all on any Forza game. Mostly, it's either praise or rather hot defense.

So you have been there monitoring my posts since back in the Forza 1 days? If so, then you would have seen plenty. Sorry..I have to call you out on that.
So you have been there monitoring my posts since back in the Forza 1 days? If so, then you would have seen plenty. Sorry..I have to call you out on that.

Well the easiest way to prove your point would be to provide the links, wouldnt you agree?
So you have been there monitoring my posts since back in the Forza 1 days? If so, then you would have seen plenty. Sorry..I have to call you out on that.
Actually, I just recall you from this spring in the GT5 section, back when Amar was offering up his first "cooking" apocrypha. I don't remember you from the Forza section at all.

We really need to bury a few hatchets around here, although I think a few of them need to be buried in Dan Greenawalt. He really stoked the flamewars with his BS, and it's sad that the maker themselves are at fault for all the casualties across the net. But then, maybe that was their strategy all along, since you can't necessarily sort out physics from a video, and even GT5 Prologue's graphics are in a different league entirely. How else would you stay relevant in the face of the news trickling from Polyphony Digital? I should just quote myself here and save some typing.

I will have to say that if Turn 10 had delivered just one more car on track at once, and the team not acted like teenage fanboys, the environment surrounding the game would be a lot less polluted. I think it's way too late for that now though, so let the butt-hurting continue. :lol:
Bogie obviously loves Forza's physics, or he wouldn't glomm onto the game so fiercely, or go way out on a limb to paint Kazunori as a trash talking GT pimp on the same level as Dan G-dog. He loves his Forza, so it has to be on a pedestal roughly the same height as GT. This is a rough n tumble game we're going to play out as long as human nature is what it is, and the nets let us throw pillows at each other so freely.
Then you have outright liars like serversurfer, who like to spin, spread fud and disrupt the community because they don't like people who don't mind hump a single sim racer.
What have I lied about? Let me guess. I'm a well known liar? A common troll rebuttal, which reinforces the ad hom without actually backing up the accusation.

Trolls are a tricky lot, kids. ;)

Too bad he didn't comment on the numerous flaws I have encountered in Forza 2 on the "Forza" forums (you know, where you discuss Forza issues), such as all the hub caps on every car, inaccurate lap times compared to real life, no body roll, molasses grass and sand, pits that randomly fix items, and then randomly choose not to fix items, the frequent drops online when you have 6 or more people in a room, liveries not showing up in online races on select cars, requiring a restart of the race or reboot of the problematic Xbox, inconsistent damage, such as a mirror falling off from swiping a wall, but the mirror won't fall off at other times, even when intentional, or the fact that every car gets the same gas mileage. I could go on.

It's too bad trolls like serversurfer don't have the capability to research before they spout off, only to embarrass themselves. I am glad there are more mature members here who race with me in GT5p. That guy is the LAST guy I would want on my PS3 friends list. ;)
Why would I know what you post in the Forza forums? I don't troll, so I have no need to frequent them. In any case, I was simply referring to your behavior in this single thread, where you exhibited all of the behaviors I mentioned.

Edit: Also, I'd like to point out that while I don't know what your posts are like in the Forza forum, whether they're trollish or not, that doesn't make your comments here any less trollish. A troll needn't have an agenda. Some people are just **** disturbers.

I saw that too. There was an article where he said that, and Kaz said their cars are better than reality. It was a dueling article. Funny stuff. They are about as arrogant as they can get.

I nearly pissed myself after reading those comments.
:rolleyes: Talk about spreading FUD. :rolleyes:

First, as others have pointed out, he simply meant conditions are always perfect in the game, which is in fact "better than reality," and more to the point, it's clear from the quote that those words were put in to his mouth and he responded by saying, "Well, sure, I suppose you could say that, since the sun is always shining." Way to completely misrepresent what was actually said.

Obvious troll is obvious. 👎
What have I lied about? Let me guess. I'm a well known liar? A common troll rebuttal, which reinforces the ad hom without actually backing up the accusation.

Irony. Allow me...obvious troll is obvious indeed. I have seen your posts. They are right in line with that sediment. I am intrigued and entertained, please...keep going. 👍
Stop with the troll accusations already.

Because this thread has degenerated into a pointless slanging match, it will take some time to review it, hence it will be temporarily closed for that reason.

In the meantime, if you cannot discuss a topic without attacking the credibility of the other participants and sticking to the topic, don't bother.
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