The Vivian Maier story is pretty fascinating, I watched a documentary on her again last night after you brought her up and today I've been looking at her photos that are available. I'm really enjoying pretty much everything I've seen so far, she was clearly an amazing photographer. I love photos from the 40's, 50's and 60's, especially big city photos. 👍
I had a feeling (from seeing the many photos you post - I've even voted on yours in the photo-comps

) that that would capture your interest.
I stumbled on Vivian Maier via a serendipitous moment sorting laundry and watching TV - and then just sat - as a fellow photographer, (and hard-core camera nuts will identify with this right away) and watched the life of this strange creature, who like us, always had a camera on her, and took thousand upon thousand of rolls.
Hundreds of thousands of pictures, AFAIK, are being revealed, and there's many hundreds of rolls still awaiting processing.
The whole complex issue of her personal life (for instance the stacks and stacks of newspapers she would collect and archive away and - (at least according to the mores of the day) the surreptitious taking of all these amazing candid moments of humanity.
In today's image-superconscious world everything is exposed - we've almost seen it all, (even before it happens!) and photo-shopped, too; in a time where the camera was still new - uncommon almost and mostly used at more newsworthy events or used for scripted documentaries - in a time like that, for a 'nanny' (notice the quotes

) to go around and boldly take pictures of everyday life - privately and publicly - and capture this record for us, a rare and unique record from an almost cold and objective perspective, yet with techniques and showmanship of a genius photographer with a sharp eye for the very essence of life expressed by humanity in its most unconscious moments, is a stupendous achievement in itself.
Obviously we don't need a whole thread for her. We'll have to have a thread for every Diane Arbus that comes along.

Or for that matter separate threads for Richard Avedon and Ansel Adams. I'd make one for Eve Arnold.

In fact I mentioned Maier here to get the thread started - we don't need a whole thread on her and I'm furnishing a random example of what we might see in this thread. Ultimately it will be just a few relevant links posted and a few short posts on her.
Which brings me to this:
This thread is intended for pretty much all discussion related to photography and videography. It could be about gear, concepts, techniques, editing, locations, past experiences and future desires or whatever you want to discuss that's related to the world of photography and videography.
Do not worry.

I'm here to help you get this started.
need a thread like this in the Photo Forum - a 'Cafe' thread where we can talk - randomly - about small items or even some current news about photo-/video-graphy - related items that don't really need a thread of their own (with just a dozen posts in it); clutter bothers everybody - especially when navigating Forums.
That doesn't mean we should frown on anyone who thinks that they would like to start a separate thread about a specific area that this 'general-topic' thread covers.
For instance someone may want to discuss the merits of film versus digital photography at length - and with all data available - and will have a thread for it, but doesn't mean either that someone just wants to pop the question here, and a few opinions then will always be welcome.
Someone might just want a quick opinion between two cameras - no need for a whole thread, question can be asked here.
Someone learned a new tip on making bean-bags? - hey - we want to hear about that - and quick. No need for a whole thread on it.
Some recommended snacks for photographers hiking all day in the woods after an elusive tanager? Tell us here.
Photo of the latest bag that celebrity photo-dogs are carrying? Hey,
what are they using?
Just want to clarify what you said and hopefully have everyone on the same page.
We have many of these general-topic 'cafe'-style threads (the HW thread and the 'Pony' thread are good examples out here in the Public Forums) that work quite well, are very active, provide lots of info, and is a stable meeting-ground for many members with like-minded interests.
So if everyone can see that difference, then we can make this particular thread into a long and fascinating discussion about any and everything under the sun (and moon) and wait - yes, beyond the stars, too - about capturing images.
Working with them. Transmitting them.
Receiving them.
Having fun with them and having fun talking about it.
Good luck - and yah - I'll be visiting often.