[POLL] GT6 Drifting: Do you like it, or not?

  • Thread starter JDM SRE70

GT6 Drifting do you like it?

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  • Poll closed .
All these illiterate whiners. It hurt my eyes.
If you don't like that drifting line imposed by PD just don't use the drift trial mode, this is what's arcade. Drift in free race and stop whining like a cry baby.
Ive really been giving gt6 a chance, but i dont like it at all. My g25 feels jerky and twitchy as hell. Ive tried a lot of different settings/setups. The feeling of my g25 was perfect in gt5, smooth and non-jerky. In my opinion CH in gt6 feels like CM or CS in gt5.
Unfortunately that means ill need to find another game or go back to gt5, since theres just been an update and they didnt even fix the damn tire noise. I mean seriously PD, i want to hear the engine not the f ing tires.

I was really looking forward to drifting in gt6, but i am very disappointed.
Gran turismo used to be a great drifting simulator, but that has certainly changed.

I found I had to crank the front sway bar up to 6 or 7 to stop the front end jerking around mid drift. But in saying that, i think it's me providing the jerky input, not so much the car. Throttle input is crucial also, Rear toe will play a big part in what the rear end does when the throttle is backed off, or reapplied.
so far im liking the fact that the car has to be setup correctly and having a stiff suspension unlike in gt5 where people were running these ridiculous wrongly cambered and toe'd in cars. my setup that i used for my sileighty and s14 in gt5 works perfectly for my s14 in gt6

even in spec racing rooms people have their cars all "hellaflushed" and they just fly of the track.. makes me :lol: because i'm just flying past them with like a 20mm drop. (if that makes sense, i feel like its worded funny)
Funny enough real drifting is twitchy. You do get snap back just like what happens in gt6. Gt5 wasn't close enough to the real thing. Stop making excues and just get on with it. Don't like it then go back to what you know.

It's nothing like it is in GT5-6, much easier to be smooth and the cars snapping back doesn't happen in real life like it does in GT.
It's nothing like it is in GT5-6, much easier to be smooth and the cars snapping back doesn't happen in real life like it does in GT.

GT6 is the closest you will get to the real thing. I've had snap back in my car maybe not on the same sort of level as this game? But hey that's your opinion.
GT6 is the closest you will get to the real thing. I've had snap back in my car maybe not on the same sort of level as this game? But hey that's your opinion.

It's not close at all tho, I've never had a car spinning the wheel then snap back like it does in GT5 and 6, go try Assetto Corsa or Live for Speed, both are way ahead of anything else atm, they actually feel like real life and don't give me the wtf just happened moments like GT does.
I'm not talking about LFS or Assetto although i do play LFS, only problem i got with that game is when the tyre's get hot to quickly. Cold tyres is pretty life like. Well that your opinion isn't it :)
you have to setup the car a lot differently. it seems that weight reduction plays a much bigger role in gt6 and once you lighten your car, it probably wont snap back as much. (plus i put the wheel sensativaty to -2)
GTsux(6) actually sucks. The physics are bad and I drift well in real life.
I actually tuned my Onevia (240sx coupe)(250hp) using gt5 and blew everyone away with how natural and smooth I am right out of the gate. That's me in my avatar.

3 years later, im upset with GT6.
Snap back is unrealistic.
Sounds are bad.
Visuals haven't been improved.
And real life settings don't work.

We shouldn't have to tune an unnrealistic setup
Just to get this game to drift.
Too soon to have a solid impression. And i believe that some tweaks might come on future updates...

I just bough the game today, and i tried some drift session after have a "kinda tuned car". I can say that im not even 20% of what i used to be on GT5 yet, but i like challenges and i still believe that GT6 is decent for the pratice.

Less forgiving? Yes.
Tire noises? Yes.
Understering if you release wrong the throtle? Yeah
Shut down on gas when you e-brake? Quite, but it also happened (in a lower scale) on GT5
Harder to corner exit, keep it smooth, do majis? Yep...
Most here are confused with the new setup demands? I guess.
Forbiden areas where your TCS starts to work? Unfortunaly yes.

As i said again, no worries... lets keep praticing. Sooner or later we will get the pace.
GT6 is truly a great and awesome RACING sim. The new physics has certainly improved the feel and is much more realistic when racing, however this has greatly compromised the feel and behavior of the wheel when drifting.

Yes its true that you get that snap back in real life, but only if the car is not setup properly for drifting. When the car is setup correctly then there will be no jerky or twitchy movements from the wheel, unless you are drifting on a really uneven road surface. These weird movements of the wheel and unpredictable spin outs do not happen in a proper setup drift machine, drifting on normal circuit tarmac.

GT5 has the physics of the car when drifting, pretty close to the real thing and i know a couple of other people that completely agrees.
Really a shame since of course id rather play GT6, but i cant enjoy drifting as much as i can in GT5.

This just means that unless PD makes some serious changes, maybe create a new tire compound or do something to change the physics when drifting, then i will definitely only be using GT6 for racing, wich means not much at all since im a drifter.
And since the main theme of GT is racing, chances are unfortunately pretty slim. Which is very sad indeed since GT5 was both a great racing sim but more importantly a very close to real life like drifting sim. I strongly believe that the GT series should be just as dedicated to the drifting scene as it is to racing, since theyve created such a great drifting sim with GT5.

Im back to Gran Turismo 5 and it feels awesome going sideways.
Hope to see some changes in the drifting scene of Gran turismo in the future.

I get that PD wants to make a better physics engine for a racing game, what i dont get is why they want a sliding car to sound like 10 screaming cats?? and what i really dont get is why they havent fixed it yet??
GT6 is truly a great and awesome RACING sim. The new physics has certainly improved the feel and is much more realistic when racing, however this has greatly compromised the feel and behavior of the wheel when drifting.

Yes its true that you get that snap back in real life, but only if the car is not setup properly for drifting. When the car is setup correctly then there will be no jerky or twitchy movements from the wheel, unless you are drifting on a really uneven road surface. These weird movements of the wheel and unpredictable spin outs do not happen in a proper setup drift machine, drifting on normal circuit tarmac.

GT5 has the physics of the car when drifting, pretty close to the real thing and i know a couple of other people that completely agrees.
Really a shame since of course id rather play GT6, but i cant enjoy drifting as much as i can in GT5.

This just means that unless PD makes some serious changes, maybe create a new tire compound or do something to change the physics when drifting, then i will definitely only be using GT6 for racing, wich means not much at all since im a drifter.
And since the main theme of GT is racing, chances are unfortunately pretty slim. Which is very sad indeed since GT5 was both a great racing sim but more importantly a very close to real life like drifting sim. I strongly believe that the GT series should be just as dedicated to the drifting scene as it is to racing, since theyve created such a great drifting sim with GT5.

Im back to Gran Turismo 5 and it feels awesome going sideways.
Hope to see some changes in the drifting scene of Gran turismo in the future.

I get that PD wants to make a better physics engine for a racing game, what i dont get is why they want a sliding car to sound like 10 screaming cats?? and what i really dont get is why they havent fixed it yet??

Trust me. Give GT6 like 2 full weeks and you are used to it.
I was already dissapointed with the GT academy, but I thought well GT6 will be better.
It turned that the result overall was the same, so I thought instead of going back to GT5, why not give it a shot.
I had already paid for it + used the codes for the DLC, so returning it was not really an option.

Now that i've finished the career mode, played (almost) every race there is, did the money glitch and own about 100 cars fully tuned, I can safely say I won't get bored for atleast a year. I'm even gonna buy a new racing seat cuz of GT6.

Just give it a little bit of time and put some effort into it and before you know it you'll be addicted :P
GT6 is truly a great and awesome RACING sim. The new physics has certainly improved the feel and is much more realistic when racing, however this has greatly compromised the feel and behavior of the wheel when drifting.

Good physics should mean good drifting, nothing should have to be changed to drive a car in a different style and have it feel realistic.
Good physics should mean good drifting, nothing should have to be changed to drive a car in a different style and have it feel realistic.

While I agree with this, GT5 allowed for cars that were hacked with ridiculous camber and ultra slammed to go around and slide completely fine. The thing I like about GT6 is that at least you have to tune the suspension so it's fundamentally sound for drifting.
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While I agree with this, GT5 allowed for cars that were hacked with ridiculous camber and ultra slammed to go around and slide completely fine. The thing I like about GT6 is that at least you have to tune the suspension so it's fundamentally sound for drifting.

I agree on that. While on GT5 if you set the spring rate from standard values to the double or even the triple of these numbers, you could still drifting at least decently. Now you will have to break your brain finding the most proper combinations of values.

Also , while sliding on GT5 you could accel and release the throtle as you wish, use several gears without non critical mistake sight (im talking about completly mess up, not lose performance), while on GT6 is every single mistake is the diference of a sucessfull line or an accident.

Even for racing the game is much less forgiving, and it brings a new mean to the online races. Now it can happens of you mess up completly only by a small wrong decision of accel modulation, shifting or turning.

I like it, really. And im a gamepad user. Its awsome to see everyone feeling the pain together. Its a good start for a new game.
Also , while sliding on GT5 you could accel and release the throttle as you wish, use several gears without non critical mistake sight (I'm talking about completely mess up, not lose performance), while on GT6 is every single mistake is the difference of a sucessful line or an accident.

Spot on, I think that's what people are finding hard to adjust to, you can't just mash the accelerator and have a fab old time drifting. People need to realise the time windows in a drift and figure out when they need to brake or accelerate etc.
Here is my last real drift event. I've made some changes since then for more rear grip.

GT6 is nothing like this. at all.
Gt5 on the other hand has been my teacher and trainer..........and lover?...... what???
lol The game disc sleeps between me and my wife.
I do get alot of the complaints with gt 6. None more so than the tyre noise, school boy error on pd part that it was not picked up on before release but time constraints and everything as for once gt was out on the scheduled date.

I used to be leader of Team Smoke Screen on gt5 so i was not half bad at that... gt6 out the box im crap no two ways about it. But i figure i have not touched a controller or wheel in 18 months, as i decided to get into drifting photography and more recently started learning to drift. Ive seen the comments that is and isn't like real world drifting. Well to be fair we and I say we as in people who use the game for drifting are still only a very small portion of the overall number of people playing the game.

From a total noob real world drifter who has had maybe 15 mins in friends cars, some of the spin outs are similar others are not. Like many i hope some patches to come will improve a few things but getting there slowly.
I do get alot of the complaints with gt 6. None more so than the tyre noise, school boy error on pd part that it was not picked up on before release but time constraints and everything as for once gt was out on the scheduled date.
Thats the thing with the tyre noise. The day 1 patch made it sound terrible. It was fine 2-3 days before the release.
I'm starting to get the feeling that Kaz doesn't want his "pure" racing game disgraced with silly cars going sideways.
I'm starting to get the feeling that Kaz doesn't want his "pure" racing game disgraced with silly cars going sideways.

Nah, he drove dai's s13, and I believe he liked it, so why wouldn't he?

And there are even d1 cars in the game, so it's pretty unlikely that Kaz doesn't want people to drift in the games.
GTsux(6) actually sucks. The physics are bad and I drift well in real life.
I actually tuned my Onevia (240sx coupe)(250hp) using gt5 and blew everyone away with how natural and smooth I am right out of the gate. That's me in my avatar.

3 years later, im upset with GT6.
Snap back is unrealistic.
Sounds are bad.
Visuals haven't been improved.
And real life settings don't work.

We shouldn't have to tune an unnrealistic setup
Just to get this game to drift.

Snap back and drifting in GT6 is alot more realitstic than gt5. I remember my first time trying to drift in real life, i started by trying to drift in circles, i remember spinning out or understeering alot because either i didn't give enough throttle or gave too much throttle at the wrong time. I remember holding a full circle and then all of a sudden i ended up spinning out because i thought i could give more throttle when it felt like the car was going to grip and straighten up.

I remember drifting full circle again but as soon as i eased just a bit off the throttle, my car almost went off course because it regained a little too much grip that fast.

And as for body roll i remember gaining the confidence to attack a corner, guess what? I had Insane snap back at the end of my drift because i think i was a little too agressive on my entry and wasn't agressive enough on the gas towards the end. And of course my car was almost stock all around with a factory VLSD which didn't really help. Car was prob pushing around 170 to the wheels.

In GT5 i never really got this kind of feeling, but in GT6 i somewhat did, both on controller and wheel.

Basically the biggest improvement in GT6 is on how your car grips due to the new suspension model. Because of this, people will almost have to re-learn throttle control, speed and steering input. And then need to have a better understanding on how to tune your car to drift properly unlike GT5.

But hey don't listen to me because im not a pro drifter, i could be talking out of my a** because im prob more like at a somewhat enthusiast level ;).