Taiga | 2.12 | The Final Act

  • Thread starter Taiga
20832: Always great to have you around. :D

GT HP Nut: Thanks!

ShaolinMasta: Thanks, mate!

rev91: Cheers! :cheers:

BkS: Thanks you, sir. :lol:

Preview of the set that I've delayed thanks to sir nurburgring. :lol:(Thanks, Pascal.)

Kidding. This is the second to last set that was pre-taken before I'm going for my exams.
And I think, it's one of the best by far, IMHO. :D

In my honest opinion.
And I told you, you could've released that set earlier! You would've gotten more views anyways.

Great looking preview, looking forward to it. :drool:👍
jus1029: The H, like Pascal said, stands for honest. In my case though, I actually wanted it to stand for humble. :P

20832: But hey, your set is gggrreeeeeaaaaat!

nanabu: Thanks! Be sure to check out the full set!

BkS: :D

I love this car. The way it looks, the way it drives, the way it slides.
This car is made for drifting. It is one of the only few purpose-built drift cars that I really like. Not too flashy, not over-powered and drives great.
So I took it out for a spin in Tsukuba, DS3 in hand because I can't drift with a wheel for god's sake. :P
I really liked playing with this car.


It's funny how you say it's a purpose built drift car, because in real life it actually is, haha. It's driven by Masao Suenaga in D1GP. I'm pretty sure he still runs the car, and is running it this year again although I can't remember.

What's the paint chip called for the rims? I want it! :drool:

Sexy shots mang! :sly:
Well, the RE Amemiya was built for several purposes.
There are also Cars in use for Time Attack.

The actual car is a kit you buy for your FD3S. What you do with it, is something left to decide from the owner.
Nato_777: Thanks, Nato!

Gtuned: Thanks! The last picture was actually really, really dark as I've screwed the exposure up while taking that one. So I tried to do something with it. :P (Thanks to Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites.)

jus1029: That's my favourite of the set! :D Thanks, mate!

Sir Nurburgring: Thanks, Pascal! That's what you get when you go a little bonkers listening to Skrillex.

Horde_R35: Thanks. Not a drift car? Oops! Always thought it was.

: Thanks, BkS! Aaaand I'm right? Sorta. Hehe. Some sorta solid blue. Can't remember, but I think it came from Chevrolet.

Leicht: Thanks!
This is a paradox.
How can you listen to Skrillex and create such awesome shots? Wonder what will happen, when you listen to deadmau5 :drool:
I know the car was bilt for several reasons but the one in the game is for grip driving and not drift driving.

The time attack RX7 that is in the game. They are very similar.



The RE that they are trying to create in the game is defenatly this one below;).



Lights and Flares

This is as what the name suggests, lights and flares.
I used different (and a few) lens flare and lighting effects on the photos, as well as dropping a few hue of colours here and there where I deem fit. (Well, almost all!)
This is the first time I'm using the terrible, terrible, and possibly the worst tool in Photoshop: the Lens Flare.
Please tell me if if worked and if you would like to see more flares in future sets!
I really liked this set, the colours allowed me to play around with the hues and add some B/W in here and there.
And of course, this car, the 370GT Coupe is one of my likes as well. It's so pretty.
