Your Favorite Thing About GT6?

  • Thread starter GTP_Denza
United States
Hello guys!

I want to make this thread to see what your favorite thing about GT6 is. Post your response here!

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Great post Denza :cheers:. Nice to see some positive vibes other than the mud slinging going on.

It's a minor thing I have noticed, but I like it: You can see the mileage on your odometer. Now you know when you need an oil change or re-fresh. Aston Martin One-77 and Bathurst of course. :bowdown:
I bought it at launch, but I haven't had the chance to play it very often. (Wife, 2 year old, and another on the way) From the time I HAVE played it, I've got to say I am loving the new & improved menu interface. Browsing dealerships and my garage is no longer a long drawn out chore, & races load much faster, with sweet guitar riffs. I also love that the used car dealership is gone. Other than that, I love that the standards look much better(the ones I like anyway), and the new Vision feature is awesome. Willow Springs, Goodwood, Ah I'll stop there, as that is already more than one thing. :lol:
I bought it at launch, but I haven't had the chance to play it very often. (Wife, 2 year old, and another on the way) From the time I HAVE played it, I've got to say I am loving the new & improved menu interface. Browsing dealerships and my garage is no longer a long drawn out chore, & races load much faster, with sweet guitar riffs. I also love that the used car dealership is gone. Other than that, I love that the standards look much better(the ones I like anyway), and the new Vision feature is awesome. Willow Springs, Goodwood, Ah I'll stop there, as that is already more than one thing. :lol:

Same for me, wife, work, 6 and 2 yr old. I get to play Gt6 on Friday and Saturday nights.
I like the menu layout, the little indicator telling you who's trying to pass you. To me it seems that the AI is a bit more aggressive this year, which is fun for me. I passed an NSx on the final turn on Tokyo track, it was clearly faster on the straights, so I was blocking. Almost had it, but he ended up spinning me and himself out at the finish line, the s2000 in 3rd ended up winning.
It was slick on the replay!
I really like the Goodwin Hill Climb challenges and the new Matterhorn Circuit :D

But I also quite like the fact that in the stats it tells you just how many hours of driving you've done in the game so far seeing as I'm a big stats lover :D
Stats, the fact you can buy any car at any time (no ucd cycling), the new tracks, the UI is improved, the physics are more realistic, tire wear indicator numbers instead of just a bar graph, faster load times, and you can see friend's times on License tests.
Not really a favourite thing but when you're about to lap a car at the back of field; they get out of the way/pull off the racing line and allow you an easier overtake.
The problem is that they have taken away more good things that were on GT5 than they have given on GT6.

The new things don't make up for that.
The loss of shuffle is a crime.

Etc etc

For me, I love the sounds. I love the excessive tyre squeal and how all the cars sound like vacuum cleaners. This can also be enhanced by fitting racing exhausts that really give that extra "vacuum cleaner" sound. But, to be fair, if the engine sound is not quite to my liking I know that all I have to do is corner harder and the tyres will obliterate any other noise. Just bliss.

I nearly forgot, I just *LOVE* having to turn TC off every time I change cars or enter a seasonal. For some, this may be considered mind numbing tedium but I truly look forward to it every time, especially when I forget and have to back out of a race to turn it off. Oh what fun.

The AI gets a special mention as I just can't get enough of being smashed off the track at every opportunity. It enhances that real race feeling like nothing else. Ahhh, the tears of joy I have shed over this is memorable.

I'm also a huge fan of how PD still make you leave a race to do an oil change. I mean really, your pits can upgrade engines, exhausts, turbos, tyres etc, etc but they are incapable of doing an oil change. Yep, this is the real racing simulator for sure mirroring how such complicated mechanical functions, such as changing oil, cannot be done by pit monkeys.

Finally, the sheer ecstasy of doing all those go-cart races and the endless joy of running over orange traffic cones. I'm breaking out in goose bumps even remembering those great experiences. Oh and driving on the Moon. I mean, WOW, I haven't had that much fun since watching paint dry.

Of course, when I am having too much fun playing the game I just love copying settings from A>B>C or resetting them back to standard. I mean really, did anyone enjoy how easy it was in GT5? Not me, I want to do it as painfully and tediously as possible and get the full enjoyment from GT6. What fun to be had.

I do hope the rest you are having as much fun as I am and perhaps some are even happier at the joy this game has brought.
The fact I already had low hopes so wasn't as disappointed as I could have been?

I dunno, in all seriousness I like the LCC Rocket ... that's more or less it. Bathurst is nice I guess.
For me, I love the sounds. I love the excessive tyre squeal and how all the cars sound like vacuum cleaners. This can also be enhanced by fitting racing exhausts that really give that extra "vacuum cleaner" sound. But, to be fair, if the engine sound is not quite to my liking I know that all I have to do is corner harder and the tyres will obliterate any other noise. Just bliss.

I nearly forgot, I just *LOVE* having to turn TC off every time I change cars or enter a seasonal. For some, this may be considered mind numbing tedium but I truly look forward to it every time, especially when I forget and have to back out of a race to turn it off. Oh what fun.

The AI gets a special mention as I just can't get enough of being smashed off the track at every opportunity. It enhances that real race feeling like nothing else. Ahhh, the tears of joy I have shed over this is memorable.

I'm also a huge fan of how PD still make you leave a race to do an oil change. I mean really, your pits can upgrade engines, exhausts, turbos, tyres etc, etc but they are incapable of doing an oil change. Yep, this is the real racing simulator for sure mirroring how such complicated mechanical functions, such as changing oil, cannot be done by pit monkeys.

Finally, the sheer ecstasy of doing all those go-cart races and the endless joy of running over orange traffic cones. I'm breaking out in goose bumps even remembering those great experiences. Oh and driving on the Moon. I mean, WOW, I haven't had that much fun since watching paint dry.

Of course, when I am having too much fun playing the game I just love copying settings from A>B>C or resetting them back to standard. I mean really, did anyone enjoy how easy it was in GT5? Not me, I want to do it as painfully and tediously as possible and get the full enjoyment from GT6. What fun to be had.

I do hope the rest you are having as much fun as I am and perhaps some are even happier at the joy this game has brought.

Found it for you mate. :sly:
For me, I love the sounds. I love the excessive tyre squeal and how all the cars sound like vacuum cleaners. This can also be enhanced by fitting racing exhausts that really give that extra "vacuum cleaner" sound. But, to be fair, if the engine sound is not quite to my liking I know that all I have to do is corner harder and the tyres will obliterate any other noise. Just bliss.

I nearly forgot, I just *LOVE* having to turn TC off every time I change cars or enter a seasonal. For some, this may be considered mind numbing tedium but I truly look forward to it every time, especially when I forget and have to back out of a race to turn it off. Oh what fun.

The AI gets a special mention as I just can't get enough of being smashed off the track at every opportunity. It enhances that real race feeling like nothing else. Ahhh, the tears of joy I have shed over this is memorable.

I'm also a huge fan of how PD still make you leave a race to do an oil change. I mean really, your pits can upgrade engines, exhausts, turbos, tyres etc, etc but they are incapable of doing an oil change. Yep, this is the real racing simulator for sure mirroring how such complicated mechanical functions, such as changing oil, cannot be done by pit monkeys.

Finally, the sheer ecstasy of doing all those go-cart races and the endless joy of running over orange traffic cones. I'm breaking out in goose bumps even remembering those great experiences. Oh and driving on the Moon. I mean, WOW, I haven't had that much fun since watching paint dry.

Of course, when I am having too much fun playing the game I just love copying settings from A>B>C or resetting them back to standard. I mean really, did anyone enjoy how easy it was in GT5? Not me, I want to do it as painfully and tediously as possible and get the full enjoyment from GT6. What fun to be had.

I do hope the rest you are having as much fun as I am and perhaps some are even happier at the joy this game has brought.

I like the new physics, tracks, and race cars.
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I don't regret buying GT6 one bit. Ok it has some issues (see above).
For me though the good things outweigh the bad.

Most favourite things?

Definetly the new physics and the replays.:cheers:
I can compare it with only GT PSP (the only version I've played before GT6—and I bought a new slim PS3 just for it!).

Favourite things (in no particular order):
  • Tuning and customisation
  • Better graphics
  • Photo mode
  • Physics
  • Dealerships displayed all at once instead of rotational basis as seen in GT PSP
  • When you find clean races online, it's great fun (even if you're battling for only second last place)
  • Honda HSV-010 (sounds great, looks wonderful, handles like a dream, and it's the car I've had the longest run and most victories with)
Looking at this beast in replays.
Physics are just awesome. The Scirocco on Comfort Mediums drives just like mine in real life. So much more realistic than it is on Forza - for me at least.

How they've managed to get the graphics to the standard they're at with the hardware they have is staggering. I've experienced no issues with lighting or FPS at all. I think that they've just been made up to be honest! I've seen MUCH worse graphics on new PC games with far superior hardware. This and the last PS3 Killzone are massive coups for the console market and go to prove just how under-utilised the PC hardware is and how a closed system grinds out every last little bit of performance from the hardware.

I enjoy the Karting. Although the RB Karting is driving me crazy at the moment.

Sense of speed good. Obviously the least realistic thing about the game due to lack of G and sensations etc. but still leaps and bounds ahead of Forza's offering.

More aggressive AI is a step up from GT5, although in general they're still absolutely shocking.

You own the worlds only PS3 that has no framerate drops and lighting glitches !?

Its that or you need to go to Spec Savers!

Not really mate, normally notice things like that really obviously too. Besides, I'm not the only one. There's plenty of people on here say they haven't noticed it too. The only thing that even resembles a framerate drop is when you stick your window whipers on, they're a bit jerky. I think considering the hardware is years old now, graphically it's fantastic.
On a good note I just had a 7 hour ring session 500pp road car sport soft tyres. Full room for 7 hours. Killed it in my RS200. Awesome clean racing with some cool guys I've been racing with for 6 months near enough every night.

Full of bugs and slow down and the rest. But over all pretty awesome. Not one disconnection and my internet is pretty bad, 2.5 meg Sky. Even Sky didn't let me down tonight.

This game can be saved. If they can work on it a bit more it could be turned around. I mean I could name right now all things that need to be fixed and I'm just a nobody, then have people testing the game and know everything about it.

Main thing for me is just general graphics and the frame rate as you turn. Scrolling frame rate it could be called?
Beyond what's already been mentioned, my favourite new thing in the game is:

The inclusion of Brands Hatch: Has always been my favourite race track as I've been there to watch racing numerous times.

Beyond that, my favourite cars are the Ford GT 05 and Vauxhall/Opal 94 Super Touring Car. Neither car is new to GT6 but the GT is really fun to drive and the TC just has so much grip it's ridiculous
:censored:ing around with whatever car I want, whenever I want. Not having to worry about money while doing so, thanks to the seasonals.
The absence of the "boring" level system ....

and the little return at the origins !
