Battlefield 2

  • Thread starter Pebb
I downloaded it last night and will patch it this evening.

The co-op function sounds pretty cool. Anyone wanna join me in a game at some point?
The new map is like a mix of Strike at Karkand, Mashtuur(sp?) City, and Wake Island. The colors are also weird, more like a Ghost Town style.
Argh I lost the Special Forces CD key I bought so I've only got my BF2 installed at the moment...Is the patch fixing all those stupid CTDs and bugs?
Argh I lost the Special Forces CD key I bought so I've only got my BF2 installed at the moment...Is the patch fixing all those stupid CTDs and bugs?

I think it is, but you never know what kind of new bugs you will find.
Argh I lost the Special Forces CD key I bought so I've only got my BF2 installed at the moment...Is the patch fixing all those stupid CTDs and bugs?
I take it you will not be buying BF2142 like me. I however laughed, when EA said BF2142 has less bugs, so maybe EA got less mixed up with more.
Well EA currently are probably the worst major gaming company ever in my opinion...Really don't like what they did to BF2 with 1.3 and also I don't like Fifa 2006 (WC) which is littered with various bugs and just poor development.

For such a large company you'd think they'd be churning out only the best games, quite the opposite.
Well EA currently are probably the worst major gaming company ever in my opinion...Really don't like what they did to BF2 with 1.3 and also I don't like Fifa 2006 (WC) which is littered with various bugs and just poor development.

For such a large company you'd think they'd be churning out only the best games, quite the opposite.

Well i can't disagree with BF2, but the FIFA game has always sucked.
EA only cares about big chuckleheaded football players and their bling bling escalades.
Well i can't disagree with BF2, but the FIFA game has always sucked.

Yeah I love Pro Evolution 5 to death (still do), but it was kind of like...

"Ok FIFA has been bad since i last played it, which was around a year ago. Surely they would have improved it to a standard which rivals Pro Evolution!"

Pretty much 5 seconds within the first game I was already pissed off after finding out they mapped switch player (on defence)/pass (on attack) together. WHO DOES THAT?
I can beat most people in a jet.. My clan still doesn't belive i use a mouse.. :lol:

DQuan i'll play with ya... I can send you a PM or somthing when I get on... Probally wont be till friday.. Cause i want to get my mount on WoW..
Wow, something amazing happened last night. I started up the game, got onto a server and had a perfectly lag free game! My ping was below 20 the whole time. I really enjoyed it too, i'm glad that i'm finallly able to play this game properly. I can only hope it stays this way.
I haven't had any problems with BF2 for a while. For those who get a crash to desktop when clicking "Join Game", don't click immediatly after the verifying client data is done, wait some time and then click Join Game. If you want to know when it's ready, click on Auto-Ready, if it does a little sound, then you can click Join Game.

BTW, I almost only play on this server :
My username is TheChab (I'll probably be in a chopper)
Hey wats up guys this is my first time in this part of the site and I just happened to find this thread. BF2 is my favorite game in the world. So just sayin hi. And one question which booster pack is worth buying?
The game seems to be working fine for me now. I have Euro Force and Armored Fury, glad I didn't pay for them though because they're not really worth it to be honest.
One thing is be careful if you install Special Forces after you have already installed the 1.3 patch for regular BF2. It screws up alot of stuff if you forget to REINSTALL the 1.3 patch after installing SF.

I speak from expierence
I wish I knew, I'm getting fed up with these random crashes and I'm hoping the 1.4 patch will fix it. BF2 is such an awesome game though, I play it loads these days.

What's the highest score you guys have ever got in a game? I got 35 once, I think that's my highest.
Hanvt played it very much, but it isn't very much money. So i think it is, if your a BF2 lover.

So, is ANYONE up for some BF2? or BF2 Special Forces?
El Gigante
I would, but it's 2 AM and I need to go to bed :).

I've got an interview for a job tomorrow :P
Wow! Hahah only 2? I went to bed at 6 and woke up at 2 :P...Wait how can it be 2 am ther? WTF!

O yeah you're in England... damn I forgot theres people out the US here >.<