"Daily" Race Discussion

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I absolutely love the Group 1s at Sainte-Croix. It's such an interesting circuit. The wide range of strengths and weaknesses of the different car classes plus several sections where it's possible to take different lines results in some amazing, strategic and intense racing. It also helps that I seem to be way stronger on the combo than I should be.

So far I have run the McLaren, the 919 and the Tomahawk in-race. I have the most success in the Tomahawk, but the 919 is a close second. The hybrids will eat the Tomahawk alive out of slow turns but once the Dodge is up to speed, look out. it is also crazy good on tyres. I am doing 4s3m and could easily get 5 or 6 out of the softs BUT the mediums are honestly only barely slower.

The only other car I've seen in-race that intrigues me is the Mazda LM55. That thing is unbelievably strong in a straight line.

I'm baffled by the Audi VGT appearing at the top of the qualy boards. That thing is such a pig to drive. The 3rd gear understeer is just so ridiculous as to be irritating and they surely got the ratio number wrong on 6th? I have yet to see one in a race.

If you haven't tried this week's C yet, give it a go. It rocks!
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St croux is just a blast 😂 Did few races on my alt last night. Really love that track, got some odd penaltys thou and got my SR to A 😃
7s penaltys on one race, ok one 2s was my fault, guy in front brake mid corner and did not see it coming. Rest was either some one divebombing me or losing the control and hit my car...

Did 3 races on A also, M3 is nice to drive. :cheers:
St croux is just a blast 😂 Did few races on my alt last night. Really love that track, got some odd penaltys thou and got my SR to A 😃
7s penaltys on one race, ok one 2s was my fault, guy in front brake mid corner and did not see it coming. Rest was either some one divebombing me or losing the control and hit my car...

Did 3 races on A also, M3 is nice to drive. :cheers:
7s, that is impressive, my 5s yesterday pales in comparison
Did Daily Race C and at first I decided to go something different by using the Alpine VGT 2017 Gr.1 because it felt like it was the right car for the track but reality slapped me hard that the pace was lacking and this one says it all.

So out of frustration I went back to the Pug and as expected was able to get better results. Twice that I was able to race with @Redneckchef and felt bad for him as he was in for better results but some "events" happened on the back that caused him to fall down the order.

I'm so glad that I'm able to get a win around Sainte Croix at last after a while ever since the track was added.
Had a really fun race in the Jaaaaag gr C went from 19th to 8th and held off 2 tomahawks and 2 908s at the end. One of the tomahawks was stuck behind me from about halfway through lap 5. Fair play to the guy he had plenty of opportunity to punt me but tried to get past clean however that beautiful Jag horsepower was giving me just enough gap before the corners that I could hold on and I was pulling over a second down the long straight.

Most silly fun I've had with the game since I came back to it a few weeks ago after a 6+ month layoff. Couldn't stop laughing at how absurd it must have been to not be able to get passed at the end for the other guys.

I've tried all the group C cars now except for the Nissan. The Jaaaaag smokes everything down the straight but doesn't handle the best. The Porsche possibly has the best balance but isn't as good as the rest in a straight line. The 787 and the Sauber are line ball I think in medium speed in the middle of the lap O prefer the Sauber but how can I go past the 4 rotor scream of the Mazda. I might be deaf by the end of the week but that sound might be worth it.
Race C: anyone tried the Hyundai? I'm tempted to give it a go (when I eventually get back on for a daily race - still recovering from a 2h endurance race at Laguna Seca on Sunday night that destroyed my hands!).

Guessing the McLaren and Ford GT are the go-to cars at Monza... ?
I'm definitely using the Croissant. Perfect name for the corner.
Not sure the Duck's bill works for that corner. Looks more like a Toucan's. But there aren't many Toucans in France.

I beg to differ : https://www.gran-turismo.com/us/gtsport/user/discover/search/decal/decal/8727852/6918194245731878400

The circuit :

The original (his name is Jerry btw) :

It's a bit of a Mayan depiction of it, but many now call this layout St. Qwack.
Race C: anyone tried the Hyundai? I'm tempted to give it a go (when I eventually get back on for a daily race - still recovering from a 2h endurance race at Laguna Seca on Sunday night that destroyed my hands!).

Guessing the McLaren and Ford GT are the go-to cars at Monza... ?
Hyundai isn't too bad, can give you a swapper under braking sometimes but other than that it is very stable. However I don't think it is particularly good on its tyres
Did Daily Race C and at first I decided to go something different by using the Alpine VGT 2017 Gr.1 because it felt like it was the right car for the track but reality slapped me hard that the pace was lacking and this one says it all.

Sorry for the shock but it's true, the Pug is that good. For my case at least.
Just watched the fastest Asian top 10 qualy lap in the Tomahawk for Race C. There is honestly something weird going on. The braking points are about 50m later than I can possibly brake to get around the corners. I get that the aliens are much better then me, but how on earth can you brake just after the 100 board on turn 2 and get it stopped and turned?
After last nights A races from the back I needed a C race to get back sr from 71.
C race track made me almost nauseous from the constant turning.
I have a headache now but the CRB is 29 points.
I’m not a fan of this C race layout, at all.
A race is great.

Edit Drag, you can’t use replays to determine brake points the telemetry is off further, times gonna come on that track much more from carrying speed than trying to late brake.
Late braking is way overrated.
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After last nights A races from the back I needed a C race to get back sr from 71.
C race track made me almost nauseous from the constant turning.
I have a headache now but the CRB is 29 points.
I’m not a fan of this C race layout, at all.
A race is great.

Edit Drag, you can’t use replays to determine brake points the telemetry is off further, times gonna come on that track much more from carrying speed than trying to late brake.
Late braking is way overrated.
I see. I know if I load a qualy ghost the brake lights are wrong. I didn’t realize an in-car replay was wrong as well.

It’s not a big deal, my qualy time (54.0) has me in the top 4 most races. I just wondered how the best times were a full 5 seconds faster. It’s a reality check for me as I was starting to think I might be genuinely quick on this combo.
I see. I know if I load a qualy ghost the brake lights are wrong. I didn’t realize an in-car replay was wrong as well.

It’s not a big deal, my qualy time (54.0) has me in the top 4 most races. I just wondered how the best times were a full 5 seconds faster. It’s a reality check for me as I was starting to think I might be genuinely quick on this combo.
5s back on a 3 minute lap is good.
Just watched the fastest Asian top 10 qualy lap in the Tomahawk for Race C. There is honestly something weird going on. The braking points are about 50m later than I can possibly brake to get around the corners. I get that the aliens are much better then me, but how on earth can you brake just after the 100 board on turn 2 and get it stopped and turned?
The replay braking points are mis-calibrated and have been like that forever. Run your own hot lap. Look at the replay and it will show the late braking that you never did.

I don't know if it is broken or our perception is off. The replay visual feedback to our brain clearly happens after our foot would have pressed the brake. Therefore we cannot pair the visual feedback with our actual foot mechanics.
Tried a Race A this morning. Started 3rd. Finished 8th.

Door#12 so it was a strong grid. Picked up a .5 track limit pen. Also had some bumping. That put me in last for most of the race. But salvaged it for a minimal loss and a clean race bonus. I can do better.

Want to try Race C but it's too hot to put in the time right now and I'm afraid my PS will overheat. I thought it was going to fly away yesterday judging from the fan noise.
A lot of the VGTs are quite strong on the back straight. LM55, Hyundai 2025, and McLaren all easily hit 340+ kph in my incapable hands.

Of course, being VGTs, they all have some weird weakness. LM55 takes its time getting up to speed and has underwhelming brakes compared to the LMP1s. I consistently kept losing the rear of the Hyundai on braking compared to the other cars, although that might just be me being bad. McLaren has pretty good pace esp. with the hybrid, but suffers from an inexplicably ratioed 6th gear and negative amounts of front downforce.

Be careful about the corner exit onto the bridge, it very suddenly stops ascending and can catch you off guard.
Man race A is an awesome race but FILTHY.
It seems that any player below A plus simply holds down x until the smoke clears lol.
I wish more racers would give it a try.
A race has so much potential but it’s wasted on the unskilled entrants. No one lifts. Ever. That’s even if it means suicide loool.

Re braking you can think about it differently.
Most players seem to think braking purpose is stop the car ASAP.
That’s not true the purpose of braking is to adjust the cars speed and balance for best cornering and exit.
If you are constantly slamming the late brake it’s shifting more weight.
Very tough to correctly hit a late brake.
Most times you’ll be faster carrying the speed with a bit less weight shift, you won’t overload and overheat the front tires.
You can late brake full over a short distance OR you can brake a little lighter over s greater distance and have a better chance to get a better corner.
Slamming brakes as late as possible is NOT the way to do things in most cases.

I’m trying hard to resist the temptation to qualify on A race.
The dr has taken a beating down 15-20k but the racing’s fun.

I dunno how anyone drives C race. Can’t stand it.
A lot of the VGTs are quite strong on the back straight. LM55, Hyundai 2025, and McLaren all easily hit 340+ kph in my incapable hands.
I like the LM55, being AWD you can just LAY INTO the gas. You get cobble dup on exit but then on long straights you get your own back. It is also way more stable than the real cars.
Race C: anyone tried the Hyundai? I'm tempted to give it a go (when I eventually get back on for a daily race - still recovering from a 2h endurance race at Laguna Seca on Sunday night that destroyed my hands!).

Guessing the McLaren and Ford GT are the go-to cars at Monza... ?
And I've been gifted a black Hyundai VGT. Me thinks I'll be giving that a go this weekend. ;)
Re braking you can think about it differently.
Most players seem to think braking purpose is stop the car ASAP.
That’s not true the purpose of braking is to adjust the cars speed and balance for best cornering and exit.
If you are constantly slamming the late brake it’s shifting more weight.
Very tough to correctly hit a late brake.
Forgive me if I'm wrong on this, but I find there are some tracks that you are mostly driving at partial speed because of the many tight and twisty turns, hence the inexperienced drivers (me included) tend to drive full throttle and not finesse their way around, i am learning the benefits of early but soft braking...
What group 1 car has the best handling?

I ended up starting another Alt for weeks just like this. I’m not fond of Monza and race C sounds fun, but it’ll be a DR killer for me. Come to think of it, there’s lots of races I avoid simply because I don’t know the cars and/or the courses involved. And with the main barely above A and my Euro acct barely below A….I need an acct I can just learn and try new stuff with.

Dumb…. I know.

Race A this week has potential but I HATE sports tires. They make these cars handle so poorly. I even have a hard time believing these cars handle this bad in real life with sports tires on.


since my new acct is like a C/B right now, that means I’m racing in the sewer leagues at monza. Newbs (we were all there once…so no biggie), and kamikaze pilots who don’t care. It’s a romper room in there!!!

I can’t understand why anyone likes monza for any sort of racing, such a “blah” course. Hopefully I can get up to a million credits soon so I can buy a gr.1 car