"Daily" Race Discussion

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Well…a tiny bit of improvement.

and for once, I can blame my equipment!!!

been spending a bunch of time watching tidgney’s lap guide video from yesterday along with Basic Ollie’s stream.

For the life of me, I could not brake at their points and get the car turned in like they do. No matter what I tried, I ended up overcooking the corner.

so I decided to start messing with my wheel base settings (CSL elite). I messed with my brake force setting (basically sets the max force needed to achieve full brake), and brought the values down a bit. Improvement, but not enough.

I then experimented with my elastomer stack. I run it pretty stiff, so I softened up the beginning of the stack and then firmed up the bottom ever so slightly. That seemed to be the ticket!!

now I can hit my brake points and trail brake in a lot more accurately. Weird thing is I haven’t touched my settings in at least 6 months…probably longer. And now that I think of it, it’s probably been even longer than that since I last did a NGP daily. But still, it is odd that my brake settings have never messed with me so profoundly until now. Maybe it’s just the nature of the corners on this track, and they require a lot more finesse.


at any rate, I’m in low 55’s right now for my qually, and I’m circulating at a pace that’s not too embarrassing. Only problem is my DR has taken such a hit these past 2 days, my lobbies consist of all a lot of the peeps from the “central and south” regions of the Americas. It looks like a train derailment out there right now. Car and body parts everywhere. I don’t even have time to seek revenge on anyone because the next guy already has me trained in his sights!!!
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Well…a tiny bit of improvement.

and for once, I can blame my equipment!!!

been spending a bunch of time watching tidgney’s lap guide video from yesterday along with Basic Ollie’s stream.

For the life of me, I could not brake at their points and get the car turned in like they do. No matter what I tried, I ended up overcooking the corner.

so I decided to start messing with my wheel base settings (CSL elite). I messed with my brake force setting (basically sets the max force needed to achieve full brake), and brought the values down a bit. Improvement, but not enough.

I then experimented with my elastomer stack. I run it pretty stiff, so I softened up the beginning of the stack and then firmed up the bottom ever so slightly. That seemed to be the ticket!!

now I can hit my brake points and trail brake in a lot more accurately. Weird thing is I haven’t touched my settings in at least 6 months…probably longer. And now that I think of it, it’s probably been even longer than that since I last did a NGP daily. But still, it is odd that my brake settings have never messed with me so profoundly until now. Maybe it’s just the nature of the corners on this track, and they require a lot more finesse.


at any rate, I’m in low 55’s right now for my qually, and I’m circulating at a pace that’s not too embarrassing. Only problem is my DR has taken such a hit these past 2 days, my lobbies consist of all a lot of the peeps from the “central and south” regions of the Americas. It looks like a train derailment out there right now. Car and body parts everywhere. I don’t even have time to seek revenge on anyone because the next guy already has me trained in his sights!!!
Best thing I ever did was get rid of the foam and put an eighty-five at the bottom of the stack of sixty-fives.

*Where is the 55 placing you? I'm in low B right now and GTBlade tells me nothing.
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Good golly is it dirty in race B. First race a few people were exchanging some heated words pre-race in the chat and I’m assuming some previous race drama. One of them ducks in the pits and doesn’t participate, which was smart. I start 14th on the grid, and I get straight up dive bombed from the last place driver on the first turn. And nothing goes right from there. Lots of people not knowing how to race/intentional ramming all over the place. I find myself behind the instigator of all the pre-race drama eventually. Either they intentionally brake check me, or I missed my brake point and give them a good old punt. I get an SR down which makes sense. But still, depending on how it happened, it was deserved or done to keep me behind. The guy in the pits offers some top-notch sarcastic banter after the race to the instigator. That gave me a chuckle.


Second race, again I start 14th and get dived bombed from the drivers in the back. I managed to stay with the middle of the pack. But, with the dirty driving and constant dive bombing, I lose them quick. Unfortunately, I went on tilt and started to race dirty. I was just tired of being shoved out of the way for each pass. If you want to get past me, do it clean and I won’t care. Pass me dirty and I’ll pass dirty back. The best thing to do, no. But when drivers constantly do it to get past me, expect it back. I also got called an idiot/stupid (I can’t remember) post-race. But the person calling me idiot/stupid was doing the same stuff. So, who knows at that point?

Whatever to all that nonsense. I need to get my qualifying time up, but I don’t think it’s going to matter with the quality of racing tonight if the dirty driving keeps up tomorrow.
Best thing I ever did was get rid of the foam and put an eighty-five at the bottom of the stack of sixty-fives.

*Where is the 55 placing you? I'm in low B right now and GTBlade tells me nothing.


That's exactly the same setup I've been running for probably close to a year and never have had an issue with it...till now. I had my BRF set at 40 with these settings, but I recently bumped it down to 30. I changed my stack by running the foam up top, then 65's with (2) 85's at the bottom. I play barefoot (or socks) though so I'm sure I could go heavier if I played with shoes 💡. Maybe I'll try that later....

A 1.55 is placing me mid pack in solid B/A lobbies, back 1/2 of the pack in A lobbies.....and back of the pack in A+/A lobbies. I have a feeling I'll be back in the B's soon enough as I don't think I even have the pace to podium a B lobby right now :lol:

Edit: I use a Playseat challenge (that the lovely lady bought me for my 37th) as my rig. I just did a home-brew mod to stiffen up the chassis in a way for the whole rig not to rock back as much during heavy braking. I wonder if that's what's changed for me
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Is there actually a difference between the cars in race A? I thought they were identical other than the badges, but the imbalance in usage makes me wonder...
Raced with genesis and rcf 17 tonight, both felt better than the merc at the end of the stints. Rcf turns in quite willingly so thats felt the nicest so far. I can't run with rooms full of A+ AND A drivers, but finish top 5 in mixed a and b rooms.

Tried got lapping in the beetle, optimum was a very fast time for me anyways, 54.1, but I cannot put the lap together and I dont think it'd stop sliding in the race as tyres wear.
Well I finish the real world stuff and decided to go straight to the big gun monster vette for a qual lap sesh just before dinner on main on c race.
My tcs3 bb0 netted me 53.7 after 20 minutes-not great but just proved to myself I’m not as off as I thought yesterday.
I’m not gonna push for more or grind dr this week.
I’ll probably enter a race or 2 from the back on A. I shared it up for ya Nev the vet run.
I have a hard time getting used to racing softs tbh.
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That's exactly the same setup I've been running for probably close to a year and never have had an issue with it...till now. I had my BRF set at 40 with these settings, but I recently bumped it down to 30. I changed my stack by running the foam up top, then 65's with (2) 85's at the bottom. I play barefoot (or socks) though so I'm sure I could go heavier if I played with shoes 💡. Maybe I'll try that later....

A 1.55 is placing me mid pack in solid B/A lobbies, back 1/2 of the pack in A lobbies.....and back of the pack in A+/A lobbies. I have a feeling I'll be back in the B's soon enough as I don't think I even have the pace to podium a B lobby right now :lol:

Edit: I use a Playseat challenge (that the lovely lady bought me for my 37th) as my rig. I just did a home-brew mod to stiffen up the chassis in a way for the whole rig not to rock back as much during heavy braking. I wonder if that's what's changed for me
I also use the Playseat Challenge and haven't had issue with instability. I don't know why, as I'm probably close to 200 lbs. Not that light but not that heavy, either. I don't remember what my brf is set to but I don't have to press too hard. So far, it's okay but if I start to have issues, I may have to copycat you.

Edit - @Groundfish you are slower on softs? I thought it was weird when my times were better on Fuji a few weeks ago on hards over mediums. I thought I was doing something wrong.
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After two great afternoons of racing in Race A, it’s all undone in three races by idiots that ruin everyone else’s races by either sending it into T1 out of control or purposely ramming people off because they think you’re the one that did it, when you yourself were punted from behind. Got punted and rammed off track from 2nd and 3rd position three times in a row by idiots from all over the Western Hemisphere. Stay away. It’s not fun.
I also use the Playseat Challenge and haven't had issue with instability. I don't know why, as I'm probably close to 200 lbs. Not that light but not that heavy, either. I don't remember what my brf is set to but I don't have to press too hard. So far, it's okay but if I start to have issues, I may have to copycat you.

Edit - @Groundfish you are slower on softs? I thought it was weird when my times were better on Fuji a few weeks ago on hards over mediums. I thought I was doing something wrong.

yea, I run about 155-160 with grapefruits for calves. I’ll get major liftoff if I stomp on the coward pedal hard.

I use these camera rig thingees to got from Amazon. One in the back as you can see, and I also use 2 in the front to support the tray better
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yea, I run about 155-160 with grapefruits for calves. I’ll get major liftoff if I stomp on the coward pedal hard.

I use these camera rig thingees to got from Amazon. One in the back as you can see, and I also use 2 in the front to support the tray better
View attachment 1016326
That looks pretty cool. I would have to make sure it doesn't scratch the laminate flooring but that's a nice idea.
For the 2nd week in a row, I pop in for random race and start on pole. Survived. Finished 2nd. :scared:

Around lap 5 it occurs to me I don't know when to pit (my plan was to follow everyone else) and everyone behind is probably waiting for me to pit. They really should not start you on pole if it's your 1st run of the week. :lol:
That looks pretty cool. I would have to make sure it doesn't scratch the laminate flooring but that's a nice idea.


This is how I rig them for the front. The two holes in the front of the tray are just big enough to put some nuts in to help snug the screw end from the camera thingees.

The rig is still flexy but the tray is solid. The rig itself is as good as it gets.

For the kickstand chingas I have in the back, I use a peel and stick rubber pad
Edit - @Groundfish you are slower on softs? I thought it was weird when my times were better on Fuji a few weeks ago on hards over mediums. I thought I was doing something wrong.

Not slower, NOWAY, just takes gettin used to. The ffb is a little different feel, just takes time to adapt if I’ve been running hard or med.
The softs are much faster, just not at first.
Not until I get used to em.
For example I just entered C. I started fourth but after a few turns cleanly into second because the 2 and 3 cars started on med.
They were sitting ducks.
I gapped and held second by five seconds at race end.
I ran vette 6 S 4 m. There’s soooo much more there, but I had to resort to vette tonight to regain confidence. I’ll put it away and maybe go A race tomorrow.
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Sometimes I wonder if the castors on my Ikea office chair are causing too much instability through the esses. Will dropping the seat an inch or two make a difference.?
Is it better to hold the controller close in to your belly for stability or might I get through the tight bends better if I wave it about like using motion control? While twisting round as much as I can without falling off the chair?


Having a great race C with a German when the divebombing starts, was in 6th and half a lap later 4 guys have bumped me down to 19th. No idea if the rest were dirty and I suppose 1 or 2 could have been mistakes. It's just stupid. It gets really tempting to bust myself down to D just so I can have a decent race.
Really liking race C this week, except that far too often you get dirty drivers. Tried a few car and was doing decent in the F type, then I tried the Evo and knocked a full sec off quali in a few laps. It's maybe not as good in the race as the jag, but keeping with it. The tyre wear is brutal though and doing 5 laps even on meds is tough.
You've gotten quick. I consider you and another member here my direct rivals. You both are now leaving me behind on the horizon and I cannot do anything about it. Well done.

It's really cool to see the different driving styles. I have a hard time with getting on throttle early due to fear of losing control and such and I used to spin out all the time when I first got my wheel and when I first did Group 2 with tire wear but I pretty much cannot lose control with the 911. The only time I ever did was last lap, 130R at Suzuka a few weeks back and that may or may not have been a curb glitch.
130R shouldn't have a kerb glitch and not every spin on a kerb/ astro will be a glitch. If you run wide at 130R you need to back off or keep it as straight as possible to avoid going around which you will do. Just look at the spins on the live race on Sunday. Just that bit wider than normal and boom.
You've gotten quick. I consider you and another member here my direct rivals. You both are now leaving me behind on the horizon and I cannot do anything about it. Well done.
You still beat me on some combinations so I'd say we're about even, anyway it's what you do in a race rather than quali. It's great having a 1:55 quali, but if you never break 1:58 in a race then the quali is probably a fluke.
You still beat me on some combinations so I'd say we're about even, anyway it's what you do in a race rather than quali. It's great having a 1:55 quali, but if you never break 1:58 in a race then the quali is probably a fluke.
That is true. I generally race better than qualify. But still it's disheartening to go 1.2-1.5 seconds quicker on your previous qualy to still be 0.5-1 second off the next people on your list.
I may hop back to B for the rest of the week. It seems a better combo for me.
That is true. I generally race better than qualify. But still it's disheartening to go 1.2-1.5 seconds quicker on your previous qualy to still be 0.5-1 second off the next people on your list.
I may hop back to B for the rest of the week. It seems a better combo for me.
Yeah I've tried A and B a couple of times and I can't even get close to the times I need. GTBlaze tells me that for race A 9.8% of Bs are slower, race B is 1.3% and C is 72.3% so I'll stick with the one I'm best at. I really should practice the ones I bad at though.
Is there actually a difference between the cars in race A? I thought they were identical other than the badges, but the imbalance in usage makes me wonder...
They drive exactly the same. I think that is why there's an imbalance.
When you enter the race, and go to car selection, the cursor is on the Toyota 86, so I think people just click it, since it doesn't matter.

*However, there is a reason that I always select the Toyota. When the engine makes a particular sound, I know it's time to shift, without having to look at my speedometer. For whatever reason, the Subaru does not make the same sound. Try it out. :)
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Sometimes I wonder if the castors on my Ikea office chair are causing too much instability through the esses. Will dropping the seat an inch or two make a difference.?
Is it better to hold the controller close in to your belly for stability or might I get through the tight bends better if I wave it about like using motion control? While twisting round as much as I can without falling off the chair?


An office chair might result in head injuries when you take anything over a 2G turn. I use a couch with my feet on a coffee table which simulates an F1 car... It's good for 4G turns when you lean into the corners.
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They drive exactly the same. I think that is why there's an imbalance.
When you enter the race, and go to car selection, the cursor is on the Toyota 86, so I think people just click it, since it doesn't matter.

*However, there is a reason that I always select the Toyota. When the engine makes a particular sound, I know it's time to shift, without having to look at my speedometer. For whatever reason, the Subaru does not make the same sound. Try it out. :)
There is definitely a difference in sound. I think there's a slight difference in the suspension tuning as well... the Toyota feels a bit sharper and precise, while the Subaru may have a little more potential but is harder to keep exactly on line. Might be just my imagination, but I notice a difference when I try the two.

Another thing of note: these cars highlight the impact of the tire temperature model, IMO. Keeping them cool makes a big difference. There is a transient temperature performance profile that is not indicated by the red boxes around the tires on the heads up... that is only the extreme range that is indicated. But you can notice it when you start out... the first lap is the easiest, but if you heat the tires up with sliding, you will have trouble repeating the best lap time.

There are two temperatures to model in the tires, I think... the surface, which goes up and down quickly with sliding friction, then there is the carcass itself, which holds the temperature and informs the surface temperature range... This car on these tires really seems to be dependent on the surface temperature being kept cool.
I ran a few diff cars a lap or two each on Nurb GP just now.. I turned on driving line and cones to see where the game says the line is, and on this track it is one where I can’t endorse it. Imo it’s very poor, here.
That said the RCZ is slow, the Jag is pretty nice but the car I found enjoyable was the M3 BMW. It is a nice driving car, the gearing is different though.
Last night the guy who finished first over me by 8 sec is a top five qualifier on NA, so I don’t feel bad at all.
Nurb GP is a challenging track. It helps to think late apex. Turn 1 I brake from mid track come down tight pivot hard on partial throttle. Turn 2 gotta start turning in on the uphill to get a tight late apex to open up the run to three. Entering 2 a progressive staged release of throttle while entering (think throttle 100% 75% 50% 25-0) to apex or even a brake dab in some cars can help get tight so you can get flat early into three.
Turn three brake full while turning get tight to curbing and patience wait until your lined up to the end of the curbing to go full for a moment then as you turn towards the apex of four you let up partially then flat as soon as you can…
Turn five enter fast as you can without running out to the right, gotta stay mid track for entry to the next turn five which it’s very important to nail exit you can throttle flat very very soon on this if you can nail the line…
Those are my keys to those turns in any car.
Kinda late apex-y and obviously the earlier you can get and stay flat on exit the faster you’ll be.

Cheers folks

Tonight-RACE A.

Pm if there’s any players that could use an attitude adjustment-if possible I will greet them for you!
Oh 100pc line is wrong at NGP, especially the first sector.

The RCZ is VERY popular, 4 of the top 10 times are RCZ and a third of the cars i race with are rcz.

I try the M3 every so often at different tracks, always feels good but very stiff over bumps and the stop watch says slow.

Agree late apexes at NGP, except the right hander after the first sector, the one that leads to a long flat out section. Always a challenge to stay left enough, gather her up and clip the inside right kerb there.
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Fwiw in top split last night it was Vet 911 M6 AMG mostly power cars-couple WRX.
RCZ drives nice but it’s a slug. IOF is on top in Citroen last I looked.
My race last night was epic 2nd and 3rd started med but me on softs…So nice to take the 911 lap one outbraking it in a vette then walking away on exit.


Edit you might wanna start on soft tires if you’re at the front, loke! I was in the ZONE that race, turned off in game sound and put this on repeat!
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They drive exactly the same. I think that is why there's an imbalance.
When you enter the race, and go to car selection, the cursor is on the Toyota 86, so I think people just click it, since it doesn't matter.

*However, there is a reason that I always select the Toyota. When the engine makes a particular sound, I know it's time to shift, without having to look at my speedometer. For whatever reason, the Subaru does not make the same sound. Try it out. :)

There is definitely a difference in sound. I think there's a slight difference in the suspension tuning as well... the Toyota feels a bit sharper and precise, while the Subaru may have a little more potential but is harder to keep exactly on line. Might be just my imagination, but I notice a difference when I try the two.

Another thing of note: these cars highlight the impact of the tire temperature model, IMO. Keeping them cool makes a big difference. There is a transient temperature performance profile that is not indicated by the red boxes around the tires on the heads up... that is only the extreme range that is indicated. But you can notice it when you start out... the first lap is the easiest, but if you heat the tires up with sliding, you will have trouble repeating the best lap time.

There are two temperatures to model in the tires, I think... the surface, which goes up and down quickly with sliding friction, then there is the carcass itself, which holds the temperature and informs the surface temperature range... This car on these tires really seems to be dependent on the surface temperature being kept cool.
I drove them back to back shortly after I made that post and it felt like the back of the Subaru was a little bit easier to break loose on turn in or acceleration than the Toyota. I'll still probably drive the Subaru since the Blue Mica is my favourite car colour and I can't not pick it when available,
Sometimes I wonder if the castors on my Ikea office chair are causing too much instability through the esses. Will dropping the seat an inch or two make a difference.?
Is it better to hold the controller close in to your belly for stability or might I get through the tight bends better if I wave it about like using motion control? While twisting round as much as I can without falling off the chair?


I've been thinking about this as well. I'm on a wheel.

I've wondered if the higher end drivers switch position depending on the type of car. ie Igor Fraga, has experience in Formula and road cars, I wonder if he changes seat height for each type?

Also noticed while watching the World Final Rd1 on Sunday how different the positions are. High, low, close, far, relaxed, tense... all seem to work equally.