do u think that playing gt3 has in anyway improved ur driving abilities in real life

  • Thread starter tm2003
I think it does in a way. I just started drivers training a few weeks ago, and it is a lot easier than I thought it would be to drive. It doesn't help a ton, but I think in a way it does. I've also had other experiences tho like go-cart racing and other things.

I would NOT recommend playing a few hours of GT3 then going out to drive. Trust me on this one... :D
If anything, it made me into even more of a hooligan, and I don't even drive a sporty or particularly quick motor IRL.

I seem to get through tyres a lot faster, and when I went on a track day that my folks bought me, I drove an F348 and and F355, along with a Caterham 7, and a Pug 106 Cup Car.

I was the only one to 360 the F355, and I was the quickest around the track in the 7.... That has got to be down to GT3!
I definatly think it has made me a better driver, I drove fast before I played GT3 but now I know the lines better and I use them in everyday driving. As bad as this sounds, I drive fast safely now.
No. It hasn't improved my driving skill at all. 21 years of having my license before I bought GT3 did that.
Originally posted by neon_duke
No. It hasn't improved my driving skill at all. 21 years of having my license before I bought GT3 did that.

nor has it improved your spelling :P

I was driving sims well b4 gt3. I had the original NFS on PC and vaguely remember others before that.

yes they did help me....

in all the driving sims I have played I have always picked the manual transmission.... and heres the funny part, I drive an auto in RL :P
No. Hitting apexes at the right speed isn't really much of a concern when driving for me. If anything it would probably make you a worse driver on the road.
i compete in SCCA Solo II events...and i wouldn't say its helped that much. Sega GT cerainly did though...but i drive like a maniac anyway :lol: only reason i'm alive is the fact i have so much hp :cool:
It did for me.

Everytime I encounter a corner, I initiate the "Out-in-out" skill. If there is a apex, i jump it.

Damn, im cool.
It made it a lot easier for me to learn to drive. Mum said that it took her ages to learn, and it only took me a few days.
I hope it helps me with my license tests when i am able to take them. :)
I find that if I play GT3 before going out to drive, then my brain is more in tune with the requirements for driving. It runs faster, and I'm usually even further ahead of the normal action than I am normally.

It doesn't help me with lines, throttle control, braking points etc, because, like neon_duke my real-world experience had already taught me most of that.
i think GT3 has made me more aggressive on the road, it teaches you bad habits like cutting corners, tail gating, speeding, rapid accelleration and deceleration etc...
i used to be a calm driver, but when GT3 came out, its made me into a monster...
every time i get to a roundabout, i take serious risks with drivers from my right and change lanes at the last minute deliberatly to over take and get ahead of drivers approaching the roundabout, i am a menace on the road and if you stop parallel with me on the lights, i dont care in youre in a reliant robin or a santa pod dragster, i'll try and out-accelerate you every time...

i really have to calm down on the roads, i'm too old to be a boy racer...

actually, how cool would it be to have Del boys Relaint Robin in GT3?....we could have the Robin Grand Prix..!! and turbo charge the 400cc engine....just have to remember to slow down for the corners though...!! :lol:
Originally posted by TurboSmoke
actually, how cool would it be to have Del boys Relaint Robin in GT3?....we could have the Robin Grand Prix..!! and turbo charge the 400cc engine....just have to remember to slow down for the corners though...!! :lol:
I'm game :D Btw.. You HAVE to check this page. This is totally insane and very very very cool pages/reliant_kitten.htm

It is a bit scary to think that everything you know about driving comes from a video game. Especially with ppl like myself that started with Stunt Car Racer on the C64 :mischievous: :mischievous:
our american friends, i proudly introduce the reliant Robin three(3) wheeled car


yeah...3 you know what i mean about the corners..!
A guy online from Denmark took part in a tough Sim Tires challenge I was running and then a little later he was caught by surprise in a snowstorm with regular tires. He told me he felt right at home, so I'm sure GT3 has helped him there. :D
Originally posted by Arwin
A guy online from Denmark took part in a tough Sim Tires challenge I was running and then a little later he was caught by surprise in a snowstorm with regular tires. He told me he felt right at home, so I'm sure GT3 has helped him there. :D
Dane you say ?... I wouldn't trust him as far as I could bowl him. We danes are full of **** :D
Which reminds me that a semi-pro kartdriver who also took part in that Sim Tire challenge (and won 8/10 races!) made it to a new team, and when they changed to a new car with less grip he also said that the Sim Tire challenge had really helped him as in no time he was showing the other guys on the team (Rotax Max Challenge, Team Lotus, South Africa if I got my facts right) how it's done. :D
Originally posted by Flerbizky
It is a bit scary to think that everything you know about driving comes from a video game. Especially with ppl like myself that started with Stunt Car Racer on the C64 :mischievous: :mischievous:

That is scary! :nervous:

So how far (and this is not a personal question) does your crack stretch? :lol:
Originally posted by GilesGuthrie
That is scary! :nervous:

So how far (and this is not a personal question) does your crack stretch? :lol:
What ? ? :D What "crack" exactly are we discussing here :mischievous:
Originally posted by GilesGuthrie
That is scary! :nervous:

So how far (and this is not a personal question) does your crack stretch? :lol:



Actually, I had that game on the Amiga - you know Geoff Crammond has put the Grand Prix series on hold while he goes and does an update on Stunt Car Racer?

Back on topic - I had done a bit of driver training about 8-9 years before the original Gran Turismo. It really reminded me about the old rules of managing weight transfer with differing drive trains - I jump quite regularly from AWD to RWD and FWD, so the GT series has helped me get an appreciation of the differing behaviours of each arrangement and how to properly manage them.
Originally posted by vat_man
Wow.. An SM modding amother SM. THAT has to be a first.. You guys crack me up :D

Actually, I had that game on the Amiga - you know Geoff Crammond has put the Grand Prix series on hold while he goes and does an update on Stunt Car Racer?
And I can't wait ....
Originally posted by Flerbizky
What ? ? :D What "crack" exactly are we discussing here :mischievous:

The one that goes across the top of your roll cage as you inflict damage on the car!
Originally posted by GilesGuthrie
The one that goes across the top of your roll cage as you inflict damage on the car!
Feck :D How do you remember stuff like that. I wouldn't have gotten that one until the next Stunt title is out if you hadn't told me ... Jeeez .. :mad:
Oh yeah, I remember that! I played it on the Atari ST quite a lot, loved it! :D Couldn't you also play that 2 player rather nicely? I remember having played it with my sister, although if I remember correctly I have also played it two player with two STs over a null-modem. Gosh, I used to be creative back then, like soldering two joysticks to the serial port so we could so four player Gauntlett II. Blue Wizard needs food, badly! Green Elf is about to die ... Ah, the memories.