forza 5 wheels

  • Thread starter NoneEvo
Nice, glad to hear. Its been confirmed that GT6 still supports multiple screens. Good job on their part. Turn 10, next thing, how about turning Horizon into your main driving game and use Fisher Price accessories.
Posts like this would actually be funny if they weren't so pathetic.

Having to be so sensationalist to try and prove your point usually means you don't actually have one ;)
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Again same song and dance. All this hate going towards T10(which has nothing to do with the who sells wheels, and Microsoft when we have no idea if they are to blame for Fanatec not having a wheel on X One or not). I think it was pretty naive to assume or expect your X360 wheels to work on the new system. It hasn't been confirmed that Fanatec will work on PS4 yet either BTW.

There are a lot of improvements with the new XOne and we have no idea what the new standard will bring. Two sides to every story and Fanatec doesn't exactly have a great track record of customer service and followup. It could be a quality issue, it could be a money issue, it could be a distribution issue since Fanatec doesn't let anyone else sell their products and that greatly limits their exposure to XOne markets.

All I know is the TX looks like a great wheel IMO and should hopefully be a good step up for me from my previous Fanatec products(certainly in reliability).
Again same song and dance. All this hate going towards T10(which has nothing to do with the who sells wheels, and Microsoft when we have no idea if they are to blame for Fanatec not having a wheel on X One or not). I think it was pretty naive to assume or expect your X360 wheels to work on the new system. It hasn't been confirmed that Fanatec will work on PS4 yet either BTW.

There are a lot of improvements with the new XOne and we have no idea what the new standard will bring. Two sides to every story and Fanatec doesn't exactly have a great track record of customer service and followup. It could be a quality issue, it could be a money issue, it could be a distribution issue since Fanatec doesn't let anyone else sell their products and that greatly limits their exposure to XOne markets.

All I know is the TX looks like a great wheel IMO and should hopefully be a good step up for me from my previous Fanatec products(certainly in reliability).

I don't see how it's naive at all when GT6 will support Logitech wheels made for the PS2.
I don't see how it's naive at all when GT6 will support Logitech wheels made for the PS2.

it's completely naive, it's a bonus for your setup to work with a new system that wasn't in existence when you purchased yours. when you bought it what did they say it worked with, my bets are most likely xbox360, ps3 and PC. Anything after that is a luxury, it's not their obligation to make old peripherals work. if they do thats great, if not sorry
it's completely naive, it's a bonus for your setup to work with a new system that wasn't in existence when you purchased yours. when you bought it what did they say it worked with, my bets are most likely xbox360, ps3 and PC. Anything after that is a luxury, it's not their obligation to make old peripherals work. if they do thats great, if not sorry

And when the older Logitech wheels came out back in 2001, I'm pretty sure they were only advertised to work with the PS2, and not with a system that wouldn't exist for another 5 years. Yet that's what happened. It's not by luck that they work with the PS3.

Still trying to figure out why Sony/Logitech continue to support older wheels for another generation, yet when we want MS/Fanatec to do the same, we suddenly have unrealistic expectations.
Whats funny is the same song and dance when people gripe about the wheel and multiple screen situation the answer is "nobody hardly plays with that so why should MS care?"

Hmmmm, they sure care anough to create a supposedly new standard which has several supposed benefits. Lol, all marketing BS. What they say we will have, we already have.

You can't have it both ways. Oh, its a small minority who play that way so screw you.

Oh, you expect them to lose out on all these new wheel sale opportunities?

Lol, its one or the other, not both. Bottom line is M$ and turn10 used the hardcore community to gain credibility, and now they're all about the mainstream accessibility. Gimme a break.
Posts like this would actually be funny if they weren't so pathetic.

Having to be so sensationalist to try and prove your point usually means you don't actually have one ;)

Sensationalist? I'm pretty positive that is exactly whats happening. So yeah. Point is valid.
Whats funny is the same song and dance when people gripe about the wheel and multiple screen situation the answer is "nobody hardly plays with that so why should MS care?"

Hmmmm, they sure care anough to create a supposedly new standard which has several supposed benefits. Lol, all marketing BS. What they say we will have, we already have.

You can't have it both ways. Oh, its a small minority who play that way so screw you.

Oh, you expect them to lose out on all these new wheel sale opportunities?

Lol, its one or the other, not both. Bottom line is M$ and turn10 used the hardcore community to gain credibility, and now they're all about the mainstream accessibility. Gimme a break.

Looks to me that this is a more hardcore version than the previous one. Better physics, track models, cars etc. And you keep going back to Triple screen support when nothing has been reported. May or may not be we don't know.
Looks like we are going to be getting some major details on Friday on the TX wheel. If you look at their FB page here:

Under the comments on their page by Andrew Cherry he says this:
"I've asked repeatedly on this site concerning whether the Tx is PC compatible. Unfortunately I cannot afford to spend such a premium price for the wheel if it cannot be used on multiple platforms. I will be your happiest customer if it is pc supported, however, please let me know if it is not so that I can at least cancel my preorder."

Thrustmaster Responds with this:
"Hi Andrew, well I think Friday's post answer your question! Regarding the second poitn, we will give info as soon as possible. Regards"

I am willing to bet we find out that this is in fact PC compatible on Friday, if it wasn't supported they almost certainly would've said it's not supported but the fact that they took the time to say we will give more info soon likely means it is...
And when the older Logitech wheels came out back in 2001, I'm pretty sure they were only advertised to work with the PS2, and not with a system that wouldn't exist for another 5 years. Yet that's what happened. It's not by luck that they work with the PS3.

Still trying to figure out why Sony/Logitech continue to support older wheels for another generation, yet when we want MS/Fanatec to do the same, we suddenly have unrealistic expectations.

it's pretty obvious, Sony and Logitech have good working relationship. MS and Fanatec not so much and theres a reason for that. I'm sure theres more than just smoke to the rumors they owe MS licensing fees.
The TX will be PC Compatible, this is a no brainer. Hell, its got to connect to the pc to flash firmware. Its a t500 basically in a new shell. Even has the same connector as t500.

And the sour grapes here is pretty astounding. Its so corny to keep asking for sources, do you really think I literally meant fisher price? Smh.

Turn10 wants to appeal more mass market. Nothing wrong with that, but at the exapense of those who made their brand. You can sugar coat it all you want and be in denial.

And, you didnt touch on my point about *small niche* yet *they need to make money on new wheels*

If the market for new wheels is so small, why invest millions to develop one. You can't have it both ways. Same goes for multiple screen support. Don't take options out that where already there. Spend millions on stupid FMV and screen shot fodder, or painting cars. Make a driving game.
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The TX will be PC Compatible, this is a no brainer. Hell, its got to connect to the pc to flash firmware. Its a t500 basically in a new shell. Even has the same connector as t500.

And the sour grapes here is pretty astounding. Its so corny to keep asking for sources, do you really think I literally meant fisher price? Smh.
And that is the whole fricking point. If your point had enough weight on it's own you wouldn't need the sensationalism. Do you not see how so wildly exaggerating makes you look?
The TX will be PC Compatible, this is a no brainer. Hell, its got to connect to the pc to flash firmware. Its a t500 basically in a new shell. Even has the same connector as t500.

That's the first thing you've said that we agree upon...thus this will be an upgrade in our wheels for the Xbox One coming from X360
And that is the whole fricking point. If your point had enough weight on it's own you wouldn't need the sensationalism. Do you not see how so wildly exaggerating makes you look?

Makes me look? This is pretty funny stuff. I don't know you, this isn't a popularity contest. There was nothing sensationalist about it, you have a problem with anyone being critical of forza or tuen 10, simple as that.

Each subsequent game must be better than the last. Other than prettier graphics, I don't see how this is better?

I've actually pointed out several ways its not better.

But the counter *niche market nobody cares* yet *people care about a new wheel when very few people play with a wheel*

Cant have it both ways buddy.

Especially when that wheel is a clone of a wheel thats been available for almost three years! Lol, where is the "innovation* mentioned in that BS marketing video?

And so you know, my Forza getup is serious, I love Forza. Check my threads and you'll see the lengths I've gone to enhance Forza. I've got one of the most complete, best, immersive Forza setups of anyone playing the game. So I don't hate forza. I'm critical of it because its taken a step backeards.
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Does anyone know if Microsoft is going to have a company make them a steering wheel with a clutch pedal or if that Fanatec guy (founder?) has mentioned that he's going to come up with something for the X1? My brother is still getting the X1 for Halo and I might buy FM5, only if there will be a steering wheel with clutch implementation. It's the only damn thing that held me back from getting FM4.
Makes me look? This is pretty funny stuff. I don't know you, this isn't a popularity contest. There was nothing sensationalist about it, you have a problem with anyone being critical of forza or tuen 10, simple as that.

Each subsequent game must be better than the last. Other than prettier graphics, I don't see how this is better?

I've actually pointed out several ways its not better.

But the counter *niche market nobody cares* yet *people care about a new wheel when very few people play with a wheel*

Cant have it both ways buddy.

Especially when that wheel is a clone of a wheel thats been available for almost three years! Lol, where is the "innovation* mentioned in that BS marketing video?

And so you know, my Forza getup is serious, I love Forza. Check my threads and you'll see the lengths I've gone to enhance Forza. I've got one of the most complete, best, immersive Forza setups of anyone playing the game. So I don't hate forza. I'm critical of it because its taken a step backeards.
I'm not entirely sure what the point of being part of a community is if you are not bothered about your opinion being taken seriously. And by making stupid, wild claims that's what happens it dilutes any serious points you have to make.

I have no problem with people who are critical of Forza or T10, I'm critical myself. I wish there were more cars, tracks, had hoped weather and time of day made it into FM5. I'm disappointed my CSR Elite doesn't look like it will work with FM5. But I'm not going to sit here and bash Forza or T10 endlessly at every opportunity because they have produced a game that I think will still be an awful lot of fun to play. Guess I'm just a glass half full guy.
The Tx will have a pedal set with a clutch and a clone of the th8 shifter

Please tell me that I won't have to buy them separately. That's what it looks like to me. I can't afford to pay +300 for a steering wheel. And I think by TX, you're talking about that 458 replica steering wheel, so money-wise... it's a dead-end for me :\.
Yes, sold separately.

What is the point of a community if everyone has group think. If you're looking for that, neogaff is that way. Wild assumptions? Lol

Turn10 deserve to be bashed, sorry. At least to those of us who don't expect less in our next gen games.

I'm an optimistic person, but I'm not blind. Turn10 used hardcore sim racers, and now just wants to cater to casuals. Its ok, follow the money.
Forza has never been a hardcore sim, just a console racing game that allows you to use a wheel & hook up additional screens, and finally got around to implementing respectably simulator-ish physics in its fourth iteration. For a game with "Motorsport" in the title it doesn't provide very much of an authentic motorsports experience, even compared to B-list PC sims.

FM5 is pretty much what Forza has always been; if the physics are as good as they claim, it'll actually be the least "casual" entry yet. Nevermind the fact that catering to casuals is essentially their mission statement -- "gamers into car lovers" and all that. It's fair to be disappointed that FM5 won't support your investments to turn a game into something more, but it's neither blind nor "group think" to appreciate FM5 for being the game Forza has always been.
Forza has never been a hardcore sim, just a console racing game that allows you to use a wheel & hook up additional screens, and finally got around to implementing respectably simulator-ish physics in its fourth iteration. For a game with "Motorsport" in the title it doesn't provide very much of an authentic motorsports experience, even compared to B-list PC sims.

FM5 is pretty much what Forza has always been; if the physics are as good as they claim, it'll actually be the least "casual" entry yet. Nevermind the fact that catering to casuals is essentially their mission statement -- "gamers into car lovers" and all that. It's fair to be disappointed that FM5 won't support your investments to turn a game into something more, but it's neither blind nor "group think" to appreciate FM5 for being the game Forza has always been.

I was referring more to the ability to say you're a community yet only positive comments are actually welcomed, especially when legitimate gripes are presented. Forza has made strides every iteration to become more of a sim. But thats over now. Oh well.
I was referring more to the ability to say you're a community yet only positive comments are actually welcomed, especially when legitimate gripes are presented. Forza has made strides every iteration to become more of a sim. But thats over now. Oh well.
That's not even close to what's happening here.

And how is it any less of a sim?
I was referring more to the ability to say you're a community yet only positive comments are actually welcomed, especially when legitimate gripes are presented. Forza has made strides every iteration to become more of a sim. But thats over now. Oh well.
Yet you haven't even played it. And from the few people I have spoken to who have played it, the most important aspect, the physics, is much more sim like. So guess you are way off once again. There are also new ffb wheels available, no ones tried them yet so we don't what they will be like. So what we are left with is you having a paddy because Fanatec support has been dropped along with your assumption that triple screen has been dropped. And from that we get, 'Forza has made strides every iteration to become more of a sim. But thats over now.' Once again a sensational statement to try and prove what turns out to be a rather limp point. A gigantic leap on your part don't you think?
I was referring more to the ability to say you're a community yet only positive comments are actually welcomed, especially when legitimate gripes are presented. Forza has made strides every iteration to become more of a sim. But thats over now. Oh well.
That's not even close to what's happening here.

And how is it any less of a sim?
oh, we know why
Lack of "enough" support of steering wheels (that are also affordable [G25/G27 price range]), no weather, no endurance races, no pit stops, even less cars with definitely more DLC with this game, less cars with possible/hopefully tracks as DLC, no time change (but who cars about night racing? no one races at night) and there aren't different types or classes of racing. T10 has only focused on physics that, although are good, aren't extended into racing on dirt, rain, snow or flying helicopters or boats.

As Wolfe pointed out, even Dan has stated that they're not looking to be a simulation series, which is obviously not taken word for word, but it is what he was saying. I really would have stuck with FM if MS/T10 were able to keep up with steering wheel support at the very least. Features-wise and content-wise, GT has always stuck out even over Project Cars which I've had for almost a year now and will buy for the simple fact that it'll support the G27.
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