GT5P/ PS3's 'shot in the arm'?

  • Thread starter mustang245


As GT fan, I know it'a a 'billion dollar' cash-cow, a Sony exclusive... will this Prologue (US) finally be the game that earns the mighty 'BlackBox' some respect? There have been a FEW 'hits' but no 'grandslam', Sony (we) desperately needs. I'm playing JPN version & invite other 'players' response...💡
Do you know what prologue means?

I may have misunderstood your question though - It's a little poorly worded.
Personally, I don't think so, not with Prologue as there will aways people complaining it's just a 'demo'.

Full version GT5 is the PS3's big exclusive super hit (along with MGS, but I don't follow that) that should give the PS3 a big boost of credit, but sadly we wont see that until at minimum end of the year.
Personally, I don't think so, not with Prologue as there will aways people complaining it's just a 'demo'.

Full version GT5 is the PS3's big exclusive super hit (along with MGS, but I don't follow that) that should give the PS3 a big boost of credit, but sadly we wont see that until at minimum end of the year.

LOL, for a little 'demo' it out shines anything graphically. GT5 being a hit is foregone conclusion, but I think Prologue will redefine what a 'demo' is. I'll be playing this game til the 'cow' comes home. I'll be buying US version, too.
Yeah, I will have to agree with you there Diego. I think that GT5 will most likely boost ps3's sales. I was going to wait until GT5 came out to get one, but now that Prologue came out, I went ahead and dove in.
Dont forget, being a 'log time' GT fan, doesnt get you anything any quicker, they take their time for a reason.
Also, there will be 'MGS4' 'GT5' and 'GTA' to contend 'with' before they start 'making' sega 'titles' again.
Then there's 'ace' 'combat', and all 'the' other games that 'HD' will make full use of, to boost the 'PS3's' sales, as it 'does' have the 'better' hardware 'specification'.

'Ace' 'Combat' is already 'on' 360, and 'GTA' will be 'on' 360 'as well,' so like 'VIPERGTSR01' said, 'GT5' and 'MGS4' are the PS3's 'big games.' No 'telling' yet if they 'will' be 'enough' to sway 'buyers.'
Simply put, I just wonder how well Prologue will do sales wise when it hits US shores. topten list? MGS, GTA4, sure, but I think this demo will do quite well for drivers who haven't recieved any love from Sony except F1CE. Alot of drivers bought PS3 for GT, me included.
Right now both system have the same games. I own both.

Uncharted, Resistance 2, Killzone 2, and GT5p/GT5 put the ps3 over the top for me.

Initially I bought my PS3 as a blu-ray player but now it's where I'll play all my driving games because of logitech wheels.

It's just a far, far better system than the 360. No red ring of death, has blu ray and wi-fi built in. Plays well with your pc USB devices. It's just better. I didn't really know that until I bought it as a blu-ray player.
Dont forget it offers wireless wifi
Better picture and video support, some consoles offer slots for multiple cards to capture and save pictures, videos, music, etc.
You can hook up a Mouse, Keyboard, Printer, Camera. I wonder why since Xbox360 is made by Microsoft you cant get a normal USB keyboard and mouse. Evil company.
Better patching, Sony does listen to the community and patch up as people demand.
Online is free
You can download many all of the free themes ( in xbox 360s many u have to pay for)
Its a lot easier to navigate then xbox360
More reliable
Since its using Blu-ray, games can be bigger, and longer.
HDD and Blu-ray can work together for faster loading.
The controllers are rechargeable already and built in unlike xbox360 controller that comes extra.
Only good thing about xbox360 is that it comes with a MIC, PS3 dont. And that more games for Xbox have better mic support and more clear.

In the end, people complain that PS3 is more expensive.. but if you compare all those things PS3 is cheaper since it comes with Blu-ray, rechargeable controllers, free online and many more features. For Xbox you have to buy those things. Only things i bought were the extra controller and the HDMI cable. oh and a mic :).
Right now both system have the same games. I own both.

Uncharted, Resistance 2, Killzone 2, and GT5p/GT5 put the ps3 over the top for me.

Initially I bought my PS3 as a blu-ray player but now it's where I'll play all my driving games because of logitech wheels.

It's just a far, far better system than the 360. No red ring of death, has blu ray and wi-fi built in. Plays well with your pc USB devices. It's just better. I didn't really know that until I bought it as a blu-ray player.

Along with Ps3 TV . You may never need anothe box under ya telly again

Well until the PS4
PS3 is the answer for home entertainment system. Games, movies, pictures, music, saved videos.. ETC
oh yeah and Internet. :)
The way I see it, anyone that whines, complains, moans, and groans as they accuse Prologue of being a "demo", they really are not GT fans at heart.

So, screw 'em, the game is not for THEM. It IS for US.
The PS3 has already started to sell well the past few months sometimes selling way more than 360's and even near wii levels so things are looking up.

2008 definately the year of the PS3!
I think that launching close to GTA4 is good, people who want GT will want ps3 and think'll get GTA4 for the ps3, or potential GTA4 owners looking at getting GTA4 think ps3 or 360, whats just come out GT5p

with the GDC this week I think dates for home and MGS will be announced, and it wouldn't be shock to learn that they will be out around or the same time as GTA4 futher stamping there games quality at such an early stage in the year. and building up to christmas and 08, then 09 the year I think the full GT5 is available and when sony suggested that you'll start to see what the console is really capable of
And don't forget so far the cross multi platform games like the Burnout or Devil May Cry 4 are better on the PS3 then the Xbox360 version. More developers now are trying to make the PS3 as the standard console when making a cross platform games. So yes 2008 + is the year for Sony.
Not to mention the Xbox 360 already reached it limits with hardware, so now wonder you see very few games now that have great replay value. And PS3 is just beginning to show off its power :)
I think that launching close to GTA4 is good, people who want GT will want ps3 and think'll get GTA4 for the ps3, or potential GTA4 owners looking at getting GTA4 think ps3 or 360, whats just come out GT5p

with the GDC this week I think dates for home and MGS will be announced, and it wouldn't be shock to learn that they will be out around or the same time as GTA4 futher stamping there games quality at such an early stage in the year. and building up to christmas and 08, then 09 the year I think the full GT5 is available and when sony suggested that you'll start to see what the console is really capable of

And don't forget so far the cross multi platform games like the Burnout or Devil May Cry 4 are better on the PS3 then the Xbox360 version. More developers now are trying to make the PS3 as the standard console when making a cross platform games. So yes 2008 + is the year for Sony.
Not to mention the Xbox 360 already reached it limits with hardware, so now wonder you see very few games now that have great replay value. And PS3 is just beginning to show off its power :)

Both very good points 👍
Don't forget the format war is over... what does this mean for Xbox? Will they be seeking licence from Sony for Blu-ray? I'd personally love to see that, but looks like Microsoft will compensate by supplying Xbox with huge HDD. Without the CELL, (Sony won't licence) the Xbox will be slow.
Back on topic, gauging by how many have imported Prologue, I think it will be huge sales success when it hits US. It IS Sony's biggest selling franchise, Gran Turismo. Only true exclusives can harness power of the CELL, and I think some 'Boxer's' will cross over for P and then GT5. What's good for Sony can only be good for us. Let's hope P does well!
You could see some hilarious screw over coming from Sony in the future with regards to MS as they won't have a future disc format to use! :lol: Sony will not hand over the rights to use blu ray so the xbox will have to use multiple DVD's and install all the games stuff to the HDD to play! The next xbox will be quite soon as the 360 hardware has already reached its limits.

Sony will say hand over gears of war, halo, bioshock, pgr and forza (and all your other exclusive devs) and maybe then we will consider! :lol:

Nah, blu ray is buy far Sony's biggest hand and they are just lucky that it didnt go the other way...

And don't forget so far the cross multi platform games like the Burnout or Devil May Cry 4 are better on the PS3 then the Xbox360 version. More developers now are trying to make the PS3 as the standard console when making a cross platform games. So yes 2008 + is the year for Sony.
Not to mention the Xbox 360 already reached it limits with hardware, so now wonder you see very few games now that have great replay value. And PS3 is just beginning to show off its power :)

Not sure if I'm missing something, but I own all three consoles and am wondering where you are getting that the multi platform games are better on the PS3. Personally from my experience they are any where from much worse to almost the same, 360 is usually better. The PS3 versions mostly max out at 720p, 360 upscales to 1080p. The Dolby Digital support for the PS3 is a joke imo. I have 2 games that don't even use the center channel, COD4 and Guitar Hero3. I have to manually unchecked the DD and DTS box in sound settings if I want to hear some lead vocals on GH3. Hell the Orange Box doesnt even come with Dolby Digital support in the PS3 version. So far I'm only buying first party games for the 3, but if it changes so will I.
Hmmmm, i think you may be underestimating the wealth behind Microsoft.

Those guys are years ahead, but not ready to unleash on consumers yet.

Sony may have a good go in 2008/9, but rest assured, microsoft will prevail.

Its all about the money in this world folks.

And im sony's biggest fan.

You could see some hilarious screw over coming from Sony in the future with regards to MS as they won't have a future disc format to use! :lol: Sony will not hand over the rights to use blu ray so the xbox will have to use multiple DVD's and install all the games stuff to the HDD to play! The next xbox will be quite soon as the 360 hardware has already reached its limits.

Sony will say hand over gears of war, halo, bioshock, pgr and forza (and all your other exclusive devs) and maybe then we will consider! :lol:

Nah, blu ray is buy far Sony's biggest hand and they are just lucky that it didnt go the other way...


Great post. I to think the 360 will be replaced before long. With GT5p looking sooo gorgeous and MGS4 and others shaping up to be the best looking games on any console to date they will have to do something. I really like Xbox Live and the features it comes with for $4.00 a month, but I know the PSN will be getting better. Hopefully the devs and Sony can work together to get all the kinks worked out and have service on par with the competition for free, that would be crazy.:D
luck had nothing to do with Blu-ray, Sony learned long ago how NOT to wage a format war (BETAMAX). This time they simply bought movie studios or 'compelled' them to use Blu-ray. You can't even watch TV without seeing Sony Picture, and their music catalog is huge and full of 'exclusive' artists. Shrewd forsight in my opinion...
Hmmmm, i think you may be underestimating the wealth behind Microsoft.

Those guys are years ahead, but not ready to unleash on consumers yet.

Sony may have a good go in 2008/9, but rest assured, microsoft will prevail.

Its all about the money in this world folks.

And im sony's biggest fan.


i think you may be OVERestimating MS. Sony is THE consumer electronics giant period...
MS is predominantly a software company. All about the money? Bill Gates might be America's wealthiest person, but not worldwide. MS is in trouble here and abroad due to anti-trust issues. With 'exclusive' game developers jumping ship (Bungie), it's all about the 'hardware' now. Sorry, bro, you are not Sony's biggest fan. From what I hear, warranty claims on the 'Box are costing MS dearly. I wouldn't bet on their future in the 'hardware' business.
Not sure if I'm missing something, but I own all three consoles and am wondering where you are getting that the multi platform games are better on the PS3. Personally from my experience they are any where from much worse to almost the same, 360 is usually better. The PS3 versions mostly max out at 720p, 360 upscales to 1080p. The Dolby Digital support for the PS3 is a joke imo. I have 2 games that don't even use the center channel, COD4 and Guitar Hero3. I have to manually unchecked the DD and DTS box in sound settings if I want to hear some lead vocals on GH3. Hell the Orange Box doesnt even come with Dolby Digital support in the PS3 version. So far I'm only buying first party games for the 3, but if it changes so will I.

What the earlier poster said; DMC4 is better on PS3 with quicker loading times, no screen tearing and you can find these comments on the review at IGN. has an article with a Capcom dev who describe DMC4 looking slightly clearer than Xbox360's version but both look identical overall. Also, Burnout Paradise as compared on Gamespot's review, PS3 version also edges XBox360's version slightly, with no framerate hitch and supports DTS sound. X360 has custom soundtracks though.
What the earlier poster said; DMC4 is better on PS3 with quicker loading times, no screen tearing and you can find these comments on the review at IGN. has an article with a Capcom dev who describe DMC4 looking slightly clearer than Xbox360's version but both look identical overall. Also, Burnout Paradise as compared on Gamespot's review, PS3 version also edges XBox360's version slightly, with no framerate hitch and supports DTS sound. X360 has custom soundtracks though.

Cool thanks for the info. I had heard of the faster load times on the PS forum. I guess a lot of games are installing 1 to 7 gigs on the hard drive to make loading faster. I wonder if they are looking clearer since they are running in 720p on the PS, but the Xbox upscales to 1080p. Sometimes upscaling can make it look worse in those areas, it not the native.