How long did it take you to find that Formula Gran Turismo?

  • Thread starter Johnny.Ly
I had been looking after every race or every Championship and I am now an A 22 and B 28 and it finally showed up last night (when I was still a B 27). It was worth the wait, its a fire and forget B Spec missile.
This is extremely unfair that they would put the gamer through this kind of mess to get a car that is required to beat the game. Why wouldn't this be a prize car after some championship?

I am level 24 a spec, level 23 b-spec with over 6 million credits and I cant find the damn thing.

I have been doing the B License 1-5 trick to try and speed things up, I even got my girlfriend doing it for a while.

I've probably done it over 50 times and she has done it atleast 15 times.

Does anyone have any new ideas? Does it pop up after a certain race or something?
This is extremely unfair that they would put the gamer through this kind of mess to get a car that is required to beat the game. Why wouldn't this be a prize car after some championship?

I am level 24 a spec, level 23 b-spec with over 6 million credits and I cant find the damn thing.

I have been doing the B License 1-5 trick to try and speed things up, I even got my girlfriend doing it for a while.

I've probably done it over 50 times and she has done it atleast 15 times.

Does anyone have any new ideas? Does it pop up after a certain race or something?

People are saying it shows up about every 300 race days. If you've cycled over 65 times than thats over 300 hundred race days. IDK man I feel your pain I did alot of cylcling before I just gave up and moved on was finally a B 27 A 22 before it showed for the first time. Sorry and good luck.
Not very long but when i found it,i got a money problem!!Now i want it to show up but,it's not coming for now....keep waiting :guilty: i'm on ASpec 25 and B Spec 22 btw...but i first saw the F1 car when i was on level 21 i think.
People are saying it shows up about every 300 race days. If you've cycled over 65 times than thats over 300 hundred race days. IDK man I feel your pain I did alot of cylcling before I just gave up and moved on was finally a B 27 A 22 before it showed for the first time. Sorry and good luck.

how do they measure a race day?

every different track you load is a different day?

is there any way to look at how many race days my account has gone through already?
Listen people, just do the cycling through B1-B5 thing until it shows up once you have the 4.8mill and be done with it. took me 15 min I will never see again but I didn't have to constantly check the used lot which is kind of a pain in the butt
From level 23 to almost 27 before it showed up.
I was beginning to wonder if it got left out of my game.

is there any way to look at how many race days my account has gone through already?

I'd like to know about this too. I don't see a day total anywhere.
Hey I used a fully down up Viper bought it brand new from dodge. Full downforce and nice soft racing tyres. and set the max speed to around 340km/h:) and i keep winning 98k. Saving my money
Finally had enough money to buy one yesterday after completing all golds in the AMG expert. Did the LICENSE cycle thing for about 40 mins then I found it. :)
I was looking for it then found the m3 gtr race car (900k) and bought that, the next day i found a bentley 8 (5.5m) and also bought that now im broke again, lol.
I think it was 2 or 3 days before I got it. My brother found one first and loaned it to me but before I got a chance to drive it I found one :)
If you want the Formula GT here is my top tip: Go to a website called :gtplanet: and use the search function. You will find;

- what level you need to be at to buy it (24)
- the quickest way of cycling the days (license tests)
- some very good research on the frequency of its appearance (though I am too stupid to work it out) :dunce::lol:

It took me 160 GT days and I just cannot remember how much real time but I think it was about 2 hours. If you are looking for it, do NOTHING else until you find it and make sure you check the full used car lot due to its rare frequency (duh !).
Got mine today after searching most of the day yesterday. Went to the lot and it was right at the top of the list, what a relief. It is busy kickin big butt as I type this. To everyone who is looking, don't give up, just make sure you have your money as it will show up.
Got mine this morning, I reckon it took about 10 licence cycles and 15 to 20 races before it showed up... that's while I was looking for it of course
I did about five cycles and nothing, so I went and did five races for another cycle, it still wasn't there, so I did another cycle and then it was there.
i saw one in my first day of GT5...

i'm saving money, actually with 5mi, if i reach 10mi and no FGT, i will buy a F10
I saw the FGT on Day 389 and that was the second time I could remember seeing it. I'd seen people on these forums say they'd seen it then too. I just figured it'd pop up again in the next 195 days or something, came up after about 130 I think, a lot of Indy grinding to get the 5 mil and then about 8 cycles did it for me.
I reached Lv24 last wednesday close to midnight, yesterday close to midnight I found on Formula GT car with 1700 km in the used car stand, I changed the oil and did an overhaul of the engine, it rides like a dream car. Played the game for about 4 hours.
Got the game on release and saw one yesterday but didn´t have the cred for it..
So it took me about 3 weeks, i hope it doesn´t take that long when i really need it

I sure could use it now but it´s no panic for me