Jeep night safari. What am I missing?

  • Thread starter mike53
Ontario, Canada
It's a miracle for me to achieve Silver on this mission. Can't see a thing and there seems to be no possible line or adequate speed to overtake first place.
It might help to temporarily increase the brightness level of your TV for these night challenges.
It certainly helped me after suggestions on the GTS forum.
I got bronze in this one - that will do! 🤣
Update has put comfort tires on. It should have dirt tires. It’s possible, you just have to full send it into the second place car at the big turn. And get a good bounce of of them and you can overtake 1st on the last turn.
Glad I did mine before the 1.06 patch...
It was the muscle car oval mission and the overtake at Tokyo that hindered my golding that first set of missions to get the Jeep, but I persisted and overcame those obstacles.
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