Motorcycles in GT6?

  • Thread starter mjm23race
To your first point, no one really knows what PD's current capabilities are. Also no one knows what they have been working on for the past how many years. Who knows, the whole motorcycle thing might already be complete. As far as people asking for features that will delay GT6, that is a cop out. PD is quite capable of many incredible things, even despite all the negativity from the naysayers around here. Again the amount of time to implement bikes would only be a small percentage of the overall development of the game. This request is the only one that could actually translate into more revenue.

The reason that no one asks for cars in motorcycle games is simple. Any current or recent motorcycle games have been awful. There aren't decent forums for those games. The developers cannot even make decent physics for motorcycles, they rely on shiny graphics and WSBK and MotoGp licenses to sell the games PD has actually done both successfully, so it would seem to make sense at some point to polish them both up and smash them into the same game.

Many have requested TT2 but it seems to fall on deaf ears, so this seems to be our best chance. For me it would be the best of both worlds!
If PD never attempted to make a motorcycle game, there'd be no reason to ask. The good possibility is what has us asking for it. Also, since GT has various types of vehicles and motorsports, it lets us know that the series is open to the idea.
For my first post on this forum, I want to say my opinion on this matter.

Back in 1998 my parents gave me and my brother a PlayStation and since I've always been a car nut since the first words I could speak, they gave me Gran Turismo as well. Since then I have bought every single Gran Turismo game that has been released in Europe, including the Prologue one and Tokyo Concept. So to me, Gran Turismo is a car game. I have won all the games 100% except GT5, but I'm close! It's just a hobby that I do for myself only. I don't do it to brag about it, I just want to complete the Gran Turismo games 100%.

I am not a motorcycle fan. I've never liked them. If motorcycles would be implemented into GT5, it would ruin the game for me. It would mean that I have to compete and win some bike races in order to complete the game 100%. Since I don't like bikes, and in fact they simply bore me, I will never do any bike races in a Gran Turismo. In other words, it would ruin the Gran Turismo experience for me.

This is only my opinion. If Polyphony Digital sees it in their best interest to implement bikes, so be it. I am getting too old for this anyways.
My thoughts check the NO box.

While I'm an avid rider, currently on a '00 Ducati 900Sie, I don't think they should mix them up just yet.

Plus, how will we steer with our CSR elites? Lol, the bikes would force you back on a controller.
For my first post on this forum, I want to say my opinion on this matter.

Back in 1998 my parents gave me and my brother a PlayStation and since I've always been a car nut since the first words I could speak, they gave me Gran Turismo as well. Since then I have bought every single Gran Turismo game that has been released in Europe, including the Prologue one and Tokyo Concept. So to me, Gran Turismo is a car game. I have won all the games 100% except GT5, but I'm close! It's just a hobby that I do for myself only. I don't do it to brag about it, I just want to complete the Gran Turismo games 100%.

I am not a motorcycle fan. I've never liked them. If motorcycles would be implemented into GT5, it would ruin the game for me. It would mean that I have to compete and win some bike races in order to complete the game 100%. Since I don't like bikes, and in fact they simply bore me, I will never do any bike races in a Gran Turismo. In other words, it would ruin the Gran Turismo experience for me.

This is only my opinion. If Polyphony Digital sees it in their best interest to implement bikes, so be it. I am getting too old for this anyways.

They could separate the completion stats out between the two modes; one for bikes, one for cars. A non-issue, really, unless your OCD is really bad! :P

This is why some of us think they should go the way of an expansion / plug-in. Release GT6, then release TT2 as an add-on to GT6 somehow.

And I don't get people mentioning "not being able" to control a bike with a steering wheel. You know you can technically control a flight-sim with a steering wheel, right? It's equally as daft, but it's still no reason the flight sim should not exist.
I want them in gt6, it's unlikely but, as said earlier they would be underrepresented. I also feel there are other areas pd need to work on first, such as user interfaces.
Another matter is my periodic joke I make whenever these sorts of threads come along, of asking for all the Gran Turismo cars in a Tourist Trophy game. ;)

Jokingly, of course. And that's the point. Amazingly, no one asks for cars in a bike game. Can you imagine why? Maybe it's because when we buy a car game, we expect cars, and bikes in a motorcycle game... maybe you guys should simply ask for another TT game. Just a thought.

Ofcourse I would love a second TT-title alongside the 6th GT-title and that's the main point why people ask for bikes in GT.
GT is the main franchise, I wouldn't even call TT a franchise yet with only one title and no word on whether it'll be succeeded at all, if there was some clarification on the future plans for TT2 this debate wouldn't even be that relevant.
GT is and will always remain a higher priority than a TT-title for PD I reckon purely based on sales which are always lower for a bike title than for a car game (and maybe because Kaz himself isn't really into bikes).

So with a new GT-title being a dead certain, and its platform possibly leaving room for a separate additional TT-Life mode, it's not hard to see people wishing for bikes in a car game if the bike game they want might not even arrive.
People didn't ask for cars in TT as GT already existed and all other bike games focus on a single aspect of a particular type of bike racing, just like F1 2012 for example focusses on F1 (you don't ask for cars in a title called MotoGP or SBK, in fact you wouldn't even ask for any other bikes not fitting that label).
Another thing is that asking for bikes in a car game in this situation is that PD made both, it isn't like people ask for speedboats to be included.
Although this may seem like a win win idea, I'd say leave the two separate. If there were both cars and bikes in the game I would definitely give the bikes a try. Although I'm afraid that by the end of the day I'd use 1000 cars and neglect all the bikes. So that's not optimal, having a game which you only use for half of its content. You either focus on cars or on bikes if you want it to be good, not both at the same time.

+1000 I'd be happy with bikes but in a separate game,GT6 and TT2 please PD.:)
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Like I said on a previous post it would be so easy to have 2 versions of the game. GT6 which would be just as you currently know it with cars only. Then for the cool kids there could be GT6+TT (or whatever you want to call it) that would include the base gt6 and another mode for anything motorcycle related. They could actually charge double for the game even though it is only 1/8 the work, that extra revenue benefits everyone. That way all the car purists don't have to have motorcycles anywhere near their precious cars and ruin their gt experience. And you could finish gt6 100% without ever swinging your leg over a motorcycle. Purses would probably just get in the way anyway.
Can't resist the digs at non-bike riders, can you?

Two versions of one game is silly, might as well just make two completely separate games.
Can't resist the digs at non-bike riders, can you?

Two versions of one game is silly, might as well just make two completely separate games.

Nah, it's just fun. Kind of like poking around threads saying this and that won't work, and pd needs to do this and shouldn't do that.

I could care less if someone doesn't like bikes. But for some to be so closed minded having never having even tried the possibilities of something seems silly to me.

Some of the best selling games out there have different versions of the same game and no one calls them "silly" for doing so, they are actually quite successful with it. By that rationale then go ahead and include bikes, and those that do not enjoy them can simply look the other way in game. Either way, someone is gonna be butthurt.
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Can't resist the digs at non-bike riders, can you?

Two versions of one game is silly, might as well just make two completely separate games.

Again, it's not the viewpoint that's the problem, but the attendant attitude with some people. There are a lot of precious posters on here who don't know how to string a sensible, logically-reasoned post together and cannot see the wood for the trees.

With "two versions", I still think a TT expansion for GT would be excellence. But the precious ones might feel they're missing out on something, despite having no interest in bikes, and so would demand they be totally separate!
If they can have their fun, why can't we have ours too?

EDIT: There's a minor flaw with my idea. Most of the content is kept on the discs, and that would mean swapping them every time you wanted to use a bike instead of a car, or v.v. Unless you could opt to install all the cars and / or bikes to the HDD to be able to use them simultaneously (the tracks are shared, so it shouldn't matter which disc you use.)
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If some PD lurker stumbles across this thread and decides it's a good idea, it will go as well as the damage model fiasco of gt5. Game release delayed a year or whatever, then we'll get a few bikes tacked on that ride like melted wax. Then instead of a few, everyone will be butt hurt ;)
Once all the car sounds are sorted.

All cars made premium.

All tracks are modelled to a premium standard.

Leaderboards are added.

AI is decent.

Aspec is decent.

Livery editor added.

They can do what they like. Add rockets, boats, spaceships and monster trucks for all I care.
This +100000

Im not against this idea, but there are many improvements to make as it is and imo they need to focus to them.
I don't hate motorcycles but I just don't care for them. In Midnight Club games, I stuck with using cars the whole time, only using bikes to clear motorcycle-only events. If I ignored bikes in an arcade game, there's no doubt I'll treat them the same in a sim like GT6. Motorcycles are cool but they're just not for me.
This +100000

Im not against this idea, but there are many improvements to make as it is and imo they need to focus to them.

You know honestly I think pd knows where they have to improve and probably have a pretty good start on major issues already.

It's not like pd is going to see people asking for bikes and have a revelation. People have been asking for a sequel to Tourist Trophy for years. Everyone has seen it by now, but the GT-HD videos already had the inclusion of bikes. This is not a lightbulb going off, if they are adding bikes or not I am sure it has already been discussed.
If some PD lurker stumbles across this thread and decides it's a good idea, it will go as well as the damage model fiasco of gt5. Game release delayed a year or whatever, then we'll get a few bikes tacked on that ride like melted wax. Then instead of a few, everyone will be butt hurt ;)

If some pd lurker stumbles around anywhere in here, they are going to think we are all a bunch of spoiled kids that can't agree on anything and are all looking out for our own best interest.
GT-HD videos already had the inclusion of bikes.
Yeah, they probably realized back then it's a bad idea.

If some pd lurker stumbles around anywhere in here, they are going to think we are all a bunch of spoiled kids that can't agree on anything and are all looking out for our own best interest.
I'm sure they know that by now :lol:

Seriously though, I have no particular dog in the hunt, it just seems like something to me that would not turn out well.
I could care less if someone doesn't like bikes. But for some to be so closed minded having never having even tried the possibilities of something seems silly to me.
Or maybe because you have completely failed to address any of the issues brought up in the earlier parts of the thread.
I've read all the arguments against it, but I still can't see one downside to adding bikes with the exception of time lost that could've been used making cars. Other then that, if it were properly divided it would be a fun edition certainly. I like anything with wheels as a lot of GT fans do, so this would be a blast in my eyes. Only problem is if have to use a controller.
Or maybe because you have completely failed to address any of the issues brought up in the earlier parts of the thread.

I am no official representative. What are the "issues" I failed to address?
Physics engine, input device, development time, collision model? I'm sure there are more...

Physics engine: this is obviously PD's area of expertise, if they had it working in TT and GT-HD I am sure they can make it work within whatever platform they are working in.

Input device: I believe most gt5 players use the ds3. The ds3 would be a very suitable input device. Even if you use a wheel for an input device, you don't have to use it exclusively.

Development time: obviously it would take some time, so will everything involved with the game. The amount of development time would only be a small fraction of the total development. as I said before, who knows what they have been working on since the release of gt5. Who knows it may already be done and ready?

Collision model: seems pretty straight forward, you collide with stuff, or ride over your head on turns you crash. If they have a damage model for cars it would be pretty similar for bikes.
Physics engine: this is obviously PD's area of expertise, if they had it working in TT and GT-HD I am sure they can make it work within whatever platform they are working in.
So, the same engine for both cars and bikes? TT had no cars, did GT-HD have playable cars and bikes, or was that just a promo vid? I don't remember.

Input device: I believe most gt5 players use the ds3. The ds3 would be a very suitable input device. Even if you use a wheel for an input device, you don't have to use it exclusively.
Probably both are true, it would be absolutely silly to ride a bike with a wheel though.

Development time: obviously it would take some time, so will everything involved with the game. The amount of development time would only be a small fraction of the total development. As I said before, who knows what they have been working on since the release of gt5. Who knows it may already be done and ready?
How do you know it would be a small fraction? Dev much do you? I think we all know PD pretty well on this site, we know one thing, they are s l o o o o ow. Done already? :lol:

Collision model: seems pretty straight forward, you collide with stuff, or ride over your head on turns you crash. If they have a damage model for cars it would be pretty similar for bikes.
The model in gt5 is not so great, how will it be when cars and bikes are on the track at the same time? I wonder if we will be able to run our opponents over when they lay the bike down.
So, the same engine for both cars and bikes? TT had no cars, did GT-HD have playable cars and bikes, or was that just a promo vid? I don't remember.

Probably both are true, it would be absolutely silly to ride a bike with a wheel though.

How do you know it would be a small fraction? Dev much do you? I think we all know PD pretty well on this site, we know one thing, they are s l o o o o ow. Done already? :lol:

The model in gt5 is not so great, how will it be when cars and bikes are on the track at the same time? I wonder if we will be able to run our opponents over when they lay the bike down.

Same game / physics engine. Basically entering different values and parameters. and also taking gyroscopic effect into consideration.

I believe the HD vid was a promo video, but I'd did look like actual gameplay from the jerkiness if I remember correctly.

I don't do any development but I have a few friends across the pond that are quite knowledgeable about it. I know pd is slow, but with the potential income from sales, it doesn't seem like there is any reason they shouldn't step their game up this time. Hopefully that means adding some experts to their team.

If cars are on the track at the same time. It would seem to make sense to make the bike invisible to impact from a car. If a bike hits a car or another bike then whatever damage or collision would normally occur should still occur. Or have a realism slider available for collisions for those situations. Or keep cars and bikes separate except for arcade mode.
Same game / physics engine. Basically entering different values and parameters. And also taking gyroscopic effect into consideration.
I've only ever seen that done in simple arcade games and the bikes rode like cars.

I believe the HD vid was a promo video, but I'd did look like actual gameplay from the jerkiness if I remember correctly.
So, not played by the public then.

I don't do any development but I have a few friends across the pond that are quite knowledgeable about it. I know pd is slow, but with the potential income from sales, it doesn't seem like there is any reason they shouldn't step their game up this time. Hopefully that means adding some experts to their team.
We all have friends. Potential for more sales? I've never seen any marketing research to support that. We've been waiting a very long time for pd to 'step it up' and 'adding some experts'? They will always be the same pd imo.

If cars are on the track at the same time. It would seem to make sense to make the bike invisible to impact from a car. If a bike hits a car or another bike then whatever damage or collision would normally occur should still occur. Or have a realism slider available for collisions for those situations. Or keep cars and bikes separate except for arcade mode.
Ghosting solves all. And now we are back to arcade, so if bikes are restricted to arcade, might as well just make a separate game.

I have a feeling it is not at all as simple as you believe it to be. I also don't think it's going to happen.