No OCD Refresh or New Seasonals this week

  • Thread starter jmcleod
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People are only responding to what PD said they would do. No one held a gun to their head and made them promise, they did so of their own free will. So when they fail to live up to their OWN WORDS two weeks in a row people have a right to complain. Especially after waiting SIX YEARS for a game that needs seasonals added after three months to keep people interested and still hasnt got the features listed on the box that we paid for.

If someone promises something I want them to keep that promise, PD havent ergo the right to bring them to task on it. And I know its plus or minus one day as per the announcement but still, they arent doing what they said they would. Its fanboys like you, who would go shoulder deep in Kaz's lower colon if he ever came to a sudden halt, that should give your heads a wobble.

No doubt you will be wetting yourself with excitement at whatever non features we get tomorrow.
👍 The seasonals are independant of game updates, no excuses. As we say in the UK 'they could not organise a pi$$ up in a brewery'.
Go figure......

More complaining.
Sorry, but if you have so much disgust or unsatisfaction with the game (GT5), then quit playing it. No one is holding a gun to your head, making you play, are they? You have your own will-power to find interest in something else, if you're THAT upset with the game. Quit your complaining or gtfo.... my $.02

Was kind of hopeful that the OCD would have updated though as ifs kind off rubbish at the moment
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PD is rediculous. If they even have a PR department, and not just a drunk monkey sitting in front of a fax machine, then those idiots need to be fired asap.

Who in their right mind would issue a public statement that seasonals - which is the only thing still keeping the game interesting - will be updated weekly on Thursday, just to fail to keep up to that promise 2 of the next 3 weeks?!

At this point I m refusing to hope that there will be new seasonals or any other truly relevant things in the update tomorrow. If it even comes on time, maybe Kaz spontaneously decides again to take "a little break".

And to all the fanboys: There are things promised on the box of this game that came out on Nov.24th of last year that are still not in the game that you paid a lot of money for. It is a good game but PDs behaviour is just inacceptable and would make anybody else in the professional job world become unemployed.
PD is rediculous.
At this point I m refusing to hope that there will be new seasonals or any other truly relevant things in the update tomorrow. If it even comes on time, maybe Kaz spontaneously decides again to take "a little break".

And to all the fanboys: There are things promised on the box of this game that came out on Nov.24th of last year that are still not in the game that you paid a lot of money for. It is a good game but PDs behaviour is just inacceptable and would make anybody else in the professional job world become unemployed.

Calm down sunshine. GT5 is gonna get some love, and the things you were promised.
PD is rediculous. If they even have a PR department, and not just a drunk monkey sitting in front of a fax machine, then those idiots need to be fired asap.

Polyphony Digital does not have PR department. They have only official web-team responsible for managing Japanese section of web toghether with SCE Japan. Abroad section of that same web is managed by regional departments of SCE Global, with co-ordination with SCE Japan.

PR of GT series is handled through regional departments of publisher - Sony Computer Entertainment - such as SCEE and it's subsidiaries and SCEA. Each one of them have their PR manager especially linked to Gran Turismo series.

PD are not obliged by any mean to communicate with anybody and they are not obliged to anything PR related. They are just developer, not publisher. By buying the game you are buying it from publisher, not developer. I know this may sound vague, but in fact is is like that. You may like it or not, but it is your personal opinion.

If they communicate and when they communicate, they communicate on their own behalf, through channels on their disposal and under self-imposed boundaries of disclosure.

You can like it or not, but that does not change the fact it remains 100% their private decision.

They are obviously subjectively entitled to keeping everything under wraps all the time - as almost all of Japanese developers are. You may also like that or not, but it remains your personal opinion on that matter and no obligation of them.

Modern policy of western developers of establishing communication-channels with the customers is made on subject of decision, not obligation. We can argue about would it be "better" to apply such policies, but we're again talking about decision.

If you are not satisfied by their choice, you can reflect it on your future decisions will you support their products or not. But calling somebody at PD a "monkey" just because he have no real obligation to communicate with you is plain insult.

There are huge official communication channels on disposal through both Official PS forums and PS blogs at both SCEE and SCEA. There are people on the payrole there who are PR managers for Gran Turismo and whose job is to communicate GT titles to public.

If you want to know anything about the future of GT5, that is the official address to communicate your queries. You bought a game from Sony Computer Entertainment company and not PD. Thus, you should maybe reconsider target for your insults.
If you want to know anything about the future of GT5, that is the official address to communicate your queries. You bought a game from Sony Computer Entertainment company and not PD. Thus, you should maybe reconsider target for your insults.

The in-game news announcement of a schedule for seasonal events followed by the abandonment of that schedule (which they'd been keeping to nicely before they felt the need to tell us about it) might not qualify for insults, but it certainly qualifies for ridicule and contempt.
@ amar: read my post again - I didnt insult anybody as a monkey. I wrote "IF they have a PR department..." and if you are right and they dont, nobody got insulted.

But, though you are certainly right about the part that I m buying a game from SCEE, not PD, I m having a hard time believing that PD isnt responsible for the In-game-messages. And its its those that make me angry. Not the advertisement, the shipping or something else SCEE is clearly responsible for.
Jesus christ guys! Do you really have THAT LITTLE going on it your lives that you have to make an issue out of this? I mean, come one. Get a life and see the world, the fact that an update is late should mean a sum total of zero to all of us who actually have other things to be getting on with.

FLX1981 - Seriously dude, who cares. Deal with it.
Just quit!

Move on!

I was excited enough to check. I didn't buy the game to let a rubber band race for me. If you don't care enough to drive yourself then just move on.
It makes me so happy that my opinion is important enough to bother you.

Words on the interweb = serious business
Jesus christ guys! Do you really have THAT LITTLE going on it your lives that you have to make an issue out of this? I mean, come one. Get a life and see the world, the fact that an update is late should mean a sum total of zero to all of us who actually have other things to be getting on with.

FLX1981 - Seriously dude, who cares. Deal with it.


I have to agree, so much angst over seasonal events being late. Come on people, there's plenty to do in the game. Seasonal events were never promised, and thus should be enjoyed as a bonus. It's a great game, admittedly it has some flaws, but what game doesn't and PD seem to be working on fixing most of the problems.
Jesus christ guys! Do you really have THAT LITTLE going on it your lives that you have to make an issue out of this? I mean, come one. Get a life and see the world, the fact that an update is late should mean a sum total of zero to all of us who actually have other things to be getting on with.

FLX1981 - Seriously dude, who cares. Deal with it.

And you have SO LITTLE going on in you life that you have to run around telling people how they should feel about things? I would say you have less going on in your life than his. He is on the forum posting about something he cares about and you are here reading about something that "should mean a sum total of zero to all of us who actually have other things to be getting on with."

Our lives >>>>>>>>>>>your life

I have to agree, so much angst over seasonal events being late. Come on people, there's plenty to do in the game. Seasonal events were never promised, and thus should be enjoyed as a bonus. It's a great game, admittedly it has some flaws, but what game doesn't and PD seem to be working on fixing most of the problems.

Yes they were. They were as regular as my morning bathroom break after my 1st cup of coffee up until they made such promise then they have been late both weeks since.

I'm looking more forward to the update than the new seasonals but it does bother me when someone promises something and then doesn't deliver.
I do feel that there is some mirth to be had from the fact it ran like clockwork until they mentioned it. Since then they've failed to get it right.

It's like screaming "PERFECT LAP, PERFECT LAP!" and then smashing into a wall on the last corner.
And you have SO LITTLE going on in you life that you have to run around telling people how they should feel about things? I would say you have less going on in your life than his. He is on the forum posting about something he cares about and you are here reading about something that "should mean a sum total of zero to all of us who actually have other things to be getting on with."

Our lives >>>>>>>>>>>your life
LOLing SOOOO hard right now. I'm sat here surfing on the iPhone on my lunch break while I wait in one of our A31 Cefiro drift car's for my students to finish their lunch, then I'm back to an afternoon of being paid to teach people to drift cars IN REAL LIFE, so yeah, I really think you might want to re-evaluate that statement LMFAO
Yes they were. They were as regular as my morning bathroom break after my 1st cup of coffee up until they made such promise then they have been late both weeks since.

I'm looking more forward to the update than the new seasonals but it does bother me when someone promises something and then doesn't deliver.

If you're referring to the news item about seasonals two weeks ago, you may remember it did say +/- day, so by your own standard the seasonals will be within the 'promised' time frame if they appear tomorrow.

When I said seasonals were never promised I was referring to the fact that weekly updates to the game were never promised at the time you purchased the game. Thus IMO they are an added bonus.
Oh no, is the end of the world... save childrens and ladies first :D

I hope update 18th feb will include the so-expected S.E.
LOLing SOOOO hard right now. I'm sat here surfing on the iPhone on my lunch break while I wait in one of our A31 Cefiro drift car's for my students to finish their lunch, then I'm back to an afternoon of being paid to teach people to drift cars IN REAL LIFE, so yeah, I really think you might want to re-evaluate that statement LMFAO

lol at drifting. If it requires a judge it isn't a sport. This is my week off before our team (indy car) heads to Florida for 3 weeks of testing. Keep up the ballet lessons though, I bet it is a blast.

Seriously though, I bet it is fun. :)
lol at drifting. If it requires a judge it isn't a sport. This is my week off before our team (indy car) heads to Florida for 3 weeks of testing. Keep up the ballet lessons though, I bet it is a blast.

Seriously though, I bet it is fun. :)

Grip racing is cool, and if it was cheap, or if I had a million in the bank, I'd be racing, but it isn't, and I don't, so I drift. Plus, you can't drive an Indy car on the street, whereas I get to do my 'ballet' every single day of my life. :D

Besides, when I'm spectating, drift wins every time, drifting is to racing what FMX is to tour de france and what Snowboarding in a half-pipe is to downhill racing, you can't say one requires less skill and is worthy of less repect just because it requires a judge, and I'd far rather watch a half-pipe snowboard comp or FMX over T.d.F and downhill skiing ANY DAY LOL

Anyway, point being, if you really work for an Indy car team, don't you have better things to do than sit staring at your PS waiting for more events to arrive?
And you have SO LITTLE going on in you life that you have to run around telling people how they should feel about things? I would say you have less going on in your life than his. He is on the forum posting about something he cares about and you are here reading about something that "should mean a sum total of zero to all of us who actually have other things to be getting on with."

Our lives >>>>>>>>>>>your life
You're both cluttering a useful forum with complaints, and that does not benefit this site.

Remember this site is private. If you keep the complaining up and enough people report you, you may not be welcome here anymore. I'm not a moderator, I'm just an average member who wants to discuss GT5 without all the complaints.
Grip racing is cool, and if it was cheap, or if I had a million in the bank, I'd be racing, but it isn't, and I don't, so I drift. Plus, you can't drive an Indy car on the street, whereas I get to do my 'ballet' every single day of my life. :D

Besides, when I'm spectating, drift wins every time, drifting is to racing what FMX is to tour de france and what Snowboarding in a half-pipe is to downhill racing, you can't say one requires less skill and is worthy of less repect just because it requires a judge, and I'd far rather watch a half-pipe snowboard comp or FMX over T.d.F and downhill skiing ANY DAY LOL

Anyway, point being, if you really work for an Indy car team, don't you have better things to do than sit staring at your PS waiting for more events to arrive?

The drifting is cool, i was just giving you some grief. And no, I have nothing else to do right now. Next week I will be at it non stop until the end of October but at least the PS3 goes on the road with me....but not my wheel.:guilty:
There's too much off-topic to even begin sifting through. The OCD update will come when it comes, closing.

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