On which plattform do you think/do you want GT6 to be released?

  • Thread starter ch3ng

PS3 or PS4?

  • I want a PS3 release, but think it'll be on PS4

    Votes: 167 28.1%
  • I want a PS3 release and think it'll be released on PS3

    Votes: 200 33.7%
  • I want a PS4 release and think it'll be released on PS4.

    Votes: 141 23.7%
  • I want a PS4 release, but think it'll be on PS3

    Votes: 42 7.1%
  • I don't care

    Votes: 44 7.4%

  • Total voters
The PS3 engine for GT is ready to rock and roll! GT5 was a disappointment, but at least now they have the fully developed engine. Phew, took PD long enough!

Now, it's all about "adding applications to that already existing system", as Kaz mentioned.

Livery editor is a good 'application'. So is an event generator.

Add 3 years of development time for new cars and tracks, events, online upgrades, and you got yourself a solid GT6.

Then, you can release it in 2013, and now have a comfortable time to create a new engine for PS4.

TGS 2012- Show a GT6 trailer. Couple that with Sony's new PS3 slim and you may have a huge launch in PS3 sales. They only trail Xbox 360's by some 3 million units.

Sony, do you agree? Can you even hear me?
@ large (geddit?): ;)

The PS4 is going to be super expensive.
Why? Just because the PS3 was so expensive? Well, why was PS3 so pricey at launch? Do you guys even remember?
  • The Cell and its Broadband Engine was cutting edge octo-core chip tech running at a blistering 3.2ghz, when quad-core CPUs were still rather new, or yet to be produced (2005). And 3ghz CPUs were high dollar, even with bulk OEM PC versions.
  • PS3 used high speed, boutique for the time, XDR Dram for system memory, and GDDR3 graphics ram for the RSX GPU. Even in bulk raw chips, it wasn't cheap to begin with.
  • The Blu-ray drive was bleeding edge tech, and worse, the necessary blue-violet laser diodes were in short supply for several months, making the optical drive very expensive, and in short supply through late 2006.
These are the reasons why PS3 was so expensive for a year, and in short supply - it didn't even release in Europe until spring 2007.

These days, high speed (3ghz) multicore CPUs - Cell or whatever, polycore GPUs and fast ram are almost cheap as chips, if you'll pardon the pun. The GPU will probably be a core chipset of slightly modified design, and not bleeding edge, as you won't likely ever run any games beyond 1080p, or one HD step up, but then I'm not sure what standards HDTVs are shooting for by 2015. I think HDTV is going to remain at 1080p for the foreseeable future, but with framerates of 60-240hz. The system will likely use 6GB or less of ram, and as I say, fast ram OEM bulk chips not manufactured on cards for PCs isn't very much these days.

We don't know for sure what the optical drive will be, but will likely be a multi-layer, much faster Blu-ray drive, and you can get writable Blu-ray drives as cheap as $70 for PC, and those are single unit manufactured for installation into PCs with cases, not raw base drive units SONY would manufacture in massive numbers for PS4. 1TB SATA III laptop hard drives are less than $110, and again, are single unit drives, not bulk purchase drives, and who knows how much less they will cost next year? SSD is sexy and all, but I doubt that SONY is going to stuff a big SS drive in PS4. If anything, a small affordable SSD could be used for precaching game loads, but I doubt this will happen.

The only thing I can think of that might bump up the price substantially is some ridiculously powerful controller system like some combo of the Wii-U controller with a Kinecty device, which I'm very doubtful will happen. If anything, Vita will be an optional input device in this regard. So I expect an upper tier PS4 will cost between $399-449 US, which was roughly the launch price of the 360.

PS4 is going to be hard to program for, so any games will be sucky for some time.

PS3 was designed by Ken Kutaragi, along with engineers from IBM, SONY and I believe Toshiba, and the whole purpose was to create a true next gen power CPU with sky-high performance as the primary design goal. As a result, they came up with an elegant but cantankerous system which gave many coders headaches, even with SONY partners helping school each other.

PS4, its OS and tools have been designed from the start with extensive input from key SONY developers.

GT5 was SO bad that GT6 may not sell well on a PS4.
Yeah, sure, if we never see anything of it. ;)

Expect it to be a platinum pre-seller just like Prologue and GT5, and to sell like mad in the first year.
@ large (geddit?): ;)

PS3 was designed by Ken Kutaragi, along with engineers from IBM, SONY and I believe Toshiba, and the whole purpose was to create a true next gen power CPU with sky-high performance as the primary design goal. As a result, they came up with an elegant but cantankerous system which gave many coders headaches, even with SONY partners helping school each other.

PS4, its OS and tools have been designed from the start with extensive input from key SONY developers.
In case people don't know or remember.

April 2006
1UP: Since Sony has restructured its various divisions, your job has changed. How does your day to day job differ from what it used to be when you were just in charge of Polyphony?

Kazunori Yamauchi: The change may not be huge, but there is in fact a change to my day to day activities. Previously, I was 100% in charge of Polyphony and that was all I had to worry about, but currently maybe 30% of my day to day activities represent SCE corporate or overall PlayStation business planning or strategies -- things like that.
Indeed. And if you guys have forgotten, last year it was rumored that a SONY developer was working exclusively on a PS4 game, or games. Likely candidates were Santa Monica Studios, Guerrilla Games, Naughty Dog and Polyphony.
I believe gamescom is next week, which we're still waiting for the two new exclusive game announcements from Sony. If GT6 isn't announced at Gamescom, I doubt GT6 will be on the current generation platform, unless we see something from TGS (which I doubt).

If Tenacious D's speculations is true, regarding graphical issues, I don't see GT6 being on the current generation. There's other features that PD needs to work on. Livery editor seems like one of the most important feature that us fans, including me wants to see. Livery editor is basically a new software, which may take PD a while to implement, unless they started working on this feature before GT5 release.

I don't see PD fixing all of the graphical issues (in my opinion), concerning the lighting, pixelated smoke, raing drops that doesn't look realistic. If they release GT6 on the ps3 with the same graphical issues, people will be disappointed.

Personally, I wouldn't mind whether GT6 be on the current or next generation platform. If it releases on the current, I'm sure GT6 will be like GT5 with more features like GT4. If it's on next gen, then I would expect more features and better/more graphical features.
I have a feeling it will be PS3. Sony isn't going to release the PS4 that soon.

But also, PD isn't going to release GT6 that soon so... who knows.
I doubt ps4 will be announced in the next 2 years

It will, next year at E3 IMO. Look at the current plan for game releases, unless I'm wrong there aren't any current gen games set for release after Q3 2013 or thereabouts. There are some with just '2013' release dates, but no firm dates. In the past you'd get games given release dates 18 months ahead of time or more, now nobody is going beyond mid 2013. That leads me personally to believe they're winding down current gen production and moving onto next gen games ready for late 2013 or early 2014. That's also when most industry "experts" have it down for. It certainly won't be another two years from now before it's even announced, no way.
I think most big companies will be working hard on sapping the most out of the ps3
Being this far into the cycle, they know what they can do with it, how they can get the most out of it, and how beat to utilize it. In my opinion, they are working on big singular titles, that are taking up most of their resources. Like rockstar and gta5.
Battlefield 4 will most like be on ps3 because they have just built an entirely new engine for it, they wouldn't want to use that for 1 game and ditch it, and that hasn't even been announced yet!
So I'm still putting my money on ps3, and I believe that PD will work on an amazing engine to run gt6 perfectly with ps3. Why would they want to risk ruining it by trying to make it for ps4? They wouldn't fully know the capabilities of a playstation 4 like they do the ps3! It would take them a good year or two after the release to perfect it!
Tenacious D
Expect it to be a platinum pre-seller just like Prologue and GT5, and to sell like mad in the first year.

I'm assuming your talking about it being released on PS4 with this quote.

GT5 is approaching 8 million units in sales. This is on an install base of approximately 65 million PS3s. So roughly 1/8 PS3 owners bought the game.

With PS4 I think Sony would be happy to sell 10 million consoles in the first year. If 1/8 of those people buy GT6 you're looking at 1.5 million copies. Lets say 1/4 PS4 owners buy GT6 in the first year because the software lineup isnt that great and they pick up a game they usually might not have. Even then thats just 3 million copies sold, well below the 5 million GT5 sold in 2 weeks or the 8 million its sitting at now.

GT6 on PS4 will never come close to matching GT6 on PS3 sales.

In the short run GT6 on PS4 makes sense, but in the long run I believe GT6 on PS3 will benefit everybody. Unhappy GT5 owners dont have to buy a $300+ console to play it. PD gets an even bigger payday because most of GT5 will transfer over to GT6 easing their workload and creation time thus increasing profits.

And I maintain that GT6 can be much better then GT5 on the same hardware. In the 99% of requests have nothing to do with graphics. People want fun modes like online auctions, drag racing, and a livery editor. They want to customize their car with more rims, kits, and parts. Some of or most of the best ideas in the wishlist thread dont need PS4 horsepower. The graphics are overkill as it is. More then 16 cars on track and other PS4 quality things would be nice, but arent as wanted as other features.

GT5 was an amazing game in it's own right. While Forza is generally praised as having more features then GT, GT5 had some great unique features in it's own right. Course editor, rally racing, endurance racing, weather and time change, B-Spec. The problem is these werent executed properly. They dont need new hardware to do that on GT6.
I think most big companies will be working hard on sapping the most out of the ps3
Being this far into the cycle, they know what they can do with it, how they can get the most out of it, and how beat to utilize it. In my opinion, they are working on big singular titles, that are taking up most of their resources. Like rockstar and gta5.
Battlefield 4 will most like be on ps3 because they have just built an entirely new engine for it, they wouldn't want to use that for 1 game and ditch it, and that hasn't even been announced yet!
So I'm still putting my money on ps3, and I believe that PD will work on an amazing engine to run gt6 perfectly with ps3. Why would they want to risk ruining it by trying to make it for ps4? They wouldn't fully know the capabilities of a playstation 4 like they do the ps3! It would take them a good year or two after the release to perfect it!

Oh I agree with you on that point, I certainly want another GT game on PS3 before moving onto PS4 and I do believe it will come in late 2013 but if it does, it has to be announced soon. The longer it goes without being announced, the less change we have of it being a PS3 game.
@SimonK I agree with your point regarding about PD's announcement. If they don't make an announcement by TGS arrives, GT6 may not be out by 2013. which is possible that the title will be on the ps4, unless GT6 gets announced at gamescom next week. If not, I'll doubt GT6 being a 2013 release.
Oh I agree with you on that point, I certainly want another GT game on PS3 before moving onto PS4 and I do believe it will come in late 2013 but if it does, it has to be announced soon. The longer it goes without being announced, the less change we have of it being a PS3 game.

A timeline I think we will see

2012 TGS - Announcement & Teaser Trailer. After that expect a steady stream of new pics and info until E3 2013 where there will be a full blowout and a release date. Release Date will be Sept-Nov 2013
Battlefield 4 will most like be on ps3 because they have just built an entirely new engine for it, they wouldn't want to use that for 1 game and ditch it, and that hasn't even been announced yet!

BF4 will be a PS3 game, but it is still possible that we see a PS4 release too. The engine for BF3 and 4 was build for the future. BF3 on the Computer is a Next Gen game.

We need to hear an announcement soon or i believe it'll be a PS4 game. I think the PS4 will be announced 2013 and released holiday 2013 or 2014.
Wait, think of this. When the PS3 came out, it was such a flop they just sold games for both systems. That is why we have games like Transformers and Spider-Man 3 on PS2 and PS3.
What are the chances of having it on BOTH PS3 and PS4?
Wait, think of this. When the PS3 came out, it was such a flop they just sold games for both systems. That is why we have games like Transformers and Spider-Man 3 on PS2 and PS3.
What are the chances of having it on BOTH PS3 and PS4?

None existent. Look at those two games you mentioned and how they differ from GT.

Also PS2 games continued to be made because of the huge userbase, PS3 isn't the same.
BF4 will be a PS3 game, but it is still possible that we see a PS4 release too. The engine for BF3 and 4 was build for the future. BF3 on the Computer is a Next Gen game.

We need to hear an announcement soon or i believe it'll be a PS4 game. I think the PS4 will be announced 2013 and released holiday 2013 or 2014.
Define gens in pc gaming
Windows 8 came out this month. That will probably come with waves of new hardware and software that can use it to its fullest potential.
Software usually follows the hardware.
Btw, many games run on multiple OS.
And what's revolutionary?

Maybe this defines it:
  1. electro-mechanic
  2. fully electronic (transistors, etc.)
  3. integrated
  4. highintegrated
  5. linked (1985-...)
  6. ....
    (hope you understand it)
Or maybe the change to the x86 architecture or the multi core technology. Perhaps the invention of optical drives (cd, dvd, etc.) and other storage medias (magnetband,hdd, ssd, etc...). There's more like the first GPU, the internet, etc.

I'm sorry, but windows 8 as a simple OS can't stand for a new generation in the computer technology.
Windows 8 came out this month. That will probably come with waves of new hardware and software that can use it to its fullest potential.

OS has nothing to do with gaming advances. There isn't really a gen in PC except maybe the DirectX progressions.
I'd really love it to be on PS3, because if it does come out on the PS4, I can't get it because my family is too poor to buy a PS4.
Windows 8 is potentially the biggest step backwards for PC gaming in a long time. They're trying to close it all off, and it's that openness that makes PC gaming what it is. Microsoft stopped caring about PC gaming a long time ago; it's now about the controlled environment and encapsulated services (which is why Windows 8 is getting its own "Appstore" - it's not software any more, it's "apps".) It's all part of a bigger plan towards "brand bubbles" (once you're in it, it's all you see), which possibly Apple pioneered, and everyone else, including Sony and the telecomms guys, want a part of.

DirectX is basically running out of things to change; DX9 still does enough to look great today, and DX10 and 11 add nothing of real value for the end user. A bit like how CPU architecture is pretty much converged, so will the GPU and, further, the two will actually re-converge to be on the same chip again eventually. From that point on, it's just optimisations instead of the sea-changes of the past.
I'm still putting my money on ps3, and I believe that PD will work on an amazing engine to run gt6 perfectly with ps3. Why would they want to risk ruining it by trying to make it for ps4? They wouldn't fully know the capabilities of a playstation 4 like they do the ps3! It would take them a good year or two after the release to perfect it!
You're forgetting I mentioned that developers were involved in the creation of PS4. No matter what the basis for the architecture is, whatever CPU, whatever GPU, even how much ram and how it's based is going to be tailor made for developers, BY developers, so it's going to be pretty basic to jump in and create games. And with far more available ram and power, the games will be better. How much better will be up to debate, because games from this gen do look amazing - minus Wii which is really just last gen overclocked. But there's one thing you can bet on. Nasty particle effects, screen tearing and slowdown won't have much chance of happening on a PS4. How many cars on track at once? Jeepers, who knows? Assuming Obama and the other idiot world leaders don't destroy the world economy before 2013, anyhow...

I'm assuming your talking about it being released on PS4 with this quote.

GT5 is approaching 8 million units in sales. This is on an install base of approximately 65 million PS3s. So roughly 1/8 PS3 owners bought the game.

With PS4 I think Sony would be happy to sell 10 million consoles in the first year. If 1/8 of those people buy GT6 you're looking at 1.5 million copies. Lets say 1/4 PS4 owners buy GT6 in the first year because the software lineup isnt that great and they pick up a game they usually might not have. Even then thats just 3 million copies sold, well below the 5 million GT5 sold in 2 weeks or the 8 million its sitting at now.

GT6 on PS4 will never come close to matching GT6 on PS3 sales.
Woah... I would never say that.

There's one thing you have to keep in mind: the fan base is the fan base. They won't go away because of... well, anything. Gran Turismo has always sold at around 10 million games over time, Prologues aside. In fact, GT5 Prologue sold even faster initially than GT4 did, when the PS3 only had around 20 million units sold, versus 70 million PS2s when GT4 launched. Even at only selling 5.3 million copies as of 12/2011, GT5 Prologue is the second highest selling PS3 game, only eclipsed by GT5 itself.

Recall how many people remarked on message boards like ours here that they would only buy a PS3 when the GT game came out. When Prologue was released, even the Japanese version, sales of PS3s jumped considerably worldwide, as did Logitech wheel controllers. It happened again when Prologue was launched regionally around the world. And the PS3 was still selling for $349 for the smaller unit.

If anyone thinks this won't happen again, or that GT6 won't sell huge numbers of PS4s... you'll be surprised.
GT5 is approaching 8 million units in sales. This is on an install base of approximately 65 million PS3s. So roughly 1/8 PS3 owners bought the game.

Probably 10 since it is still getting sales because of being a major franchise (not updated data) and there are special (expensive) and new editions of the game (xl and gt:a), which also should count but there's no info on those.

Add gt5: prologue to the equation (around 6 million) and it's absolutely clear the gran turismo series is still the best selling playstation exclusive franchise.

And now there's DLC too. The first pack got more than 1 million sales.
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I hope PS4, not for the waiting time but you already notice limitations with GT5 on the PS3 was. I don't see how this will improve for GT6.