Server maintenance??

  • Thread starter AMH_
Can the title of this threat be changed to: 'I am salty and like to tell the world how silly I am over a game'?

The servers being overfull is pretty common for newly released game, I just cannot understand why most of you have to cry about it so much. Obviously PD does not want this either.
Way to completely miss the point there buddy. The frustration isn't at the server being overloaded, it's the fact you cannot access practically any feature without being connected to the server. REGARDLESS of internet connection/crashing servers. It's that you can't access garage, dealerships, campaign, photo mode. Nothing but arcade.
Can the title of this threat be changed to: 'I am salty and like to tell the world how silly I am over a game'?

The servers being overfull is pretty common for newly released game, I just cannot understand why most of you have to cry about it so much. Obviously PD does not want this either.
We've only been waiting for a game we should of had last year... And there really isn't much to do when the server is down. Kaz whole 15% of the game is online is BS.

Much to be pissed about. I can't even finish painting my cars...
Can the title of this threat be changed to: 'I am salty and like to tell the world how silly I am over a game'?

The servers being overfull is pretty common for newly released game, I just cannot understand why most of you have to cry about it so much. Obviously PD does not want this either.

That isn't the point of contention whatsoever, so that's one thing. I'm seeing this mentality prevailing more and more and I'm just aghast that people are just readily capable to settle for mediocrity in any facet, entertainment or otherwise. You and others like you need to learn to differentiate between criticism, complaints, and nonsensical verbiage.

More to the point at hand: the servers aren't overly congested, they're flat out unavailable because of maintenance. The actual point of criticism is the game is, for all intents and purpose, useless as a result. The game can't save anything, meaning any progress made prior is lost should you exit the game. Any mode not named "Arcade" is also wholly unavailable, that includes Scapes which has no online functionality to speak of; same goes for the livery editor.
"Online features such as Sport mode not available"

should say "Nothing is available at ALL work except Arcade. Have a nice day! BTW dont quit to play something else cos you will use all that hard work you cant save"
Could you imagine the Steam refunds if GT was on PC...

Probably give no mans sky a run for its money.

Yet now NMS is so much fun and a lot more refined. Really hoping GT Sport ends with the same result, the online only issue is a major bug bear though..
Still down for me 30 mins After it was supposed to be back. What a steaming pile. Did 5 'pro' arcade races, non of them saved got network errors every time.
To add insult to injury that link above has been REMOVED!

Is it back on for anyone else? DO I have to quit the game and lose a level and money and hour and half dang arcade results to get back?

The page you are looking for was not found.

The cool thing is, not only cant you save anymore, but when you're back online all the things are gone.
All your pictures you've taken, liveries, replays and maybe some earned credit.....GONE! And I guess that's forever gone!?

Glad there are no 24h races right now. Just imagine winning it and it didn't save :scared:
Mine was up 30 mins before it was meant to be. I've noticed that trying to reconnect to the server from the GT Sport menu doesn't work for me, but restarting my PS4 does. Had to restart my PS4 at least 10 times during the demo to reconnect, but it seems to be getting better every day so far.
Can the title of this threat be changed to: 'I am salty and like to tell the world how silly I am over a game'?

The servers being overfull is pretty common for newly released game, I just cannot understand why most of you have to cry about it so much. Obviously PD does not want this either.
I think this is one of the most ridiculous comments I have read on these boards. PD launched their new game game this week, a game in which they took the design decision to only allow one small part to be played when you or their servers are offline. And even then any rewards from said mode can't be kept because they don't allow you to save progress if you or their servers are offline. In the first three days of the game being available we have had multiple instances of their infrastructure letting us down meaning people can't play and in some instance lose hours worth of game progress because they couldn't save their progress. People are rightly upset about this. However, you post blaming those complaining as being 'salty' whilst giving the architects of this ridiculous situation a free pass.
I love the game when it's working but it's a matter of fact that it's inferior to Forza 7 in every respect and it's all because GT Sport is definitely incomplete, lacking cars and very, very weak. I know there'll be DLC so I'm hopeful it'll get very interesting and updates will make things better.
When they announced that profiles were entirely online based, I didn't mind because my internet is usually fairly reliable.........I didn't consider that it would be PD's end that would be unreliable! It is a bit of a cock up, especially when they had the demo, presumably to sort out issues like this in time for launch. I'm just glad I have other games to keep me busy at the moment.

in years when the server is taken down for good..the whole game is lost forever

Not necessarily, there's always the possibility that PD could update the game at the end of its life to move everything offline. I don't know if that would be likely, but it is possible. They did this in a small way with GT5, where an update allowed re-downloading DLC that became unavailable when the servers shut down. I think there are other games that have had comprehensive server shutdown updates, but I'm not sure about that.
Even if the servers are up when you start playing, this fear of them not being up a while later and you will lose progress is not fun. :(

One of the deepest core elements of any type of game should be to relax and have fun. And that one is in jeopardy here. Sony/PD should fix this with the absolute highest priority.
Even if the servers are up when you start playing, this fear of them not being up a while later and you will lose progress is not fun. :(

One of the deepest core elements of any type of game should be to relax and have fun. And that one is in jeopardy here. Sony/PD should fix this with the absolute highest priority.

There is nothing to fix mate.Its simple:
Servers up and running:you can play the game
Servers down (for whatever reason):you cant play the game.
There are other games that work the same way.
For MMORPGs or other online worlds it makes sense, for a racing game with a livery editor, photomode and singleplayer challenges it doesn’t.

I did not write that it make sense or that it is a good choice.
I was just pointing out that it was their choice.So there is nothing to fix since they wanted it that way in the first place (for good or worse till servers are down,or taken down when GTS 2 is in the market).
I did not write that it make sense or that it is a good choice.
I was just pointing out that it was their choice.So there is nothing to fix since they wanted it that way in the first place (for good or worse till servers are down,or taken down when GTS 2 is in the market).

It was their choice yes, but it can be their choice again to change it if they see the overwhelming negative feedback on this particular aspect. Something tells me it’s not going to stay in its current form.
It was their choice yes, but it can be their choice again to change it if they see the overwhelming negative feedback on this particular aspect. Something tells me it’s not going to stay in its current form.
I think its too late mate for changes to happen.
I think its too late mate for changes to happen.

It depends. The infrastructure of the online saving itself exists and it probably is what it is. But if they could add a temporary local save just for when the servers are down that would already go a long way to prevent people losing hours of time in the livery editor or endurance races. And it would at least not have people worried that whatever they are doing in the game is not going to be saved.

I remember back when I played MMORPGs there were countdown timer notifications informing you that servers would come down for maintenance. In its current shape GT:Sport definitely needs that as well, a simple Twitter message isn’t enough IMO.
It depends. The infrastructure of the online saving itself exists and it probably is what it is. But if they could add a temporary local save just for when the servers are down that would already go a long way to prevent people losing hours of time in the livery editor or endurance races. And it would at least not have people worried that whatever they are doing in the game is not going to be saved.

I remember back when I played MMORPGs there were countdown timer notifications informing you that servers would come down for maintenance. In its current shape GT:Sport definitely needs that as well, a simple Twitter message isn’t enough IMO.

I agree mate (for the most part) but again I dont think its gonna happen.
PD/Sony send unlocked local saves to reviewers (mentioned in here or gaf somewhere) so it is indeed possible to change.

You dont get my point.It is possible to change (it can happen) but it wont because they wont change their decision about it.
Its not a question if it is possible but if they are willing to change it.
That isn't the point of contention whatsoever, so that's one thing. I'm seeing this mentality prevailing more and more and I'm just aghast that people are just readily capable to settle for mediocrity in any facet, entertainment or otherwise. You and others like you need to learn to differentiate between criticism, complaints, and nonsensical verbiage.

More to the point at hand: the servers aren't overly congested, they're flat out unavailable because of maintenance. The actual point of criticism is the game is, for all intents and purpose, useless as a result. The game can't save anything, meaning any progress made prior is lost should you exit the game. Any mode not named "Arcade" is also wholly unavailable, that includes Scapes which has no online functionality to speak of; same goes for the livery editor.

I get -and agree- that it is annoying that very few parts are accessible when the servers are down. When the servers are down... Obviously PD imagined a better uptime of the servers, but now at a critical stage of the lifetime of the game most are already calling bs (the "criticism" in your words, I was referring to).

The point is, the servers are currently a bottleneck in the game. PD definitely noticed, so give them some time to fix it. There is no need to call bs already.

Side-question: who caused people to be so hyped for the game? PD or the people themselves?