Street Racing

  • Thread starter Joey D

What do you think of street racing?

  • I love it

    Votes: 58 53.7%
  • I hate it

    Votes: 29 26.9%
  • Whats street racing

    Votes: 2 1.9%
  • I don't care

    Votes: 19 17.6%

  • Total voters
We also have a problem in NZ with street racing. There is an illegal drags that run on Friday night and Sat night. They move it around making it hard for the cops to track them down. Usually they get busted up by the cops sooner or later.

What is happening though is because of this the city councils and our wonderful government are now cracking down hard on all performance car enthusisats. While I have like the idea of getting tough to make the roads safer, but at what cost to the enthusisast who does not participate let alone condone this type of behaviour.

There are so many ways to release your need for speed. Tracks are open for the public to go on and race. Here in Auckland we have Pukey and Meremere. A ciruit and drag strip. They run open days and the drag strip is running nearly every weekend either by a car club or regular meet.

I guess I just can see the sense in it at all. Being dangerous not only for yourself but for every other motorist on the road.
Well the reason people street race is because it's illegal. If they made it legal then no one would. Also people race because it usally cost money to run your car down a strip so its cheaper to go to a local road and do it. I still go down to a local hang out, but I don't race. I just show off my ride, do some liquid dancing, and check out the chicks ;) Thats about it. But the cops are being bastards and won't even let us hang out at a K-Mart or Wal-Mart. We sometimes chill at my house but my parents make us leave at 11pm. So we usally just roll the streets.
I used to race every friday and saturday night from 11pm till 4am in San Diego....used to run a Turbo-ed B16 Del Sol.

Now I live in LA, and I only hit the races to park and watch till about 1-2am....just when it starts getting good. Nicer car now too....CL with an H22. Nice to just sit and watch and not worry about losing my car for a weed and paying $2k to get it out of impound.

Gotta love the adrenelin rush when you win. Wheeeeew goddamn i miss racing.

I'll still freeway race. Late nights on runs to San Diego at around 11pm-1am.....seems like there's ZERO cops on the 5 Freeway all the way from the 10 down to around to Oceanside....but around La Costa exit, seems we always attract a couple CHP on our tails. It seems there's always a couple cars leaving LA on the 5 at around midnight that are quite willing to have a littel run at 120+.

Running from the Federali at 100+ down the backroads in Tijuana is quite the experience too.
Originally posted by rufrgt_sn00pie2001
Buy a racing kart! Geez.

Not many places to really open them up, especially out in San Diego and LA....the 2 biggest street racing cities in CA (plus Ontario/Pomona).

I had a couple carts when I lived in South Dakota. I think that sparked my love for speed. Had a few tracks build out in the country...big tracks hand build on bro's farms. Willow Springs and Laguna remind me a lot of those tracks. Gotta love those screaming 2-stroke motors. :(
I never tried freeway racing. The freeway's are loaded with cops around here. They are really cracking down on the racers around here. Thats one of the things that made me quit the race scene.

I still could get ticketed for hangin out but **** the cops. There always on my ass about my car. Just cause I have a nice car doesn't mean you should pull me over.

Well and I might be getting rid of my car soon. I think I burned something out. I'm going to look at it tonight and see whats wrong with it. Also I need to put some new brakes on it.

Thats ok though cause that means I'll just be getting a truck sooner. I can't wait :D
Damn a stock bike runs that fast. My god thats insane. Talk about a super crotch rocket :lol:
Haro's are good bikes, I used to race a DiamondBack when I raced BMX years back.

After that, I started building lowrider bikes in my garage......MMMmmmm that was fun. I built some freakin dope looking bikes. Nice Bondo-Tanks. Nice Kandy-Paint.

The nicest bikes South Dakota's ever seen.

Then I moved to San Diego and started racing real cars.

What was my point?
Originally posted by streetracer780
Hmmm...what do bikes and street racing have in common?

They're both discussed in this thread?

Yeah I've got a Haro - Shredder about 5 years old.

And i used to street race motorcycles..... Illegal as hell.

GSX550, GSXR1100 then GSXR750 then a GPz1100 which i still have although i don't use it anymore.

And yes, i have out run the police and yes i have buried a mate and yes a guy i was racing died.

And no i don't race street anymore.
I raced a few bikes. I never could beat em though. They were always way to quick.

I thankfully never had to bury a friend or witness death. I also was lucky enough to not get caught. Good thing I stopped when I did.