Street Racing

  • Thread starter Joey D

What do you think of street racing?

  • I love it

    Votes: 58 53.7%
  • I hate it

    Votes: 29 26.9%
  • Whats street racing

    Votes: 2 1.9%
  • I don't care

    Votes: 19 17.6%

  • Total voters
I've test riden the new Ducati a couple times, can't say I'm impressed. The new R1 Yamaha is really, really phuking fast...but much like the old Ducati's, very uncomfortable for the 20min rides on the freeway to the gym. I still really love the large displacement Suzuki's.....except for the Hayabusa(sp?), just too ****ing heavy, like the ZX11.
That's not the only thing by the looks of it.
Shocking thread.
"Oh, TFATF sucked.." blah blah. I haven't read the whole thread, but you don't drive a green Eclipse do you?
Street Racing is stupid, where ever you do it. Fact is, you don't know what's going to be round the corner.
Go to a Cruise. Best thing to do. Park up, and just chill with your friends and talk car, and show off your car. No need to be an ass.
Well no I drive a Gray Eclipse Spyder.

I don't race anymore. Well I do drive pretty fast but never drag race someone else.

TF&TF did suck. I found so many things wrong with that movie.

My veiw on Street Racing now is that I really don't care whether you do it or not. Its not my problem nor should it be anyone elses. If that person wants to be an ass an race on the street oh well I can't stop him nor will I try.

Crusing is ok to do and so is just hanging out. The only problem with that is cops hate people hanging out or crusing around. It tends to make them mad because they think it could lead to racing.

I also have zero respect for cops. They pull me over because of my car and they bust me over the guy in front of me going even faster. So I hate cops and they hate me so out hate is mutual.
TF&TF was a gross missrepresentation of street racing.

Many of you who don't live in LA or San Diego really have no idea how street racing really is on friday and saturday nights.
I've never been to a race in LA although I'd like to. The biggest race I went to was in Detriot and there was about 70 cars there so not that big of deal.

TF&TF wasn't even like racing in Detriot. Would they really shut the road down like that? We never did.
In San Diego, you've got 400+ cars that show up and park along the roads. The roads don't get closed off, but at certine spots Non-racing cars are blocked behind cars lined up to race. Many times you'll see delivery trucks and semi's roll through the starting line with a confused look on their faces. lol

When the cops come, everybody runs back to their cars and leaves.....except there's so many cars, that you can only roll at 3-4mph until everybody can get out. Then it's onto the freeway, where you've got cars for literally MILES in the 2 right slow lanes, making room for the morons who want to race down the freeway at 140mph next to cars running 60-70mph.
Well I haven't been here in a while. Any way I went to a race last night. No I didn't race nor did I take my car. I went with my friend and his 98 Trans Am which he claims produces 445hp. Any way I rode with him on the 3 races he did. But the funniest race was between two 16 year olds that had just got there cars. One was a green Del Sol and the other was a 88 Accord (I think it was dark out) Any way the kid in the Accod had no idea how to drive his stick shifter. So everyone everyone kept yelling at him to clutch frist. It was the funniest thing I had ever seen. I think he must have killed first gear in his transmission. God that race was funny and if you didn't figure it out the Accord lost. They were so funny to watch though. Although the Del Sol looked nice it sucked under the hood. The kid had a kit, wing and some nice under bodies but only had a intake under da hood.

Great times last night but I'm glad I got out of it and now its just fun to watch even though I can get ticketed for that. Oh well screw to police they just like to mess with anyone under 25 for some reason.
Well, this is an old thread and shouldve picked up on it months ago.
Street, Ive seen the transformation of your zeal for street racing wane in the time you started the thread and now.
Nice thread and many good points have been made.
Oh, I like street racing myself and do go to the track regularly.
I usually dont invoke a race unless the guy next to me just asks for it.
Ive been street racing since I was 18 years old and now Im 43.
Its still a rush to race on the street and I think part of that is getting caught or having an accident.
There has never been a time in which I or the other party has even got close to an accident so I guess Im just lucky.
Since I have gone to the strip in the last year and a half, I now take out the need for speed at the track.
There are times in which Im provoked by someone but I know what I can beat and what I cant so I usually refrain from an easy win. ;)
Anyway, its a lot of fun if done safely (contradiction, I know) and do hit the track when the need arises.
Im no advocate to the street racing scene or the roadracing scene. Its just a lot of fun and gets the adrenaline flowing.
Well I still do race a little. Like you do, I just race to shut people up. I wish I could race the member Rice Rocketeer. He's talk some **** to me about how his little Honda can beat my Super Spyder. HAHAHAHA those are the guys I like to race.
Well friday night I'm going with my friend in his 93 Stealth Twin Turbo. We are going to do freeway racing though. Last time we went his car hit 165! I'm not ****ting you either. It will be fun but dangerous. Oh well gotta have fun right?
Well, I finally did it and run the 1/8 mile.
I went to Mobile dragway to do the 1/8 and they just became certified by the NHRA as a nationally sanctioned track. ;)
Chevy2000 and some others went, including a car club out of Mobile. They were the ChapterXIII car club and have some nice cars there.
Anyway, my very first pass was a 9.55 and I was immediately stoked about it.
From what Ive read on the web, 10.00 or so is what I should be running with the 15.6 1/4 times.
My r/t's were pretty consistent with some .55 and .52's with an occasional .42 and .47 along with the rest.
60 foot times were pretty consistent with most in the 2.240 times and 2.23 being my best. I was surprised at the slow 60 fioot times as I can usually run 2.19 to 2.20 times for most 60 foots.
Didnt matter though as I pulled off a best of 9.451 in the 1/8 and was really happy with my times. I never would have believed I would get that kind of time for sure.
I also ran a 9.49 and most were in the 9.5 or higher range.
Btw, I was the fastest sport compact at the track and not even a Probe GTS could keep up with me. We did go head to head once and stomped him. ;)
I now see that I have to improve my top end on the car. Most have said that with the 9.45 times, I should be in the 14's or low 15's. :( Im not. :(
I know what I need to do now to get that little better pull from the motor and will proceed to improve there. My launch is the best it will be for now as well as the 60 foot times.
Thought Id share my joy and joy it is. Ill be on cloud 9 for awhile with this one.
Oh, Ill have my timeslips posted soon.
Hah, i dont know if anybody here noticed, but on page 5 of this thread, Powerman claims he has a car and that he can drive it... Well truth be told, if you look at his profile, hes only 14.. Hes not legal to drive OR work in any state here in the USA.. Maybe in canada, but even in canada, no 14 yr old could afford a car like that.. :rolleyes:
Ya that was all sorted out a while ago with Powerman.

And nice there misnblu. Can't wait to see the slips. I really need to get to the track cause its the last weekend coming up. I gotta go.
Thanks Street.
The tracks here dont ever close as its the deep south and never really gets cold. ;)
If anything, you can get some baseline runs to see what she will do.
If you do go, keep us abreast of what she does.
Damn I've really been trying to get to the track. I mean I can't find one minute to get there. I wanna just take one run. I'm going to try and go Saturday. If I go I'll let you know how the Super Spyder runs.
Coo, yeah do that.
Oh, here are my timeslips from the 1/8 mile track.
I always show timeslips as proof of times since some are always the disbelievers.]
Im car 974 and couldnt use my 973 since someone is using that number at that track.


Good luck Saturday Street.
Nice times. I'll be heading to the strip tomarrow gor hopefully an hour or two. I just really need to budget my time. I gotta get there before it closes for the season. I wanted to go tonite but its raining and my car doesn't like rain and racing for some reason :lol:
God damn it. I was all set to go to the track but noooo it has to rain. The track is closed due to the weather, I called up there just now. They said they might be open if the rain quits and it drys up but I doubt it will. So now I have to want until the spring or I might just have to go to my uncles. My uncle has a mile long straight drive way. I could do a time run there but hey I'd have no way to prove my times. Oh well I just feel like going fast today, I might have to go for a little ride tonight.
Oh ya I should tell you about free way racing last night. Well my and a friend of mine went in his Stealth Twin Turbo. We only found one guy to race. It was a Yellow Intergra. It was fast we were hitting speeds of 150mph and some points. But this was about an hour north and there were no cars around, still it was unsafe. I don't think I'll be doinf that again.
Wow, 150mph.
Do be careful, at those speed the braking if the car has to up to par with the go power as well.
Was it fun?? :lol:
Too bad you couldnt run, but there is always next year for sure.
Good luck Street and be safe. ;)
Ya we made sure we were safe to a degree. We had 4 point saftey harnesses on and his car has a roll cage. But still it could have turned bad.

His car is really tuned good and there are good brakes on the beast. Also the suspension it also upgraded so if we had to make a quick swerve then the car should have held up good. Also the tires would have helped to this to.

As for fun. Hell ya I had a great time, I mean come on going 150 down a deserted highway. We'll probalay go a few more times before the snow flys around here...I hope.

As for the track I might drive to Ohio this weekend coming up. There is a track there that closed after this weekend so I might get another run in. If not I got all winter to get the ride up and going. Maybe getting her going faster or I might just try and sell it depends on how much money I can get for her. I want a truck cause I can't take the Eclipse to college cause well its up north and it snows a lot in Michigan Jr. I mean ya I could keep the car til I leave but the longer I keep it the longer I'll want to keep it. So well I might as well sell her before the racing season starts. Thats still a while yet and I still might reconcider. But if I do get a truck watch out cause I want to supercharge it when I get it, also put some badass straights on it. But thats another story.

Alright I think its time to quit talking.