What don't you like about GTS? From the beta

  • Thread starter diesel97
SR rating system in current form, or today's form. Is PD "adjusting" it? Eight races and net result on SR -1, practically same schema on all races, one tap to rear from opponent who wants overtake in all causes, seven races it didn't increase or decrease my SR on eighth race again one tap and I'm on wall and -1 to my SR. .king great.

Also race matching worked today fine, sr49 lobby where's sr1 to 15 guys along, one third of room filled with guys SR 20 or under, perfect race experience..

Bug reporting bugs, tester forum is "access denied"

In iRacing you have to pretty much give up battling toe to toe in the lower ranks unless it's someone you've come to know and trust because the risk to your SR is too high. So you cruise and lollygag around, putting in as many laps as you can, taking opportunities only when it's perfectly safe to do so, all for the purpose of increasing your SR so you can get away from the pubbers and join the real racers. There's a lot of luck involved of course and likely some were able to avoid the carnage without even trying but iRacing even has a training video about how to advance from the lower ranks because they know it's a big issue for some. I don't expect GTS to be any different, probably much, much worse in fact, once the full game is released.
I would hope the unit conversion would convert more than distance. Several have asked about converting the ride height and spring rate for tuning.
In iRacing you have to pretty much give up battling toe to toe in the lower ranks unless it's someone you've come to know and trust because the risk to your SR is too high. So you cruise and lollygag around, putting in as many laps as you can, taking opportunities only when it's perfectly safe to do so, all for the purpose of increasing your SR so you can get away from the pubbers and join the real racers. There's a lot of luck involved of course and likely some were able to avoid the carnage without even trying but iRacing even has a training video about how to advance from the lower ranks because they know it's a big issue for some. I don't expect GTS to be any different, probably much, much worse in fact, once the full game is released.
Gran Turismo™Sport Closed Beta Test Version_20170423164252.jpg

But on cases like THIS you can point your finger to developer, this should not be happening, today whole SR system sucked badly.

(Checking should I buy AC digital or disc..)
~80€ AC + AC DLC season pass.. Downloading
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For online? I'd wait until the next patch before buying it. In any case there isn't an "SR" system and won't be one. For anything else, if you have a wheel that's compatible with the PS4 you should have AC - although the G29 has a 16 degree force feedback dead-zone that needs to be taken into account.
In iRacing you have to pretty much give up battling toe to toe in the lower ranks unless it's someone you've come to know and trust because the risk to your SR is too high. So you cruise and lollygag around, putting in as many laps as you can, taking opportunities only when it's perfectly safe to do so, all for the purpose of increasing your SR so you can get away from the pubbers and join the real racers. There's a lot of luck involved of course and likely some were able to avoid the carnage without even trying but iRacing even has a training video about how to advance from the lower ranks because they know it's a big issue for some. I don't expect GTS to be any different, probably much, much worse in fact, once the full game is released.

I currently have an iRacing "A" license with SR 3.41 and I have only ever actually participated in TWO live races. Both of those races were disasters for me. I achieved the "A" license by running time trials for about a month. I just can't muster enough interest to advance from there................but I do enjoy the ghost racing feature where you can run in races but are invisible to others. I think at some point I'll get serious with IR................But I've had so much fun with AC, especially now that that Content Manager App is available, that there are so many things to discover......:cheers:.
For online? I'd wait until the next patch before buying it. In any case there isn't an "SR" system and won't be one. For anything else, if you have a wheel that's compatible with the PS4 you should have AC - although the G29 has a 16 degree force feedback dead-zone that needs to be taken into account.
Yep, nice buy, after hour of testing it had to say - I'll wait for final GTS happily, ac should have beta tag on tail, maybe my 80€ goes on their FFB development, currently it's crappiiest feedback what I have ever tried, sorry ac guys.. GT-series are having intergalactic spaceships and AC is figuring how round stone for wheels..
But hey I can say at I have AC.. Lol - this is not my day :)
Yep, nice buy, after hour of testing it had to say - I'll wait for final GTS happily, ac should have beta tag on tail, maybe my 80€ goes on their FFB development, currently it's crappiiest feedback what I have ever tried, sorry ac guys.. GT-series are having intergalactic spaceships and AC is figuring how round stone for wheels..
But hey I can say at I have AC.. Lol - this is not my day :)
You're hilarious. Credibility zero.
Yep, nice buy, after hour of testing it had to say - I'll wait for final GTS happily, ac should have beta tag on tail, maybe my 80€ goes on their FFB development, currently it's crappiiest feedback what I have ever tried, sorry ac guys.. GT-series are having intergalactic spaceships and AC is figuring how round stone for wheels..
But hey I can say at I have AC.. Lol - this is not my day :)
Your saying that the sim with the best force feedback on the system is what?
The Driver developement is strongly tied to the car you are given in the beginning, a bit luck is needed. I can imagine my career start/first week would've been a whole lot different, more difficult for sure, if I wasn't given the Mitsu, GT-R etc.
At this point I'm really careful in the middle pack situations to keep the points and slowly increasing them. But, for example today, the lobbies I managed to join were full of 50+ level drivers, cleanish or clean racers.
Keep calm - Keep the points. We are only in the beginning here.
I don't like the whole idea of match making lobbies. Reminds me of the unavoidable carnage back in the GT5 Prologue days. Would much rather have the tools to run clean lobbies & races myself like in GT5 & GT6. I hope they have private lobbies in the full game, otherwise so many people are going to be put off online racing; especailly league & club organisers.
I don't like the whole idea of match making lobbies. Reminds me of the unavoidable carnage back in the GT5 Prologue days. Would much rather have the tools to run clean lobbies & races myself like in GT5 & GT6. I hope they have private lobbies in the full game, otherwise so many people are going to be put off online racing; especailly league & club organisers.

I don´t know if it was boost or very far draft but a guy with the same car GR4 Genesis ,pass me at the end of straight nordschleife when he was still 150m behind at the beginning of the same straight. If it´s draft, it´s very exagerated, if it´s boost , not very fair.
Yep, nice buy, after hour of testing it had to say - I'll wait for final GTS happily, ac should have beta tag on tail, maybe my 80€ goes on their FFB development, currently it's crappiiest feedback what I have ever tried, sorry ac guys.. GT-series are having intergalactic spaceships and AC is figuring how round stone for wheels..
But hey I can say at I have AC.. Lol - this is not my day :)
And the trolling award of the day goes to...:lol:
@cutmeamango - Thanks for the pic. Let's hope that the "Online" tab really is for private & public online lobbies to race in, & not just some online TT's or something.
Beta Testing Report for Sunday 4/23/2017:
Started testing at 2:45 or so. Worked on Gr.4 Alfa 4C setups, trying to improve my Ring time. Played with aero and diff settings, gained maybe a second. Not sure I'm ever going to see the times some guys are putting in...
After 4-5 laps I figured my 26.21 miles were in, so I popped out of the session to see if the GTS car gods would bless me. They didn't. (Genesis GT3. Might be a great car, but I have plenty of GT3's.) Hmmm. What to do?
I ran two spectacular GT4 races. Crisp handling. Great FFB. Sounds were amazing- gear whine just right, nice raspy exhaust, snarly barking on the downshifts. Track was beautiful- atmospherics were sweet, sun glare wasn't at the two most critical braking points, and my SR wasn't bothered at all. (Oh, I quit GTS and played Project Cars instead.) PD: I'm still pleased to be in your Beta, but it isn't up the standard I need to give you three hours of my time on a Sunday afternoon, or, for that matter, any of my money yet.
What I don't like (today): terrible time trying to tame the 458 GT3. In the more difficult game (Assetto) I have no issues with the GTE/GT3 Ferrari race cars, but in GTS the 458 is a Formula D drift car! On turn-in and full throttle? Oversteer. Modulating throttle out of a corner in 3RD GEAR!? Oversteer. Being two seconds off my pace at Dragon Tail? Priceless.

Ok, jokes aside, this is very frustrating. The car feels on ice. No feeling of being on an edge of performance. The thing just slides around. I'm on a DS4 in both games using only factory ABS and Traction Control in Assetto and Default ABS and 1 level Traction Control in GTS.

On the whole, this is a problem with Gr.3 in general. The cars just slide about hopelessly at times. It doesn't help that TC is either on or off at levels 1 and 2, and far too restrictive on level 3. I really like the game but Gr.3 is far too difficult. Very oversteer prone cars on what feels like plastic cap rear tires.
No miatas? Really PD? Is this a joke?

Miatas have already been confirmed, they just aren't in the beta.

What I don't like (today): terrible time trying to tame the 458 GT3. In the more difficult game (Assetto) I have no issues with the GTE/GT3 Ferrari race cars, but in GTS the 458 is a Formula D drift car! On turn-in and full throttle? Oversteer. Modulating throttle out of a corner in 3RD GEAR!? Oversteer. Being two seconds off my pace at Dragon Tail? Priceless.

Ok, jokes aside, this is very frustrating. The car feels on ice. No feeling of being on an edge of performance. The thing just slides around. I'm on a DS4 in both games using only factory ABS and Traction Control in Assetto and Default ABS and 1 level Traction Control in GTS.

On the whole, this is a problem with Gr.3 in general. The cars just slide about hopelessly at times. It doesn't help that TC is either on or off at levels 1 and 2, and far too restrictive on level 3. I really like the game but Gr.3 is far too difficult. Very oversteer prone cars on what feels like plastic cap rear tires.

I feel like this is most likely due to PD's tire model still needing work. I'm sure they don't have tire temperatures implemented, so this might be why a lot of the cars feel like they're sliding around at low speeds - the tires are perpetually cold.
G29 FFB just allow you to drive with a certain resistance in the wheel but almost 0 Feed back is passed , just stay the force.
Rotation on screen for road car or GR3 for example is always 360°
G29 rotation in game correspond to +- 440°
This seems more than enough to have a very direct drive but the result seems mostly during the first half of the rotation, more progressive and fake. We need something to modulate this sensibility just like a controller... at least.
What I don't like (today): terrible time trying to tame the 458 GT3. In the more difficult game (Assetto) I have no issues with the GTE/GT3 Ferrari race cars, but in GTS the 458 is a Formula D drift car! On turn-in and full throttle? Oversteer. Modulating throttle out of a corner in 3RD GEAR!? Oversteer. Being two seconds off my pace at Dragon Tail? Priceless.

Ok, jokes aside, this is very frustrating. The car feels on ice. No feeling of being on an edge of performance. The thing just slides around. I'm on a DS4 in both games using only factory ABS and Traction Control in Assetto and Default ABS and 1 level Traction Control in GTS.

On the whole, this is a problem with Gr.3 in general. The cars just slide about hopelessly at times. It doesn't help that TC is either on or off at levels 1 and 2, and far too restrictive on level 3. I really like the game but Gr.3 is far too difficult. Very oversteer prone cars on what feels like plastic cap rear tires.
The Lotus Evora is exactly the same.
Does anyone know how the driver rating is determined. It claims to be based off how fast you are, but in what terms? Is it my qualifying time, how many positions I gain or lose, fastest lap during race etc....
I have to insist against this stupid draft. I was beginning a fantastic nordschleife race in second place behind a very fast driver in front of me , around 50 m in front. This stupid draft catch me even in the fast schwedenkreuz left , it wasn´t even in front of me totally and my speed grow till around 10kmh above the normal speed. Then the time i´ve realized that the Aremburg braking point needed to be a lot before the normal place, my 2 ext wheel were in the grass for a nice 360° . I had to wait everybody pass , even like this , no contact and out of the road , i´ve lost my SR points, and i´ve finished 5 after a good final race.
Please PD fix this stupid exagerted draft :banghead:. Thanks a lot.
One minor gripe I have is the blurring effect that happens just before the countdown during the race start (when the car is shown, then the interior). It really messes with my eyes and doesn't particularly look great. Hated it in Forza, hated it in Shift and I don't like it here either.
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Also using G29. FFB in general very muted and no change during understeer, very difficult to drive it on the edge of grip when you cannot feel the level of grip from the front wheels.
It's not the wheel, wheel works fine on other games.

Yes I can confirm this. Did a back to back comparison against Project Cars as it's the only other racing game I have from the 'current' generation and the difference was shocking. I hope this is improved before release.
One thing that is really starting to annoy me is how you aquire cars. If you don't get the best (4wd) car for a type you want, your going to have a bad time due to the starts and turn 1/2 nonsense.

I've been smashed off the track so many times by low rated drivers because I can't get off the line as fast as the Evo.

I tried chilling around The Nurburgring to improve my SR to help combat this but all that seemed to do was slightly raise my SR while tanking my DR...
I've felt the same with the force feedback. Very weak leading to handling feeling numb. Too often the car would start sliding with me only knowing from the screeching tires. What type of wheel do you use? I'm on G29 and wondered if it was the wheel more than the game itself?
I run a T300 and have exactly the same complaint.

In comparison to both Project Cars and Assetto Corsa the FFB is very basic and lacking.
One thing that is really starting to annoy me is how you aquire cars. If you don't get the best (4wd) car for a type you want, your going to have a bad time due to the starts and turn 1/2 nonsense.

I've been smashed off the track so many times by low rated drivers because I can't get off the line as fast as the Evo.

I tried chilling around The Nurburgring to improve my SR to help combat this but all that seemed to do was slightly raise my SR while tanking my DR...
I had this last night. Haven't spent anytime qualifying for the current events and therefore start at the back with none competitive cars. In the first race I lost 4 SR after getting smashed from all angles by lunatics and then by getting blocked when I was so much faster than them. Even trying to chill at the back is no good as you catch them so easily and the same thing happens. And this is against people with SR values in the 40's. I have no idea how they are that high looking at the way they drive. Systems is borked at the moment.
I had this last night. Haven't spent anytime qualifying for the current events and therefore start at the back with none competitive cars. In the first race I lost 4 SR after getting smashed from all angles by lunatics and then by getting blocked when I was so much faster than them. Even trying to chill at the back is no good as you catch them so easily and the same thing happens. And this is against people with SR values in the 40's. I have no idea how they are that high looking at the way they drive. Systems is borked at the moment.
To be honest it's the thing that will stop me playing the beta first, there are three races at the moment;

-the first requires a 4wd Evo or crazy levels of luck
-the second requires everyone your with knows the ring and can drive without smashing you off (so rare I've not seen it happen)
-an oval of pure destruction

I hope they fix the insane delta between the 4wd grip and the rest of the cars, it's so silly how even a smidge more throttle can essentially stop you moving in a corner, while an Evo or GTR can just cruise around the same corner flatout no worries...

What's more frustrating is that I have a full time job, which finishes at 5, so by the time I get home I'm just in time for the first race, which means I get little to no time to unlock a new car before the event has started or has ended. Even if I get lucky with the car lotto, I get no time to qualify or practice with it...

Haha sorry to rant but it's been building up after the last few nights of the worst racing I've had to deal with