Worst Track

  • Thread starter Sk8rKiD

Whats the Worst Track???

  • Seattle Circuit

    Votes: 21 6.7%
  • Rome Circuit

    Votes: 26 8.3%
  • Cote de azur

    Votes: 26 8.3%
  • R 11

    Votes: 65 20.8%
  • Grand Vally

    Votes: 12 3.8%
  • Laguna Seca

    Votes: 14 4.5%
  • Test Course

    Votes: 96 30.7%
  • Tokyo R246

    Votes: 11 3.5%
  • Superspeedway

    Votes: 27 8.6%
  • Trial Mountain

    Votes: 15 4.8%

  • Total voters
Wow, thanks. Thats alot of help. When ever I go through the tunnel corner in Grand Valley, I always floor it to early so I understeer all the way through and usually forces me to drop about 2 gears. I'm not so bad on the Trial Mountain tunnel corner, but when I'm in a fast car I tend to just brake far too late and just smash into the wall.

Thanks again!
You're welcome. I only know this stuff because I've done thousands of laps at GV and TM.

Also in the tunnel at Grand Valley across the bridge (the longer tunnel) you want to start this on the left hand side. Assuming you're driving something you can control, you can drive into the tunnel and start braking once you're in the tunnel. I usually wind up going anywhere from 75 mph to 90 mph (depends on what I'm driving) but the key is to MAINTAIN your speed as you drive thru here. At no point should you floor it. Good practice for this area is the A-license tests that have you drive around and around in a circle.

As you can see daylite again, you can gradually increase your speed. The AI tends to hit the gas too early...usually about halfway thru the tunnel, then they'll either run against the left guardrail or need to brake early.
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The Poll isn't fair. It should have the reverse courses listed as well. I have grown to love the Rome course but I can't stand Rome II. It's real tough to tell where the last two corners start.They're pretty blind. I can't seem to find a reference point. Then there's the left hander at the end of the front straight that I can't seem to find anything to reference for a braking point. Guess I'll just have to practice more.

I'm a Racer not a Gamer
My worst is Trail Mountain

i dont know for some reason i hate it, Perhaps its too boring
but the one is hate the most is Midfield Raceway, same reason as top
i hate r11 ever since i lost the endurace race 4x in a row, and i still didnt beat it, i wasted about 9hours of my life just to lose 🤬
thank god its not in gt4
You have to remember without test course how would you test your cars for top speed

I agree...however, some races here are simply pointless (Spider/Roadster in Beginner League?) Even a beginner would get bored!
Test course, theyve got Super Speedway already why do they need more?
Either that or Super Speedway for the same reason.
But leaning twrds test course
Well at this point, it looks as thought the Test Course has the runaway lead, with Route 11 at 10% less. From there on, the rest of the tracks are pretty much even within a few points of each other.

Rogue, gotta say that Super Speedway at least feels exciting once you're doing some heavy-duty races there in Corvettes or Integras. The ai drives so erratically at times and out-braking them into turn 2 after a well-timed draft is awesome. GeorgeMorley is right, the Test Course really shouldn't be used more than a couple times in races...it should be a place to test ultimate top speed.
i hate the new test course.

i love special stage route 11. espicially when you make the 180 to go on the straight with the trees. you can see part of the track from gt1 that took you under the start/finish line.
i hate the new test course.

i love special stage route 11. espicially when you make the 180 to go on the straight with the trees. you can see part of the track from gt1 that took you under the start/finish line.

I agree, I think the test course is truely pointless as a race, but it should still be in the game as a machine test.

I still don't understand why people dislike the route 11 so much. I mean, yes it has lots of bends and hairpins, but doesn't that make it more difficult/interesting to race?
I agree, I think the test course is truely pointless as a race, but it should still be in the game as a machine test.

I still don't understand why people dislike the route 11 so much. I mean, yes it has lots of bends and hairpins, but doesn't that make it more difficult/interesting to race?

After a year and a half of GT3, I finally voted: TEST COURSE

I don't hate the actual course...but towards the middle & end of the Pro league, some of those races are frikin' tedious! 20 LAPS??? WHAT THE HELL?? Like The Wind was such a disappointment. I figured here are all the best cars GT3 has to offer.

But nooooo. It woulda taken some computer jock perhaps half an hour to program the AI cars to have taller transmissions so they could top 300 mph (perhaps) but the best car (Toyota TSO20 GT1) can't even crack 250! And then it takes not one but TWO pitstops! Ugh...

I skipped the Test Course several times in series races (10 LAPS IN THE VITZ CUP??? HELLO????) :ill:

I agree about Route 11--it seems people hate it because they don't know how to drive it...all those tight corners take careful limited-slip tuning and throttle application. I'm sure most folks just floor it as they leave corners, then wonder why they keep getting stuck in walls!! :banghead:
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R11 is a fantastic circuit, more of a technical, drivers circuit. The only track I don't like as much, just because it doesn't flow that well is Seattle
R11 is a fantastic circuit, more of a technical, drivers circuit. The only track I don't like as much, just because it doesn't flow that well is Seattle

R11 is with out doubt an awsome track, It is a GT classic and I can't understand why some people don't like it, maybe because its quite long however it has been reduced in size (wrongly IMO) but still it is a great course with some great corners and a very long strait.
R11 is a fantastic circuit, more of a technical, drivers circuit.
If R11 was set on a sunny day without the thin film of dew over the recycled-fryer-oil paving, it would be a technical driver's circuit and actually might be fun to drive.

As it is, it's just highly tedious.
Yeah speaking of Laguna...it's even harder in GT4. It's like they cut some of the track's width in half at certain points...I'm so used to taking turn 6 almost flat out with little or no brakes...in GT4 I keep forgetting to brake heavily and wind up in the sand :ouch:
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There is no Rome Long and Short in GT3. There are only Forward and Reverse.
I hate the Test Course. Very long, repititive, and there's really no point. I mean, on other tracks you can practice actually driving, the Test Course is a very long circle you drive.
Gee, reading this, it really makes everyone sound like a real bunch of whiners.

But the new SSR11 is a meagre shadow of the proper original one.
Can you see where you're going in the 'proper' one? Did they refrain from spreading used fryer oil all over the paving in the original? Then I might like it.
Never. And GT2 I've played for about 3 minutes. I got my ass kicked by a bunch of Demios at Tahiti, even though I was driving an FC RX-7. There's just no way I can deal with the graphics and the touch-tone throttle/brake.