GT5 3D Demo in London, GTPlanet User Wins T3 Contest

British gadget magazine T3 hosted a GT5 competition at the Selfridges department store in London on Thursday, and I’m proud to announce that GTPlanet user Synwraith took top honors (you may remember his interviews with the GT Academy 2010 winners). Check out his extensive write-up from the event for all the details and gameplay impressions from the demo on display. For his efforts, he’s been awarded a voucher for a free copy of GT5, a Logitech Driving Force GT, and has been featured on T3’s website.

If you missed the contest, don’t fret: the 3D GT5 racing pod will be available to the public at the store until Friday of next week, so be sure to check it out if you’re in the area.

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Comments (46)

  1. MTC

    Well, just played it on Selfridges today, in intermidiate mode, it’s not too far away from GT5 Prologue in terms on how hard it’s, but in Professional level on a bumpy track like Nurburgring, it’s insanely hard. The car really does move around in Professional level and you have to held on the steering wheel hard.

    1. neem'

      I played it today on what I presume was Professional on the ‘ring in an SLS, as soon as you touch the grass you just lose control completely and it didn’t help that:
      1. The 3D glasses were either out of battery or I couldn’t figure out how to turn them on, so it was like driving crosseyed.
      2. I was sitting too close to the pedals so couldn’t quite take my foot off the pedals.
      3. I’ve been playing Forza 3 too much.
      4. Lots of people were watching, too much pressure…

      Lots of excuses, though I think the first one was very valid, it made it very difficult to know where you were on the track. Oh and

      5. I forgot about the blinking gear indicator.

      Going back on Monday with a friend and fellow GTP’er to see if we have more luck. Should be able to get some video footage, as if anyone is THAT interested any more…

    2. MTC

      It’s completely out of battery

      you can only guess where it’s. and Nurburgring is definitely the worse spot to get started on this game

      I first started playing on the Tokyo circuit, driving an Audi R8 like an absolute maniac. It doesn’t seems to be hard at all, and I can throw the R8 into corners at ridiculous speed.

      then tried a Ferrari 458 Italia on TG track, spun all over the place cause I got a bit too used to 4WD and I turned everything off, then I tried the Enzo and kinda got the hang of power oversteer and stuff like that around the track.

      Then I move on to Nuburgring in a Gallardo in professional mode, and I just crash all the time.

      Note to self: need to practice more and maybe with traction control ON

  2. juelz

    well i went there this afternoon oxford street packed out like usual anyway go to the pod long q there had to w8 an hour car was a lambo gallardo round a tokyo stage cant rememba name took bout 2-3 snaps battery went dead on me i had a go eventually. my impressions were that sensitivity is high on that graphics were well a lil improved on prologue given that im playing with 3D on and you get the sony shutter specs to wear which didnt make that much of a difference but still good sound was pretty good near on par with their real life counter parts what i didnt like is that when i over steered with the car and stopped to turn to the right direction other cars just smashed into me hard for far and that damage was on so it was cool to see that for example the back bumper was hanging off there was also sparks flying round when u grind against the wall alot. after u do hit a wall or other cars u do notice on the side it starts to look kind of like wear n tear and then loks like a bit muddy with the colouring i dont know i aint good at giving feedback i guess oh and by the way it still sed on the box 5 november NOW i went to hmv and on their gt5 box its say december ask for details so i did and basically the staff member said that its coming 1st of december AINT NO WAY ITS A CONFIRMATION OF A RELEASE DATE its wot the guy told me so thats all folks il post pics up soon or if jordan can do it for me if i send out the pics to him it aint all that probably some else posted it before as their was only 1 pod

  3. juelz

    will hopefully il be poppin up to selfridges tomorrow wana c the whole thing and take loads of pics and ask loads of questions dont know if il get to try the demo depending on how many packed out its gona be on a saturday especially oxford street as some members on this forum from london should know but hey its worth it

    1. SgtWhitten

      I just went there, there was no queue and it was pretty empty. Get some snappy snaps as for asking questions there is no one their other than the selfridges staff and he barely knew how to turn on and off the PS3 (game froze on replays). I ended up being the expert on hand to help people who thought they were racing when in-fact they were watching a replay. So definitely pop down there tomorrow and you should get a race or two on it.

    1. occasionalracer

      I don’t see the need for you to be making such a foolish post. Did you catch the part with GT5 Demo Competition and Top Gear Test Track or did you read that Lara Croft just found new tomb? Hello, fits right onto the news page I think.

    2. Red_9

      I think what’s going on is that people want to hear the new release date, and these little bits of news irrelevant to said release are almost like distractions to get our attention away from the fact they delayed it.

    3. Gamer GT5

      @Red_9 I definitely agree. The good thing is that we’re hearing GT5 news that doesn’t relates to the delay nor the release date which is a good thing to keep us GT fans to stay calm.

      Congrats Synwraith!

    4. occasionalracer

      Absolutely that’s what we all want hear, and we will. Interestingly todays Best Buy and Futureshop flyers (Canada) both show GT5 as being released Nov. 2nd which I find pretty rude to be advertising a title that is known to be delayed. They’re trying to get more pre-order sales to those who don’t follow GT5 news, then on the 2nd they will give an apology that Sony has delayed the release. Not cool

  4. thisisajoke

    Can someone explain how he managed a 6 second improvement on a professional racecar drivers lap time in a matter of 2 minutes of seat time?

    1. Garto

      Well if you had read up his extensive article, he did mention it could be on standard physics. Not to mention the car is a Audi R8 v10 not a Suzuki Liana :D

    2. thisisajoke

      that’s fantastic, it’s not a Suzuki great observation. That does not account for the time discrepancy between novice guy in public location…to trained professional with hours of seat time.

      flying lap or not in order to cover that type of time difference there’s more than “standard physics” at work..

      but i god mod is a must for driving games these days, otherwise no mainstream draw..

  5. Spaghettimonster

    compared to the hot lap times it seems very quick. even though it was a flying lap, the straight before is not that long… driven in standard physics with the r8 v10 it is still a good time i guess.

    1. Ya momma

      I was just going to comment on that, the R8’s lap time is a 1.21. This is almost 5 seconds faster. It usually works out at about 4 seconds when you compare a standing start to a flying lap. So seems ok. ……….NOW, just release the game already.

  6. GeminiOne

    Logitech Driving Force GT! Thats it?!

    Ever heard of a G27+Playseat?

    Free copy of GT5 does not include free gt5 car downloads bummer…

  7. RTSolvalou

    Lol no wheel on the market is good enough for GT5, they keep pushing this old tech. A better (purpose made for GT5) wheel will be out within a month of GT5s launch, after they’ve sold a bunch of the old stock to people who got desperate, don’t let it be you!

    1. SCUD77

      Erm!! the DFGT IS purpose made for gt5 it was designed by pd themselfs.there are no new logitec wheels planned at this time. That was the responce I got when I e-mailed them about 3 weeks ago

  8. Neal

    Congratulations Maz. WRS promotion and now winning this,very well deserved but I think you should do the lottery this weekend!

    1. George

      easy one, go to a circus and steal an elephant, african elephants are bigger and stronger than indian ones, so prefer the african, you can ride enough miles, by that time you may come across a horse, ride that horse towards the south east, until you come across some native american tribe, use a lighter to produce fire and they worship you, ask them a canoe, you can paddle until you get to the sea, when you see a ship going towards europe, break your canoe and act as a misfortune sailor, sailor’s code says to pick up any person in trouble, in the ship you will eat good so you gain back lost power, when you reach in a european port, “borrow” a bicycle and a map, when you get to an internet cafe, repost and i’ll give you directions from there! Maybe we will meet up cause i’m jobless and wanna go too!

    1. caasimun

      i know about “that” news…but sony is still making cross-promotional ads and sh*t like the release date is still on nov 2nd…who knows maybe they are fooling around with us?

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