All cars must be premium cars.

  • Thread starter seteberto
The thing that irks me most is that we've made it known what was wrong with GT5, and they pretty much slapped us by saying, "Alright, we hear your concerns about no drag strip, the cars sound wonky, there's 73 Skylines and 35 3000GT's... So we'll start off with 1,200 cars! That'll solve everything."

I mean, the new lighting system is great, but the tracks look barely better. The trees are straight from Hobby Lobby for a railroad kit, the people are animated cardboard cutouts with better faces, and that's really about it. They only really added 120-something cars, and didn't fix the 1080 or so from GT5.
They need to remove the playstation 2 imported elements. PS2 rendered cars and tracks in a 2013 triple A title is embarrassing. Sony should force Polyphony to remove the standards and improve the audio.
Why do you think PD decided they want standards cars in GT? Maybe it was Sony that forced PD to include those cars for marketing reasons.
Far too time consuming to make all the current cars premium. It would mean PD wasting a lot of time scanning old pointless cars nobody is really interested in and falling behind on the popular cars we want added. Right now we have far more premium cars than Forza has in its entire game and PD is slowly upgrading the ones people care about to premium. Isn't that enough?
Far too time consuming to make all the current cars premium. It would mean PD wasting a lot of time scanning old pointless cars nobody is really interested in and falling behind on the popular cars we want added. Right now we have far more premium cars than Forza has in its entire game and PD is slowly upgrading the ones people care about to premium. Isn't that enough?

We aren't asking for all standard cars to be made premium. We just want standard cars to be removed. Period.
We have enough premium cars to get rid of the rest of the standard cars in favor of improving the overall quality of everything. By GT7 PD will probably have about 600 cars at an equivalent level of quality.
They should convert some of the more significant standards (like Group B rally cars, LMPs/Group Cs like the winning BMW & Peugeot 905, Ford GT40, Chapparals, RUFs, Caterham, maybe some more road cars) then ditch the standards for GT7.
Keeping standard cars in GT6 seems better than simply axeing them. While they're lacking in visual fidelity, they're better than nothing. My poor far-sight might cause some bias...
Maybe an option to stop standard cars appearing as opponents? ...or maybe also some tweaks to the opponent lists so that they're all or almost all premium cars.
I usually don't use the cockpit view, but a more explicit indication in the dealership that a car has or doesn't have a cockpit view might be useful for the players who do.
Agreed million times over.

I can understand why they were im GT5 but c'mon even in GT6. This really kills it for me. Never buy standard cars no matter how much I like them.

Rid of standard cars and leave premium cars at least that way there would be other improvements on the game.

If GT7 still has one standard car, I will **** on my car.

PS4 has 8GB of ddr3 ram. If they still have standard cars then god help me from raping my PS3. Id only get PS4 bcos of GT7. If that doesnt work for me. Theres always driveclub, project cars and another car game I cant think of right now, oh wait its called The Crew!
Absolutely agree. The problem with standards is that they are quantity over quality, which is a contradiction to Polyphony's obsession with realism.

We aren't asking for all standard cars to be made premium. We just want standard cars to be removed. Period.

Without sounding too optimistic, if we look at GT5 there were roughly 200-250 cars premium; GT6 again, has about 200 premium with more to come in the form of free and paid DLC. So hypothetically, if GT7 were to come out 3 years after GT6 (as GT6 took 3 years after GT5), there would be another 200 cars, bringing the premium total to 600. This should be an adequate number (as GT2 had 600 cars and GT4 had 650 cars) to not need premiums anymore.

Furthermore, in terms of standard to premium conversion, there was only one car converted (Jaguar XJR-9) and in GT6 only about a dozen cars were converted in addition. Thus,Ii wouldn't count on seeing too many cars converted-although one can only hope that they please do, especially the more popular ones :nervous:
Would we ALL prefer a lot fewer cars, but all of them "Premium" ?
Then, other premium models added as DLC ?

As I, for one, could do without 20 different types of Nissan Skyline.
Even though it's one of my favourite cars.

20 is putting it lightly. On GT5 there were 75 Skylines, 25 or 30 3000GTs, and in GT6 there's roughly 6-7 pages of Miatas. The numbers are ridiculous in conjecture to other games. I know this is a sim game, but really? The M.N.P. II and the M.N.P. III Skylines were only added because they were a "special order color," it pretty much said that was the only bonus to them. If that's what PD thinks we want in a game, they'll be depressed when they try this again in 7 and a big chunk of players switch to The Crew, Drive Club, Forza, or another racing game. GT5 = Fool us once, shame on you, GT6 = Fool us twice, shame on us, you don't get a third to fool us. Fix it or a lot of us walk.
Why do you guys want the standard cars GONE? I understand wanting them to be upgraded, but just GONE? No. Even the worst standard models are still valuable game content.

This is just my reason, but they hurt the overall quality of the game and make it feel like it was cobbled together, especially when you have standard cars like these:



I think this is unacceptable in this day and age.
I kinda agree, but disagree. I'm alright with a few cars looking jagged and just having a black cockpit view as long as they drive well, but I also think it would be silly to see them on PS4 looking that way, but for now; I want them kept in GT6 until PD manages to model another 100+ HD-age cars for GT7.

Anyway, I've said this before a few times already and say it again, I bet we won't see the jaggy standards anymore when GT7 comes out. By then, there will be 500-700 HD-age cars and the standards will no longer have a purpose.
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