Battlefield 1

  • Thread starter GTFan24
I'm talking about the FOV adjustment. Pretty sure we always had that in the video settings.

For BF1 yes, Its been there from the start. I remember being so pleased while playing the Alpha seeing it had FOV adjustment. After having to suffer without for BF3/4/H
I'm talking about the FOV adjustment. Pretty sure we always had that in the video settings.

Like @MILO said I'm comparing it to BF3 and BF4. Mostly BF4 because I didn't really care about FOV in BF3.

It's a weird feeling going back to BF4. On one hand I love the gun play, on the other, getting stuck on the most random objects, clipping, lack of climbing, wonky vaulting mechanic... yea.
Zeebrugge seems fun. Havnt tried Heligoland Bight yet, Although watching some footage it looks like a shooting gallery for planes. Unlocked all weapons now, All worth unlocking although the SMG 08/18 is puzzling. An SMG that doesnt perform well at close range? And the bullet Velocity is painfully slow so its not great at range niether?
Zeebrugge seems fun. Havnt tried Heligoland Bight yet, Although watching some footage it looks like a shooting gallery for planes. Unlocked all weapons now, All worth unlocking although the SMG 08/18 is puzzling. An SMG that doesnt perform well at close range? And the bullet Velocity is painfully slow so its not great at range niether?
The key asset of the SMG 08/18 is accuracy and low recoil complemented by a very high magazine capacity.
The key asset of the SMG 08/18 is accuracy and low recoil complemented by a very high magazine capacity.

Whats the point in all those rounds in the mag if you get outdamaged by everyother gun in the game? Not really good enough assets to counteract the drawbacks ive mentioned to be honest. Ive tried it and it simply takes too long to kill at any range. Why would anyone use it when the Hellriegel has the same damage and Mag capacity but 200 higher ROF.

Im not one for only using the "best" weapons but the SMG/08 just is a bit weak to bother with in my opinion. The only thing its useful for is flanks and backrages. Then again i think a Hellriegel would be way better still.

The Ribeyrolles is the clear ranged option for assault. Nothing else comes close.
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The only thing its useful for is flanks
I've used it at much longer ranges than other SMGs. While it's a great ambush gun, you can at least annoy the snipers trying to pick you off thanks to the accuracy and recoil.

I heard there was a damage patch coming soon?
I've used it at much longer ranges than other SMGs. While it's a great ambush gun, you can at least annoy the snipers trying to pick you off thanks to the accuracy and recoil.

I heard there was a damage patch coming soon?

There was a patch yesterday, I tried it and like most other SMGs it takes one less round to kill. The painfully slow bullet velocity hasnt been changed though, Which for a supposedly "ranged" centric weapon doesnt make sense. I dont look for a weapon to annoy snipers on assault, I look for one for me to be able to compete at close range with automaticos and shotguns but it cant. I was hoping it would be useful on the bigger more open maps, Sinai etc. I just cant get past the bullet velocity though...

Ribeyrolles is just so much better.
Seems DICE felt the same way about the SMG/08, In the CTE they have upped the RPM up to 770RPM!!!


Well, we'll see how that works out.

I think they went a bit overboard with it :) Typical DICE. Im pretty sure this wont come to retail. At least I hope not... A gun with 20 more rounds and 20 more RPM than the Hellriegel? No thanks. Id prefer if they just improved the damage, And tried to preserve its slow ROF accurate characteristics.
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Finally unlocked some of the more useful specialisations.

The two that i have been working towards mostly are -

  • Quick unspot - Reduced spot by 2 seconds.

  • Inconspicuous - Invisable to spotting flares when still or moving slowly.

They have both made it onto most of my classes. I dont think 10% reduction in explosive damage from 'Flak' is that useful, I was still getting one banged by nades a lot of the time. Not too fussed on the 'Cover' perk niether (25% less suppression) .

With the abundance of spotting flares from Planes and Scouts 'Inconspicuous' Is a godsend.

When you're capping a flag and you hear that distinct pop of spotting flare its great to know that you are a hidden. Normally you'd be done for if multiple defenders were on their way. It really improves your chances.
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Only two really worth unlocking. I use those with the one that makes your health regen kick in sooner

Yep those three are what i run on most loadouts except medic ofcourse. Quick regen is a waste of a perk on that class for obvious reasons.
Yea totally. In it's place I use the recently unlocked one specific for medics that releases a smoke grenade when you target a squadmate for reviving. 30 or 40 second cool down and I don't know what it's called but it's great to have. I don't use it every single time but it's useful like when they're in a strategic location such as dying in the process of moving up. I spot them which pops the smoke and it allows others to move up as well. It's basically acting as a save checkpoint so we can at least move up to that point and find cover a bit closer up.
Yea this is unplayable and that sucks cuz it's the only thing I play seriously outside of racing games. I have other games but they're just single player fun which I've beaten countless times.
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I bought this game recently. Im enjoying it a lot.

I love history especially world war 1. Despite its inaccuracy of a game its still an enjoyable world war 1 experience.

But I feel like this game need more campaign missions but also new fronts that covered African, Persian, Caucasus, Balkans, Asia-Pacific and South Arabia fronts.

Also disappointing how we never got a Ottoman vs Russian in a mutiplayer game. Ottomans fought not only the British but the French and the Russians too.

I think Japan would have also been a good faction to add especially in a asian or pacific map where they face Germany.
Can't help but feel slightly cheated by the BFV pre order bonus for the 5 BF1 weapons. The reason I've always invested in premium is because I've wanted the definitive experience and i knew I would get my money's worth over the lifespan of the game. From BF3 through to BF4 and Hardline that was the case. Premium = One time sum and you get everything (payable DLC). Why they decided to do this is puzzling and feels very cheap and exploitative.

Even worse the fact that in the US for the standard edition it costs $59.99 yet in the UK it costs £59.99!!!!!

59.99 Pound sterling equals to 80.46 United States Dollars

How is that fair!!! Not even tax differences can be used to excuse that!
Indeed I just bought BF1 Revolution just two weeks ago. Until I found out that 5 new guns can only be aquired by preordering it actually hurt to be honest.

But man I actually feel for people who shelled out full price for this game and its expansions only to be kicked in the teeth with this anti consumer thing.

EA will just do anything to get a nickel from its customers.
Indeed I just bought BF1 Revolution just two weeks ago. Until I found out that 5 new guns can only be aquired by preordering it actually hurt to be honest.

But man I actually feel for people who shelled out full price for this game and its expansions only to be kicked in the teeth with this anti consumer thing.

EA will just do anything to get a nickel from its customers.

To be honest I got incredible value out of BF1 and premium like I did out of BF3, BF4 premium, So I don't mind that I payed full price a few years ago. I've got hundreds of hours of playtime out of it. The 5 guns for pre-ordering BFV just seems a bit unnecessary and cheeky. Premium experience up until now has always included new maps, Weapons Etc. Now I have premium yet I am missing 5 weapons because supporting and investing in BF1 and Premium at the start of the game wasnt enough it seems.

Edit - I saw that Amazon were offering the enlister offer (early beta access and the 5 BF1 weapons) so I tried the old Pre-order and cancel trick. Did this for a few betas in the past. I pre ordered yesterday and got the code today. So for anyone wanting the 5 Pre-order weapons it seems to work. Just don't forget to cancel the order once you've used he code. I will end up pre-ordering closer to release. Just no point in committing so early.

You can't do this on PSN as they charge you the money straight away, Whereas on Amazon they only charge you once your order gets shipped. So as long as you cancel it won't cost you anything
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The PS4 base game is now 80% off on the Playstation Store for Plus members. $3.99

I think it’s actually free for Xbox Live Gold members.

Either way, it was fun for awhile. I don’t know how populated the servers are currently. But BF1 was nice considering the alternative games at the time.
It seems BF1 was going to have submarines but they did not make the cut.

British, Russian and Italian voice audio also have troops saying they spotted a submarine.

Such a shame we did not get submarines :(

Update: Ottoman audio files also mention submarines. Like Dusman Deniz Alti gorundu. Deniz Alti means Submarine in Turkish.

I think if we got submarines for the game I think they will be in these maps

-Heliogland Bight
-Cape Helles
-Fao Fortress
-Empires Edge
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Looking back at BF1, I miss a lot of things compared to BFV. The biggest thing being the quality of the maps. No map in BFV could make it into a top 10 of BFV and BF1 maps in my opinion.
Proof of Submarines nearly making it into Battlefield 1

- Audio files of British, German, Ottoman, Italian and Russian troops saying enemy submarine spotted. It is also said that the French also say it but there is no naval maps featuring France could have been planned but most likely did not make the cut

-Submarines were featured in Battlefield 1's concept art shows how Dice were willing to put them in

-Destroyers have torpedos and mine laying capabilities these capabilities were also used against submarines

-Torpedo Boats also took on Submarines

-Cape Helles, Fao Fortress and other maps featuring the Dreadnought are actually pretty big to accomodate Submarines. Albion is not big enough but the Russians did actually use Submarines in this operation not to mention the audio files of Russian soldiers saying enemy sub spotted is proof that submarines were going to be featured in the Albion map

-Submarines are also mentioned in the various codices about Naval Warfare

- Airship featured in the Turning Tides DLC was actually used to spot and hunt down enemy submarines

-Even ww1 planes were used for submarine spotting

- You have Submarines modeled in Zeeburge and Helogioland bight maps but you cant use them or operate them at all they are just map props. Remember they did model the submarines they could not get them to work or maybe did not have enough time to make them work on the Frostbite Engine.


Cape Helles map is pretty big enough to accomodate naval warfare