Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare (because you can't get any more modern)

  • Thread starter Akira AC

Here we go.

Hopefully this one will be less racist and actually good, PMCs seems like a natural continuation to the series.

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They need to do something radical with this one to refresh the franchise, COD in general has become increasingly stale and stagnant with each game feeling exactly the same as it's predecessor. If nothing new or innovative comes to COD it will carry on dying a slow and painful death.

If I were them I would have ended the franchise, and aim everything towards a completely new development.
Ahh yes May. That time of the year when they announce another COD. Still haven't even played Ghosts yet. The biotic / robotic arms do look interesting.

And of course is called Advanced Warfare.

Seems a hell of a lot like Black Ops 2, but unlike BO2 my interest is rather higher due to Kevin Spacey in it, that said, here we are going into generic stuff.
And what's different in this one? It's so boring seeing people get excited for the new CoD games when most of them are 8 year old kids.
And what's different in this one? It's so boring seeing people get excited for the new CoD games when most of them are 8 year old kids.

You know what is even more boring? Seeing the same stereotypes over and over every time CoD is brought up. If you aren't interested in the game or series why even post in a thread dedicated to a new game in the series?
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Depends how they write the story in this in comparison to Ghosts (which was far too cheesy & had a very basic, seen-before plot) if it'll have my curiosity peaked. Kevin Spacey's dialogue as a potential antagonist is interesting, though.

Also amuses me that the it thing to do now is hate on COD and claim only kids play it. Guess it's not cool to blast EA at every opportunity anymore.
Depends how they write the story in this in comparison to Ghosts (which was far too cheesy & had a very basic, seen-before plot) if it'll have my curiosity peaked. Kevin Spacey's dialogue as a potential antagonist is interesting, though.

Does it matter? Hardly anyone will 'experience the story', I don't know why they still bother spending money on that part.

Also amuses me that the it thing to do now is hate on COD and claim only kids play it. Guess it's not cool to blast EA at every opportunity anymore.

It has been that way for at least five years, if not more. There's no smoke without fire, either, the Call of Duty community is a spectacularly toxic one, but I think you'll find the new 'in' thing to do is try to look at Call of Duty objectively rather than rubbish it just because it's Call of Duty, but the thing is if you do that then you'll see it's a bland, cliché-ridden, generic shooter built on tech older than a worryingly large percentage of its audience. That's not even supposed to be a 'all COD players are kids' dig, either; IW Engine is based on idTech 3 which is based on idTech 2, that dates back to 1997...

I loved Call of Duty 4, enjoyed World at War, had a love/hate relationship with MW2 (it's the only game I've ever played online with more than two friends at once since everyone I knew had it, and everyone I knew played it a lot), bought Black Ops and hated it (stopped playing after the first week) and then completely ignored Modern Warfare 3. I looked at Black Ops 2 and Ghosts, saw nothing even remotely interesting in either of them, and I will take a look at this one when there's something other than what I'm pretty sure was the trailer for Black Ops 2 but with a very poorly mo-capped (might not even be mo-capped, despite the predictably stratospheric budget) Kevin Spacey to look at. Maybe they will come up with something new, maybe they will make an actually good game that doesn't feel like a repeat of the last seven games, but given Activision's penchant for taking a successful franchise, running it into the ground then attempting to run it into the ground over and over again until the studios involved have to be closed because they're not profitable any more... Yeah. I will try to be objective about it but my hopes are very low.
The story for CoD is honestly my favorite part. Multiplayer is just an unbalanced mess that serves to anger most people after a few games.

If Kevin Spacey's dialogue is anything indicative of how the story will play out then I'm interested. If it's just there to seem "edgy" and "deep" then count me out.
Is it me or the movement of the Characters are a bit like robotic... Like there arms move roboticly not natural... Or am i seeing things:?
I've been a fan of COD storylines since COD 4 so I'll probably get this one (for xmas, I'm not paying for it). Kevin Spacey's inclusion is interesting and I hope it brings new life to the series.
Interesting to see how the story pans out for this game. The robotic exoskeletons seem to have a slight whiff of Elysium about them.
So it's Crackdown meets Elysium meets MGS PMCs meets Judge Dredd (1995)?

I haven't touched any COD release after my experience with MW3. I agree that this bears more resemblance to Black Ops 2 than anything else we've seen in the series thus far, and I guess I do have a feeling they'll make an effort to improve the story this time around. But does look an awful lot like your average COD title with added future soldier augmentations and gadgetry.
Is it me or the movement of the Characters are a bit like robotic... Like there arms move roboticly not natural... Or am i seeing things:?
I think it' because of the new robo suits which seem to be a focus in the game.
On the one hand, hooray! New developer! They might be able to turn the series around or at least come up with a few new fresh ideas!

On the other hand, boo another futuristic CoD game that looks like Black Ops 2.5. I suppose they do still have to keep it as a CoD game because Activision doesn't want to risk new ideas that might flop, but still.
Same shovelware as Ghosts. This gen, given that I live in rip-off Britain and therefore I have to pay "next-gen tax" for all my PS4 games I'm now spending my money wisely on franchises I enjoyed on PS3. I'll pass.
Call of Duty has passed it's sell by date for me.

I think it peaked at MW2, and has gone downhill from there. The only thing that is likely to bring me back is a massive overhaul in how the game plays, but I'm not sure if that could really be done successfully. It's just not a fun game anymore :indiff:.
Does it matter? Hardly anyone will 'experience the story', I don't know why they still bother spending money on that part.
Yeah, it does. I'm not spending $60 just for the same generic gameplay in multi player. Excuse me if I actually try to enjoy single player. :rolleyes:
Yeah, it does. I'm not spending $60 just for the same generic gameplay in multi player. Excuse me if I actually try to enjoy single player. :rolleyes:

But you'll spend $60 for the same generic gameplay in singleplayer. The last time I checked, the 'story' (that's kind of an insult to anything that has ever been called a 'story', though) in these sorts of games is almost always a vague, meaningless, cliche-ridden excuse to shoot as many people as possible whilst convincing you you're doing The Right Thing because America and Saving The World. Maybe I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure the 'story' will consist of 'do this because I'm shouting' for three hours, an explosion and then 'press X to save the world', whilst introducing the various gadgets you'll use in the multiplayer later on.

Come to think of it that might've actually been a spoiler, it certainly sums up MW2 and Black Ops quite well. Sorry.

Edit: I actually am sorry, I'm having a bad day and taking it out on Call of Duty is helping.
Actually, I did enjoy most of COD games, and I enjoyed most of the stories.

The game has been fun, Modern Warfare 1 showed a distinctive approach in narrative that other games didn't approach before (think of the really lame intro sequence in Skyrim which is a rip-off of the vastly superior story introduction in Modern Warfare). Saying that COD have a weak story is like saying that Die Hard has a weak story, is inconsequential because the story in most shooters act as a framing device for the gameplay, unlike BF which go for the same but break the rule by making A or B nation just inherently evil because of yes (Like Bad Company and Bad Company 2 stories which mostly consisted in Russians be just evil and invasive, BF3 suffered from this as well by showcasing Iranians or whatever just as inherently evil).

Not to say that COD stories are good, but they are functional at some degree (MW2 had an interesting plot twist which did serve a basis for how the story develop from that point forward), the problem started with COD Black Ops 1, which made a huge mess by making everything really unlikeable using a really sickening framing device of making evil Soviets Attack Americans for no reason other than being evil (like a really sick paranoid fantasy that Americans seem to have, until a plane crashes in buildings and stops being funny).

The thing about COD from that point forward is that they missed the point, it used to be self aware until BO and then starting missing the point. In MW3 the point was missed by making the Russians inherently evil just like BO did and not giving a proper closure to the Price-Makarov arc, also by making delta force or whatever as the saviours of the free world, and lets not forget of Russian invading ALL of Europe after a full scale attack on the US.

Black Ops 2 was more self aware of what it was, and it didn't try to push it (to a degree, you still run with a machete dismembering everything in your path when you play as the evil guy, but at the same time it showcased the US as the defenders of the Filthy Rich 1%).

For me the last instances of the COD games are similar to the Die Hard movies, the first MW being the best by having a level of self awareness and acknowledgement of what it was try to show, MW2 going over the top with was stablish on the first game. There is no middle ground to compare Die Hard Vendetta with other call of duties however both series got to a point in which are really both a shame, and an insult from what the former instances were.

You see COD:Ghosts is by far the worst COD, it is racist, it is offensive, it is boring and it is unimaginative. The Story is a big middle finger to self awareness, it is badly written almost like fan fiction (yeah, apparently the union or whatever countries in Latin America couldn't build an Orbital Space weapon, which is used with DEFENCE purposes by the US), most of the missions in that game are rehashes of all the missions in previous COD games (mind you, MW3 was also faulty of this), characters were largely unlikeable and the game was horrendously tedious by making you shoot from LSD driven tanks and stupidly conceived UAV A-10s.

I like what they seem to do with this one, I'm sick of the ultranationalistic nature of COD games and this one seems to be at least aware of that fact , yes is undeniable that only 10 year old kids play this game but I rarely (if not never) play MP in Call of Duty since ... WaW. People play sometimes to see the story, sometimes is good, sometimes is bad but not all of them are 10 year old kid, I'm not even American and I really enjoyed the story in these game from MW, to MW2, to WaW and BO2 to a degree, however the latest ones I just rented and I'm not interested enough to play the same maps over, and over and over again, I'm sick of BF4 for this reason alone (that, and be buggy as hell on PC at least) and BF4 fail to deliver in what COD is best, a fun entertaining experience.

I'm looking forward to this with the same eyes when I played BO2, I don't expect an oscar winning game but I do expect a nice little action flick(as I am with the new Wolfenstein, which I really hope to be good). Having said all of that, I wish they would go back to WWII, Stalingrad deserves to be revisited as it was showcased in COD2.
But you'll spend $60 for the same generic gameplay in singleplayer. The last time I checked, the 'story' (that's kind of an insult to anything that has ever been called a 'story', though) in these sorts of games is almost always a vague, meaningless, cliche-ridden excuse to shoot as many people as possible whilst convincing you you're doing The Right Thing because America and Saving The World. Maybe I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure the 'story' will consist of 'do this because I'm shouting' for three hours, an explosion and then 'press X to save the world', whilst introducing the various gadgets you'll use in the multiplayer later on.

Come to think of it that might've actually been a spoiler, it certainly sums up MW2 and Black Ops quite well. Sorry.

Edit: I actually am sorry, I'm having a bad day and taking it out on Call of Duty is helping.

Bad day or not you've hit the nail on the head with that one. It's hard to enjoy something that you've essentially played 7 times before but with slightly different weapons and slightly different characters. They bring in new gimmicks and try to dress it up but it's been nigh on exactly the same for the past 7 games, how can you still enjoy that?

It reminds me of some big Hollywood blockbusters, people love them because there's guns and everything explodes. The first couple of films were fun and entertaining, however when the 10th rehash comes out with the same cliches, where the world is saved from some completely unrealistic and seen before circumstance it's mind numbingly boring. Yet people are still fooled by it and sucked in to pay $60 on release day, it's why CoD is still going.
Yet people are still fooled by it and sucked in to pay $60 on release day, it's why CoD is still going.

Most people who buy CoD every year know exactly what they are getting. If someone genuinely enjoys each new CoD and purchases it knowing it is a slight upgrade from last years version, how are they getting "fooled" by it? CoD is still going because people enjoy the games, if you think they are mind numbingly boring you are free to refrain from purchasing it, but to act like people are somehow getting suckered into buying them is silly.
Most people who buy CoD every year know exactly what they are getting. If someone genuinely enjoys each new CoD and purchases it knowing it is a slight upgrade from last years version, how are they getting "fooled" by it? CoD is still going because people enjoy the games, if you think they are mind numbingly boring you are free to refrain from purchasing it, but to act like people are somehow getting suckered into buying them is silly.

I was generalising and basing that on the sheer amount of reviews I've seen online of people complaining of how it's exactly the same as previous CoDs. If you after all this time still enjoy it then fair enough, but more and more with every release I'm seeing people moaning how the game is still the same....yet they still buy them.
But you'll spend $60 for the same generic gameplay in singleplayer. The last time I checked, the 'story' (that's kind of an insult to anything that has ever been called a 'story', though) in these sorts of games is almost always a vague, meaningless, cliche-ridden excuse to shoot as many people as possible whilst convincing you you're doing The Right Thing because America and Saving The World. Maybe I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure the 'story' will consist of 'do this because I'm shouting' for three hours, an explosion and then 'press X to save the world', whilst introducing the various gadgets you'll use in the multiplayer later on.

Come to think of it that might've actually been a spoiler, it certainly sums up MW2 and Black Ops quite well. Sorry.

Edit: I actually am sorry, I'm having a bad day and taking it out on Call of Duty is helping.
All depends how the story is written & how intriguing it is. There is no unique story out there anymore, whether it's books, games, or movies. The key is how the writers take a basic plot & develop it. Obviously, the game is going to revolt around you saving the world or throwing a twist in it & you dying. The question is how interesting are they going to make it? I liked MW1-3 & the plot twists they introduced through it as well as the controversy they created; no game really took the balls to have you as an American operative going undercover to get good with the enemy, committing a terrorist act on an airport, and then being left for dead to take the blame because the enemy knew who you were the entire time. Is it a new idea? No. Was a unique & crazy approach to it? Absolutely considering all the publicity they got for it. I even enjoyed the original story for Black Ops where everything was really one big twist & Reznov had "re-programmed" Mason to actually kill Dragovich, & had died several years prior. I never played Black Ops II, but I understand it tried to tie the story into it, which I think was unnecessary since the first hinted that you may or may not have killed Kennedy. I briefly looked up the story for Ghosts & that was far too cliche for a father & his sons to save the world with the father of course dying by the hands of his former best friend.

I am giving this title a chance because it's not by any of the former developers. Sledgehammer apparently, has had this title in the works but was called to co-develop MW3. Since then, this is supposedly the title they have been working on since then, which means they have had plenty of time to really come up with something at least, interesting & breath some life back into the series. If they have written Kevin Spacey a decent script (because why else do you bring on a famous actor if you're not going to really want him to sell the story) & the overall story is intriguing, I'll buy it & be happy. If not, it'll probably be my last COD game purchased for another couple years.
Is it me or the movement of the Characters are a bit like robotic... Like there arms move roboticly not natural... Or am i seeing things:?

It's what struck me about the trailer. I expect much better, especially since we have a big film actor. It's a great chance to show outsiders game media but comes off looking like thunderbirds.

Not played a COD game before or planning to. Just commenting about the trailer. I'm not anti COD or FPS mind. I've played Unreal, Quake, Crysis, Battlefield online and more but haven't been interested in Call of Duty. I used to like Medal of honor single player as well but COD come out when my interest in general to military shooters started to wain and was just another shooter back then.

I wonder sometimes when I see 30-40 year olds buying COD at the supermarket, are you a gamer or just a COD player. Have you been playing games for the last 30 odd years. Could we have a converstion about games like Commando, Green Beret or Medal of Honor Doom Wolfenstein.
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The trailer looked a lot like Titanfall meets Halo. Ghosts had aliens so COD really is getting closer and closer to Halo ever year. Not necessarily a bad thing since I like Halo and I like Titanfall. Hopefully thing bring back vehicles like COD3 and WAW.