Holiday Hackers.........Love'em or Hate'em

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They took out North Korea's whole internet system for several hours. They aren't helping them. They also aren't hacking as several people have already explained. They've been stalling out servers with false connections, and DDoS isn't illegal, just immoral and frustrating. The only criminal thing you could charge for was the bomb threat.
DDoS are illegal by themselves. Most of the time a DDoS is used it could also be considered a form of extortion.
Okay, point taken. However a legal obstruction would be if the attacks are not from within North America.

USA considers everything under a .com, .net and a few other elses to fall under their laws. Also, don't forget the Megaupload affair. If the US gov wants to take down someone, they won't even take a glance at legal obstructions.
PSN is being a complete POS right now. Well, not sure if it's just PSN, or the interwebz in general.

Numerous friends having trouble staying connected to PSN.

Lobbies are very unstable. The "I can't see you" bug is happening more than I've ever seen before.

Hope this blows over
I live in the Southeastof the USA, and my XBL was funky 12/25 around 1pm....never tried it again until midnight and everything was working great...seen friends playing/chat/lag free COD games..seems things have already blown over
PSN is being a complete POS right now. Well, not sure if it's just PSN, or the interwebz in general.

Numerous friends having trouble staying connected to PSN.

Lobbies are very unstable. The "I can't see you" bug is happening more than I've ever seen before.

Hope this blows over

I dont have any trouble logging into psn from my PS3 but try as I might there no way I can log into psn on my PS4.
PS4 and PS3 are on different servers. PS3 server seems to be up and running while PS4 server is still down.
My PS3 still can't log on... Further more, I keep getting a "You have been logged out of PSN message" every time I try to sign in.:(
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So it´s time for some offline-fun with the WRS-time-trials...

Referring to their Twitter page, Xbox Live is down again.

Be mindful of expletives in Twitter handles, please - GTP staff
Well, this time I wasn't logged-in prior to the down-time, so it's not like yesterday where I had full access to everything. Bummer, it's not like I'm an American with multiple options for entertainment or anything...

Oh wait...:lol:
Oops, I should have thought about their user name in my last post. Well, thinking has never been my strong point. (sarcasm) :P:scared:
They are still down. Can't log in right now. So i took to driving a Ferrari 330 with a high rpm turbo around the Nordshlife. It's kinda difficult for me to get a clean lap in. So far, 6:58...
I`ve not been affected. Was up on PSN when the so called "Hackers" I LoL at that every time, when PSN was supposedly offline. Same with XBL, Christmas morning booted up my brand new 360 with 500gb. And I got online fine, no issues and I`m online right now with no issues. It must only affect some people, Lizard Squad are not only failures but they are failures at life. They attack the customers, well.. They sublimely attacking themselves because when they do get caught, trust me I don't think anyone will ever hear of them again.
I`ve not been affected. Was up on PSN when the so called "Hackers" I LoL at that every time, when PSN was supposedly offline. Same with XBL, Christmas morning booted up my brand new 360 with 500gb. And I got online fine, no issues and I`m online right now with no issues. It must only affect some people, Lizard Squad are not only failures but they are failures at life. They attack the customers, well.. They sublimely attacking themselves because when they do get caught, trust me I don't think anyone will ever hear of them again.

Well, Anonymous has officially 'declared war' on Lizard Squad and Finest Squad because of the attacks.

Wednesday night I was able to get on and play GT6 and GTA5. Yesterday and today I couldn't get on the PS4.
i bought 5 ferraris a CTR2 a Cerbera S12 a Nova SS a Viper GTS and a couple Ricers i get my internet back on and LS is hacking WTF they just want to bring back PC gaming honestly