Holiday Hackers.........Love'em or Hate'em

  • Thread starter Automotive
Well, Anonymous has officially 'declared war' on Lizard Squad and Finest Squad because of the attacks.

Wednesday night I was able to get on and play GT6 and GTA5. Yesterday and today I couldn't get on the PS4.

Why would Anonymous go after Finest Squad? They're trying to stop Lizard Squad. How many times does this have to be said?
These people ought to give some type of statement/reason for what they are doing. I could sort of understand if they were going after one particular game/franchise but to take everything down without any real staement or cause is just pointless. If they were going after GT/PD or any other game developers for a particular reason, Ok then I perhaps would'nt agree but atleast you would understand why.

As it stands I didn't even want to go online to play games, I was wanting to watch a few things on Netflix and as my surround sound runs through my ps3 thats the easiest choice, guess now I'll have to disconect a HDMI cable an run it through the laptop... (what swines!)

The biggest problem with people who think they're smart, is nearly always asuming that nobody is smater than them. I'm sure these childrens parents will be most proud of their darlings when they are awoken by a knock at their door.
While the servers are down, there are a few A-spec races worth re-doing. I like the 8 laps of Willow and the
Ascari ten-lapper. These allow 650 PP cars, but are much more interesting at under 550.
Hmm. For coming off as opposition this entire time(and allegedly exposing Lizard Squad) I guess it could have been all an act. But this is the only article that says they are the same people.

That's the problem with it. If there was another article, or source other than Anonymous, but there isn't.
Lizard Squad
15 December ·
Who shall we do as our comeback?
Comment for PSN. Like for XBL

906 Likes · 955 Comments
^ Thats from their facebook page.
These people ought to give some type of statement/reason for what they are doing. I could sort of understand if they were going after one particular game/franchise but to take everything down without any real staement or cause is just pointless. If they were going after GT/PD or any other game developers for a particular reason, Ok then I perhaps would'nt agree but atleast you would understand why.

As it stands I didn't even want to go online to play games, I was wanting to watch a few things on Netflix and as my surround sound runs through my ps3 thats the easiest choice, guess now I'll have to disconect a HDMI cable an run it through the laptop... (what swines!)

The biggest problem with people who think they're smart, is nearly always asuming that nobody is smater than them. I'm sure these childrens parents will be most proud of their darlings when they are awoken by a knock at their door.
There is no acceptable reason or cause for this nor anything to "understand", it's a criminal act, pure and simple.
They took out North Korea's whole internet system for several hours. They aren't helping them. They also aren't hacking as several people have already explained. They've been stalling out servers with false connections, and DDoS isn't illegal, just immoral and frustrating. The only criminal thing you could charge for was the bomb threat.
They took out North Korea's whole internet system for several hours. They aren't helping them. They also aren't hacking as several people have already explained. They've been stalling out servers with false connections, and DDoS isn't illegal, just immoral and frustrating. The only criminal thing you could charge for was the bomb threat.

North Korean collaborated with Lizard Squad to hack Sony Pictures and that is why they can be jailed for Aiding the enemy (North Korea)
North Korean collaborated with Lizard Squad to hack Sony Pictures and that is why they can be jailed for Aiding the enemy (North Korea)

Where is said that North Korea and Lizard Squad have any relations? LS have so far only went after games and consoles.
Not sure if relevant here, but getting this message now:


Previously only an error code concerning 'network connection'.
I got it just now - previously it just kept giving me an error code.
You probably have a faster connection - about four hours faster.
If anyone here has delt with DDOS attacks (people in technology sectors of companies) and had to fix the damage/problems it caused, how long do you guys think this will take Sony to fix fully? A few more hours, days, weeks, a month?
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The Machinima Hack

On December 2, 2014, Lizard Squad hacked, replacing their front page with ASCII art of their logo.
Seeing as they only go after gaming related services I think they are little punks who got beat in an MLG game or lost every clan war they signed up for and thought hey since we suck at gaming we will shut down the servers for the better players.
Actually now it once again gave me the error message o.O

It's the Rabbits. They breed like . . . rabbits. First PD, then Sony . . then the World.

Seeing as they only go after gaming related services I think they are little punks who got beat in an MLG game or lost every clan war they signed up for and thought hey since we suck at gaming we will shut down the servers for the better players.

As comic as that sounds it could very well be real, or even a catalytic force inherent in their own personal programming that has at its roots a psyche damaged by video-gaming, or other 'net-based social interaction - but the percentages of the power-play being commercially-, politically-, or even 'absolute power-'driven is greater, considering that 'Attention' is at the core of it, and with that 'Attention' (leading to the welding of power) further power can be acquired towards attaining whatever ideals will drive it eventually as power corrupts, whether absolute or not, and the ideals change.

Well . . . no more in and out of the console, best way to unwind would be to take the LM55 to SSR7. I'll take out my displeasure by thrashing Besson.
It's only PSN that's down - one son is roaring away on the XBox, and the other is online via DS3. Battling Pokemon. :crazy:
And I'm here.
So off to the console and spend some quality offline time with my cars.