• Thread starter jpine324
@MotoGP 17 veterans,

How the heck do you all beat the CPU in a race, lol. I haven’t come close and I’m learning on “very easy” difficulty. The game always starts me in the back and it seems impossible to pass.

Any tips on tuning? Made some adjustments to suspension that gives me more control going into corners.
I just saw this. It really does take some time to get good at bike racing. With cars you have left right and gas and brake, with bikes it adds a whole new element with leaning. Timing your entry into corners is absolutely key to getting to the apex. I ran car games forever and took me a bit to get the bike racing down. Just run laps, lots of laps. Learn where your limits are. I do love the rewind feature in these games. I can look and pin point my exact spot where I made the mistake. TCS helps a lot, I keep mine on low but I still spin the rear wheel. Playing with tire wear on helped me learn throttle control.

I haven't really messed with bike settings other than with the mechanic where you let them know where you having issues. It really comes down to experience. And turn up your difficulty, it will make you better!!

Good luck see you out there
Not sure if anyone else has news on this game but there is no pre orders available yet here is USA. Does anyone know when it might happen? I want the bonus stuff for pre ordering
Wooo we are getting closer to release and still no info on USA release. I am hoping we atleast get it for download from the ps store on day 1. Did anyone get to see the game play release today? I saw it earlier and wondering what others think of it?

I just watched it again. The riders bodies still seam to rigid. Rossi gets his head way lower than that in his lean. The bikes move around more which I wanted to see. You can really see the suspension moving around front and back. I am still hopeful. But why no pre orders yet for us in USA!!
Thanks Tom for the update. Looks like you might have the inside track on this info from your experience!

Working on the MotoGP eSport Championship as their Lead Commentator again this year, which should be exciting. The game looks promising, but once I've had a hands-on experience I'll let you know some feedback!
Working on the MotoGP eSport Championship as their Lead Commentator again this year, which should be exciting. The game looks promising, but once I've had a hands-on experience I'll let you know some feedback!
That would be awesome. Do you know why the US isn't get physical copies for this release? We can still download on the 7th.

And I checked out your site, keep up the good work!
That would be awesome. Do you know why the US isn't get physical copies for this release? We can still download on the 7th.

And I checked out your site, keep up the good work!

No idea I'm afraid to say, that would be something that Milestone would be able to answer.

Thank you very much!
The tracks and bikes look a lot more detailed and accurate, which is awesome. Any sort of "atmosphere" around the track seems to be missing still though, everything just look a little lifeless.

Rider movement looks as good as always, the bikes seem to bounce and move around a little better also 👍.

I like how it looks too. But the AI looks like they are standing still. I am sure it was on easy or something. Just really hoping for a much improved version from years past. I have been playing since 14' and not much has changed. What I am really looking for is more customization- more helmets and suits.
Just pre-ordered MotoGP 18 off of Milestone's official MotoGP 18 website... Funny thing though, I wanted it for the PS4... but if you choose your country as US then it is only available on the Xbox One and PC. ???

Went ahead and got it though, and will just get a UK (pal) version for the PS4 if need be - all my other MotoGP games are on PS4 so figured, "what the hey!?" Also, if you pre-order the game it will drop on the 6th (at least that's what it said on the website).
Just pre-ordered MotoGP 18 off of Milestone's official MotoGP 18 website... Funny thing though, I wanted it for the PS4... but if you choose your country as US then it is only available on the Xbox One and PC. ???

Went ahead and got it though, and will just get a UK (pal) version for the PS4 if need be - all my other MotoGP games are on PS4 so figured, "what the hey!?" Also, if you pre-order the game it will drop on the 6th (at least that's what it said on the website).
That is really odd that they are offering the US physical copies for Xbox and PC but only digital for PS4. I will jsut start the download before I leave for work. But might not be feeling very well next thursday when this comes out LOL
I wasn't clear I guess - the website only has "digital" copies for Xbox or PC - there is no option for PS4 at all (if you choose the United States as your country). You have to choose a different country to get a PS4 option (ie., like the UK, Spain, etc...).

Would prefer a hard copy (or a physical disc), but there isn't an option for that if you choose the US.
Man, didn't think it was possible - but whoever was playing in that video is worse than me! :lol::lol:
yeah they aren't to good running off the track. I am sure I will be doing the same at first once I get back into it. I have been on GTS for a while now. It will take a bit to get back into bike mode. Traded in 17' already pretty good too got $25 for it at gamestop
My copy arrived earlier today, and I have just managed to get 30 mins doing FP1 in the Red Bull Rookies Cup.

First thing I noticed was the feel in handling, it feels a lot more on the side of realistic compared to 17, which is surprising as the video gameplay of 18 looked the same physics wise. The bike feels like it has a little more weight to it, and the rear tyre is keen to slip in gears 1 and 2 coming out of tight hairpins. The front end also feels less grippy, when lifting off the throttle, I've been running wide on exit several times as well.

Visually the tracks are much more detailed, though I am disappointed to see the frame rate has dropped back down to 30fps compared to last year's 60.

That's all I have been able to gather so far.
My copy arrived earlier today, and I have just managed to get 30 mins doing FP1 in the Red Bull Rookies Cup.

First thing I noticed was the feel in handling, it feels a lot more on the side of realistic compared to 17, which is surprising as the video gameplay of 18 looked the same physics wise. The bike feels like it has a little more weight to it, and the rear tyre is keen to slip in gears 1 and 2 coming out of tight hairpins. The front end also feels less grippy, when lifting off the throttle, I've been running wide on exit several times as well.

Visually the tracks are much more detailed, though I am dissdisappoito see the frame rate has dropped back down to 30fps compared to last year's 60.

That's all I have been able to gather so far.
That is awesome. Thanks for the info. I wish I was playing already!! Really looking forward to getting into it. I was home sick yesterday thinking damn it why didn't I get sick on thursday when I can download this game!! Atleast I hope I can, it isn't up on the PS store yet for us here in USA.
I keep looking for it in the PS store but nothing yet. Will it show up at Midnight tonight for us here in USA?
I keep looking for it in the PS store but nothing yet. Will it show up at Midnight tonight for us here in USA?

Like I said a few posts ago. . . When I pre-ordred it (through Milestones own website - it redirected me to the Microsoft Store) there was NO option for a PS4 version. The reason I ordered it for the Xblox 1. I would have preferred it on PS4 but under U.S. there was zero option to buy/pre-order it.

I checked last night on my Games/Apps and it is scheduled to download tonight at 11:00pm CST. It shows I own it and that it is waiting for release. I have yet to see a PS4 NTSC version. You can order it from