[NE-21194400] Error

I'm back online here in Norway! :D. Don't know if this has something to do with it, but i looked for PS4 updates and i downloaded update 5.03 (i learned it was released earlier in december, but i have turned auto update off) and after it was installed i started GT S and i was online again, could just be a coincident though.

Gran Turismo™SPORT_20171223224826.jpg

Took a screenshot so you don't think i'm messing with you all :).
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"A connection to the server could not be established"

I think this single phrase will be an infamous 2017 meme for the GT series. A big long nail in the coffin of Gran Turismo credibility.
Ran home from work to try and get an hours practice in prior to the Manufacturer's and Nation Cups.

What do I see, a [NE-21194400]. I'm not sure what to do, as I've been trying to reconnect for almost an hour now.

I'm in New York City but judging from people's location, I don't think it's a regional issue but something on PD's end.

The part that really stinks is that these would be my 3rd sets of races :ouch:.
View attachment 701269 Just done a manual save from the home screen and I’m back on now in the UK
Thank you as this seemed to have worked for me somehow as well.

However, I couldn't do a Manual Save in the Home Screen because I was technically still off-line, but I decided to move a few settings around in Options and as soon as I left that screen, the I am connected pop up came up :).

Not sure if that was what helped, but it couldn't hurt to try if anybody elses issue persists.
Very often when I try an FIA event, I get a game error and my game crashes. I think this is the code.
Dear mallcum - E X A C T L Y what happens to me too! I play the National and the daily races but as soon as get 10/15 minutes into the FIA - I get disconnected and can't get back..... Even trying to play something else? hmmmmmmm . - anyhow thanks guy's!! I know I'm old and stuff but still staying B and S - so I'm smiling except when I can't get back online...... Enjoy your HOLIDAYS please! :)
Thank you as this seemed to have worked for me somehow as well.

However, I couldn't do a Manual Save in the Home Screen because I was technically still off-line, but I decided to move a few settings around in Options and as soon as I left that screen, the I am connected pop up came up :).

Not sure if that was what helped, but it couldn't hurt to try if anybody elses issue persists.

Didn't work for me
If you'e lucky it might have done a partial save at some point. Cross those fingers!

Well when I started it back up the outline/stroke I'd done was all gone (expected that), but some decals I'd downloaded weren't displaying when offline so I'm afraid to touch anything till servers are back up.
Rebooted ps4, lost progress, gave netwerk error at start.
Pressed reconnect and got connected.
Did a race and could save afterwards.
Luckily i played for a while until 1700 cet but now this error messge is here to stay... :irked:
off to raceroom :dopey:
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Strange how it's affecting people on the same region after others from that region have successfully logged back in like an hour earlier.

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