QM Exiles

  • Thread starter bone_tone
So how's been my Christmas so far ? Well, after having a great Holy Afternoon with my kids and bringing them back to their Mum for their Holy Night, I got the victim of a surprise attack from madness, boredom and ambition. I fully finished every GT game I played, A spec driving, no exceptions ... and though I should have known better I stuck my nose into GT League yesterday starting to gold it. Holy ... !

After about 9 hours of gaming, 72 races, 1.000 km, 33.000 mp and 1.000.000 cr I know : Nothing's changed, the same old recipes, hardly improved AI, and nothing, really nothing can compare to online racing 👍 !

The best race ( ever ) so far : VW Sambabus vs. VW Beetle.


Feels like driving on a US highway when you're used to a German Autobahn :lol: !
So how's been my Christmas so far ? Well, after having a great Holy Afternoon with my kids and bringing them back to their Mum for their Holy Night, I got the victim of a surprise attack from madness, boredom and ambition. I fully finished every GT game I played, A spec driving, no exceptions ... and though I should have known better I stuck my nose into GT League yesterday starting to gold it. Holy ... !

After about 9 hours of gaming, 72 races, 1.000 km, 33.000 mp and 1.000.000 cr I know : Nothing's changed, the same old recipes, hardly improved AI, and nothing, really nothing can compare to online racing 👍 !

The best race ( ever ) so far : VW Sambabus vs. VW Beetle.

View attachment 788689

Feels like driving on a US highway when you're used to a German Autobahn :lol: !
Christmas good so far RJ - our son is home for a couple of days, so the wife is happy! Stuffed ourselves with turkey and all the trimmings yesterday (:cheers:), and no time for GT.

I'll be back doing the Dailies/Weeklies by the end of the week though - not sure which I'll choose though, but it will be difficult to beat my 13 wins in the Tesla at Tokyo last week.....

Enjoy the rest of the holiday! :)
We're still recovering from Xmas Eve. Had the grandkids over and ran ourselves ragged hyping them up for Santa and playing games all day. Threw in a 50 mile round trip looking for Xmas lights while the missus cooked dinner too. Needless to say, they had more energy by the time they went home while the missus and I had mild exhaustion. We were zombies for Christmas day.:lol:
Ok, half way through the Amateur League :crazy:.
A total of 16 hours, 102 races, 1.800 km, 50.000 mp and 2.800.000 cr.
Fittipaldi VGT and S-FR racing beast are fun ... great cars 👍.

I'll be back later :cheers:.
I think I'm up around 612 wiins, but I'd guess 700 or more races in GT League. I like using lower classed cars but it doesn't always mean a win, but is quite fun. Love the enduros.

Distance driven 85,947.648 Km
Time driven 29 days, 18 hours, 56 min and 43 s.

I'm a bit behind you on days driven - 28 days, 8 hours, 54 min and 27 s, but ahead of you on Kms at 102,763.736
Distance driven 85,947.648 Km
Time driven 29 days, 18 hours, 56 min and 43 s.

28 days, 8 hours, 54 min and 27 s, but ahead of you on Kms at 102,763.736


16 days 13 hours and a measly 45,222 KM's. I think half of my game time was done on the DS4 months ago too...

If we don't have company turn up (yet again!:crazy:) tonight, I'll be doing a practice lobby with my son. Probably around 7.30PM GMT.
I haven't played that much so it's likely the right amount for me. I might have an option to change that though as someone on my friends list has got a good lobby set up going that always has people in. All around A (and A+/SS) rank from what I've seen. I'll find out if it's friends only or not and will let you know. The lobby title has "Quick Race" in it...destiny maybe?
Don't know what's come over me but I'm gonna fight that through - I just can't find that fun in it like you guys do.
I'm using stock cars, ABS only ( no cardboard involved ), I try to stay a fair bit below max hp and on lower grade tires. Since every race is new to me, I've been in overpowered cars a couple of times but honestly I don't care too much, I then try to lap them lol.

Numbers above are GT League only, total time driven is 15 days 3 hours, total distance driven is 54.700 km.
Means 150 kmh on average ...
Gotta improve on that :D !

That's been a nice one :

Back when I was saving for the Daytona, I had to do the career stuff as I was going nowhere fast (nothing new there...) with lobby payouts. Nice to try cars and tracks I hadn't driven before but racing the AI had me gritting my teeth. The only time I enjoyed it was with Interlagos' extreme rubber banding. Seeing the AI running 3 seconds a lap quicker than me was eye opening. Funny watching them try to slow down enough for corners though.

I just can't find that fun in it like you guys do.

I've struggled for motivation since we lost the QM's. Good fun racing the guys in this thread but Sport Mode and FiA stuff doesn't do anything for me. Too cut throat for my liking.

No lobby tonight. Got visitors again.
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Daily report :
Done with the Premium Sports Lounge, 24 hours now, 134 races, 3,000 km, 68,000 mp and 5,500,000 cr.

... Nice to try cars and tracks I hadn't driven before * but racing the AI had me gritting my teeth. ** ...

* True 👍 and ** I second that to the fullest :mad: !
I need to pause now, my back is aching - too many hours on my unique carpet driver seat :lol: ...

BTW what's the correct use of point and comma in multi-digit numbers ?

Punctuation corrected
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BTW what's the correct use of point and comma in multi-digit numbers ?

In the English-speaking world, it is common to use commas every three decimal places in numbers of four or more digits, counting right to left - eg 2,018

The only common exception to this common practice of using commas for a thousands separator is in 4-digit years, like in 2018, where the comma is left out.

The use of the point is kept for decimals - eg 2.018
By grinding the Lambo races with the Muira at N300 I finally got above 10M again so sold the Miura and bought the Daytona. An hour later and I'd done the Historic Race Car series with it. Beginning to regret selling the Miura now. At least the Lambo races were quite enjoyable.