Battlefield 2

  • Thread starter Pebb
I just upgraded to 1GB of RAM, so hopefully BF2 will run even better now. I haven't tested it yet but I'll probably start playing again soon if people want a game.

Should make a noticeable difference to the loading times. When i play online i'm usually the one of the first 5 people to spawn because my computer loads the levels quicker than every one else. Helps when you want to get a plane... or any vehicle. Might start playing again too, hope i brought the discs to uni.
I have an Athlon64 3200, and a Radeon 9800 128mb. These are the limiting factors on my system not the ram. I am not interested in running most settings on high or high. I only want to be able to play the game smoothly. (which I pretty much could before)
Because 1GB is the lowest people should use, while 2GB of ram will make the map load up in 15-30 seconds, which is faster then most times. But if you’re planning to run most settings in high or high, then you should look at 2GB.
Considering he only has a ATI 9800 128mb and a AMD Athlon 3200+, and various other older components, 2GB will hardly make any difference. Plus, if he wanted to upgrade in the future, RAM will get cheaper, so he's doing the right thing in my opinion.
For some reason I cannot get back into BF2 at the moment, because of games like Rainbow Six: Vagas on the Xbox 360.
Did anyone download the Desert Conflict mod yet, however I downloaded the latest version, but I cannot join any of the servers, because it says you have an older version.

But the strange thing is, also I have the latest patch installed.
After finally getting the Desert Conflict mod to work a couple months back, I have been having so much fun with the Desert Conflict mod.
i have to confess that i still play BF2 without any mods! my aim was to win every map on expert which i've accomplished by now. I'll think about modding the game now :P
I would be playing BF2 if I could be bothered downloading the 5million mb patch.
I have recently started playing battlefield, my username is =RUTAKEN=

If you have X-fire, add me on mre46 if you wanna organise a round or two :)
I've finally got it to work again! I'm using my really crappy account (GTRacerTT) since I still have my unlocks.
I just downloaded the demo. I can't seem to figure out how to acitvate or destroy the artillary pieces. I kept getting killed by the Arab piece and couldn't figure out how everytime I went to capture a certain flag area, I'd get slaughtered by it.

I'd like to use it myself, but how do I do that?