Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare

  • Thread starter Pebb
I've been wary of playing CoD4 since you posted that your account was altered by all the hacking going on in the game, and didn't really want to be involved in lobbies where everyone is shooting infinite rounds and flying all over the place, but really wanted to play it. So i tried it last night and with the exception of one game where some dude was constantly firing off noob tube after noob tube, i didn't come across anything else untoward. I don't mind quiting out just a couple of games a night, so as long as it keeps at this level of hacking, i'll keep on playing.
It's a real b.s. though, isn't it? :indiff:

I don't know if this works on PSN, as I just randomly ran into the information googling, but if you ran into a questionable lobby, I think you are supposed to unplug the connection, rather than back out like I did. I unplugged the network cable, only after I was out of the match, and I can't help but to wonder had I unplugged earlier, my account would still be intact....
and had a good time.


Don't listen to this guy, he's lying.

I saw that pic in the funny pic thread, the one about Chicago Fire, New Orleans Katrinas?

It was so wrong, but also so funny. :lol:

Don't listen to this guy, he's lying.

Ahhhhahaha, that picture just makes me laugh without reading anything, it just reminds me of a fat kid eating cereal complaining. Oh and A6, don't forget to PM me a picture of that new stock when you get it on:)
Ahhhhahaha, that picture just makes me laugh without reading anything, it just reminds me of a fat kid eating cereal complaining. Oh and A6, don't forget to PM me a picture of that new stock when you get it on:)
I'll post it in that "Real Gun" thread. I did post a youtube video of a guy who had already done it though. I'll let you know when I get her done. ;)

Edit: That "Black Ops" pic's funny, too. Makes me chuckle everytime I see it. :lol:
I've been wary of playing CoD4 since you posted that your account was altered by all the hacking going on in the game, and didn't really want to be involved in lobbies where everyone is shooting infinite rounds and flying all over the place, but really wanted to play it. So i tried it last night and with the exception of one game where some dude was constantly firing off noob tube after noob tube, i didn't come across anything else untoward. I don't mind quiting out just a couple of games a night, so as long as it keeps at this level of hacking, i'll keep on playing.

a6m 5 was just telling me that you guys have been talking about the hacking going on here on this thread. I posted this in the MW2 thread...its getting real ridiculous to the point where I'm afraid to play online because I dont want my account getting messed with (stats, etc.). This video isnt even the worst of it:

They are just killing me man. It's like there is this basketball court we all hang out & play. There are these two kids, obviously not at all skilled at the game, they trash the court, and rest of us can not shoot hoop because of it.

I wish we were talking about local basketball hoop, because these weasels would be 🤬 or 🤬 in no time. I'm sorry, but it's very frustrating. :crazy:
It's a real b.s. though, isn't it? :indiff:

I don't know if this works on PSN, as I just randomly ran into the information googling, but if you ran into a questionable lobby, I think you are supposed to unplug the connection, rather than back out like I did. I unplugged the network cable, only after I was out of the match, and I can't help but to wonder had I unplugged earlier, my account would still be intact....

Thankfully i've not had any issues with my account... so far.

I've noticed that the issues are worse at different times at night. I played it for about an hour when i got in from work last night (6-7pm GMT) and only came across one hacked lobby, which i immediately quit out of. Played it again for about an hour at 11pm GMT later on two but 90% of games going on at that time were hacked. I barely played a game, spending most of the time quitting out of games. Most of that time i was getting slotted straight back into the game i'd just quit from too :ouch:

I might just avoid it completely now, quit whilst i'm ahead. :guilty:

a6m 5 was just telling me that you guys have been talking about the hacking going on here on this thread. I posted this in the MW2 thread...its getting real ridiculous to the point where I'm afraid to play online because I dont want my account getting messed with (stats, etc.). This video isnt even the worst of it:

Wow, looks even worse on MW2 :(
Ive been hesitant to play until Sony sorts all this out (if ever), but my friend really wanted to play last night. I told him about what people were doing as far as hacking but he still wanted to play online. I wasnt going to until i remembered that i had just created an alternate account for the GTP league. We played for awhile and probably saw 3 or 4 hacked rooms in about an hour. After he logged off, some kid sent me a friend request and then invited me into a private room. Basically, he gave me the hack menu and set up a challenge lobby, which is a room full of bots. He put me up from level 3 to level 70 just by changing an option and said i could get up to 10th prestige by exiting the room and jumping back in over and over. I took pics and video of the process...sorry about the pic size. Not sure how to reduce it







This is garbage...i really hope Sony can fix this or other online games are not gonna be worth playing. May as well go back to PC gaming if this is the future...
I've heard that PC's the worst though, and how they are the first to get hacked.

I'm seriously considering a purchase of Xbox. I wouldn't have sold it in the first place, had I known that PSN/Activision/IW were just going to completely drop the ball! :indiff:
I've heard that PC's the worst though, and how they are the first to get hacked.

I'm seriously considering a purchase of Xbox. I wouldn't have sold it in the first place, had I known that PSN/Activision/IW were just going to completely drop the ball! :indiff:

PC's are easy to mod game on. The developers even release mod tools for the games. I remember back when I played Battlefield I would mod the image models so everyone would show up a bright green, made it super easy to spot sniper and anyone else running around:)
Last I checked black ops is a lot cheaper than a new xbox.
Yeah, but I'm not gonna lie, I'd still like to play CoD4 & MW2 once in awhile.

I got email from redbox last week that they have Black Ops for PS3 available for rent? But when I go rent it, they don't show any games. When I run into one, I will check it out.
I've never used redbox. We have it hear but there is a family video right down the street from my house and they're usually pretty cheap.
I've never used redbox. We have it hear but there is a family video right down the street from my house and they're usually pretty cheap.
You can check inventory online, then go pick it up. There's like 3, 4 by my apartment, 3, 4 more by my work. Rent at any of them, return at any of them. It's great supplement to Netflix.
I haven't tried netflix either lol. I don't watch that many movies. I like older movies more anyway. A lot of what they come out with these days is garbage.
Had a look at MW last night to check the extent of hacking. The main TD lobbies were hit and miss. MTD was thankfully hack free in the most. It was nice to be able to play again, seems like the hackers have got bored by now 👍
Had a look at MW last night to check the extent of hacking. The main TD lobbies were hit and miss. MTD was thankfully hack free in the most. It was nice to be able to play again, seems like the hackers have got bored by now 👍

MTD? :confused: I was telling Time Attack last night about how I'm over FPS games in general, turned off by both the Activision and modders, but I might pop in a CoD4 over the weekend then. Try it out for myself. :)
MTD? :confused: I was telling Time Attack last night about how I'm over FPS games in general, turned off by both the Activision and modders, but I might pop in a CoD4 over the weekend then. Try it out for myself. :)

I suggest taking a look into the PC community a bit. Activision hasn't ruined everything there yet, :lol:
I suggest taking a look into the PC community a bit. Activision hasn't ruined everything there yet, :lol:
It's mostly lack of support for CoD4 & MW2, online. Half the blame perhaps should go to PSN as well. I wish I had kept my Xbox 360, as I hear the modders aren't problems on Xbox Live.

I understand they are older games, but it's Call of Duty we are talking about. I can't even imagine how much pure profit Activision made on those two games.

PC games sounds interesting, but I don't know. It's still very foreign to me, PC Gaming. :lol:
MTD? :confused: I was telling Time Attack last night about how I'm over FPS games in general, turned off by both the Activision and modders, but I might pop in a CoD4 over the weekend then. Try it out for myself. :)

Hope you had a better time of it then i did. After posting here that the MTD lobbies seem to be hack-free, i got placed into a hacked one which appears to have infected my game save. I quit straight out after seing the room was hacked, but every subsequent game i tried to enter had me as the host with a menu that gave me options to change the games parameters. I ended up deleting my game save data the next day to clear it.
A6 is just being a stubborn old mule about black ops. The queen of england could hold a press conference with Obama and Jesus Christ and say its the pest thing on earth and he'd still brush it off.
I think he probably has about the same feeling as I do towards FPSs at the moment. I need/needed a break from FPS after spending about 17 days worth of playtime on MW2.
Nice to see you, Vash! Did TA say something? I've had him on ignore list since Christmas. :lol: looove you lol

Dan: I was wondering about this infection stuff. It seems that I'd be doing OK, but after I get into a hacked lobby, all I get put into are hacked lobbies, even when I get to host.

Last night, I get on for few good matches, I'm very happy. As soon as I get into hacked/modded lobby, I get out. Next try, I'm hosting, but you guessed it, it's modded. Some kids start crying when I ended the match as soon as it was clear the lobby was modded. I wanted to backhand slap him. :lol: