Relaxed, General FH3 Chat

  • Thread starter RacerPaul
I just checked the Horizon Promo stats, I captured pics of every car but it shows "539/540". Is this correct? Normally, whatever car which did not get photographed would show up in the list, but there is none.
I just checked the Horizon Promo stats, I captured pics of every car but it shows "539/540". Is this correct? Normally, whatever car which did not get photographed would show up in the list, but there is none.

Have you got a pic of all the cars in the Motorsports All-Stars pack? Those seem to be weird for me, I don't own the pack so they don't show up when making custom car lists for blueprints, even though they show up as drivatars just fine.
I just checked the Horizon Promo stats, I captured pics of every car but it shows "539/540". Is this correct? Normally, whatever car which did not get photographed would show up in the list, but there is none.
The counter that shows when taking photos rounds up to the nearest 10th, regardless of how many cars are actually in the game.
Hi all so I love me some Horizon and I’m from Australia and love hsv etc have a Senator ve2 ;) umm I been stuck at 18 barn finds for so long and looked up YouTube and did a race with amc etc and also have barn find from hot wheels and blizzard mountain ? Any advice or just wait for Forzathon.
Hi all so I love me some Horizon and I’m from Australia and love hsv etc have a Senator ve2 ;) umm I been stuck at 18 barn finds for so long and looked up YouTube and did a race with amc etc and also have barn find from hot wheels and blizzard mountain ? Any advice or just wait for Forzathon.
Try the auction house. You should be able to find any you're missing there.
There was also 1 Barn Find that was exclusive to a #Forzathon (you got a Barn Find rumour for beating the challenge).

Days 41-42

With the terrain map now complete I added the details in this update, specifically the railroads, bridges and tunnels that populate Horizon's Australia.

I spent most of yesterday figuring out how to approach this, first coming up with suitable iconography to signify what a bridge, tunnel, overpass, tramline or railroad would look like. I already had an idea of where to take this but some quick research of real roadmaps helped lock in my choices.

With that done I had to come up with a consistent way of drawing them, as I was certainly not going to draw every bridge by hand ("work smarter, not harder"). I taught myself how to add custom arrowheads to Illustrator before realising that it wasn't the most effective method anyway, which then lead me down the route of creating Art Brushes. That worked a lot better as it meant that every bridge would essentially be a straight line with a set of transformations/effects automatically applied to it.

Today I went through every key point and added each element as required. The terrain map itself was a good reference but I had to rely on my game knowledge for the trickier ones. I also had to boot up the game and drive to some locations to confirm the final details. There are some points on the map where a road crosses a body of water, but actually drives through said water and not over a bridge for example.

Anyway, the environmental map is now done and I can move on to the next stage.
For folks getting into this game a little late, there is a 30% discount in the autoshow on every car. It runs for ten days, I would jump on that if I were you.
Drive hub made me take the plunge on an xbox 1 and Forza Horizon 3...Very happy I did. Just behind Assetto Corsa in terms of driving experience; For completely different reasons of course.

Days 41-42

With the terrain map now complete I added the details in this update, specifically the railroads, bridges and tunnels that populate Horizon's Australia.

I spent most of yesterday figuring out how to approach this, first coming up with suitable iconography to signify what a bridge, tunnel, overpass, tramline or railroad would look like. I already had an idea of where to take this but some quick research of real roadmaps helped lock in my choices.

With that done I had to come up with a consistent way of drawing them, as I was certainly not going to draw every bridge by hand ("work smarter, not harder"). I taught myself how to add custom arrowheads to Illustrator before realising that it wasn't the most effective method anyway, which then lead me down the route of creating Art Brushes. That worked a lot better as it meant that every bridge would essentially be a straight line with a set of transformations/effects automatically applied to it.

Today I went through every key point and added each element as required. The terrain map itself was a good reference but I had to rely on my game knowledge for the trickier ones. I also had to boot up the game and drive to some locations to confirm the final details. There are some points on the map where a road crosses a body of water, but actually drives through said water and not over a bridge for example.

Anyway, the environmental map is now done and I can move on to the next stage.

Day 43
With the terrain map and routes now complete all that was left to do was to add the various Australian landmarks and Beauty Spot locations. Beauty Spots were simple enough, just mirror what appears on the in-game map.

For the Landmarks however I had to go into more detail, as the #ForzaHorizon3 map doesn't display all of them. That meant producing custom icons (like the one you see here for the Great Ocean Road) to match the design theme of the already existing ones. With each icon it was important to capture the likeness of the real-life landmark while also being simple enough to work as a minor piece of a much larger image.

I now have 2 maps of Horizon's Australia completed, one for the environment and one for the race routes. The final stage of the project is where they come together to form the finished piece.
So the game decided to crash on the last lap of an hour long Goliath race :banghead:

Never doing that race again. And I know the game crashing isn't going to be fixed because they're probably 95% done with FH4 by now.
Stay off the game for now.
Starting over? Like not rebooting but actually starting over from "Welcome to Horizon/FM7" and completely losing your game starting over? Wow.
I mean, I've stayed off the game for months now, but that is both hilarious and absolutely infuriating. How does something like that happen to a game that otherwise is pretty much done and dusted from an update standpoint?
I was about to award FM7 the title of worst instalment ever but if eating game saves is a systemwide problem then someone's arse needs a hard kicking.
Playground should be raked over the coals, but T10 especially has gotten incredibly lazy with quality control over the past few years.

Looking on Google it seems this is a problem that has effected several games over the years. It’s hard to say for certain who is to blame.