Suicide Squad:Bad guys Bad reviewsMovies 

Watching it right now 12:18am. Right after BvS, it's somewhat entertaining. Like reading a comic I don't normally read.
...So, I just finished watching the extended cut of this film and....

It's still bad. Honestly, waiting to get the longer, more "definitive" versions of DC films are fast becoming the norm nowadays, but for this one, the wait was not exactly worth it. It's still a disjointed, poorly-thought out mess, much worse than BVS extended edition.

And this film made how much?! Man, we're just dumping money seeing this.... turd. Yep, I'm also guilty of the same crime. I admit it.

Anyways. Avoid. Like a plague.
I liked it, but yes, it could have been much better.

...Each to their own, I guess. :lol:


Now that a few days have gone by and I had some time to digest the experience properly, I can say that unequivocally it's still a bad, bad movie. There's just so many things wrong with it, I can't believe Warner didn't pull it and reshoot the entire thing. In my personal scale, I'd rate this around 2.0~2.5/10, less than equally abysmal X-Men: Apocalypse.
...Each to their own, I guess. :lol:


Now that a few days have gone by and I had some time to digest the experience properly, I can say that unequivocally it's still a bad, bad movie. There's just so many things wrong with it, I can't believe Warner didn't pull it and reshoot the entire thing. In my personal scale, I'd rate this around 2.0~2.5/10, less than equally abysmal X-Men: Apocalypse.

It is a bad movie but WB clearly don't care :lol: it did do well in the box office though, it is still easily worse than the theatrical cut of BVS.
...The best part of the movie for me was the purple car Joker drove. It looked kinda cool. Too bad it's now at the bottom of the river...

Besides that, I can't think of any redeeming qualities. This film simply doesn't have any. Acting? Sure, they are passable most of the time. Action set-pieces? Boring. Predictable. Head-scratchingly inconsistent. Script? Besides a few "quotable" lines, utterly forgettable. Villains? Laughable. CGI? Where did the filmmakers waste the budget on? And why Slipknot?! Filling in a racial quota or something? Bah.

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