What don't you like about GTS? From the beta

  • Thread starter diesel97
only have competed in one sport mode event. What is the deal with having to wait 20 minuets.
This needs reduced to no more than 10 minuets. Oh well guess can run some of the sport mode only track in the qualify time mode. More of the same though, most of the GT games have had a lot to offer just poorly executed. With a car roster like GT6, I could count countless sim world events that would be better than what they have ever been able to put together.

You got to race? I get network failure every time...
Another thing bugging me is cars ghosting in and out. I can't tell you how many times I was defending a position only to have them go ghost, and slowly pass me while inside of my car. It's just ridiculous and I don't remember this happening in GT6 or GT5. It's not an improvement that's for sure.
-Still hate the Vision GT cars. Don't mind the fictional race versions of production cars, just can't stand made-up cars in a "sim"
-Would like to see tuning either eliminated (since this isn't a real GT game, and is all about eSports) or expanded upon. Not quite expecting pCARS levels of in depth tuning, but would like to see individual wheel camber and tire pressures at least.
-The Tokyo expressway track is garbage.
-Agree with the earlier assessments about track cleanliness and no light cast from headlights and taillights.
-I'm sure it'll be implemented into the final game like it was in GT6 but should be able to see what assists and control method all lap times are set with.
-HUD needs to be more customizable. Placement of things and ability to turn on or off all the flashing lights.

Don't see the fuss about graphics, it's just GT6 with better lighting and textures to me, still pretty far behind pCARS and Driveclub in that department. Also sounds sound pretty much the same as the PS1 games to me, but neither graphics nor sound really matter to me when playing this type of game. Also visual damage really has no place in a GT game since whenever they try to put it in its half-hearted and a fail, so it's better off if they don't even try.

PD has had no excuse for how long this game has taken to make, when it's just basically a GT-lite in many ways, and the competition has just gotten further and further ahead. It's still enjoyable though and will be by far the most fun racing game this generation, even if it's not technically the best, since PD still understands how to make their games accessible.
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Does anyone else's wheel and or controller spaz out at the menu selections after the first race or two. Meaning that the mouse cursor continually oscillates back and forth?

What is up with the grass it is like quick sand or perhaps tar pit. Not saying that is super bad as supposed to stay on the track. I think new players will struggle with this if that is the way it is released. It is hard to drive on the edge or close to the edge when the car will for whatever reason just snap and completely loose control. I race with most of the assist turned off.
I have had this issue. Had to reboot to clear it. That is where the mouse pointer will not stay over what you want to select.
I'm starting to find the SR deductions a tad harsh, especially in non-contact offenses. You can sometimes get them just for moving around on the track too much, even with a good amount of space between your opponents. IMO the things that'll do the most damage is going off track - I collected a ridiculous amount on my second Gr. 4 Nurburgring race for just the slightest overruns on the ends corners and it brought me down from a 15 to a 4 in one run. Penalties hit you the hardest though, and you'll get regular deductions every few seconds if you don't take your penalty immediately. I think the most irritating deductions happen when you go off track to avoid a wreck because you'd think the safest thing would be to avoid contact with another vehicle, but it almost seems like you could avoid more SR penalties by ramming through the wreck. Fortunately I haven't had to deal with many of those situations.
Hopefully they get the penalty system better sorted before launch. If there isn't much difference between going off track and running into someone you can bet that few people will practice collision avoidance in all the the highest sanctioned races.
Hopefully they get the penalty system better sorted before launch. If there isn't much difference between going off track and running into someone you can bet that few people will practice collision avoidance in all the the highest sanctioned races.

I feel like it has some good and bad at the moment. Thus far I've actually found it very difficult for the SR penalty system to be abused by rammers/aggressive drivers - I've taken very few penalties for being rammed off the track (maybe about 20% of the time), and slight rubs and bumps occurring naturally from close racing has yet to dock any points. I'd say the rewards system is pretty much as solid as it needs to be; it seems to reward per section of the course for clean driving, and gives bonus points for driving safely in packs and avoiding collisions/accidents on track (though I feel like it often fails to detect some incidents).

The real problems arise with the aggressiveness of deductions from going off track and in-race penalties. I had serious problems on the Nurburgring from going wide at the end of a bunch of corners. You start with an SR of 10 and can go up or down from there - I got it up to like 17 by the end of today's N300 races, then lost a couple in the first Gr. 4 Nurburg run despite placing 2nd with very few incidents, and then the second run brought me all the way down to 3. I was getting docked several times for just one rear wheel touching the grass at the end of the corner, and even received a track cutting time penalty near the beginning of the back straight for a similar offense. (For the record, I was only having this issue on the Nurburgring, nowhere else.) The problem with the time penalties as I said before is that it starts docking your SR every few seconds until you clear the time penalty, but furthermore, I found that you can't get rid of your time penalties immediately after re-entering the track - for whatever reason keeping low speed won't start the time deduction, so you need to get back up to speed, and then slow down again to stop the penalty from killing your SR. So basically you get a choice of saving your SR but ruining your pace, or keeping your pace up until you can reasonably/safely take another section slowly while killing your SR, and it really sucks at the moment.

The other issue I dealt with was on the oval, I got spun around on one of the straights around halfway through the race (I didn't get an SR penalty there), so I ended up quickly rushing myself to the infield to avoid a wreck with the people coming up behind me. You get an instant small dock any time you cross the line on the infield on that course, and I find that fair, but as I waited for a safe entry point, I started getting rapid deductions and then got a warning in red text telling me I'd be disqualified if my "penalty time" went over a certain amount, which I was earning for sitting idle off track. The behavior that would've resulted in the smallest hit to my safety rating according to the system would've been to hop back on the track right in front of a pack of four cars at full chat, but I took a huge hit to my safety rating for waiting for a safe re-entry. The good news here is that I managed to keep my SR net-neutral after the race because I kept super clean in each corner and was driving in a pack for the first half of the event.

I think a way around some of the heavier hitting penalties would to be able to earn back points in deduction zones - for example, going off track to avoid a wreck - I think there should be an SR penalty for any off-track driving, but it would make sense to give a point or two back for avoiding a wreck. Same with the re-entry situation I dealt with. The pint to the safety rating should be to reward safe driving, which should be as on-track and collision-free as possible.

The time penalty+SR deduction and course re-entry calculation system as well as the penalty sensitivity on Nurburg seem to be the areas that need the most work by far. But there really is a reward in keeping your cool and being cautious around dangerous drivers with the system that's already in place - the problem children will eventually catch themselves out and you'll immediately outpace them and leave them in your dust, and then you can go on business as usual, and your SR will climb above theirs and you'll eventually be matched with safer drivers the more you play. My final race of the day is a perfect example of that - I started way back in 14th of 16, but climbed all the way to 5th as people lost their cool or got too aggressive. Outside of one goof in the last lap I was 100% clean the whole race, and I managed to bring my SR up from 3 to 11 in just one race. You can check out my replay in the beta thread if you want to see how it played out more specifically.

Gran Turismo®Sport Closed Beta Test Version_20170401185508.jpg
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I've been unsuccessful at participating in a race. I get network errors and/or the counter resets. I have a wired connection so I'm not sure what's going on.
I'm starting to find the SR deductions a tad harsh, especially in non-contact offenses. You can sometimes get them just for moving around on the track too much, even with a good amount of space between your opponents. IMO the things that'll do the most damage is going off track - I collected a ridiculous amount on my second Gr. 4 Nurburgring race for just the slightest overruns on the ends corners and it brought me down from a 15 to a 4 in one run. Penalties hit you the hardest though, and you'll get regular deductions every few seconds if you don't take your penalty immediately. I think the most irritating deductions happen when you go off track to avoid a wreck because you'd think the safest thing would be to avoid contact with another vehicle, but it almost seems like you could avoid more SR penalties by ramming through the wreck. Fortunately I haven't had to deal with many of those situations.

I'm just hoping the Sportsmanship Rating works well. It needs to let good drivers match with good drivers. Best drivers matching with similarly. Something like what a modder implemented in Assetto Corsa..that became the standard for a few years.....would be just dandy in my eyes. I think it was called Minorating Server Plugin. Here's a quick run through of the plugin that was running on these servers, that ultimately lead to much clean racing goodness in AC:

You had 5 driver classifications(grades). Each race you enter into(if it had the server plugin) automatically collects data on how many car contacts you have, how many times you run off-track and kms covered between contacts and car run-offs. This gives you your rating. A,B,C,D,W in that order from best race drivers to worst. N is New account.
A drivers can go into any lobby, B can go into anything below etc etc by default.

Rating explanations:

N-brand new accounts/drivers, everyone starts here, after a certain amount of contacts/kms you will move from this rating to one of the others.

W -wreckers(making on average more than 10 contacts per race), cannot access any lobbies but Wrecker lobbies they can however enter a special lobby to improve their rating, which if done correctly can move them up to D rating and enable them into D lobbies and worse. It requires significant clean racing over a minimum of 3 separate days to improve to a C grade. Even more kms between contacts are required to move from C to B. As a B grade, the requirements to become A grade is hardest.

B & A class racers can race with each other in some lobbies, few lobbies are A class and an A class driver will be limited to have no more than 2-4 separate contacts per race IIRC. Any more than that and they risk losing the A rating, they'll go down to B.

You might be thinking "well what if there's a huge pileup and you end up touching 20 cars and getting 20 contacts at turn 4?...do I get sent straight to Wrecker grade?" Well, no the beauty of the plugin is it avoids that, as if by magic. It knows when there's an unavoidable pileup and calculates it, doesn't bring you down much compared to if you were just trolling around and contacting cars left and right, ruining a race for others.

The way the plugin was designed was brilliant, so much that It's also easier to maintain your rating than it was to lose it. I can't exactly put it into words, I'm going off my memories from it some time ago.

Each lobby can be configured to let in which ratings so you can have A,B,C drivers in one race or even just all B grades in one race, C grades in one etc. A,B for some solid clean racing. A only for cleanest of racing.

Then there's also separate unranked lobbies such as the mixed A, AB, ABC or mixed B,C that don't rank you but you're only allowed if you're holding one of the grades, obviously more accidents happen here but nice to know you aren't getting any deliberate trolls/wreckers whatsoever since D,W and N cannot enter. There's also lack of pressure about contact which can make these lobbies more like a real race as drivers push harder but at the same time not devoid of clean racing.

Honestly it's kinda difficult to explain and cover all areas accurately since I didn't create the plugin, but I can say for certain once you got into AB Grade class racing lobbies, the racing was so clean and gentlemanly. It was wonderful. It was reliably clean. Every Time. Everyone in those AB lobbies were more concerned about their rating than winning the race. And that fact alone lead to some of the most intense, and some of the best clean racing I've ever had in any online game, ever.

So here's to hoping the SR in GT SPORT is going to manage matchmaking that well.
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Is it just me or do all the tarmacs look and feel the same (brand new and shiny)? Race car drivers always talk about how each track has it's own personality and nothing from GTS has showed this.
I feel like you do !!! All tracks same tarmac feel and no imperfections from it
Transmission whine. Way too much. Already tired of it. Well, at least everyone got the improved sounds they've been wanting.
What I don't like:

- All views need either the bumper rear view mirror or a small side mirror.

On trees :lol::

More tree variation at Brands like at Nurburgring. Nurburgring seems to have the perfect mix of quality balance, with mixed trees from high volume crowns "2.5d", to mid volume crowns, to criss cross, to flat 2d rotating trees. And they have plenty of variation as well.
Brands has high volume ones on paddock bend and follow-up section, but after that it's mostly closely repeated 2d rotating ones and some criss cross one that frankly look with their shadow projection at some times of day while the flat 2d can look really flat as well.

I'm missing some ambience/movement from environment as well. If trees had sway, oh my. :embarrassed:

I'm starting to find the SR deductions a tad harsh, especially in non-contact offenses. You can sometimes get them just for moving around on the track too much, even with a good amount of space between your opponents. IMO the things that'll do the most damage is going off track - I collected a ridiculous amount on my second Gr. 4 Nurburgring race for just the slightest overruns on the ends corners and it brought me down from a 15 to a 4 in one run. Penalties hit you the hardest though, and you'll get regular deductions every few seconds if you don't take your penalty immediately. I think the most irritating deductions happen when you go off track to avoid a wreck because you'd think the safest thing would be to avoid contact with another vehicle, but it almost seems like you could avoid more SR penalties by ramming through the wreck. Fortunately I haven't had to deal with many of those situations.

Yup, saturday I saw my brother and friend tank my SR and it wasn't due collisions (mostly). It appears that if you are off track, penalties keep ticking. They even got a disqualification warning trying to rejoin safely.

That's the biggest flaw I've seen so far with the rating system.
But overall it seems pretty fair.

Another thing bugging me is cars ghosting in and out. I can't tell you how many times I was defending a position only to have them go ghost, and slowly pass me while inside of my car. It's just ridiculous and I don't remember this happening in GT6 or GT5. It's not an improvement that's for sure.

I believe ghosting happens when the game and/or server can't correctly determine cars' positions due desync/latency/whatever.
100ms for a car at 150km/h means a 4m distance window, 75km/h, 2m.

The game and server may have a high tick rate (I dunno how much for racing game's servers, maybe ~100 or more?) but issues happen.
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I feel like you do !!! All tracks same tarmac feel and no imperfections from it
I thought the 'ring had a lot more texture to the track than previous versions. Much bumpier than GT5/6 imo.

Transmission whine. Way too much. Already tired of it. Well, at least everyone got the improved sounds they've been wanting.
Welcome to GT haha, the trans whine has been overwhelming since GT2
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welcome to GT haha, the trans whine has been overwhelming since gt2

Yep, I've played them all and GTS is the worst offender. Older titles weren't that bad to me. Maybe there's something wrong with my hearing.
Yep, I've played them all and GTS is the worst offender. Older titles weren't that bad to me. Maybe there's something wrong with my hearing.
it can depend on your speakers/stereo/headset I hate using my wireless headset because it seems to drone really bad with the transmission whine while my wired one sounds much better. kinda weird
Brands and especially Nurb track texture compare quite well to AC. A few curbs are off at Nurb in GT, too high or too low.
That's funny, I was struck by how different the two Nurbs were. The one in AC is way less forgiving than GT's to me. As for what I hate about the beta, nothing really. The complete lack of innovation is disappointing though, there's just not anything here that gives GT any kind of edge over the other sims out now. The driver rating system is a welcome addition, but it's hardly groundbreaking. The sounds are still the worst in the industry and the servers are up to their old tricks. I was really hoping to see some kind of progression with GTS, but it seems like business as usual over at PD.
That's funny, I was struck by how different the two Nurbs were. The one in AC is way less forgiving than GT's to me. As for what I hate about the beta, nothing really. The complete lack of innovation is disappointing though, there's just not anything here that gives GT any kind of edge over the other sims out now. The driver rating system is a welcome addition, but it's hardly groundbreaking. The sounds are still the worst in the industry and the servers are up to their old tricks. I was really hoping to see some kind of progression with GTS, but it seems like business as usual over at PD.
IMO, GTS is extremely forgiving of going off track. In GT5/6/S it seems like if you have one tire on the track you get some additional assists in traction control and stability. When in reality you touch grass, your race is probably over. It's been a pet peeve of mine since 5/6 :mad:
IMO, GTS is extremely forgiving of going off track. In GT5/6/S it seems like if you have one tire on the track you get some additional assists in traction control and stability. When in reality you touch grass, your race is probably over. It's been a pet peeve of mine since 5/6 :mad:

In GT5/6 it depended on the track settings you selected. You had the choice between 'Real' and forgiving (I forget the actual name for it). On 'Real' a single tire off could put you in the wall. With forgiving you had much more well, forgiving outcomes if you drove off the track. GTSport doesn't have this option. And then there was SRF which was a completely different beast but there's no evidence in GTS it exists.
In GT5/6 it depended on the track settings you selected. You had the choice between 'Real' and forgiving (I forget the actual name for it). On 'Real' a single tire off could put you in the wall. With forgiving you had much more well, forgiving outcomes if you drove off the track. GTSport doesn't have this option. And then there was SRF which was a completely different beast but there's no evidence in GTS it exists.
I forgot about SRF. HATED IT!
Don't seem to have access to the Sony Beta forum, so posting here:

Thrilled to be in the Beta… my first impressions from Friday evening:

Big Willow: Renault Megane RS

This interesting. Until I disabled all of the driving assists, I thought I was going to quit the Beta after about 3 laps. After disabling all of the various nannies, I started to have fun. Car sound was OK, shifting was slow. I ran about 15 laps, and was able to get a good feel for the car. Good fun- not a deal maker yet, but promising. I did not compete in a race. (I hate Big Willow, and I really hate the Megane… where is the MazdaSpeed 3?)

Nords: Mustang GT4

OK! Now we’re talking. I did not qualify- never got into the event with enough time remaining for a qualifying lap. I did some basic setup, which worked. I ran two events here- lots of fun, but some reservations. The car was riot- good sound, stable, good power. I was able to run good lines, and was immediately comfortable. I started both races in the back, and did not like the “cutoff” finish- I’d like to cross the line. Racing seems like an exercise in avoidance. I was able to catch and run with other cars, but just not hitting them was really nuts. I’m hoping this was just latency or netcode issues. I got sidewiped a lot trying to pass, even with speed and line in my favor. The “SR” rating seems really punitive- on one occasion I ran wide to avoid a collision and got docked for going off-track, and then while chasing an opponent up the long uphill, I had this happen: opponent was all over the track, and slower. I had power and good lines on the guy, but he was mister zigzag. I could not get an opening. Finally, I took a clean inside line near the top, and guy moved into me, I guess to block. I got run into the grass and the rail, AND got docked. Seems like getting a good SR means not passing? In both races, I was able to push the car and gain positions.


Brands: AMG GT GT3

Car was great- awesome sound!

I ran 8-10 qually laps, and started in P2. Predictably (for me anyway), I ran wide into 1 and spun. I got a dire warning about being DQ’d- as if screwing up a good qual by spinning wasn’t punishment enough? I got going again and started making passes. Again, going into the uphill left, I lifted to avoid a collision, got into the dirt, and got docked SR. I rejoined, made a few more passes, and then got punted into the rail, and got another draconian SR dock. At that point, I quit the race. (If I race any more tonight, my SR will be negative, and I don’t like Brands enough to punish myself any more.)


I played GT4 about 99% through, and most of GT6. I bought GT5 after 6, and enjoy it still. I’ve played everything from Sports Car GT through all of the NFS street racers, and the SimBin stuff too- the original GTR mod, and both GTR and GTR2. I’ve played both “Shift” versions, TOCA3, and GRID Autosport.

I’ve been playing Project CARS lately, and really enjoying some aspects of it. In PCARS, I feel like I can use all of the track without the car departing, and I also think the steering response is vastly better. I can catch and correct oversteer in PCARS that in any GT came would be a wild hopeless slide. GTS is a little better than GT5 or GT6 in this regard, but I still feel like I’m punished for pushing hard. In PCARS, after a departure, there are still some physics working- mass, friction, etc, to help the driver catch and correct. Gravity, air resistance, tires slipping, these all conspire to slow a car down in the real world. In the GT games, it feels like once the grip goes, the car in is outer space until it hits something. In PCARS, a touch of the curb or a wheel off will unsettle the car, but it won’t launch it. (Imagine hitting a pothole or a big dip at speed in your real car- car gets a little loose, but you don’t go sailing into the woods…) In GTS this evening I found that the more I drove, the less confident I felt. I’ve been around the Nords and Brands enough times to be confident of the lines, knowing where to turn in and try to plant the car. In PCARS, if I’m 85% right, I get a response. If I’m 100% right, I get a brilliant response. In GT6/GTS, I feel like I have to be on a 98-99% perfect line just to stay on the track and maintain control.

I also felt like the matchmaking could be improved- even just matching wheel users only with other wheel users would be a help- lots of guys zigging all over, and hard to get around even with momentum or a good line and setup. I assume the ziggers are on DualShocks. Match based on assists as well- put the auto-everything folks in their own events.

Control: I’m using a G29. FFB was miserable. No excuse. Steering latency is still an issue for me- PCARS has brilliant steering response and is very tunable- steering ratios, guys! GT4 was wonderful. GT6 is just “OK”. GTS was better, but still numb. The car magazine guys go gaga these days over anything that still has hydraulic power steering, because it has superior feedback over electrically assisted PS. I’d rate PCARS as having hydraulic PS, and GTS as having electric PS.

Visuals- gorgeous, but typical Polyphony “Crayola” color levels. Too bright, too green. Give me some mist and dirt. Not a deal breaker, but better atmospherics can really nail the immersion factor.

I’ll be doing some Arcade racing this morning, and running the Sunday afternoon races…
Don't like the fact that the Peugeot VGT still does not have an interior :irked::grumpy:

Wait, they're still doing that??? I thought they had actually learned from their GT5&6 mistakes especially with how inconsistent the cars were in terms of detail and quality. So with this it means that yes they're all Super Premium but that doesn't guarantee that all cars will have their interiors modelled. :banghead:
Wait, they're still doing that??? I thought they had actually learned from their GT5&6 mistakes especially with how inconsistent the cars were in terms of detail and quality. So with this it means that yes they're all Super Premium but that doesn't guarantee that all cars will have their interiors modelled. :banghead:

We have seen pictures of Interiors of VGT racing (cars Mazda and Bugatti) back in May 16 in GT Sport, I think he means in the beta there is no interior view at all. Just bonnet or chase cam. They are probably still working on finishing the interiors of these. I can't see them giving blank interiors or no interiors in the finished game i.e VR etc 👍

OK and another thing that I don't know if anyone has mentioned, once you reach the top of your speed class (like when I was on the cusp of going from E to D) it puts you in a race with all the worst people from the class above you. It's basically a sprinkling of E drivers with high sportsmanship ratings and mostly D drivers with SRs of 1-3, which frankly, is garbage. Hopefully that is fixed. Luckily I managed to outrun the carnage and graduated to D so hopefully I'll be with people with a similar SR from now on.
My qualifying time got wiped and I had to start at the back of the pack on Northern Isle, meaning I had a standing start on a steep bank. Spun around and started the race a lap behind. I think this track needs rolling starts.
OK and another thing that I don't know if anyone has mentioned, once you reach the top of your speed class (like when I was on the cusp of going from E to D) it puts you in a race with all the worst people from the class above you. It's basically a sprinkling of E drivers with high sportsmanship ratings and mostly D drivers with SRs of 1-3, which frankly, is garbage. Hopefully that is fixed. Luckily I managed to outrun the carnage and graduated to D so hopefully I'll be with people with a similar SR from now on.

Not sure what you mean, do you think you should transfer from a high E # to a high D # that wouldn't make sense
So, a follow up to my previous post...
Spent this afternoon doing N300 at Brands. Got a Focus ST for my daily "gift". I like it better than the Megane in some ways, but get better times in the Megane. IIWII. N300 at Brands was a wreckfest. Honestly, I'm trying not to hit anyone, and it feels like if you want to fight for position, you just have to give up on getting SR. I kept getting smoked at the green by EVO's and STI's, so my Q times were a waste. How about breaking out 2WD from AWD? Did Brands 4 times, and bailed. SR at 9... The N300 race at Big Willow popped up, so I Q'd and ran it once in the Megane- Q'd in second, got a good start and a clean race, finished second. Cool. SR up to 12. A cold SmartMouth Alter Ego, grilled salmon, and oven roasted Yukon Golds were calling, so I took a break, but I got a chance to Q for the GR.4 Nords race, still in the Mustang. Ran 8:13 to Q, which was good for P3 in my first race. I think I could get under 8 even in the Mustang with some time and tweaking. Got a clean start, but got punted at Flugplatz, and stuck behind the pack on recovery. Red arrow-fest, so I backed off to try to finish clean. SR down to 10. Race 2, started P4, ran solid all the way to the Karousel, then got chopped, braked hard, hit the guy anyway, got punted, got more red arrows. Decided not to F around with the wreckfest and just let everyone by and ran clean in P14 to the end. Got some blue arrows, and ended the day at SR12. Frankly, today felt like the Sparrow Racing League. I'd rather race AI's than the most of what I saw today. I'm tempted to really sandbag some qualifying laps to see if I get put into some groups I can just run away from, but if I have to put that much effort into it, then something's broken.
(I still can't access the official Sony tester forums...)
Not sure what you mean, do you think you should transfer from a high E # to a high D # that wouldn't make sense

No, you should be racing people with similar qualifying lap times to you, the slowest D drivers on speed, the sportsmanship ratings should be consistent. They shouldn't have the cleanest drivers racing against the dirtiest drivers.
No, you should be racing people with similar qualifying lap times to you, the slowest D drivers on speed, the sportsmanship ratings should be consistent. They shouldn't have the cleanest drivers racing against the dirtiest drivers.
A well designed system probably shouldn't corral you with drivers of a similar rating until you get a number of races under your belt and maybe even a reset button if you desire one. Otherwise there will be a lot of unlucky sim racers who get punted around in their first couple of starts and, from then on, get grouped with the lower rated drivers and might never get out of that low rating.
A well designed system probably shouldn't corral you with drivers of a similar rating until you get a number of races under your belt and maybe even a reset button if you desire one. Otherwise there will be a lot of unlucky sim racers who get punted around in their first couple of starts and, from then on, get grouped with the lower rated drivers and might never get out of that low rating.
Something like Rocket League would be good : 10 pre-races to class the driver.
Here are my biggest issues with GTS. So far, I love it, but these things need to be addressed.
  • No FOV slider for cockpit view
  • The HUD is way too cluttered. If PD can simplify it and space things out, that would be massively appreciated.
  • The tachometer doesn't show the full RPM range. I would like to know what level my car is at all the time.
  • The blindside warning indicators need to be on the borders of the screen and have to be obvious enough to be seen with your peripheral vision
  • The steering and braking assists shouldn't be in the game. If you want to learn how to properly race, the game should teach you where to apply the brakes and turn in. When the game is holding your hand and doing the actions for you, you'll never learn.
  • Slow vehicle unlocking. I have limited time to play each day, and I want to experience all of the available cars before my time (and the beta) runs out. Unlocking one car each day is tedious, to say the least. I like the idea of driving to get yourself rewards, but the cars should be unlocked after every 25 miles you travel, or by completing some other challenge. Perhaps consistently beating your previous lap time three times in a row on the same course. That will encourage players to improve their skills.
  • Transmission whine is still WAY too loud compared to all other sounds.
  • Tunnels are blinding while exiting them. I've noticed this problem since GT5. While it is mostly realistic, it doesn't make things fun, especially on narrow tracks like Tokyo Expressway.
I'm nitpicking here, but I still want to talk about things that irked me.
  • All of the starter cars should have been FR. In my opinion, they are the easiest drivetrain to learn with. MR has too much lift-off oversteer, especially for newcomers that aren't used to racing simulators.
  • Brands Hatch being the only track available offline. Even though it has a balance between straights, sweepers, and hairpins, I am so bored of it. Let us try the other courses before going online.
Anyway, that's everything off the top of my head. :P

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