What don't you like about GTS? From the beta

  • Thread starter diesel97
•The biggest thing I have trouble with, is other cars are drowning out the sound on mine. I can't here my own engine or tires, makes it very difficult to know what the car is doing. I've overpowered many times because of it.

•I wish the game would stop giving me Group 3 cars. I only have one Group 4.
During replays I feel the sound of cars riding the rumble strips needs to be louder. I remember when I was at Silverstone, the noise was louder than I thought.
IMO, GTS is extremely forgiving of going off track. In GT5/6/S it seems like if you have one tire on the track you get some additional assists in traction control and stability. When in reality you touch grass, your race is probably over. It's been a pet peeve of mine since 5/6 :mad:

No that's an improvement. GT5 and 6 had it completely wrong. Always did. Have you actually driven in grass in real life? It's no where near as bad as it is in GT5 or 6. Also, if you can't drive in grass with your car, compare it to iracing, assetto corsa, rfactor 2, or any legitimate simulator. How come there's so much more grip off track in all those sims than GT6? I highly doubt it's all those sims which are typically regarded as being much more realistic got it wrong while GT5/6 had it right.

"When in reality you touch grass, your race is probably over"

Have you ever actually watched a race??? Even F1 cars which are super low to the ground and use slick tires get away with putting a tire in the grass.

I literally drove around on grass in my car on purpose a few years back because I was annoyed with GT5 and convinced that the loss of grip off track was totally unrealistic and exaggerated. The cornering speeds I hit totally surpassed what you can do in GT even with a 4WD car not to mention the straight line speed isn't nearly as reduced as it is in GT5.

Not to mention driver aids kicking in when you go off track. Also insanely unrealistic.

GTS is the first time they got it right.
Something like Rocket League would be good : 10 pre-races to class the driver.

What could also help with the Sportsmanship Rating is only calculating it based on a certain amount of previous races. Say anywhere from 10-50.

If it's calculated as an average over that span of time, you no longer are permanently damaged by a ram-happy race at Tokyo. The current system — which seemingly adds to SR every clean sector, and lowers it based on heavy contact with other cars, off-track excursions, and wall bumps — could be kept in place, and would actually encourage people to partake in longer races, since there'd be more opportunity for a higher SR there.

Currently, it's simply accumulative. There's a serious problem with that approach: clean, fast folks that pick up the game a few months after release will have a much harder time getting matched with people that are truly level with them.

The steering and braking assists shouldn't be in the game. If you want to learn how to properly race, the game should teach you where to apply the brakes and turn in. When the game is holding your hand and doing the actions for you, you'll never learn.

It does that already: there's the flashing brake/gear indicator, and the green turn markers.

There's no reason not to have those assists in the game, other than a sense of elitism. They're optional, and they make the game more accessible to people who don't have a ton of experience.

All PD needs to do to encourage folks to not permanently use the assists — though there's nothing inherently wrong with that — is incentivize them. Do what Forza does, and offer extra credits to people who turn them off.

Slow vehicle unlocking. I have limited time to play each day, and I want to experience all of the available cars before my time (and the beta) runs out. Unlocking one car each day is tedious, to say the least. I like the idea of driving to get yourself rewards, but the cars should be unlocked after every 25 miles you travel, or by completing some other challenge. Perhaps consistently beating your previous lap time three times in a row on the same course. That will encourage players to improve their skills.

Eh, it's a beta, not a demo. I mean, I appreciate PD putting in the gamey aspect of a "daily routine", but it's not the primary focus of the CBT version, IMO. Especially since all signs point to a more traditional credit-based system in the final product.

Not to mention driver aids kicking in when you go off track. Also insanely unrealistic.

Ugh, this has always driven me nuts about the PS3-era GT games.
Third evening in the Beta for me. Did two N300 races at the Nords- first was high E's- great race. I didn't qual, started 14th, cleared the zigzaggers and had a clean race. SR up by two- finished at 14. Second race stunk. Pack racing wreckfest, dropped way back, SR up to 16. Moved over to GT4 at Brands, again did two races in the Mustang- I have this car dialed- easy and neutral- fun to hammer. First race was great, started 4th, ran a good clean race, finished 5th. SR up to 18, moved up to D. Must have gotten lumped in with the other noob D's- second was awful- got punted hard on lap 2, rejoined at the back. Got a couple of P's, then got rammed again. SR back down to 16 after that... Seriously, can we just try not to crash into each other? I didn't run the GT3 race at Tokyo- terrible track. My SR would have been negative after that race! Seems like if you want to race for position, you have to bag SR. If you want to build SR, you have to stay out the scrum. Needs to be better balanced. After, I ran qually laps at Nords in the Focus ST, and holy screaming redlines! I stiffened it up, and did the transmission, and oh man! I spent a chunk of last Thursday crossing eastern NC on back roads in my own car, (Mazda 3s 2.5/6SPD) and the feel, response, and feedback in the Focus in GTS was really good in comparison. I felt like I was driving- the wheel made the car in the game do car-like things. What was even better was the "draw" distances- you can see clearly much further out, and this really helps in setting up lines. Once I got the setup tight, I was able to start pushing, and ran an 8:39. What really got me tonight was the combination of everything- feel and feedback, visuals, and sound all came together to really immerse me in the game. That alone gets major points.
On the down side, I also ran a Euro TC race in PCars, Monza short in the Megane. Great fun, solid alternative. In the past, switching form a GT game to anything else was a major jolt- from GTS to PCars was like switching events in-game. With PCars2 on the horizon, GTS has some solid competition.
I'll keep saying this- really happy to be able to participate in this beta...
What do I not like?...

The snap to look 90° left/90° right, instead of a head swivel style camera pan to 45°. Allowing for a simultaneous forward+side view. Would make driving in cockpit seem more feasible to use in a competitive environment. It would also help if looking left & right worked consistently in each camera view (wheel users).

A consistent ghosting system for dirty/low speed/crashed/returning to track/parked/wreckless drivers.

Losing close to 20 SR because of a server spike (on the Nordschleife of all places) that raised my ping to over 1,200 & had everyone bouncing everywhere like rubber balls on ice.

The scheduling. There should be two 3-hour daily race sessions a day, that only allow entry into one or the other, so that people who have more free time in the a.m.opposed to the p.m., or can't finish all 3 events in a session entirely can do the daily race events at a more convenient/alternate time.

Not having a release date for the full game.

Just a few things I don't like.
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Yea I assume so. Unfortunately.

I just had to vent my frustrations. Thanks for not responding negatively.

I agree with you completely. GT and all sims in general are all about the physics and the way it feels to drive these cars. That is by far the most important element.

I want much faster AI so I hope GTS delivers it but I certainly am not going to not buy it just because it has GT6's AI. If that's the case I can always use an underperforming car to get a challenge.

I was actually hoping the AI would be tougher though. The 2 GT games with the toughest AI and best single player racing were GT PSP, and GT5 Prologue. What is the one thing those 2 have in common? They don't have upgradeable parts like turbos, and what not. That's also something GT Sport has in common. I don't see why
I hope they are going to include rolling starts whenever there is more than one drivetrain on the grid. What's the purpose of fighting so hard to set a fast qualifying position with a Megane (example), only to lose all that work to AWD cars that can achieve excellent start and gain two or three positions without a sweat.

Full-time ghosting for all cars should be part of FIA/eSports events. For regular online events, it should be optional.
I hope they are going to include rolling starts whenever there is more than one drivetrain on the grid. What's the purpose of fighting so hard to set a fast qualifying position with a Megane (example), only to lose all that work to AWD cars that can achieve excellent start and gain two or three positions without a sweat.

Full-time ghosting for all cars should be part of FIA/eSports events. For regular online events, it should be optional.

No and no.
I dont even want to think that in a competitive esport series there would be an option for ghost cars.If is that the case then dont do races,just hotlaps.
With that said,rolling starts would be nice but not because some people on AWD can have better starts than others.What kind of a car you drive its your choice and that means that you also choose its strong and weak points.
With that said,rolling starts would be nice but not because some people on AWD can have better starts than others.What kind of a car you drive its your choice and that means that you also choose its strong and weak points.

Very good point, but the luck of the GTS "draw" has given me a Megane and a Focus, both FWD, so I'm getting smoked at the green by the EVO's and STI's. IIWII. Ghosting has a place in that if I'm completely out of control and sliding back and forth across the track, the guys who've kept it together shouldn't pay a penalty for my idiocy. Likewise, I'd like to be ghosted if the guy behind me can't find his braking point or just thinks the best way past is through. Was it GTR2 where if you tagged one of the AI's it was like hitting a bulldozer? (I think I pitted for headlight repairs like eight times in the Spa 24 hour...) If a car is on the racing line and under control, give it more inertia so the crash-er bounces off?
No and no.
I dont even want to think that in a competitive esport series there would be an option for ghost cars.If is that the case then dont do races,just hotlaps.
With that said,rolling starts would be nice but not because some people on AWD can have better starts than others.What kind of a car you drive its your choice and that means that you also choose its strong and weak points.
Sounds great in theory but what it means in practice is that you will need a 4 wheel drive car to have a shot at winning a sprint race. If the rating system works well you are going to be pitted against drivers who are very close in speed to you meaning losing a couple of seconds at the start of every race will get old very quickly and lobbies will be inundated with four wheel drive vehicles where possible

It would be a real shame if they created such a beautiful game with a well-functioning driver rating system only to see 90% of the cars in the game be rarely used
And the prize car for today.............another grp3. It's almost comical at this point. I guess they'll run out of grp3s at some point, and have to give me something else.


Here's what I started with...

I don't like that the tracks in the Sport races are set at the same time each time. You'd think PD would want to show off the lighting engine more by having the races be at different times.
These are some stuff that i hate and could be of improvement:

• I would suggest to put a rear view mirror on the roof cam view.

• adjust the HUD rpms display on roof cam view because if you have a red car its very hard to see the HUD rev meter there.

• give more "feel" and feedback to the steering wheel and the pedals. It lacks "bits" of input on all the wheel and both gas and brake pedals.

• give an option to adjust the on screen information like in Project Cars. There is actually too much information displayed on screen to be honest. (We arent scientists)

Hope PD could get it done! Happy racing guys! :)
It would be a real shame if they created such a beautiful game with a well-functioning driver rating system only to see 90% of the cars in the game be rarely used[/QUOTE]

I was thinking about this too. I don't want these races turning into GT5/6 time trials where every top time is a Suzuki GSX-R/4.
This! Lost more SR to guys screaming in off the grass and going "solid" 3 feet in front of me than to anything else...

And they often do it on purpose to get themselves back into the race, by using you for acceleration! :ouch:

And the prize car for today.............another grp3. It's almost comical at this point. I guess they'll run out of grp3s at some point, and have to give me something else.

Heard recently that someone had received a duplicate vehicle as a daily prize. I have 6 Gr. 3's, 3 Gr. 4's, & 2 N300's myself.
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Just unlocked the Hyundai Genesis Gr.3. That car has the most boring and uninspiring engine sound out of everything else. I hope they fix that quickly. The car doesn't seem all that exciting to drive anyway, aside from the stability around corners.
I dont even want to think that in a competitive esport series there would be an option for ghost cars.If is that the case then dont do races,just hotlaps.
Then how are we going to penalize dirty drivers or help polite drivers avoid becoming collateral victims? It's obvious that the penalty system hasn't really helped punish drivers properly, it can be exploited or avoided quite easily.

I would understand if this was a private lobby where friends come and compete, but the servers are going to be open to everyone. A globally oriented project like eSports has to ensure that the game supporting it prioritizes equity and equality more than anything else. Ghosting is the simplest way to ensure the two.
Then how are we going to penalize dirty drivers or help polite drivers avoid becoming collateral victims? It's obvious that the penalty system hasn't really helped punish drivers properly, it can be exploited or avoided quite easily.

I would understand if this was a private lobby where friends come and compete, but the servers are going to be open to everyone. A globally oriented project like eSports has to ensure that the game supporting it prioritizes equity and equality more than anything else. Ghosting is the simplest way to ensure the two.

Its not my job to find the perfect system to punish "dirty drivers" in an esports online racing game.If it was,then PD (or any other developer) would be paying me money to do that.
Like I said ghost cars have no place in an esport competitive activity.Thats my opinion.
Esports racing should be about fast/fair racing.Accidents can happen,thats part of racing too."Dirty" drivers should not be allowed to be part of esports to begin with.And I am not talking about people that make an honest mistake or two (neither are you,if I undestand you correctly).
Since PD wants GTS to be THE esport racing title (in PS4) they have to find a way to do that.IMO ghost cars is not that way.I may be wrong but thats what I think.
Imagine if, instead of a Grand Prix weekend, every team was given a set amount of time to run solo on the track. Then, all these laps would be laid over one another for broadcast time. Exciting, right? That's roughly what an all-ghost-all-the-time eSports event would be. It wouldn't be racing: it'd just be simultaneous hot-lapping.

Think of some of the best close real-world races you've watched. They almost certainly involved a constant give-and-take between two cars, where one line offered a benefit for driver A through turn X, but a disadvantage through turn Y.

The current system certainly has its flaws, but I imagine it'll work pretty well for packs of drivers at the pointy end of DR and SR. Big, officially-sanctioned events could have live marshals to keep on eye on any obvious griefing too: that's how it's done in most other games IIRC.
Imagine if, instead of a Grand Prix weekend, every team was given a set amount of time to run solo on the track. Then, all these laps would be laid over one another for broadcast time. Exciting, right? That's roughly what an all-ghost-all-the-time eSports event would be. It wouldn't be racing: it'd just be simultaneous hot-lapping.

Think of some of the best close real-world races you've watched. They almost certainly involved a constant give-and-take between two cars, where one line offered a benefit for driver A through turn X, but a disadvantage through turn Y.

The current system certainly has its flaws, but I imagine it'll work pretty well for packs of drivers at the pointy end of DR and SR. Big, officially-sanctioned events could have live marshals to keep on eye on any obvious griefing too: that's how it's done in most other games IIRC.

Agree for the most part but what about those that get on the track and promptly park it sideways on the most narrow part of the track, causing massive collision when leaders of the race come for lap 2? or the ones that drive backwards and in opposite direction of the race, in an attempt to take out all other cars? Something needs to be done about that. Or else it's just a repeat of Forza's online.

I think only they should be ghosted, and if they continue to do that, kicked from the track and can't rejoin that particular race for 5 minutes. Otherwise yeah ghosting for other things isn't so much helping as it is ruining what racing is all about.
Yes, the ghosting.
I've read theories regarding it occurring due to a significant speed difference between two cars at the time of contact.
In the latest race shown, I'm not convinced.

I think I see what PD are aiming for.
And I don't claim to have a better solution.
But during that race it played a major role on car track position, and the race result itself was clearly defined due to ghosting.

I'm a little torn, but I'm not happy about thet.

Sorry, I got my threads confused.
I'm referring to this clip.
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Yes, the ghosting.
I've read theories regarding it occurring due to a significant speed difference between two cars at the time of contact.
In the latest race shown, I'm not convinced.

I think I see what PD are aiming for.
And I don't claim to have a better solution.
But during that race it played a major role on car track position, and the race result itself was clearly defined due to ghosting.

I'm a little torn, but I'm not happy about thet.

Sorry, I got my threads confused.
I'm referring to this clip.
Maximum mechanical damage? It would get rid of the punters but they'd take someone with them.
Maximum mechanical damage? It would get rid of the punters but they'd take someone with them.
Yep, mechanical damage is good in my books.
It perhaps doesn't need to be catastrophic, but at least an impediment and a lesson learned.

I've had many races in GT6 where I've had to limp to the pits to fix my car.
Sometimes my fault, other times due to others.
And I'm sure I've affected others racing with me as well.

But hey, that's racing.
Imagine if, instead of a Grand Prix weekend, every team was given a set amount of time to run solo on the track. Then, all these laps would be laid over one another for broadcast time. Exciting, right? That's roughly what an all-ghost-all-the-time eSports event would be. It wouldn't be racing: it'd just be simultaneous hot-lapping.
I'm under impression that hot-lapping simultaneously with several other drivers while the entire event is being broadcasted live would add far more tension to drivers than sole hot-lapping in peace. That way full-time ghost driving wouldn't really feel like a time trial or traditional race, more like something in-between.

Yes, the ghosting.
I've read theories regarding it occurring due to a significant speed difference between two cars at the time of contact.
In the latest race shown, I'm not convinced.
I have seen several accidents where speed difference between two cars that were about to collide was very big, yet the ghost didn't turn on. That would be a good solution, but yes, so far it doesn't work as it should.

I mentioned earlier penalties should be awarded to drivers who overtake through other cars in full-time ghost mode. From one angle this combination would prevent cheating, from other it would discourage drivers from doing unrealistic actions.
I just want to make one more comment before I call it quits for the night.

Regarding ghosting.
While it is prevalent now, I hope/believe it won't be a blanket case in the full game.

I can imagine many options for online lobbies.
It seems plausible to me that ghosting on/off may be one of those options.

At the moment in the beta we only have players at class C.
Who's to say class A or S doesn't allow ghosting?
And I doubt, while daily races may allow for ghosting, that official Manufacturer and Nations Cup events will have that option.

So I guess what I'm suggesting is that Yes, at the moment it's a point of concern, but I believe at the important/serious times in the game it won't be a factor.
(crosses fingers) :)