First Impressions

  • Thread starter IsmokeGT
Terrific feedback thus far 👍
By the way, the fast guys in GT5P are not complaining about the grass (just an observation), and maybe thats because they stay out of it, maybe?

@mono_t- try turning the FFB ALL the way down, and try keeping some left, or right input into the wheel.
Terrific feedback thus far 👍
By the way, the fast guys in GT5P are not complaining about the grass (just an observation), and maybe thats because they stay out of it, maybe?

@mono_t- try turning the FFB ALL the way down, and try keeping some left, or right input into the wheel.

Yeah. I have tried that. It doesn't really help, and it kind of spoils the feel when you turn it that much down.. Besides, it really shouldn't be an issue. It should just work! Or is it just me?!?

About the grass: I agree with the critiscism. Of course the point is to not go.. erhm... off course, but you could find yourself in a situation where getting on the grass is not your own fault and then this icy grass suck. I'd rather have some kind of penalty for cutting corners. It works well in other games/races, so why not here?
Like many others i first noticed the handling physics are vastly improved, i spent a lot of time just doing doughnuts and parking my car in smexy replay angles to stare at 👍 . Another feature that really made me happy was the cockpit shake, this really adds to the sense of speed which is lacking in a lot of sims including GTs previous iterations.

Probably the feature that made me the most excited is a small one, the inclusion of the Flicker Reduction options in the Display settings. When playing Prologue i suffered from tones of white jaggies in the lines of the car and those are gone with this enabled :drool: . One thing i don't think anyone mentioned yet is that this demo can be played with DTS 5.1 instead of Dolby Digital 5.1 (i'm running Optical audio) which really does add to the weight of the sound and sound seperation (when in the grass you can feel it through the subwoofer and its shakes my walls haha) ... if that makes sense 👍 .

The only downside, like others have stated, are the environment visuals but im under the impression that this, again like others have stated, won't be an issue in the final release. I'm mean the road textures on GT5p are far superior and the spectators look better in GT4.

I'm having a blast with this Time Trial and i'm currently using a DFGT, should get my Fanatec Turbo S next month (hopefully) and i hope that wheel has beeter support for this demo then it does with GT5p.👍


Oh and you can turn off the race music!!!
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You can't critique the Demo out of its context. Meaning, one shouldn't apply GT5 scenarios to a GT5 Competition demo. This is why PD put the disclaimer about this demo not representing the full game.
My first impressions of the graphics are that they are ok in terms of the car and the cockpit. I think that the track looks a little dull, very grey and the spectators don't move an inch in the stands. Maybe it is just because of the long straight on this track that you start to look at what is around you more.

I found the handling quite trciky at first but after a few laps I started to get a bit better. Maybe it is just my imagination but with each version of the GT physics that come out they definitely seem to lend themselves to using a wheel rather than the PS3 controller in my opinion.

One feature I noticed which I'm not sure is new or not is the racing line. I never normally use it but did to learn the track and the braking zones change depending on the speed you are going. If you approach a corner slowly it doesn't say to brake or just a little, have they always done this?
It's ok, physics are improved as are sounds. Varying sounds and grip levels on certain parts of track are interesting, as is digging in when in the sand pit. Hopefully it will be a little easier and more fun with a wheel.
I never could play a GT game with the sticks, but I'm ace with the d-pad and in replays it looks realistic too. So people complain about overly sensitive steering must be using the sticks. Well try GTR2 or LFS with the sticks, or the d-pad, it's awful and soooooooo frustrating. I was on my edge not going crazy. NEVER AGAIN.
Didn't like it at all because of one thing :
Maybe I'm tired, maybe it's just me but the fences are clipping/flicking a lot.
That's so awfull, it's difficult to not pay attention to it.
Only did 5 laps because of that because I was afraid of an epileptic seizure...
Screeching sounds are now much more realistic than before and the gravel now slows you down like it would in real life!! Well done pd
Every step forward as handling, sound and overall driving "feeling" are concerned is welcome, so I'm pretty satisfied with this little demo.
Couldn't care less about damage, weather or no daisies on the grass:D
Graphics - Track doesn't look lifelike, wouldn't say it was much better than F1:CE to be honest, Car looks fantastic though
Sound - Improved, but still needs turning up in aggressiveness, especially with regards to popping and banging
Physics - Can really tell its assisted for pad users (I tried tap tapping the d-pad and it is very easy to drive smoothly using it,which it shouldnt be IMO) And i also found it far too easy to control powerslides in the race car with TCS off.(makes any monkey look like a good drifter)

Ill be setting the wheel up later or tomorrow for a good test of that
Just played an half hour with my wheel...

The first problem is, in the last 2 months I lost my interess on GT and racing sims... I hope it will come back when GT5 is out...

The physics are crazy... I play sims since 4-5 years but this ones hard to drive... maybe it feels hard to drive because I ain´t turned my ps3 on since 2 months...

My best time was 1:43:xxx WTH? 7 seconds behind the #1 guy... So for today I gave up :P

But yeah, the grass is a bit too icey... You loose the whole control if your tire is 1 inch in the grass...
can i alter the traction control in the normal car using the g25?

i cant before the race as the option is grayed out and it beeps at me if i press it.

if i go to wheel settings in options i can change the buttons but the RA Function buttons do nothing in game.

is it even possible to turn it off? if so can anyone help?
Everyone seems to be liking the new physics and I'm trying to agree, I want to like it, but after countless laps with my G25, I'll go as far as saying GT5p had the better physics. No I'm not a troll or anything, I appreciate that PD have given us this demo and I am not fussed about graphics etc or whatever other little things some might be complaining about. All that matter about this demo is the physics. Right so that's out of the way I'll explain why I prefer GT5p physics.

The new physics definitely have a better "feel" of the car through the wheel and that's great (with a controller it's way too twitchy and unnatural). They also have improved alot of how the car behaves but a major flaw is the oversteer. Yes sure there are many things that have improved but the major factors like oversteer I'm afraid they have [insert opposite word for improve here]. In gt5p the car would flow naturally into oversteer and would be very easy to straighten or keep it going through a corner drifting. The new physics makes that pretty much impossible. Yeah you can catch those little small ones when you apply a little too much throttle coming out of a corner and the back end bites for a split second and you immediately catch it, that's fine, but when you get a big oversteer and try to drift it, almost impossible.

In iRacing, take a stock solstice and try drift...not a chance, same thing happens you can catch little ones, otherwise it just spins. In LFS take a stock XRG, a very underpowered FR car and try do the same thing, it handles wonderfully, natural oversteer which can turn into a nice drift and very easy to correct, just like in real life. A 350z in real life (or any other FR car with decent enough power) can easily be thrown sideways and caught very easily, this is not happening in the new demo (nor in iRacing).

So this is why GT5p is still better, yes some things are improved and it has a better feel but overall GT5p is still good enough and to me is better because the pros of the physics overule? superseed? (what's the word I'm looking for there?) the new demo. Looking forward to see the difference when the full game is released.

If you enjoy it though, that's fine, this is just my opinion and maybe some will agree with me, especially G25 owners who have put many many laps into GT5p with rear wheel drive cars.

As a side note: I don't want to be flamed about iRacing, yes people call it a great sim and sure it's great when racing, but if you can't do what you do on the road with a stock car in the game with a stock car, then it's not very realistic to me. LFS is more like it.

I am going to have to agree. I own a Subaru Outback. An absolutely crap drivers car. I am also a relatively inexperienced 19 year old whose only serious driving has been 30 minutes in a Ford GT and Go Karts. BUT! Having got my car and various others into slides (maybe not "drifts" but slides), I have never found it has hard to correct a slide as it is in this demo. Its not so much the counter steering but the feeling when to stop counter steering. The slightest error in the timing of this seems to send the car's composure into disarray. Some cars are in fact like this, but a 370z? I think not. Otherwise I would say everything else about the physics are great.
Im a bit disapointed to the fact that, TCS is always on with the pad! No option on the active steering and the hood view! Im having trouble in the fiew minutes ive tried the combo! Had half an hour just to get a clean lap! PD definitely doesnt want a pad drivers in the top 10:tdown:! We should at least have a choise...
Terrific feedback thus far 👍
By the way, the fast guys in GT5P are not complaining about the grass (just an observation), and maybe thats because they stay out of it, maybe?

@mono_t- try turning the FFB ALL the way down, and try keeping some left, or right input into the wheel.

I can assure you I'm plenty fast (Division 1 in GTP for Prologue), yet I still find unrealistic grass physics annoying. If you don't push hard enough to go off the track once in a while, you're not pushing hard enough.
No, it's not fun. It's way too twitchy, grass is pathetic, textures are awful, and compared to Prologue it's a huge step backwards.
My god. This may have been a few pages ago, but I couldn't let it slide. It's a 200mb demo! The grass is not pathetic, have you ever tried racing on real grass before? Stop looking at the textures. If you think it's twitchy, you can't drive. I've been racing for hours, and I'm loving it.

I don't get the whole grass thing. I've been out there a few times, it seems about right. You're slower, you travel at a wider angle because you have less grip, but you can get back on the track without having to slow to a crawl.

can i alter the traction control in the normal car using the g25?
You can. Try entering the options when you're in the time trial event, and changing it there.
i dont know where you mean, if you mean while im on track i get 3 options.

End Race

and in the menu part of the event, where driving options is i can see gears can be changed and driving line, but the traction control is grayed out and i cant change it.
No the graphic should look like the videos from the TGS demo.

I think you guys are failing to realize that the lack of amazement is due to the track being bland in real life. Take prologue for example. HSR and Daytona look really bland don't they? And yet London looks awesome. I believe the same thing is happening here between Tokyo and Indianapolis. The track is just bland. I would rather have them model it as it is instead of taking the Shift approach and adding eye candy. There will be plenty of eye candy tracks I'm sure.
My first post and here are my first impressions of the TT demo.

Since they say the demo is a taste of the physics thats all I'll talk about.
The physics definately seem alot more real even if perhaps a bit off. It definately feels more like tires on road than some shortcut calculation like some of the earlier implementations in the series. It does feel a bit to extreme as far as how much you are being punished when pushing to hard tho. There are definately situations where you feel you may have earned to loose control of the car but not quite as much as you do. As long as you are within the limits it feels just right tho. Perhaps slip grip is to low or something. Another thing that does not help is that FF needs alot of work. After trying out the demo with my Fanatec PWTS (900deg 33% FF on wheel FF 1 in game to get it somewhat usable but stil notchy just like previous GTs) I took the same car for a spin in Forza3 and the difference is enormous. Forza3s faults may be in the other direction as far as traction goes in that it is perhaps is a bit to easy to control drifts but the FF is just sublime. You can feel in the wheel exactly what the car is doing and telling when you are on the edge of grip on front tires are easy as well as getting a feel for when the rear is about to go. Also letting go of the wheel won't make it violently go back and forth.

And before someone calls me a Forza fanboy instead of actualy reading what I say I can say that I have owned GT1, GT2, GT4 (both Japanese and EUR) and GT5p (also Japanese and EUR) so if anything Im a GT-fanboy :)
I'm fairly impressed. The graphics aren't as great as I expected, but at least they're slightly better than GT5 Prologue's...

The sounds are clearly improved and that makes me extremely happy. The engine of the stock 370Z sounds too much like the GT-R in Prologue, and it shouldn't sound anything like that, but that sound is a slight improvement. The tire screeching sound is clearly toned down and sounds awesome when you're taking off from a standing start or hitting the reverse. I don't think it's right for when you're sliding, however.

The new physics are awesome, I'm so impressed. They're hard to get used to, since the car tends to slide a little bit more than normal when coming off of turns, but that's how it would be in real life and that itself adds so much realism. The car leaning when turning is ultra realistic, and is really fun to watch when doing stunts really fast in reverse. :embarrassed:

Oh, and I'm especially excited because the 2009 370Z (and the 2010 370Z Roadster and *Nismo 370Z*) is my current favorite car of all time... Oh how I want a Nismo 370Z in black... I hope that's in the full game too. But this will probably change before the full game comes out, and I'll be on to a new current favorite of all time. ;)